I come from the southern state of Hyderabad in India. [email protected] again my aunty, now 38, was 23 when she got married and my uncle died when I was 15 years. Tragedy struck a couple of years later when my aunty went for a Operation. Something went wrong with the anesthesia leaving her with some brain damage. The doctor who did this-a close family friend unfortunately-was keen to explain that it would Not leave her paralyzed. Therefore it was a big relief to see her walking properly after the recovery period. But we realized that her memory was seriously affected and for all practical purposes she was just like a mentally retarded child. Because of our wealth we were lucky to get maids just to look after Seeta sexy 18yr old-was auntie’s current maid. Her mother, Meena, had served us for years and my first sexual Awakenings are linked to her as she was unknownly the ‘victim’ of my voyeurism years back. After reading porno. Books I used to stare at her huge dark boobs and body and also peep in through the bathroom. Padma had certainly taken after her mother even though she used to take pains to avoid me in the house. Aunty was 38 but as pretty as ever. Her old photos showed to be a stunner and years of luxury and no work had made her even more. When I saw Seeta walking into Auntie’s room. She had just finished her bath and the water had sweetened her sari and red blouse, thus highlighting her curvaceous body.
When she came out of the room, I followed her down the steps onto the kitchen. When she saw my eyes she must have seen the sheer unadulterated lust there waiting to be released, for she stopped and backed up against the wall. I kissed her lips and nearly tore off her red bloom and black bra in a mad abandon. The breasts were like 2 huge soft balls screaming ‘squeeze me’. The red nipples were a good sexy contrast to her dark breasts and body. My cock was fighting with my underwear to be released. She managed to push me back and ran to her small room and sat on the bed. When I followed, I could see the whole body heaving with lust. But then she looked up and I saw her crying. She said ‘I’ve got someone else, don’t ask me who, but I can’t cheat him’. I said-‘I don’t want to know who he is, but please let me have you. I’ll give you more than enough money to live when you get married’. She requested me to leave her alone and fall on my feet begging not to kick her out of the job. I managed to say yes and ran back to my room. I jerked off myself thinking about her body!! When I woke up-god knows when-I felt like I was going mad. It was a mix of emotions and feelings-the unbridled lust, the sexy body of my aunty ooh, it was driving me mad. The lights were dimmed and Aunty was watching a Malayalam tallied with Seeta sitting on the floor. As soon she saw me, she got up and walked off.
I felt guilty, but thought I’ll try to forget it. Aunty wasWearing a nice white silky nightly and black bra was standing out prominently. She was also wearing some reddish sort of silk panties, which could be seen clearly. My first intention was to get up and leave but something made me do otherwise. Aunty looked up and smiled as she does to anyone and her eyes went back to the TV. My eyes were going back to her body. The harder I tried the more fixed they were on her body!! I was looking at my Aunty, for the first time from a totally different angle. Her breasts were really big-all our Christian girls have big juicy boobs, and they must have become bigger after feeding all of us. I couldn’t see the nipples, but guessed would be big. By now I was out of control and I looked out to see whether Seeta was coming back. However the afternoon adventure seemed to have put her off and I was safe!! I now looked at auntie’s panties. I could sense her cunt struggle against the silky walls of her panties! Should I stop here or not? No, my body said. How to go ahead? Even though’ I knew her mind could not register or retain anything, how would her body response? I slowly put my arms around her shoulders-no response. My hands slowly drifted downwards and they shockingly rested on her boobs. My heart was beating faster than the ‘Rajdhani expression’! I slowly pressed on them. They seemed firmer than seta’s, pressed them again but harder This time. She looked up at me, smiled and looked back at the TV. Now what was that? Did she understand my heinous intentions? Or was it just one of her another meaningless smiles. I pressed again, ready for any repercussions.
She did not look up this time. I sat closer to her, looked over my shoulders to make sure that Seeta was not coming and then softly rolled my fingertips over her nipples. Man, did they feel good! I had never felt anything like that before, perhaps ‘coos I was always in a hurry to ‘get in’. As she was sitting quietly, I put my other handon her breast as well. She now just leaned on to me. Her body seemed to be responding now, even thither wasn’t comprehending what exactly was happening. This continued for a few minutes and now I could feel her hips squirming. My right hand stayed on her left breast and my left hand now started trailing down her body. It rested on her panties and it felt like I had kept it over a hot plate!! I pressed it gently and her legs opened up. I now, with hands shaking like leaf-opened up the 2 buttons of the nightly in front of her panties. By now discretion and ‘soft touch ‘had left and my hand started squeezing her ‘cunt’. My fingers sneaked in between the panties and brushed against her thick bush of public hair-it was like a forest! Obviously nobody had done a shaving job for her! I could feel the warm fluid trickling down the vaginal walls. I knew then that there was a dam there waiting to burst and if I felt sex starved after just a few days off sex, how wasshe /her body feeling? I wanted to take out my cock and start winding but the thought of Seeta walking in prevented me.
