It had only been about 6 months ago that my girlfriend had left me on discovering my desires to be tightly wrapped and inescapably bound, a fascination that had grown and grown ever since I was a teenager but had been kept largely secret from anyone. It had been a rocky relationship to begin with, but the discovery of all the bondage sites on my internet history had been the last straw. She did not understand the fascination, and as the urges grow stronger it eventually drove us apart.
I had always been shy and reserved – not exactly a social butterfly – so dejectedly I had turned onto the internet; ploughing through message boards, chat rooms and social networking sites. I didn’t even know what I was looking for, I just wanted to find someone likeminded, someone I could talk to. That was when I found Sarah.
We met over a chatroom and we quickly hit it off. She had an easy, playful manner that made her so easy to talk to, with the hint of an edge to her that I found highly alluring. Over the months I found myself sharing more and more about my kinks with her, always to an excited and enthusiastic response. She revealed to me that in the past she had a friend that she had sometimes taken turns with wrapping each other up, and she had found it amazingly sexy. As time went on, we started speaking over the phone and swapping photos with each other. It turned out that she was an absolutely gorgeous blonde, but it was her interest in my kinks and my fetishes that made me want to come back and speak to her over and over again.
Then without me even suggesting it, Sarah asked – as I had never had the chance to fully explore my desires — whether I would be interested in meeting up and letting her wrap me up. I was spellbound; I had begun to think that I would never fulfill my fans, let alone with someone so beautiful. I feel appreciate at first, both due to my own nerves and the idea of meeting up with someone I’d only met online and spoken to overthe phone and letting her have me helpless in her power; but she was happy just to help me experience my fantasy. We agreed that she would just wrap me up from the neck down and let me experience what it would be like. She reassured me that she would not look to take advantage or have sex with me, and I felt greatly reassured by this — even if part of me did kind of want her to do that. She did also admit that she might not be able to resist a little bit of teasing!
In the end, we agreed to meet at a hotel in-between us both – neutral ground she had joked. For weeks I just couldn’t prevent the excitement from growing and the images of what could happen flashing through my head. I could barely sleep and couldn’t go through a single day without imagining what it would be like – not just to be tightly wrapped like I had Always dreamed about, but for it to be done by someone so gorgeous.
Eventually, the day came and I made my way to our rentezvous. The hotel was nothing fancybut looked clean and comfortable as I made my way over to the reception — not that I would be having the need for any hotel facilities once I got up to the room, I mused to myself.
As I made my way up to the room, butterflies began to build up in my stomach. I could not really believe that this was going to happen. I had never thought that I would ever experience some of the things we had talked about together, and yet it was all potentially about to happen. Eventually I came up to the room and — with my heart feeling like it was hammering against my ribcage — knocked on the door. There was the muted sounds of footsteps on the other side and before I could even prepare myself, the door was open.
“Hey you!”
Although I had seen pictures and photos of Sarah, my first glance left me completely stunned. Her blonde hair framed gorgeous green eyes, with a face that showed a casual beauty that made me melt. Though I had not asked her to, she had clearly been making carefulnotes of what turned me on during our chats; she was wearing a sexy form-fitting black leather jacket, open to show the red dress that accentuated her curves. The nylons and knee high, black leather high heeled boots completed the image. It took me several seconds before I realized I was staring. I must have blushed, eliciting a giggle and a smile from her.
“I’m guessing you approve of my outfit then!” she smiled, giving a little twirl. She leaned forward and gave me a small peck on the chef with a friendly smile. “It’s great to finally meet you!”
“Y…you too,” I managed to stammer, still trying to fully process what I was seeing.
Sarah smiled. “Well what are you waiting for? Come on in and we’ll get this show on the road.”
I followed her into the hotel room; it may not have been that high-end, but the room was spatial and clean. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the sexy girl walking in front of me, watching as her heels clicked on the floor. I watched as she walked over to an overly large suitcase she had placed against the wall and pulled out a variety of rolls of wraps and tape.
Sarah turned and turned out to me “Starting to feel nervous?”
“A bit….” I nod “I mean you know I haven’t really done anything like this before.”
