Bathing with Pooja

It started long ago, and I’m glad it did. I realize that over the years, it has become a unique and very special aspect of our lovemaking. Fortunately, it is something that has always (thanks to Pooja), managed to stay spontaneous, and has, more importantly, maintained its intense eroticism over the years. It seems simple enough, perhaps even strange, yet I know that it has become a very important part of our sexual intimacy as a married couple. What I’m referring to is…bathing with Pooja. Look – when Pooja and I were first married, for several years we seemed to do everything together. Not because we had to…like most newly married couples we did it because we wanted to. We were young, life was still new and wonderful, and it was just very easy to spend time together.

Let me backtrack a little, because I think it’s important to give you a little background about Pooja. She was raised in a home that was very traditional, and strict; wHere there was a deep, prevailing attitude that sex, or anything to do with the subject, was simply not something to be acknowledged. The subject of sex was something that was simply not spoken of at home at anytime that she could remember. I always assumed it was something that was influenced by culture. Pooja grew up in an inner-city apartment that was small and cramped which made it necessary for her to share a bedroom with her sister for most of her childhood. The only time she could be completely alone was when she was in the bathroom. She told me of the many hours she spent in the bathtub – which, as she matured, became a sort of private retreat.

Her mother conveniently ignored the responsibility of teaching her daughters anything about sex. So by the time Pooja and I got married, what little knowledge she had about the subject mainly consistent of things she learned from secretly browsing the limited selection of (rather clinical) books at the library. Or what was worse, was the, mostly inaccurate, theories and fans of her girlfriends who were only a little more knowledgeable on the subject than Pooja. On our wedding night, to tell you the truth, we were both so exhausted from the intensity and stress of the whole marriage that we simply went to bed (still half dressed) and fell asleep in each other’s arms. It actually wasn’t until the next afternoon that our marriage was first consumed. I don’t even remember all of the details now but I do remember that it was an awkward, slightly painful (for Pooja), and some mechanical experience that consistent of lots of heavy groping, and more than a little fumbling, and nervous mistakes by each of us.

Thinking back, in the first few years that we were married our sex life wasn’t the best. I suppose it was because of her upbringing that Pooja had difficulty with sexual intimacy and letting go, and as young and inexperienced as I was at the time, I had no clue how to help her. Although, at first she pretended that she enjoyed sex, in time, she reluctantly admitted that she had never achieved an orgasm and wasn’t sure if she ever could. We were really feeling our way along. We did have something though, we had each other. I realize now that we were fortunate because after-all, it was what got us through. It was about the fourth or fifth year we were married something happened that changed everything for us and it had a profound effect on our sex life.

Before I get into that let me take a moment to tell you that Pooja has moved very gracefully into middle age now. She has maintained her sensitive figure and still has long, deep-black hair and beautiful brown eyes that are set-off erotically by her soft, olive complexion. Her breasts, with their large, dark areolas, admittedly are not as firm as they were several years ago but they’re still warm, smooth, and beautiful beyond description. I can only say, “They are the breastsof a woman,” and from a man who loves women, that says a lot. Pooja has that subtle, confident look that some women in the middle of life are fortunate enough to have. It is the look that says to the outside world, I like myself. I’m a woman, and I’m not afraid of who I am now!

Getting back to telling you what happened, it was in about our forth or fifth year of our marriage and we had moved out of the city and into a two-story apartment in the suburbs. The apartment complex was very small, only six units and the building backed up to a lush, dense forest. The rear bedroom, upstairs, looked down on the small patio of the adjoining unit. Several months after we moved in I realized that on some nights Pooja seemed to be more restless than usual. Sometimes I would awaken in the middle of the night and find her soaking in the bathtub. I’ll have to admit that those times made me feel separated from her. Something was on her mind, yet I didn’t know what. When I would ask her what was wrong she would simply say, “Nothing,” quite unconvincingly and would then change the subject. Her disappoint about dealing with the subject was obvious. One particular hot summer night I awoke and found that Pooja was not in bed, without turning on the lights I got up and quietly moved through our apartment looking for her. I checked the bathroom first, but she wasn’t there – I found her in the rear bedroom sitting nude in a chair, in the dark, looking out the window. She hadn’t heard me come to the door and as I watched her she had her right hand resting on her crotch and her left was gently caresing her own breast. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders and down her back. The pale moonlight that came through the window cast a delicate blue softness on her dark hair and skin.