A few more minutes of frantic fingerprint movements and then her legs clamped down on my ‘finging’ hand making me nearly cry out aloud in surprise and pain. And almost silently my ‘cock’ erupted. I could feel the cum trickling down my inner tights. I took my hand out; put the buttons on adjusted her nightly and walked back to my room. On the way I shouted to Seeta that Aunty was sitting alone and therefore to take her up after the TV program. Over the next 3 days, I used every opportunity to get in her room [when Seeta was cooking or bathing] and carry on with my devilish activities It was then that a stroke of luck came my way unexpectedly. Seeta requested 3 days off saying that she wanted to attend a friend’s wedding [by now, I came to know thru’ my driver, the local gossip man that she was getting screwed Regularly bythe local bookshop owner] and there for her mother Meena-the sex image in my teenage dreams – would come in the daytime and cook food, look after Aunty, but whether I minded looking after Aunty at nighttime. Of course, not!! I woke up early the following day, excited beyond description Seeta prepared all the food for Aunty, changed her dress and then she herself got ready to leave. She seemed to be excited as well thinking of this 3 days break. She looked simply irresistible in a dark green saree and blouse, but then I had to console myself that this bird was not for me. I envied appukuttan; the shop owner-he must be a really lucky bloke to get to fuck her regularly. I even asked suthish, our driver to drop Seeta to the bus station in my car and she seemed to be embarrassed and pleased as well to get this sort of treatment. She must have thought that I must be a nutcase to behave like this suddenly after that day’s surge of sexual frenzy.
As soon as the car left the house,I ran up the stairs -excited, Aunty was sleeping on the bed wearing a light blue sari. The upper part had slipped off exposing her Amazon boobs caged in a transparent light blue blouse and outline her black bra was seen through it. The nipples were standing out through the blouse & bra like pointed tips on a pyramid. The sari was rolled up to the knees exposing her milky white calves-even they looked sexy! I slowly lifted up my lungi and took my ‘cock’ out of the underwear. Looking at my own Auntie’s sexy body, I then started to stroke it with firm, slow movements. I wanted more. I stopped wanking, leant down and slowly opened her blue bloom & Black bra releasing those big balls out of its cage. The red nipples seemed to be aroused and were proudly standing on top of those White Mountains. I squeezed her nipples gently while continuing to jack off. She was still sleeping, even though small moans seemed to be coming out. I could feel my cock desperately tryingto cum soon and therefore I took my hands off again. I really wanted to do this slowly and properly to get the best satisfaction. I knelt down and rolled the sari and her blue petticoat up the thighs. Her big buttocks was however stopping me from lifting it fully, thus blocking a good view of her ‘pussy.’ I lifted her big bums and folded the sari onto her tummy. Now I could see her panties-red again-was that her favorite color????! I pulled her panties down thus having a close view of my Auntie’s pussy for the first time! Yes, I had seen a lot before but this was special. It wasn’t just because it was forbidden fruit. Her cunt lips were red and heavy. They seemed to be hiding behind that thick forest. There was a erotic smell of cunt juices emitting from her pussy. I slowly cupped them with my hands and started massaging them. Now the moans became louder-her body was definitely enjoying it! I hands became soaked with my aunties love juices. I then put them on my cock and started to jack off again.
This time I knew I could not hold on for long. My cock soon developed with warm ‘lava’ squirting allover my hand and also on auntie’s sari. It took me quite a while to get my breath back. Man, this was much better than the first day! This can only get better. I rearranged her sari and went down. I dropped dead on the sofa in the main room and went off to sleep. I was tired up by repeated calling bells. I tightened up my lungi and opened the door. I was still feeling dizzy after my masturbation and so it took me some time to realize that the lady standing there was my old maid-Meena, seeta’s mother. She was wearing a bright red sari which on her dark complexion and sexy body made her look like a top class slut! ‘What are you looking at, mon?’ she asked me. She calls me affectionately mon [malayalam for son]. She was our maid when she was 20 odd, when I was a toddler and she must have now been something likemid 40s. Her lips were reddened after chewing betel leaves [all these servants have that disgusting habit!!], which in her case made her look even sluttier! ‘Wow, you have changed ‘ I blurted out. ‘Yes, I have become an old hag now.’ ‘well, I can’t see what part has become old’ I realized that it had other connotations only after it left my mouth. Surprisingly she seemed to enjoy that and started laughing-‘so, you know have my body is then, you haven’t forgetten anything.’ Now why did she says that? Did she know that I used to peep in through the servants bathroom when she was bathing. ‘What are you dreaming, the good old days?’ again a double innuendo and naughty laugh. I could feel my cock ‘rising’ again from the dead!! She went up to see Auntie, went to her room and came out wearing a dark red lungi [the working women class wear lungi at home], a tight blouse which was revealing its contents more than hiding and a thin ‘Thoth’ [a thin transparent cotton cloth to cover the blouse].
