Tiffany and Mike Ch. 04

*Note to Reader: This Chapter takes quite a while to get “fun”. I really wanted to try to flesh out both characters in this series a bit more as people. If you’re only here for the fun roleplay and teasing then you can probably skip most of this Chapter*

I wake up only a few hours later, extremely feeling a bit refreshed and still a bit hurt out.

I open my phone and see that it’s 2:30 AM. I see Tiffany’s Snapchat story: a video of one of my at bats from a few hours earlier with a red heart over the middle of the screen.

I watch the video of myself and notice that I make a weird face when I swing. Now aware of the face I made, I grow a bit self-conscious and briefly lose myself in the memory of my last girlfriend. She cheated on me and said all kinds of things about my appearance, especially about my facial features.

Tiffany snores and it brings me back to reality. I glance to my left. She looks so peaceful sleep, but my eyes are drawn just a bit past her.

On her nightstand, the cage is slightly illuminated by the TV that she put on for white noise. My sudden self-consciousness and bad memory combinations with the memory of how controlled I felt just a few hours ago, and I began to feel unique shade about our play from earlier.

“What does she actually think about me wearing the cage?” I think to myself.

“She thinks you’re a total fucking loser,” my insecurities and self-consciousness says to me.

“No, no. She wouldn’t think that,” I tell myself, not able to silence the voice.

“Oh yes, she would. Do you SEE her? She’s a total fucking bombshell! She wants a guy who’s gonna take her like a man. She wants a guy who will throw her all over the bed, ragdoll her, and fuck her until she’s screaming.”

I began to tear up, knowing my insecurities are irrational and almost certainly incorrect, but unable to ignore them.

I hear Tiffany lightly stirring next to me.

“You up?” I softly ask, trying to hide my tears.

“Not really,” she groggily answers, rubbing her eyes. “You ok?” she lazily lifts herself up on her elbow.

“I was hoping to talk to you about something, but it can wait.” I softly speak while looking at the foot of the bed, not wanting to show her the tears in my eyes.

At that moment, a burst of light in the movie illuminates my face and she sees the tears in my eyes and running down my face.

“Hey hey hey,” she says sitting up and turning her lamp on. “What’s going on? Are you ok?”

“I… um…” I began to softly cry.

“I was thinking…” I find myself unable to speak for a few seconds.

“Can I actually talk to her about this?” I silently ask myself.

“Only if you want her to laugh even harder at you, ya little bitch.”

I think back on all the issues I’ve dealt with in the last six months and realize whether it was academic issues, fights with friends or just stress, she’s always been the person I talked to.

“If not her, then who? I can’t talk to the guys about this. She’s been the person I’ve talked to about my problems for months… And she’s never judged me before.”

“That was before she found out that you’re a fucking simping little wuss.”

As my inner dialog drags on, she softly scoops up my hand and give it a comfortable squeeze.

Her simple but sweet gesture and the gentle but concerned look in her eyes give me the comfort I need to open up to her.

“I have a umm… annoying little voice in my head.” I squeeze my eyes closed and turn my head away, fearing that she’s going to laugh at me.

“What’s this voice saying?” she softly asks using her thumb to lightly cares the hand she’s holding.

“It’s telling me that…” I close my eyes for a few seconds. She reaches out and softly cares my cheek while wiping some of my tears away.

I nod, turning my head back in her direction, but unable to actually look her in the eyes.

“That… that you…” Ilose my words and my eyes flood with tears again. “That you think I’m a loser,” I blur out. “And a simp and a wuss.”

“Why would I think that?”

I take a minute to attempt to compose myself before trying to speak again. “Because I wore the cage… and I… I lo… lov… loved…” my voice trails off.

She just holds my hand tightly as I softly cry in a way I haven’t in a long time.

“Come here,” she says wrapping her free arm around me. “I’m sorry baby, I had no idea that being controlled bothered you like this.”

“It doesn’t,” I say a bit more intensely than I mean to. “And I think that’s what would both you.”

As I cry in her arms, she remains silent for several minutes until I look up at her and make eye contact.

“I don’t think that you’re any of those things,” she softly speaks and I squeeze her hand tightly.

I begin to speak, but she puts a finger over my lips. “Shhh, can you let me speak for you?” she asks in the most angelic voice I’ve ever heard. I nod, looking deep into her eyes.