“Pooja?” I whispered softly so as to not startle her. She didn’t answer or turn around, but I saw her body stiffen slightly when she realized I was behind her. I stood at the doorway for a while just watching her as she simply continued to look out the window as if I wasn’t there. I didn’t know if I should turn and leave her alone or stay. I finally moved into the dark room towards her and stood behind her chair. I placed my hands her shoulders and I can still remember how cool and sensitive her skin feel to my touch that night. After a few moments of standing behind her I looked out the window in the same direction that she was looking. In the darkened patio of the apartment next to ours, two people were embracing each other and kissing passwordately as they lay side by side on a blind chair. Moonlight was the only light that illuminated them, yet it was easy to see that they were both nude. I said nothing as I stood behind Pooja, watching the Intimate scene before us. I got aroused immediately, yet I felt a slight guilt as I watched the lovers below. I wanted to turn away – but I didn’t. Pooja’s breathing was slow and deep and I could feel her trembling slightly under my touch.

“They know that I watch them,” she finally said in a voice so soft that I almost didn’t hear her. “Sometimes I like to think they do it just for me.” She added. I didn’t reply, not fully understanding. In the low, gray light the lovers moved with a deliberate, sensitive harmony that almost made them appear as if they were moving in slow motion – their position changed slowly and constantly. Soon the woman was lying on her back with the man hovering above her. With the deliberateness of desire she gracefully spread her legs – offering an erotic invitation to share her intimate-self with her lover. Pooja and I both watched as the man lowered his body between the legs of his lover and entered her. I felt Pooja shudder softly. I let my hands move down from her shoulders and began to cares her breasts as her breathing became deeper. I felt her nipples begin to swell with excitement as I softly played with them. Pooja was mesmerized as she watched the couple below. Neither of us said anything.

I never suspected that Pooja could get so turned-on by watching another couple having sex. We never talked about such things, and she had never shown any interest in sex-videos. In fact, she always seemed slightly uncomfortable even when she heard a dirty joke. Pooja isn’t uptight; she’s just private. It’s her upbringing. Suddenly Pooja stood up from her chair and turned towards me. Even in the darkness of the room I could tell that she was looking into my eyes and for a long moment she just stood there without moving. “Wait here,” she said as she turned and walked out of the room. I watched her leave the room then I turned back to the window. The lovers had changed their position and was now lying on their sides facing each other. The woman had her upper leg pulled up and over her lover’s hip and even in the dim light I could see his hard penis thrusting and withdrawing in her vagina.

From behind me I heard the sound of the water being turned-on. Pooja was filling the bathtub. As the water continued to run she came back into the darkened room and sat back down in the chair without saying anything. I began to understand why Pooja had been taking so many late night baths since we had moved into this apartment. I put my hands back on her shoulders and let them move down to her breasts again as she sat in front of me. The lovers below us were fucking with more intensity – having moved back into the position with the man on top. The woman’s legs were drawn up on both sides of her lover’s body and they kissed passwordately as their bodies thrust at each other. The motion was becoming more intensity and it was easy to see that they were both approaching their orgasm. Suddenly the woman arched her back and lay completey still as her lover pounded himself into her wet vagina as hard as he could. She drew her legs up even higher as her whole body contracted in the pleasure of her orgasm. Pooja moaned softly and I feel her body tightening as she leaned back in her chair – trying to get closer to me. I feel a rush of guilt as I privately wished that I could give Pooja an orgasm that was as strong as what we just saw.

I glanced down at Pooja and for still noticed how the light shone so delicately in her hair. When I looked back, the man was thrusting with hard and deep strokes into the woman cunt as he finally came inside her. We both watched as his thrusting slowed. I wondered how they had been able to keep so quiet while having such an intense fuck. I lowered my head and began to kiss Pooja on the top of her head. The familiar smell of her beautiful hair filled my nostrils and for a time I became lost in the sensuousness of it. My mind flashed back into one of my private fans as I tried to imagine how erotic it would be to rub my cock through her silky hair. I feel her chest rising and falling with her breath as I continued to cares her breasts. I lost track of time but when I looked back out the window – the couple were gone.

Pooja and I remained in the darkness without saying anything. After a few moments she stood and faced me and we embedded. I can still remember the erotic feeling as I ran my hands over her warm skin. Without a word she led me toward the bathroom. The bathtub was almost full and as she leaned forward to turn the water off she gave me a beautiful view of her dark labia and anus. It was, I realized, the first time Since I had known her, I had deliberately looked at her anus and it stood within me an immediate desired to possess her anally – yet I knew I would have to be patient because with Pooja, that was something that would take time. Gracefully she stood up and reaching, over turned off the bathroom light at the sametime taking my hand as she stepped into the warm tub. After she got settled against the back of the tub she closed her eyes. I positioned myself between her legs, facing her before leaning back. The bathroom was illuminated by the soft, dim light that spilled in from the open door to the hallway.