I then knew that I was in for the life of my time. Meena, my old maid, came back to my life seemingly hell-bent on fulfilling my teenage fansies. She continued her conversation while cleaning Auntie’s room, in the same vein, completely ignoring my aunty; s presence, perhaps safe in the knowledge that she was incapable of understanding anything. The sexual banter aroused the devil in me again and she seemed to be pushing me towards the edge. After a few hours she had finished her work and got ready to leave. ‘Do you have to go? ‘I asked; Why, are you scared to sleep alone? Do you want me to cuddle you like years back when you would get frightened to death with the monsoon thunders? She teased me again. Now this was a born cockteaser. ‘You know Vinu, my husband? He’s alcoholic and comes back late at night on all fours. Most nights he crawls up in the verandahs! &And again she laughed out aloud. I t made me feel like to push my ‘cock’ through those betel reddened lips of hers and fuck her just like that. ‘But some days, he manages to get inside the house and flops on the nearest bed. Stoned or not, you know how these men are, once they feel a woman’s body against theirs -it doesn’t matter whether that is your wife’s or daughter’s -they get naughty. I have to make sure that my younger one, Reshma, does not have a ‘full tummy’ when she gets married!! ‘But to morrow he is going to his sister’s house and then I’ll sleep over here-I mean with Aunty, you ‘stud bull’! [malayalam slang for horny young men]. By this time, I was nearly bursting point -just by engaging in this sexual banter. I closed the door and went up. Aunty was sleeping peacefully. Meena had covered her up in a light sheet. Her face looked so angelic. Suddenly I felt the pangs of my guilty conscience.
I turned around and walked back to my room. I had a nice shower, took a nightcap of my favorite whisky and hit the bed. The sexy body of Meena, her double innuendoes and wicked erotic laugh all came back to haunt me. I could feel my cock slowly lifting the lungi, making it look like a camp tent!! I sat up. I opened the door. The dim light in the room showed that the sheet had come off showing off her body Underneath the thin gown. I snuggled up to her and put my hand around her wait. She was facing away from me. My cock rubbed against her big bums as if asking permission for entrance. I ripped off my lungi and shirt and let my body feel her warmth. My hand rolled her gown up and I started to fondle her thighs. They were so soft. My hands crept up and started to cares her pussy over her panties. Suddenly she turned over and started lying straight. I unbuttoned her gown and ripped it off! She was lying very strictly in her silk lacened white bras and brown panties. I squeezed her breasts and then she started moaning. I kissed her breasts for the first time after many years. Then I kissed her nipples over her white bra. I unhooked the bra and released them. Man, her nipples were like two small marbles. I took one of them in my mouth slowly and started sucking gently.
The moaning was louder by now. The hand over the panties was drenched by now and I took off her panties. Now I put my fingers properly in the place from where I came out years back. The vaginal walls tightened its grip on my fingers heightening my pleasure. Now I took her hand and put it on my cock, She gripped it hard but was not squeezing it! I knew that all the sexual drives since morning would make me cum soon and I wanted to do it in the right way. I slowly spread her legs apart and pushed more of my fingers inside and man, how her ‘pussy’ accepted it all! They were making a right funny noise-with all her cunt juices trying to come out and my hand pushing it back! I wanted to enter her now but then thought I will ‘smell her’ before that. Her pussy had a very erotic musky smell-a strange combination of cunt juices and the talc powder Meena had put inside her panties after the bath. Without any hesitation my head went between her legs. My mouth clamped down on her cliporis and started sucking hard.
Her moaning became much louder and her legs held my head in between with vice-like grips! Her body buckled up and I knew she was read. I managed to unlock my head, keep her legs apart and then I brought my body slowly on top of hers. Then I pushed my cock against her pussy. The doors hesitated for a minute and then let ‘him’ in. That moment was un describable. The warmth of her vaginal walls, the strong grip around my ‘cock’ which was ‘trapped’ inside the splashing sound of our love juices, the flashes of lightning inside my head-it was as I had reached heaven. The strong wooden bed wasrocked about by our passwordate, violent lovemaking. And with a low guttural cry which came from deep down my throat, I started to come in seemingly unending waves inside. I lay on top of her for a few minutes before I found the energy to ‘withdraw’ and roll over. We repeated the lovemaking in the early morning and once more before I made her ‘decent’ again and then crawled back to my room!! As the day before, I was woken up by the calling bell and surprise, surprise, it was Meena again. She gave me a strange look and asked ‘did you sleep well? You would have, there was nothing here to keep the stud bull wake! ‘Little did she know that the stud bull was finally played by the aunty cow itself!!? My ‘happy’ days with Meena wools soon are sent. I hope you all enjoyed my narration of the best time of my life aunties from Hyderabad can mail me at [email protected].
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