Dream mixes with real

These old feelings I have guarded for years have returned again. I find myself thinking of my student Vardhini, whom I teasingly call Bardhini in a sexual way. I know I am a better man than to think of her this way. She is so beautiful and so sexy with right nose pierced. I guess I will always wish we could have a sexual relationship. At the same time I want to be a respected law teacher for her life. In all these years, the closest I came to crossing the line as a law teacher was years ago. When she was eighteen, she came to me to understand some jurisprudence cases when I was watching a movie at home. She had on a nightshirt, bra, and panties as she lived with her parents as my neighbor. On many occasions, she would lay across the sofa by my side pretending to read a formidable book by Hidayatulla but actually enjoying the movie like me. As the movie became interesting, I started lightly rubbing the palm of her hand and along her arm. At one point she moved her hand to hercrotch and I continued to lightly rub her arm and down to the back of her hand that was over her crotch. When she moved her hand back to her side, I started to lightly rub her cheek. At the same time I was rubbing her cheek, the back of my hand was rubbing her breast. This lasted a few strokes and she smiled and turned away from my hand. The whole time I was rubbing her face I had a ragging hard-on. I am sure the smile she gave me was as much for rubbing her breast as my dick creating a bulge, which she can see.

Sense that time, she has grown up, matured a bit and recently moved to my neighborhood from the campus where her parents were bringing her up. I have not been as lustful for her with her away in campus. I did not have very many opportunities to see her over a 12 year period. Recently, she and her parents moved into our housing society while they are having a new house built. I have found myself looking at her in a new lustful way. She has a tendency to wear low cut topson college days. In the evening when she comes home, I find many opportunities to look down her bra covered breast. The top of her breast are breath taking. One time I saw her exposed breast when she had on a night shirt without her bra. I find myself obsessed with seeing her. I have gone to their room and retrieved some of her panties out of the laundry basket. The smell is intoxicating. I noticed the panties never have any public hairs left behind. I am obsessed with the idea she shakes her public area. I get hard just thinking about feeling her bald pussy. Last night I had a dreamed that my student and I were having a must stronger sexual relationship. I was in my office when my student came walking up to me while I was on the computer. She put her arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheese. I slowly moved my hand up under Her dress and softly rub her pussy through her panties. As I touch her pussy she jumps then spreads her legs a little with a soft moan. She smiled at me and gave me a small slap on my face and told me I should be ashamed.

She then grabs my hardness in my pants softly and leaves to go change clothes. After a shower, she returns to my office in her robe and tells me she needs to work on my computer for a while. I can see her breast from inside the robe. I reach in and softly rub her bare breast for a few minutes. She tells me to go away while she works. I leave with one swipe through her bald pussy lips. I woke up smelling my fingers. This morning after my dream, my student was working at my computer. She had on her robe with her legs crosses in my office chair. I could barely see her black panties from the side of her robe as I talked to her for a while. When she leaned forward, I could see part of her breast. It was hard not to think of my dream and the sexual way we touched each other. I had to leave when I started to get an erection. I can’t wait for my next dream about her. I hope the dream is as real as before. Maybe this time I will go beyond touching to sex. In the next few months I will probably be walking around looking for any opportunity to see my student. I know I will continue to dream new and exciting sexual events with her until she finally moves to her new house. I will probably start to slowly lose my sexual feelings for her until she comes back again.

I knew my student was growing up. Hell, she’d had breasts since 13 or so, and the fullness of them in her 18th year was evident to every man in town, whether they spoke of them or not. Many of them did. I had happened into hearing a conversation just a few weeks ago between 3 of the faculty over whether her or Mallika’s are bigger. The conversation had stopped as soon as I rounded the corner of the building, but too late. I’d already heard my student’s name mentioned, and what had been speculated. I smiled at the reminiscence. Of course Vardhini’s were bigger! I’d already had my hands around Vardhini’s, plenty of times in dream. They weren’t the best thing about that girl, even if they did stand proudly out. That girl just had a body made for flat-out fucking, with a trim little wait to hold onto, and a pair of hips just made for child-bearing. Her thighs never touched the tender expansion of plump-lipped pussy between them; not that I ever gave her much chance to put her thighs together in my dream! I’d have been fucking her since she was ‘legal’. I shifted my cock beneath the stiff denim with my hand. The overalls were suddenly tight; I was getting hard. The thought crossed my mind, as I peered at my student, that the little cut-offs jeans she wore sure weren’t doing anything for my condition. She shifted her weight from bare foot to bare foot nervously.