“You told me that you always – with girls at least – had to be in charge and I know you had to be that way with baseball too,” she says softly. “And as the handsome and successful young man you are, you feel a lot of pressure, both externally and internally, to be dominant and a stud, and always be in charge.” I nod, a bit impressed at how quickly she understands this. “And since you weren’t tonight, you feel a bit ashamed and embarrassed.” She brushes hair out of my ear and sheds a single tear. “You always wanted a girl to take control for a bit, but now that it has happened, you don’t think it matches well with your outward appearance.”

She softly kisses my forehead as I nod again.

To My surprise she rolls off the bed and walks over to her closet. She pulls two boxes out and opens the box the other two were stacked on top of.

“I’ve never shown this to anyone,” she says walking back over to the bed and handingme a small pink book.

“What’s this?”

“My high school diary,” she says sitting down.

“You had a diary?” I ask, getting only a nod in return.

“Just like you do right now, I had an image that I wanted to maintain. But I still had insecurities and things I was embarrassed about. And I didn’t think I could share them with anyone.”

I silently flip through the diary, reading whatever entry I happen to stop on.

On just the three pages I read, she talks about her insecurities with stretch marks on her arms, the birthday mark on her leg, and even being jealous about another girl whose breasts were larger than hers.

“Not what you expect a girl like me to worry about huh?” she says, seeing the surprise on my face. I silently shake my head. “I bet you’ve never once judged or even noticed any of those things.”

I nod, a bit shocked at the tone of sorrow on her voice.

“Mike I need you to know that I don’t think less of you because of your fansies,” she softly cares my cheek. “Just like you don’t think less of me because of anything you read in my diary,” she began to tear up. “I know that you’re a good man who’s going to treat me well and that is infinitely more important to me.”

I reach out and gently wipe her tears away.

“And the fact that you trusted me enough to open up about these proves that you’re not a loser or a simp or a wuss or any other name that that annoying little voice wants to say you are.” We both reach out and wipe each other’s tears away. “I know you feel a lot of pressure, but I’ll never judge you,” she softly whispers and kisses my forehead. “For anything.”

I give her a tight hug, tears of relief continuing to roll down my face.

“Baby I’m sor-“

“Shh,” she softly whispers as we pull apart. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she says putting her diary on her nightstand and climbing back into bed.

We silently wrap our arms around each other and pull each other tight, falling back sleep in essentially a hug with each of us laying on our sides.

I wake up again a few hours later, her arms still comfortablely wrapped around me.

“You up?” I ask.

She hums in response and looses her arm that was hanging over me.

I notice her trying to wake up the arm that I had been lying on for a few hours.

I grab her wrist and lightly swing her arm around, and that seems to wake it up.

“Thanks,” she smiles. “You ok?” she asks reaching out to cares my arm.

I nod. “Sorry for waking you up earlier.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” she says lightly massaging my forearm.

“I know, but I f-” she puts a finger over my lips.

“I’m serious. Don’t feel like me helping you is an inconvenience,” she squeezes my hand.

I nod and lean in for a hug.

I’m not sure if it’s the emotions from earlier, the way she soothingly cares my arm as we hug, or both but something compels me to tell her something I’ve wantedto for a long time.

“Can I tell you something?”

“Anything,” she replies.

I lightly turn her around on the bed, wrapping my arms around her and holding her tightly.

“There’s something I’ve wanted to say to you for a long time,” I say holding her. “I wasn’t sure I could. But last night showed me that I should.” I let out a deep breath, about to say the things I’ve wanted to say since before we ever made that bet. “I know you’re my girlfriend but… you’re also my best friend.” I hear her beginning tearing up, probably knowing where I’m going with this. “You’ve been my best friend for months and I was just too dumb to notice,” I began to tear up a little. “I’ve always felt more understanding and free with you than I have with anyone, even people I’ve known for years.” She takes my hand in hers, giving it a soft kiss. “I’ve never said this to anyone not related to me,” I chuckle as she tightens her grip on my hand. “But… I love you.”

She turns her head to face mewith a half smile. “I love you too,” she mewls.

“You ok?” I ask wiping her tears away.

“Yeah,” she gives me a teary smile.

“You’re the first guy that’s told me that” she says resting her head in my chest. “and means it.”