I still remember how Pooja was so breathtakingly beautiful at that moment. Her hair framed the soft features of her face. When she moved the water would lap over her nipples…and her dark public triangle seemed to dance as it was distorted beneath the clear, yet unsettled water. This was the first time I had ever taken a bath with Pooja. There had been occasions where we had taken shows together but never a bath. In the past I had simply accepted that Pooja’s baths were meant to be her own private time. At the moment I couldn’t tell what she was thinking or why she had decided that we should be there so I kept silent. It was obvious that what had happened in the darkpatio – what we had seen – had awoken something deep within her. Something I didn’t yet understand. But something that had been lying softly beneath the surface of her own sexuality for longer than anyone know. Pooja remained silent for a long time and then she began to press her thigh and knee against mine. Almost at the same moment she ran her hand strictly along her thigh, letting it sink below the surface of the water, coming to rest on her pubic bone just above her submerged pussy. Her fingers began to gently massage her labia and cliporis and I felt my cock getting hard. I had never seen Pooja touch her like this before.

Her eyes fluttered open about halfway as she looked at me from under her beautiful eyes, before she spoke, her eyes softly closed again. Her voice came out just above a whisper, “I’ve watched them ever since we moved in here. It was an accident at first. One night I was restless and I went in to the bedroom to look for something to read. Before I turned on the light I looked out the window and they were there, just like they were tonight.”

“How often?” I asked.

“Maybe once or twice a week, I never really know.” She paused. “At first I stayed back from the window, hidden in the darkness of the room so that they wouldn’t see me, but gradually it didn’t matter. I finally felt as if they knew I was there, that I was watching them. She opened her eyes and looked at me once again, “And they don’t care…More than that…” She let her voice trail off without finishing the thought.

Pooja closed her eyes once more and I feel as if I was being shut out again. She remained silent and unmoving as the warm bath water lapped against her skin. As I looked at her I felt a level of eroticism that was almost paralyzing. As I looked at her beauty there in the soft darkness it made me ache inside. “Pooja, I can make love to you in that way,” I said, “but…but you must let me.” I studied her face for even the slightest flicker of a reaction before I added, “You are the only one who can.” She didn’t respond, instead she simply lay back with eyes closed and unmoving. In the dim light, I saw a tear trace down her cheek and onto her naked breast. “What must it feel like to be so free that sex comes so easily?” She whispered slowly. Her hand was still below the warm water at her crotch. Her fingers had stopped moving. We were both silent as I tried to think of a way to answer her vulnerable question. “I think it feels like,” I paused to think of the right words to say to her, “like the feeling I get when I look at you like this,” I said awkwardly.

She took a deep breath and let it out softly. “I want to make love in the moonlight. I want to make love and not care who sees us. I want to make love and feel myself complete…at least for that very moment…to let myself slip into the password and want for nothing more.” She said softly. We both remained silent for a long time. All I could do was look at her. I slowly reached for her hand and held it in mine but I felt as if I didn’t truly possess it because it was not given too me. I had taken it, and again I felt a twinge of awkwardness. I let go of her hand and let it slip back into the water. I wanted to reach out and touch her breast. I wanted to hold her face in my hands as if my touch could somehow tell her what I felt in my heart at that moment. But Pooja remained silent and I didn’t move. I felt as if I was watching her slip away from me. In the dim light of the bathroom – suddenly it was as if I was watching her age. With the sudden fear of loosing her overwhelming me I stood up and reached for her hand and pulled her up from the water. I held her close with my arms wrapped around her body and felt her softly shuddering against me; she was silently crying.

Without a word I led her by the hand from the bathroom, down the hall, and down the stairs and out to the patio. The cool, night air feel good against my wet skin as I led her out onto a small patch of lush grass. In the private darkness that surrounded us, I held her. I kissed her shoulders, neck, and then lips as deeply and as passwordately as I could until I felt her body begins to relax and give-in to me. As we stood there embracing the sounds of the night slightly invaded our intimacy, yet not disturbing it. Finally, with care, I gently urged her still wet body down onto the cool, lush grass as I stood above her. As I looked down at her I was lost in the beauty of her nude body illuminated by the moonlight. How young and innocent her face looked. How erotic her breast, as they rose and fell with her excited breathing. Slowly, Pooja closed her eyes and spread her legs with her sensuous hands placed softly on her own thighs. Herback arched slightly almost as if she was inviting the cool darkness of the night into her body and soul. Her hands ran deliciously along her thighs until they hesitated at her labia. With her gentle fingers she parted her wet labia as an invitation of the most personal and intimate kind. An invitation that is one of a trusting, honest, intensely aroused woman who is inviting a man of her choice to possess her and place himself inside her body.

