Morgan Davis was envious. Morgan did not have a new secretary and the secretary that he did have was sixty years old and unsightly, although she was a far more efficient secretary than Jackie. Morgan had a hard-on. He sat in his office and tried to do some work but he couldn’t concentrate. He thought about Jackie and his hard cock thundered. He figured it was likely that his friend Fred was, at that very moment, pouring the pork to the sexy blonde. He felt weak with desire; as if so much blood had seen down to gorge his cock that he was lightheaded. It wasn’t desire for any particular woman or sex act, it as just an all-consuming lust, a blanket-coverage urge to pour his spunk into some hot hole. He tried to write a report. His thoughts were all jumbled up–he could write nothing. He found himself scribbling little stick figures coupling in various positions. He stared balefully down at his crotch. What the hell could he do? Well, he couldn’t work. There was no sense sitting there contemplating his erection. He decided to go out for a drink. His dick refused to be subtle but he managed to hide it. He laid it straight up along his belly with the knob stuck under his belt buckle so that, although he looked as though he had gained a couple of inches on his waistline, it was not obvious that he had a hard-on.
He left the office, giving a fee excuse to his sixty-year-old secretary. “Certainly, Mister Morgan,” she said. And she thought he wasn’t that fat yesterday. I’ll bet the dirty devil has his cock-head buried under his belt! It thrilled her. She might have been sixty and unsightly but, unknown to Morgan, she was a raving nymphomaniac whenever she was fortunate enough to lure a gentleman into her bed. As soon as Morgan had gone, she went into his private office. He had left his little sketches on his desk and she looked at them with glee. His tiny stick figures were fucking and sucking and buggeringand sixty-nining all over the paper. Sixty and unsightly, Morgan’s secretary dropped her drawers and gave herself a hand job in his swivel chair Morgan wasn’t looking for a woman. He merely intended to have a drink or two hoping to submerge his password in alcohol. People seemed to be staring at his belt buckle. Self-conscious, he headed for the nearest bar; a low-class place called the Moon glow into which Morgan had never ventured before. But now he thought it might be wise to stop there. It was the sort of place where a hard-on, although it might be noticed would not be taken as a stigma or a symbol of depravity.
When he came to the place, he paused and looked around frozenly, and then he ducked quickly through the portals. The Moon glow was worse than he had supposed it would be. It was dark and grimy and there was sawdust on the floor. The bar ran along one wall and there were a few tables scattered along the other. An ancient jukebox burbled at the end of thelong thin room. A few men leaned on the bar and a few more slumped drunkenly at the tables. There was a girl at the bar. Morgan’s alert dick gave a. mighty lurch as if, like a periscope, it had sighted the girl and was about to launch a torpedo into her cargo hold. Morgan bellied up to the bar, pressing his erection into the wooden front of the bar to secret it. The bartender came down the bar and squited suspiciously at Morgan. It was not often he had a customer who wore a three-piece suit. Morgan ordered a drink and sipped it. The girl came down the bar. “Stranger here?” she asked. “Why… yes,” said Morgan. She was pretty, in a painted fashion, and he grinned at her. “Err… could I buy you a drink?” he asked.
“Jack! This guy wants to buy me a drink,” the girl called to the bartender. “I didn’t ask for it. He offered.” Jack looked suspicious but gave her a drink. “Okay, Ruby, here’syour drink, but don’t let me catch you bothering this gent, bumming drinks.”
“Fuck off,” said Ruby. She gulped down her drink and looked at her empty glass.
Morgan bought her another. “You got class,” she said. “Thank you.” “Shame you got a hard-on, though.” Morgan blushed furiously. “You noticed that, did you?”
“Well, sure I noticed it. Why do you think I came down to talk to you?”
“Oh, I see.”
“Yeah, ruins the cut of your pants.” Morgan finished his drink and pushed it across to be refilled. He was horny and embarrassed and bemused. But he was intrigued by Ruby. She had big, wide eyes and tousled hair and bright-red lipstick. She wore a short black skirt and a scoop-necked top and her tits thrust out like shelves. “Looks like a nice big prick, too,” she said, her eyes dropping to his crotch. “Too badI’m faithful to my old man. I love big pricks and you sure need some pussy. Morgan looked distraught. His pecker, sensing the near proximity of pussy, hid started to pump like a jackhammer. The fat knob was pulling his belt out and banging the buckle on the edge of the bar. He gestured to the bartender to refill Ruby’s glass, which was empty again. “That’s a shame, about your old man, I mean. I rather fancy you. Ruby, who was not accustomed to being complimented, actually blushed with pleasure. It was the first time she had blushed in ten years. “I got an idea,” she said. “I can see you got to do something about that lump in your pants, that’s for sure.”