She flashed me a warm and easy smile “Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands!” She let out an infected giggle that already made me swoon over her and grinned seductively, “Don’t you think you’re a little overdressed though?”
I dutifully – and slightly nervously – began to strip down naked. I should have been much more appreciated than I was, but somehow Sarah’s smile and warmth helped to put me at ease. As I finally got down to removing my underwear, I stood completely naked with my cock shamelessly standing rigid in front of her. She sauntered round and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.
“And we haven’t even got started yet!” she teased, eyeing my crotch with a playful grin. As I stood slightly sheepishly in front of her, she strolled across to the large suitcase. “There’s something I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing for me — I know we didn’t discuss it but I thought you might like it…” As she said this, she pulled a black leather hood out of the suitcase; it had holes for the mouth, eyes and nostrils and was clearly made of very soft leather.
“What’s that for?” I asked, unsure whether to be nervous or excited.
“Well, I was hoping you might want to wear this while I wrapped you — then I could take some pictures of the process. Then you could keep them or post them online or anything you liked without worrying about people knowing it was you?” She smiled holding it out in front of me.
“What about you?” I asked playfully. She gave me a supervisory grin “Well, Maybe I’ll keep a copy for myself. I do so like souvenirs!”
I laughed. I could not believe how at ease she was making me feel. I took the hood from her hands and pulled it on.I had never forgotten anything like it before and at first it felt quite strange, but after Sarah came over and pulled it taut it felt like a second skin.
“Now I think you are all set!” she smiled. She escorted me over to the foot of the bed. She would normally only have been a little shorter than me, but the heels on her boots meant that her gorgeous green eyes were almost completely level with mine as she held me in place.
“Are you ready?” she purred. I nodded, suddenly too excited to get the words out. “Then let’s begin…”
With that, Sarah reached behind me and picked up a large roll of cling film. She instructed me to hold my legs apart, and started to wrap each leg individually. She slowly and methodically wrapped, explaining that the cling film would protect my skin from the More sticky adherenive wraps she planned to use and was better for being wrapped in for a long time. I suddenly started to wonder exactly how long she had in mind!
Once she was satisfied with her work on my legs, she moved up and started to repeat the process on my arms, wrapping each one individually. Once this was done, she continued adding layers of wrap over my shoulders and around my torso. As she worked down she eventually reached my waist and my still rigid cock. She looked up at me with a playful look in her eye, before touching my cock only to hold it down as she wrapped it tight to my body. Just that touch made my whole body tingle. By the time Sarah was done (and several rolls of cling film had been expensive) I was covered from neck to ankles in shiny clear cling film.
“Try and move,” she instructed. The layers of wrap had had a serious effect on my mobility, making it quite difficult to try and bend my knees or ankles. When I tried to move, it was almost like someone trying to walk around with all Their limbs in casts. Sarah giggled uncontrollably as I attempted to move around the room, snapping a few photos as I went. She came across and helped me backto my starting position.
“Not going anywhere fast!” she teased, as she picked up another roll; this time she selected a roll of stronger, black pallet wrap. She then proceeded to repeat the process of wrapping my legs individually with the new bindings. As she wrapped I could feel the added compression and tightness — not uncomfortable in the slightest, but very secure. Once she was happy that my legs where adequately encased, she slid back up my body and began the work again on my arms. It only took a few minutes for my arms to be securely wrapped in black the same as my legs.
Once the second arm had been wrapped as comprehensively as the first, Sarah stepped back for a second and took some more photos. She then put the camera down and picked up the pallet wrap again. Her sexy eyes locked with mine, biting her lower lip as she gave me a devilish smile and began to peel the wrap from the roll.
“Ready for the point of no return?” she purred. Again, I could only nod inanticipation
She moved forward with a purpose, as if it wouldn’t have mattered what I’d said or done. Within moments, she had forced my hands into balls and wrapped them securely so there would be no attempts at escape. With that accomplished, my arms were firmly pushed to my sides and a single strip of black pallet wrap quickly wrapped around my torso, pinning my arms to my sides. This was followed up by more and More turns of the wrap, evenly spread as my shiny cling film layer began to disappear. I had already been immensely turned on at my wrappings so far, but this suddenly increased in my confinement, coupled with the smell of Sarah’s perfume mixed with the scent of her leather jacket made my cock twitch in its cling film prison.