The signs were unmistakable; her breathing was deeper, and the way she held her hand over my as she inhaled was more than just an attempt to keep the wind from blowing the eggs away. I knew a little about body language, though I didn’t know the term. I only knew that I stood a good chance of getting my student’s cherry, with the help of my wacky weed, if I didn’t do something about it. I would, I thought, in just a minute or two. Looking quickly around, I unfasted the half-dozen buttons and suspender bindings, and lowered the front of my overalls. My dick, unburdened by underwear, leaves out, and I grasped the thick shake with my right hand. Standing against the barn corner, I leaned out just a little; enough to see them. Good. The grass was thick between us. I was sure that was what I was hoping for, too. As the lover in me angled my head into Vardhini’s, our lips met, and I blew the smokey air from my lungs into hers. The exchange of smoke turned into a kiss. Vardhini didn’t fight it; in fact, her arm snaked around the lover in me’s neck and she pulled her lean body against my. As my hands slide up Vardhini’s sides to cup her breasts,I remembered the feeling of doing the same to Sani, my other love. Vardhini wasn’t interested in taking her time, either. Her hand found My hard member, and she began manipulating me through my breeches. I squeezed her breasts more firmly, my fingers lifting and exploring our surfaces. One hand worked its way to the buttons of her cotton shirt, and I began to flick them open. With her help, the shirt was soon being dragged back over her shoulders, and I saw her breasts, unfettered, for the first time since she had become a woman.

“Goddddd…” I breathed. I felt the thickness of my cock increase, as my loins thrust unbidden into empty air, my hand keeping time with them. She really had become desirable, I saw, as if for the first time. It was like watching someone not my; some desirable stranger had wandered into my field, and that kid I was there to reap the rewards. As I watched Vardhini shucking the shirt, I salivated at the way her breasts Shook, and myeyes traveled down her taut belly, eager to see what lay beneath. So, too, was I. My hands were already at the top snap of the cut-offs, trying to tear them apart. She slapped them, laughing, and I could just make out her voice. “Let me, silly,” she said, in the voice of a young girl. It didn’t match the body. I watched, spellbound, as she unsnapped the 5 or 6 little snaps that held her womanhood captive. Vardhini knew the effect she was having on I. If she could have seen her teacher, excitedly struggling the thick slab of meat, she would have probably smiled, as well. She was in the heat of her own lust, but with I here, at least she wouldn’t have to finger herself to a climax. She wanted my ‘thing’ inside her, finally. She was ready to ‘give it up’, as the other girls called it.

Hurriedly pushing the shorts down over her hips, Vardhini’s hands went immediately to the waistband of her yellow cotton panties. She was embarrassed; they could just as well have been her younger sister’s. She wanted a pair of the lacy, low-cut silk ones she’d seen on the top shelf of market that day. Those were sexy, while these were just little girl’s underwear. She vowed right then and there not to wear anything, if she had to continue dressing like a little schoolgirl!

I watched my student work the underwear down over her hips, baring her patch of furry sweetness as she did, and my breath caught in my throat. “Jesus Christ!” I grunted, and my balls exploded, spilling my seed. The first torrent cascaded out in an easy arc, and I closed my eyes as I milked the next burst upward, where it flowed over the head of my cock like an underground spring. The next few gobs hit the dry ground with a plop, and I stroked slowly, enjoying the feeling of warmth that spread through my loins. Now I knew I had to move. I stood there, watching, my balls still buzzing with the pleasure of my recent climax, and suddenly Vardhini broke from the rows of dried corn stalks. She trotted up to me, ever the obedient student, and looked up into my eyes. I couldn’t speak for a moment. She looked so sweet, but now I saw her differently. Her flaxen hair, pulled back into a ponytail; her clear blue eyes, no longer gave her a child-like charm. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were filled with lust. She looked ready to breed. “What is it, sir?” So innocent, I thought. So fucking innocent. I grunted my next words, my face a mask of hidden lust. Were you thinking of some woman. “But you are not a woman yet. “Sir’s gonna show you how to be a woman.” Vardhini twisted in her teacher’s arms. Raising one arm, she tried to insinuate it between our bodies, but I took her wrist in my strong hand and bent it back, forcing it behind her back. My other hand raked down the front of her shirt, splitting it in two. Buttons clicked as they hit the wood floor, bouncing aroundund our feet, and Vardhini screamed.

“Uh-uh. You don’t want to do that,” I grunted, my arm raising, one big hand flattened out to slap the unruly girl. Vardhini saw that hand, and quietly, her breath coming in short, scared gasps. “Sir, please…” she gulped. “Don’t do…” I bent the girl back over the sink top, my hands closing around her shoulders. My eyes swept across her body. Her breasts, bared now, lay before me; the nipples firm and pink. I pressed my cock against her mound, liking the way it nestled between the denim-covered cleft beneath. My eyes had a crashed look; I was going to take her, whether she fought or not. I advised her not to.