“Er… yes. What do you suggest?” “I’ll suck you off,” said Ruby. Morgan almost failed. He felt as if every drop of blood in his body had rushed to his dork. “That way, you can get your balls emptied and I won’t have to cheat on my old man, I mean, sucking a guy off isn’t like fucking him is it?”
“Certainly not,” said Morgan. His dick was humming like a tuning fork. He thought he could hear it vibrate. “Can we use the storeroom, Jack?” said Ruby. Jack, who had been listening, pondered that. He stroked his big jaw. “Well, I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t want spunk all over the empty beer crates.”
“Now, don’t worry about that,” Ruby said. “He can come in my mouth and I’ll swallow it. Honest. I’ll swallow every drop. I won’t spill any.
“Well, in that case.”
“Jack,” said Morgan. “Let me buy you a drink…”
Ruby took Morgan by the hand and led him down the long, narrow barroom. His cock was throbbing in front of him. Winos looked up and grinned. She took him through a door at the back and they were in the storeroom. Beer crates were stacked up along the walls and a naked light bulb hung from the ceiling on a frayed cord. Ruby turned the light on.
“I like to see what I’m eating,” she said.
Morgan stood there, frozen with lust. Ruby pulled a couple of beer crates out and sat down on them, hiking her skirt up and displaying an expansion of shaped thigh and a glimpse of red panties at the vee.
“Stand here,” she said.
Morgan stood in front of her, his hands fluttering, not sure if he should touch her. Ruby fingered the top of his zipper. She drew it down a few inches, paused, and drew it down another inch. Her head was tilted as if she were peering into his opening fly, looking for the meaty delight lurking within. His vibrant pecker would have come springing out, but the head was still lodged behind the belt buckle. She pulled the zipper all the way down and his fly gaped open. The contours of his shaft were outlined in his white cotton under-shorts, pressing outin a fat tube. Ruby unbuckled his belt. His fly gaped open, the edges folding back in a vee. His cock was still encased in his shorts but the knob was sticking out above them, held fast to his belly by the elastic band. His balls filled the crotch of his shorts, packing the cotton pouch full, and the iron-hard rod compromised in its white sheath. “Nice hunk,” she said.
She pursued her lips and blew a gentle stream of hot breath onto his naked cock-head. That big wedge flared formidably. “Gee, I’m glad I got this idea,” she said, She seemed to be addressing his cock, as if it were a microphone. “I’m really gonna enjoy this.” She cupped his balls through his shorts. “Ummm…. you’re loaded for bear,” she said. Her nimble tongue came out and she ran it up his cotton-clad stalk. The heat of his loins hit her like a blast furnace. Her painted face seemed to glow in the incandesence of his crotch and he wondered if thatfiery heat would melt her mascara. She drew the elastic of his shorts out. His cock levered out at an unhindered angle. She pulled his shorts down his thighs. She was staring at his naked pecker and her face was taut with concentration. She licked her red lips. “Gee, I’m really hot for your dick: I’m gonna suck that big dong until your eyescave in. Morgan croaked. Ruby looked up at him. “Tell me when you’re ready to come,” she said. “Jack will raise hell if I spill some.” Then she ducked forward and, starting at his bloated balls, commenced to give Morgan the best head he had ever had.
Her hot tongue wrapped around his swollen sac, laving and lapping. She lifted his balls and licked under them, then she slurped them into her mouth and gave them a thorough sucking, her attention to detail exhaust, her face transferred as she savored his delicious ball meat. She began to run her tongue up his stalk with long, fluid sweeps, lApping him from root to knob. She told as the tasty delicacy registered on her tongue. The tip of her tongue touched his cock-head, drew back, and touched him again. She flattened her tongue out and began to lay the head of his dick with fluid, slurping strokes, as if her tongue was a brush and she was painting it with a coating of saliva. Morgan groaned. His thighs began to flutter with tension. He braced his knees to steady himself and held her head in both hands. Ruby tongued the glowing knob of his price thoroughly and Morgan was so hot that he thought he would come that way before he ever got it in her mouth. But Ruby was an excellent judge of orgasms and the immediate thereof and she had no intention of allowing this grogeous big cock to shoot before she had time to appreciate it fully. Leaning in, dipping lower, she ran her tongue over his balls, laving the swollen sac again. Then she began to work up his shake, lashing her tongue back and forth against the underside of his stalk and then up over his knob curling, her tongue around and dipping into the parted cleft with the tip of her tongue.