Sarah made sure to give me a mischievous grin every time our eyes met, winding the wrap round and round; over my shoulders, round my torso and down towards my wait. Eventually my entire top half was swathed in black pallet wrap. I tested my bonds, squirming slightly only to find I was more comprehensively restrained than I could have ever dreamed of being.
“Hey, none of that, I’m trying to work here!” Sarah cried in mock anger, playfully swatting me on the ass. She finished wrapping a couple of turns around my wait before instructing me to shuffle back and sit on the edge of the bed. Once there, she grabbed a fresh roll of pallet wrap and began to tightly wrap my legs.
“Couldn’t get out now even if you wanted to…” she purred, looking up at me and smiling devilishly as she wrapped down past my knees. My cock gave another involuntary twitch underneath its bindings. She was right, at this point I was going nowhere — not that I wanted to be anywhere else!
As she reached my feet, she stopped wrapping at my ankles and picked up another roll of cling film. Propping my feet up on her lap as she knelt down, she quickly wrapped my feet and up my ankles, before repeating the process with a layer of pallet wrap. Iwas now covered literally from the neck down.
Under Sarah’s instruction (and with her help) I managed to shuffle myself onto the bed properly. Sarah laughed at my pathetic wiggling, and I was turned on immensely by my sudden helplessness.
“Almost done, just need to make sure you’re a little more secure”, she smiled as she reached into her suitcase and brought out a large roll of black duct tape. More secure? I can barely squirm, I thought to myself.
Sarah pulled across one of the pillows on the bed and slide it under my feet to prop them up as she wrapped several turns of the strong, sticky duct tape around my ankles. Just the sound of the adheren tape ripping from the roll sent me into raptures. She slide the pillow along underneath me in order to add more winds of tape around my knees to secure my wrapping.
“Is that really all necessary?” I queried.
“Maybe not, but I like to be through,” Sarah replied, “Why? You complaining?”
“Not at all”, I grinned.
She gave me another mischievous grin and jumped onto the bed straddling me, leaving me with a perfect view of the back of her tight leather jacket and her golden hair cascading down. The added pressure of her weight in addition to my bonds just made me feel even more helpless.
“You need to stop squirming, this will be all over soon” she teased as the tape was wrapped tightly round my knees. When she was done, the same was done at my thighs, wait, elbows and shoulders each time scooting back a little more. When she reached my elbows, she looked back at me with another evil grin.
“Sorry about this,” she said, and firmly pressed her nylon covered arse down on my face. I squirmed in resistance, unable to breathe but her booted feet either side of my head keep me from doing anything more than wiggle. I felt the tape wrap round and suddenly I could breathe again.
“I told you to stop squirming”, she chatisised playfully “That way I’ll be done quicker. Let’s try that again…”
Before I could protest, she had shuffled down a little more and this time planted her crotch down firmly on my face, her legs again keeping me in place. As I felt the tape wrap round my shoulders securely, I fight desperately for air, breathing in the strong musky smell of her arousal at my prediction that was evict even through the nylons and underwear.
After what felt like an eternity, I finally felt cool air on my face as she got up and sat next to me on the bed. She smiled down at me as I recovered, breathing in hard.
“I must admit I liked feeling you squirm down there,” she grinned winding at me. She ran her hand down my tightly wrapped body. “So how does it feel? Just like you imagined?”
I tested my bonds and tried to see how much wiggle room I had. I quickly found that I was completely and utterly helpless. The feeling was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Here I was inescapably bound and helpless with a gorgeous, leather cladbeauty gazing down at me.
“No, it’s even better!” I breathed, testing my bonds. “It’s tighter than I could have imagined!”