I knelt between her legs and leaned forward to kiss the soft skin just above her public mound. I could feel the heat that arose from her excited body and her skin seemed smoother than I had ever known. I knew she was finally slipping into a place where she had never been before. A place where eroticism, desire, and lust are all consuming – all that mattered. I let my kisses trail up her body, over her breast, until, as I hovered above her, I was softly kissing her neck. With a deliberate motion I pressed my hard cock forward and feltIt swollen head part her warm, soft lips and travel up into her vagina. Pooja let out a soft moan as she thrust her hips forward to meet mine as if she was trying to prolong that first moment of erotic possession – the moment of penetration. We made love slowly and with an intensity that neither of us had known before. For the first time I became aware of what seemed like every inch of Pooja’s body as she lay beneath me. Her soft breath that occasionally filled my nostrils seemed to only intensify my intimacy with her.

As I continued thrusting myself inside her, her hands clutched at the damp grass that seemed to cradle her hips. I moved my lips down onto her breast and began to tease her hard nipple with my tongue as she drew her right leg up against her chest allowing me even deeper penetration. Between her deep moans of pleasure, Pooja would cry softly. The tears were tears born of a flood of complicated emotion and Helplessness. She had finally allowed the surrendering of herself to something that was, for her, unknown…her own sexual needs. My own orgasm was quickly approaching and I could sense that Pooja’s was somewhere that she had ever been before. Her very first orgasm was building within her and I sensed that it was soon to overtake her beautiful body. Pooja suddenly wrapped her arms and legs around me as she softly cried-out uncontrollably. Her whole body began to shudder as she began to experience her first orgasm – a deep orgasm that emanated from the very center of her female body. With surprise, she looked into my eyes at the moment of her most intensely felt ecstasy…almost as if she wanted to make sure I would remain with her. Her reaction triggered my own orgasm and within a few hard thrusts I began to ejaculate into her trusting, but vulnerable body.

“Let it takes you Pooja.” I whispered. “Let your beautiful orgasm takes you for this moment.” Her breath was deep and punctuated with incoherent whispers and sights. Pooja held me as if she was trying to pull me deeper into her body. We lay quietly together, my penis still held in her vagina by her youthful tightness. Time had passed and I began to notice more of the night sounds that occasionally drifted in from the forest. Pooja’s body was relaxed and I raised myself up slightly. I wasn’t sure if she had fallen sleep or Not. I looked down and watched the soft moonlight glistening off her occasional tears as they slowly fell from her eyes. I understand her tears – and said nothing. I moved up so that I was kneeling between her legs and I took her hands and pulled her towards me and we held each other without words. Pooja was the first to move, making the effort to break-off our embrace. A soon as she stood up she hesitated for a moment and then without a word took my hand and led me to the small gate at the back of the patio that led out to the forest behind the behind the apartment. I followed her through the gate and she led us along a narrow, damp path that led into the forest. I had no idea where she was going, but in a way it didn’t matter. The sight of her nude, moonlight lit body that at times was barely visible in the darkness as we walked into the forest is one that has lived with me since.

I felt as if she was leading me somewhere that was familiar to her but I couldn’t be sure. We went on for a way until she suddenly stopped and stood motionless for a moment. Before I could speak she turned and we embedded – and began kissing passwordately. As we kissed our emotions and lust once more became overwhelming. I felt her legs began to weaken and we both slipped down to the cool, damp earth of the path we were on. Pooja lay on her back, legs spread, inviting me to make love to her again. As I entered her waiting vagina with my hard cock once more, Pooja let out a deep cry of pleasure and I suddenly knew why she had led us into the forest. WithEach thrust of my penis Pooja responded with a cry or moan that was born out of something, an emotion that resided deep within her. I realized that it was the sound of her erotic freedom, her self-liberation as a sharing, sexual woman. Our bodies responded to each other’s and we fucked with password and increasing power driven by our own need to give as well as take. Pooja thrust her hips up to meet mine and gripped my body with her legs as if trying to pull me even deeper into her body. Her cry’s were loud and free and came with each breath. Suddenly her nails dug into the flesh of my back as her body stiffened. Her second orgasm came so hard and fast. I don’t think she was even aware of what was happening until her body shuddered and the flood of pleasure followed by the indescribable yet, complete release took her once more. The long low cry that Pooja had uttered sounded so primitive, yet so intimate. It triggered another ejaculation from my cock into her tender cunt.

After returning to our dark, quiet apartment we went up stairs and I followed Pooja back into the bathroom. The bathtub was still full of the warm, quiet water that we had left before, and we both got in. Pooja leaned back and closed her eyes. I looked at her and I could already see the difference in her. She was not the same anymore and, I suppose, neither was I. The woman that lay back in the warm, clear water opposite me was someone who had finally opened a part of herself that was always there, but never found. As Pooja sat quietly in the warm water, even the soft light I could see the faith smile on her face that that told me that she had broken down a barrier within her and was finally ready to accept, and even explore, her own desires and sexuality. From that night on our sex life began to expand. Over time we experimental and enjoyed the intense sexual passages we shared in so many, many different ways. Any comments or suggestions or any female interested in chatting or having sex please mail me at [email protected].


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