“Gee, this tastes goad,” Ruby said, smacking her lips. “Suck it, suck it,” Morgan rasped. Ruby slowly let her lips part and slide down over his cock-head until his knob was in her mouth. Then she paused to have a luxurious suck upon the hot mouthful, her cheeks hollowed inward She blew down his rod and sucked again. Morgan moaned as his pecker-head burrowed into her mouth. Her mouth was working Like a bellows on his knob, sucking and blowing. Then she went down further, taking his cock into her mouth inch by inch and sucking all the way, while her tongue flashed back and forth along the pulsating rod. Remorselessly, she went on taking more and more dick into her mouth. Morgan felt his knob ledge in her throat and figured that she had taken as much as she could but then, Ruby paused for a moment and then carried on, letting his cock-headslip into her gullet as her pursued lips worked on inexorably towards his balls. She took every millionmeter of his prick into her head.
Her nose was pressed into his public hair and her chin was brushing against his balls. She began to turn her head from side to side, rotating her mouth around the axis of his cock. Then she started to slide in and out, pulling back until only the tip of his smoking knob was still encased in her mouth, then ducking back in and taking the whole big load. Morgan was fucking into her mouth now, humping urgently in as her mouth descended and drawing back as her tightly compressed lips glided up his stalk, her tongue lashing madly at his knob and her lips pulling an his heated bar. His cock seemed to be getting bigger and hotter all the time and Ruby knew that it would not be long before he shot his load into her throat, whitewashing her tonsils and filling her eager maw with creamy stalactites and spunky stalagmites dripping like limestone from her cave. Hungry for that slimy delicacy, she sucked hard and her head flew up and down like a pump. Morgan waited as the thrill gripped him.
His hot load, pent up so long, blew into her mouth like a liquid rocket, a veritable jet of jism. Ruby’s head rocked as the spunk blasted her but, eager cock sucker that she was, she never falsed. Her head dipped forward again, even as he hosted her throat, and she went back down his stalk against his spurting cum. She gasped and gagged but she took his whole dick in her mouth, the spurting knob slipping down her gullet. Her mouth filled with cum. She was gulping it down as fast as she could but he was shooting a cable of cum into her head and it filled her to the brim and overflowed from her compressed lips and ran back down his stalk. Cum trickled down her chin and bubbled from her lips as her head pulled back from the knob. Morgan had been so urgent for an orgasm that he blew all his love juice out in that one titanic stream. He staggered his loins hollow. Ruby sucked away, making sure she had emptied his cock and balls. Then she pulled her lips away and used her nimble tongue to lap up a few errant drops that had escaped and run down his rod, and to lick her lips clean of the successful stuff.
“Gee, that was yummy,” she said.
Morgan gazed affectionately at this girl who had so obviously emptied his balls.
“I do like a drink of jism,” she purred.
And Jack, standing in the doorway, glaring, said, “You dirty bitch! You spilled some!”
He pointed with a trembling finger.
Sure enough a few drops of creamy cum had spilled onto the wooden floor.
“Sorry, Jack,” she said. “I didn’t spit, honest. I swallowed all I could. But this guy really fed me a mouthful and it just sort of overflowed.”
“Well, lick it up,” he said. Morgan, feeling kindly towards this girl, was about to protest, but Ruby didn’t seems offended by the command. “Sure,” she said. “No sense in wasting it.” And she knelt down and stuck her tongue out and lapped Morgan’s errant spunk from the floor. Jack came into the storeroom, fumbling at his fly. He hauled his pecker out. It was a big blunt instrument. Ruby looked up from tongue-mopping the floor and when she saw what was approaching, she smiled. Her head went back and her mouth fly open and Jack, walking forward, ran his dong right into her mouth. Ruby began to suck obviously. Morgan figured it was time to get back to the office. “Err…. goodbye,” he said. “Umpfff,” she said, unable to vocalize clearly with such a hot mouthful. She waved and winded. Jack grunted, fucking into her face. Morgan, rather bemused by the whole situation, left the storeroom. In the bar, the winos, left unattended, were merrily drinking with both hands. Jack was paying the price for his password. Morgan decided that he would have to come back to this weird place in the near future. He thought that he would suggest it to Fred Foley. It seemed like it might be a good place to pick up some broads the next time they had a night out on the town. It would be more interesting than bowling, anyway, he thought. They might even bring young Bob Harrison with them. He returned to the office and with his balls emptied, did a full day’s work. He felt a little guilty about cheating on Carol. He wondered what Carol was doing at home. response to [email protected].
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