Sarah smiled a predatory smile. “Good!” she purred, as she jumped up and straddled my waist. She leaned down and brought her face close to mine. All I wanted to do was reach up and feel the folds of her leather jacket against her body. The smell of her perfume and the leather was so strong now, I could barely contain my feelings. “Only one more thing left to do then…”
“One more? Wha…mmmpppphhh!!” I cried out, as suddenly out of the pocket of her jacket she pulled a red rubber ball and roughly stuffed it in my mouth. Before I even knew what was happening, I heard that familiar arousing sound of the duct tape being pulled off the roll and my lips where sealed shut.
As Sarah roughly pulled my head forward and wrapped layer after layer of tape around my head, my mind was reeling. What was she doing?!? We agreed no gags, I had just wantedto feel the experience of being wrapped. I squirmed and bucked as best I could, but Sarah’s vice like legs coupled with my through bindings made this pointless. As I struggled, I could feel her adding more and more tape until my head and neck where wrapped as completely as the rest of me. Only my flaring nostrils and panicked eyes were visible by the time she was finished.
With a contented sight, Sarah finally got off me and took a step away from the bed. She let out a short laugh and had a massive, evil grin on her face as she eyed her handiwork. Suddenly her whole demeanour had changed. The warmth and friendliness were gone, replaced with a predatory and sexual desire.
Without a word, she turned around and walked to the other side of the room. She pulled a mobile phone out of her bag and started making a call. By now, the layers of tape around my head made it hard to tell what she was saying at such a distance. I squirmed and thrashed as best I could, panicked and scaredat this sudden turn of events. I screamed into my gag as I looked at her pleadingly, but this only elicited a fit of laughter from Sarah as she ended her call. She sauntered back over to the bed, the heels of her leather boots clicking on the floor as she walked over. With a semiconductor smile she jumped back onto the bed, straddling me once more.
“Guess you’re a little freaked aren’t you?” she smiled “Wondering why I forgot that this isn’t what you wanted…” she stroked my cheek with her hand “…or maybe you’ve realized that I didn’t forget. This is just what I wanted.” Sarah laughed again as I let out a desperate gagged moan. “When I found you online I could just sense all that pent up frustration and desire. I knew if I stoked the flames just right when the time came you would come running at the chance of being oh so tightly wrapped! And you cannot imagine how much I’ve wanted my own tightly wrapped and gagged plaything…”
“So let me tell you what’s going to happen now.You were very open with me in our chats, I feel like we really got to know each other. So much so that I’m willing to bet two things — if I may?” she asked mockingly, gazing at me with those beautiful eyes and strucking my tightly wrapped body.
“First, I very much doubt you told anyone you were coming to meet me tonight. Or even where you were going. You’ve been very clear that you keep your gyms a secret and I reckon that would mean you wouldn’t feel comfortable telling anyone you were meeting someone to be wrapped up!” I moaned softly; she was right, I hadn’t told anyone. I’d known it might have been stupid, but how could I have explained it to anyone or made them understand?
“Secondly, I don’t think you’ve told anyone about me Either, have you? You’re far too shy and private to be telling people about your online ‘friends’ aren’t you?” There was a devilish look in her eye as she said this. I nodded my head weakly, none of my friends knew I was even talking to Sarah, let alone who she was.
Sarah looked down at me hungrily with a semiconductor grin “So to recap, no one knows where you are, and no one knows who you are with. So if you were to just disappear….” She let that hang in the air for a second “…then no one would ever know where to find you.”
My heart almost stopped at the reality of what she was saying. Sarah smiled as she saw the pieces fitting together in my brain.
“So this is what’s going to happen; you’re coming back to my place, where we can have a lot more fun and no one will ever think to come looking for you!”
I screamed into my tight gag and bucked and struggled as much as my bonds would allow, however the rubber ball and swats of tape reduced my cries to muffled whimpers and Sarah simply tightened her grip on me with her thighs. She seemed to reveal in my struggles.
“Oh come on!” Sarah cooled “you know this is what you want really! You’ve told me endless times of how you’ve dreamed of being a tightlybound and gagged plaything for a sexy mistress!” She slowly rubbed her hands over my tightly wrapped chest with a satisfied expression. “And I think you’d be hard pushed to be any more tightly restrained then you are now…”
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