We lie together for quite a while, holding each other close and wiping away each other’s tears before she looks up at me, her voice Still a bit quavery.

“I talked to my dad yesterday,” she says wiping her eyes. “I know it’s short notice, but my parents wanna meet you this weekend.”

I take in a nervous breath.

“Just because I told em you’re basically living here.”

I nod, understanding the reasoning but also knowing her parents is going to be a nervous-wracking experience.

“You up for lunch tomorrow?”

I ponder for only a few seconds before looking down and agreeing.

After an afternoon workout and a lunch of steak tips, I collapse onto the bed.

I won’t lie, knowing Tiffany was in the gym and paying attention to me, I definitely pushed myself a bit more than I typically would. I set my own squat and deadlift personal records, both at weights more than I would’ve attempted if I was in the gym alone.

Feeling my eyeselids get heavy, I let them close, and I doze off.

I wake up less than twenty minutes later, hearing the water in the shower running.

There’s a sticky note on my stomach which I try to read upside down before remembering that I have arms.

I turn the note and read it:

“Feel free to join me ;)”

I only look at the note for about 20 seconds before deciding to take her up.

I toss my clothes into my dirty laundry basket and walk down the hall to the bathroom.

I can faintly see her through the glass door, which I quietly slide open before wrapping my arms around her.

She jumps a little bit when I grab her, not having heard me come in. But when she realizes it’s me, she chuckles and leans back into me as I kiss her neck.

“I was worried you wouldn’t wake up in time,” she giggles sliding my hand down her abdomen.

“Like I’d miss this,” I chuckle running my other hand down her glistening backside.

“Still, I think you should apologize for worrying me,” she softly says.

“I can do that,” I say suckling her earlyobe and gently running my finger over her clip.

“Hey!” she loudly says with a smile. “Don’t tease me!”

“As you wish,” I say grabbing her arms and holding them behind her. I began to roll her clip between my index finger and thumb, eliciting a smile and a gentle moan from her.

I feel her body begin to shake as I stick two fingers inside her and rub her clip with my thumb. Her moans steadily rise until she cums on my fingers.

In response she began lightly running her fingers over my frenulum, now accessible with my hardened cock pressed against her ass.

I let out a growl, releasing my grip on her arms and struggling myself.

She giggles scooping up and sucking her juices off her finger.

“Now now,” she says pulling my arms off my cock. “We both know there are a lot more fun ways for you to cum,” she turns the shower off and knees. “I think you know what I mean,” she sweetly says running her tongue over my head.

“Don’t tease me,” I gently plead, looking down at her.

“Oh I’m barely going to do anything,” she Says looking up at me with a twinkle in her eyes. “I’m going to simply wrap my lips around this beautiful thing,” she lovingly kisses my tip. “And you’re going to fuck my pretty face,” she winks. “Sound fun?” she rhetorically asks before wrapping her lips around my cock.

At first, she just lazily runs her tongue over my hard cock. After only a few seconds, I grab her head with both hands and lose myself in the pleasure of her warm and wet mouth.

After what feels like less than a minute, I cum in her mouth and look down at her.

Her eyes are watering and I realize how deep in her throat I was.

“Fuck!” I worriedly say, pulling myself out and lifting her up as she catches her breath. “Are you ok?” I ask completely forgetting about the pleasure I had experienced mere seconds ago.

“Oh I’m great,” she says licking her lips and smiling. “How are you?”

I pull her in for a hug, saved that I hadn’t hurt her.

“That was so hot,” she softly whispers in my ear. “I loved watching you lose yourself like that,” she softly kisses my cheek.

“I was so scared I hurt you,” I softly whisper back.

“Don’t worry,” she says scratching my back. “I’d tell you if I needed you to stop.”

We both dry off and begin putting away our laundry. Once the hamper is almost finished, Tiffany goes to the laundry room to collect our next load. I continue putting away the rest of the hamper and let my mind wander.

As I put a pair of her jeans into her dresser, my eyes land on the cage, still sitting on her nightstand.

I think back to last week. Wearing the cage was one of the most fun things I’ve done in a long time. The look in her eyes and the smile when she noticed me checking her out and she knew she was driving me crazy was-

“You ok?” she asks, unknownly having broken my train of thought. She puts the hamper on the bed and take out two cold waters she brought up for the night.