“Just give in, girl, and let your sir show you how it is to take a man. You’ll have plenty of time to fuck Sandeep later, if you still want to.” I laughed abruptly. “You may not want to, after Sir takes your cherry.” Vardhini’s meek pRotests turned into sobbing, hiccupping moans, as I pulled the shirt off her shoulders, baring her body above the wait. She relaxed, the fight gone, as my hands went to the snaps of her cut-offs, and when I yanked them downward, she didn’t even try to stop me. Then the underwear were gone, and my fingers were under her, exploring.

“You’re wet, girl. Good. I hope that’s for me, but if it isn’t, at least it’ll help ease the way.” She shuddered, turning her head, as I parted her lips with a coarse fingerprint, my method crude but effective. Her body, despite her revulsion, responded as I knew it would. Every woman was a little bit of a slut inside; you just needed to bring it out of them. Her fingers curled around the edge of the countertop, and she leaned her head back and let me have my way. “Nooooh, sir,” she moaned, weakly, but her hips moved of our own according, thrusting just a little against my fingers. Her thighs separated, and her feet slide outward on the wood floor. It felt… I hoped she would intimately enjoy it. Her mind was still debating, but her body had made its decision, and it welcomed my touch. I manipulated my hand between her legs, and her breathing began to ease. Her nostrils flared widely, as she took in great lungful of air, and she moaned softly as she exhausted. She was soaking wet, now. Suddenly, I changed my mind. Not here. I wanted her on the bed, on her back, like a wife. Later, I would fuck her in different places, and in different positions, but for right now, she needed to be broken. It would be easiest on her back. I released her and extended my hand, and she looked at me strangely, not comprehending until I inclined my head towards the back of the house.

“In the bedroom,” I grunted, and pulled her forward. Knowing she wouldn’t resist at this point, I released her hand and she walked, consciousness of my eyes on her body even though I fEllowed behind her. She even put a little extra wiggle in her hips, the smile on her face unnoticed by me, and when she reached the room, she slide onto the bed and rolled over onto her back, eager to watch me undress. I was eager, too. My cock was straining against the material of my overalls, and when I unsnapped the front and shucked them off over my shoulders, I let her see me for the first time. I grinned when Vardhini gasped. “Yeah. No little lover in me from town here,” I said, as I pulled the cotton undershirt up and over my head. Standing naked before her, I put my hands on my hips confidently and watched her face. “You’ll learn, girl, that your body can take this, and more.” I took my thick tool in my huge hand, and displayed it to her. “Hell, compared to having a baby, this isn’t nothing. At the moment, it looked huge to Vardhini. It was way thicker than My felt to be, and it was also the first she’d ever actually seen. The way the veins crisscrossed it’s length made it appear menuing, like the sexual member of some dragon, or an alien beast. The head, flattened at the top, was red and cursing with blood, and the gaping pee-hole in the end seemed to look right at her. Her fear began to overcome her desire. “Sir,” she said, her voice quavering, “I don’t think I can do this.” She slide her legs closed, and clenched her thighs tightly as she shrank back into the bedding. My laughter filled the room as she began to softly cry.

“Not so hungry for a quick fuck, now… are you?” I taunted, leering down at her. I actually liked that she was resistant; it would add a little spice to the task. I reached down and grasped an ankle in each hand. As I pulled her legs apart, I leered at the moist pink gash between them. “Don’t make me have to trusts you to the bed, girl,” I warned. Vardhini cried out, suddenly. “No, sir!” The fear of being taken that way put the fight back into her, and she tried to kick her way out of her teacher’s grip. It didn’t work; I was too strong, and her struggles were confined to thrashing her upper body back and forth and gripping at the sheets in an attempt to pull herself away. I was suddenly overcome with lust. The fight was just the kick start I needed. I yanked the girl off the end of the bed by her ankles, dropping them as she slid towards me. As her head cleared the end of the mattress, I slapped it, hard. Vardhini saw stars, and the second hard slap brought the taste of blood to her tongue. She felt herself being picked up and turned roughly over, and the next sensing she felt was of the mattress catching her face. Her legs were pushed roughly apart, and then… “Aiiiiiieeeeeee!”

