Dear Readers, In my last writing I wrote my auto biography of my affair with my Punjabi Neighbor. Let my readers now know about my next affair. It was at Mumbai, Mulund. We were new there and I was searching for a ladies tailor for stitching my blouse. Once I located a tailoring shop “Shalimar Tailors” His name was Babulal. He had good healthy built, and at once I decided to Behind with him. Citing one or other reasons, I started going to his shop. During each visit, I used to sit there for long time, talking almost nothing, but some times, meet his eyes and express my feelings silently. He could not read them. Then I started wearing low cut blooms, and speak to him leaning on his table, to give him a good view of my cleavages. Once in a cinema hall called Mehul at Mulund west, there was a film by name Bombay. Every one was telling that it is a good film. I asked my husband to see the film and he agreed. Then I telephoned, Babulal and asked him if he can send some one and get four tickets, including my son (10 years) and daughter (6 years). At about 12.30 he informed that the tickets have been purchased and show starts at 6.30 PM.
We had lunch and were resting. Then my husband, Shashidhar got a phone call from his boss. They asked him to immediately go to Hyderabad on urgent official work. The flight was at 5.30 PM and after informing same, he left asking me to go and see the movie my self. At 5, Babulal came to our house, to hand over the tickets. I informed him to cancel the same as my husband had gone on tour. But children started crying and demanding to see the movie. As there was a ticket extra, I asked Babulal also co come over. He agreed, and I got dressed. Intentionally, I wore no bra and a very deep cut bloom. I also kept a shawl with me. We reached Mehul and the show started. At the corner was sitting Babu, they me and then my children. He went out and brought chocolates and washers. We were enjoying the movie. While takingWafer from the pocket in his hand, our hands were meeting time and again. I could see that he was also getting excited. At one point, his right hand encircled and came on my back. I lifted the hand rest between our seats and co operated by sitting closer to him. His hand slowly slide and cupped my right breast. I looked at him and smiled.
Then I put on my shawl, and opened the hooks giving his hand full of my big breasts. His hands were now squeezing them one by one and the nipples in between. I spread the shawl on his legs and took my hand in between. He had huge bulge, as I opened his fly and took out his instrument out. It was very big and large. I was struggling them all through the movie. When the film ended, it was 10 PM. As it was dark, I asked him to escort me up to my house. We came and I asked him to have dinner. I hurriedly prepared something and children also went to sleep. I went to him and we kissed fondly for a long time. We undressed and made love whole night. He left early morning. From then onwards, we started meeting (mating0 every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays afternoon. But Shashidhar was not aware. He had thought that I like his as he stitches my blouses perfectly. In subsequent days, Shashidhar him self once, brought Babulal in the pretext of taking measurements, to my house and allowed to mix freely. This is now history.
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