“Yeah,” I softly answer as she approaches me, “just thinking.”

“Oh?” she raises an eyebrow and wraps her arms around my neck. “About when you wore that cage?” I nod as she gives me a soft kiss. “You ok?”

“It was a lot of fun,” I whisper running my hands up her back. “For both of us.” She gives a nod. “Would you wanna do it again?”

“Mike you don’t have to,” she softly says.

“I Know,” I softly say. “I want to.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah,” I nod.

“Ok,” she softly says. “But no shade allowed,” she sticks her pinkie out. I chuckle and wrap my pinkie around hers. She guides me onto the bed, picking up and taking apart the cage.

She slides the ring up my hardening cock before pressing the cold waters above and below my cock.

I barely struggle as my cock goes limp and she slides the cage on and clicks the padlock in place.

I feel a rush as my submissive feelings return. After a moment, I sit up and deeply kiss her.

“You good?” she asks with a smile. I just nod and feel her run her hand inside my tight. “Alright now, if you start feeling like you did last night, just let me know, ok?” she says both sternly and gently. “And I’ll remind you how awesome you are,” she gives me a soft kiss.

I wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs before sitting up and seeing a plate on my nightstand.

“Mornin’ cutie,” she sweetly says running a hand through my hair.

“Thanks for breakfast,” I say rolling onto my back.

“Of course,” she scratches my chest. “You looked so cute sleeping I couldn’t disturb you.” I slowly sit up and reach for my plate, setting itdown on my lap.

After breakfast, I go for a morning workout and Tiffany decides to stay home for a run through the neighborhood.

When I return a couple hours later, she and I get ready to go to the restaurant.

I take a moment to admit the way that her jeans hug her lower half as I slide on a pair of cargo shorts.

She puts on a modest long sleep royal blue shirt that covers All her cleavage but has sleeps tight enough to show off the tone in her arms. She slides on a pair of black flip flops, which show off her freshly painted pink toenails.

“Ooh,” she coos as I slide on a blue shirt that has our college’s team name and a baseball. “I think I’ve discovered a little fetish of yours,” she winks and hands me the necklace with my chatity key on it.

“I want you to put that on me,” she flashes a little grin.

I turn her around and click the necklace, hearing her chuckle.

“Good boy,” she turns around and kisses my cheek.

The drive to the restaurant in her hometown is close to an hour and a half.

We spend the first 40 minutes or so just listening to music. From her passenger seat, all I can do is wonder how this afternoon will go.

“So what happens if they don’t like me?” I nervously ask the question I’ve been pondering all morning.

“They will,” she calmly says. “I know it’s scary because they’re both lawsers but just trust me.” After a brief pause, she speaks again. “Once they see the way you look at me, you’ll be just fine,” she reaches over and give my supposed a comfortable squeeze.

I silently nod and hope she’s right.

We arrive back home several hours later both ready to just fall asleep after lunch and spending the afternoon at her parents’ house.

She takes a shower as I wash our dishes from this morning, not sure how her parents felt about me.

All I can think about is whether or not they liked me as I do the dishes and then take a shower after Tiffany.

I collapse onto the bed next to her after my shower, ready to just go to sleep.

“I have some good news and then some better news,” she cheerily says as we slide under the covers. “Whatcha want first?”

“The one that’ll help me sleep better,” I answer lifting just my head up.

“Well, that’d be that my parents both like you,” she sweetly cares my cheek. told ya you had nothing to worry about.” I let out a sight of relief, and my head falls to the bed.

“In fact, they like you so much that they offered to keep renting this place over the summer for us,” she says with an audible smile.

“Really?” I ask lifting my head back up. She nods and she cares my bicep.

“I told them we’d have to talk to your folks but that we’ll let ’em know.”

I nod and lean in for a kiss.

After a long week of school and sports, my game finally ends Friday night. Tiffany and I declare an offer to go out for dinner to celebrate spring break and go home,Both just wanting some time together.

Oh this week was gonna be awesome,” I softly say as we kiss.

“I know,” she says caresing my bicep. “No early wake ups, no practices, just us doing whatever we want,” she lightly rubs her crotch over my cock. I let out a gentle groan, mostly a mix of pleasure and frustration. “Well not exactly anything,” she kisses my neck “for you at least.”


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