Vardhini’ scream was ear-splitting, but it didn’t phase I. I was too intent on the feel of my cock in the girl’s tight canal. Her hymen barely slowed me down as I tore through it, and I began to pump back and forth inside her, the blood and the juices from her excitement lubricating my motions. Vardhini screamed again, but it was from shock, more than anything. The pain was already ebbing, and in time it was almost forgotten. Soon it was gone, replaced by another sensing. The brutal pounding inside her began to produce pleasure, in spite of her revulsion, and she gave herself over to it. Soon, her voice was urging me on. “Oh! Oh, god! Oh, yes, god. Yes, sir! Yes!” I couldn’t believe my ears. The little bitch was egging me on! I stepped up my motions, my massive ball sack slapping at her clip as I pumped, in and out; in and out. I gritted my teeth, determined to give her a fucking she’d never forget, and in that respect, I was successful. She would never forget this day, but would hold it as a benchmark for her future couples. Not many men would satisfy her, after this. Vardhini clawed her way onto the bed, pulling I along with her, until she was on her hands and knees. I still ravaged her pussy, but now she could assume some control. Her hips began to move against my, taking me deeper still, until her cervix was receiving the brunt of my attack. The sensings were indescribable to her. She squeezed me with her inner muscles, milking that big cock for every sensing she could get, and her howl of pleasure began to grow. God, she loved her sir!

Suddenly she felt the first urgent tingling at her core, and she knew what was coming. She moved with I now, straining to keep the fluidity that would guarantee her climax, and hoping to match my pleasure with her own. She knew, instinctively, that I must be close. My breathing was shorter, more urgent, and my thrusts more frantic. Suddenly, my gasping gave way to words. “Oh god! I’m gonna cum, honey!” I shouted, my voice higher. My control was gone; now, it was up to her to bring them both off together. As my fingers dug into the flesh of her hips, she rocked herself under me. “That’s it, sir! Cum for me….please cum for your little girl!” Her words had the effect she sought. With one massive thrust, I groaned loudly, and my first desperate splash of semen hit her inner walls like a snowball thrown into an oxygen. I cried out; the first time she’d ever heard me lose complete control, but she barely had time to register that, Before the next, thicker wad of my cum soaked her narrow tunnel. Her cries of pleasure joined my. Many minutes later, when her canal was filled to overflowing with my sticky residue, I pulled myself off her back and rolled to the left, onto the bed. My cock left a trail of blood and slipe across the back of one tanned thigh. Vardhini lay on her belly, her fists still knotted in the sheets. She looked at me with a sleepy smile.

“That was nice, sir,” she breathed. “It hurt a little at first, but I never dreamed it could feel so good,After all that.” I touched her face with a coordinate fingerprint. She was so beautiful like this, with her hair falling over her face and her lips half-opened. Vardhini mistook my smile as being caused by her. “What, sir? What’d I do?” She raised herself up on one elbow, and brushed her hair casually behind one ear. Her hand then went to my back, softly stroking the sun-dried skin there as she watched my eyes go to the breast she displayed. “You like my titties, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement, issued with more than a little pride, and I rolled onto my side, facing her. My left hand covered her ample breast, the thumb rolling over her nipple. Vardhini felt the sensings run all the way down her belly, and she told. “I just hope I didn’t get you knocked up,” I said, and she laughed, suddenly. “Not my time of the month, according to my momma,” she said matter-of-factly. “In fact, I’ve got 3 or 4 more days to do this…if you were able to.” The next half-hour was spent showing her how to please a man in different ways. Vardhini was an avid student, and she assumed any position that I suggested, though she still liked it on her hands and knees the best. She told me so. “That’s cause you like it deep and hard,” her teacher observed. “Let’s try this…”

With that, I hooked my arms under her knees and raised her legs up in the air. Pulling myself into position on my knees, I entered her again, and she gasped. My cock once more drew a quick intake of breath as I entered her near-virginal hole, and she quickly came to love the feeling of being wrapped around my capable shake. She told loudly, urging me onward. “Oh, god…that’s good, sir. Do that some more…” I satiated myself in my student’s willing body that afternoon, and by the time Her mother and little Sani returned and she was home.I was in the tub, nursed my exhausted frame with smelling soaps and warm water. Vardhini had dressed and left the house after drawing her sir’s bath, and was nowhere to be seen. In the hayloft, Vardhini lay on a bed of fresh grass, daydreaming. Her fingers played beneath the unsnapped material of her shorts, but softly, for she was experiencing the soreness. It won’t last long, she thought. I’m a woman now, and Things are gonna be different. She remembered the initial shock of her teacher’s intrusion, and the subtle transition from pain to pleasure, and she craved more, already. Her fingers probed deeper, even as she listened to her mama calling her name from the porch. To establish her place from here on out; for she knew things would never be the same between us. She loved me, but now it was different. She wanted to please me, and to have me crave the feel of her young body in my arms.


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