Yes, Master

Looking down upon my Pony as she is tied to the bed lying facedown and spread eagle, I lift the crop and again and ever so swiftly bring it down upon her rosy red cheeses. The crop finding its mark bites into her and her left cheese quivers. Pony winces and bites down on her bit, know she is not allowed to cry out. The discipline today is for the week of sarcasms and quick-witted barbs projected Unintentionally at her Master. Pony is aware that it will be a long weekend with a very sore ass and a new found respect for the crop and paddle her Master has fashioned for her.

The Master’s Pony is quick of mind and sharp of tongue and at times forgets her place when her Master calls her to check up upon her. Without the daily discipline, Pony is aware she is need of, her temperature often takes over and the stress of not being direct enough at the incompetent boobs she has the unfortunate direction she must work for, at times come out sideways at the one she is devoted and enslaved too. TTherefore her Master must make the most of their time together when he is in town.

The crop finds it mark again on the right cheek. Welts begin to rise and moisture begins to flow as Pony’s flower begins to bloom and swell with desire. She bites against the bit firmly in place between her lips and smiles knowing she deserves each welt and bruise she will endure as she sits over the following week. Pony thinks back to the time of her vanilla sex life and wonders how she could have over looked the unique and wonderful pleasure the crop and paddle in her Masters hand have brought her. Although, Pony thinks to herself, “I have been spanked and whipped before but never have I gotten so wet, moist and full of desire and lust just because of a spanking.” Pony looks to the inner receptions of her heart and knows it’s not the crop and paddle but her Master that she loves and longs for, knowing she is safe with him. “Whack!” The paddle has replaced the crop; Pony involuntarily lets out a yelp as the Raven engraved paddle her Master carved for her, stings her ass.

The punishment continues and Pony’s ass is beet red, swollen and hot to the touch from the spanking she has endured. Her Master takes the ice from the bucket beside the bed and begins to rub it over her swollen ass cheats. The cold ice melting from the heat begins to flow down her crack and over her tight rosebud and flowered lips. The cool mood is a relief and Pony attempts to raise her hips in order to save the pins and needs she feels prickling her skin. Pony hears, but cannot see because of the blind fold over her eyes, the ice bucket being stirred and the ice closing inside the bucket and wonders what her Master has in mind. Master has often talked about the wonders of an ice-cold chain slipping into her pussy. Pony quivers at the thought as she feels her Masters hand slip between her tighs and cup her swollen lips. Pony can feel the Astroglide on her Masters hand as his fingers slip betweenHer folds finding her engaged clip standing proud and sensitive. Master squeezes and pulls at her clip and slides his two free fingers into her fucking her, dipping deeper to rub her g-spot.

“Please, Master!” Pony tries to cry out as she raises her hips trying to meet the thrusts of his fingers.

“What are trying to say Pony?” Master inquires. ” Are you trying to speak with out permission again? Shame on you!” Master removes his fingers and smacks her pussy with such quickness, Pony yelps in surprise, despite knowing the consequences.

“Just for that Pony, you pleasure is going to be delayed again. Is that understand Pony?” Master states in harsh and stern tone.

Pony shakes her head in response indicating she understand and will obey.

“I am going to untie you now Pony. You will Not move, you will stay perfectly still until I tell you otherwise. Is that understand Pony?”

Pony shakes her head again.

Master stands up and sets the bucket of ice onthe table and smacks her reddened and welded ass again with his hand. Master laughs out loud and states, “You do have a terrible time learning don’t you Pony? When will you get control over your urges to speak out when you are about to cum? Always the slut aren’t you?”

Pony knew better than to respond in anyway and it excited her when her Master spoke to her in this way. He rarely called her derogatory and degrading names but when he did she knew there would be new and kinkier things to try and do together. Pony smiled as best she could give the fact she was drooling and bitted and could not see a damn thing with this new blindfold he had placed on her. She wondered where he had found the new leather and fur lined circular cups covering her eyes and she reminded herself when she was aloud to speak to inquire about them.

Pony felt the bonds around her ankles began to loosen and fall away and felt slightly saddened but excited because she enjoyed the way she was constrictedin her movements. Her Master moved to the head of the bed and began to release her wrists. Once this was complete, Pony felt her the braid of her mane being lifted.

“So you like to drool like a fool, do you!” barked her Master. Pony felt her braid being yanked back and her head lifting off the rubber sheet that covered the mattress.

“Since you like to drool, then maybe I should rub your face in it?” snapped her Master. And with that Master began to rub her face in the spit that covered the mattress.

“On second thought, since it’s your drool, you will now rub your face in it alone and when I tell you to stop and start you will. Is that understand, Pony?” stated her Master.

All Pony could do was nod in submission to her Master’s instruction.

“Begin!” instructed her Master. And Pony began to rub her face back and forth. The spit smearing her cheeks and nose. Her Master holding her braided mane out of the way so he could watch.

“That’s a good Pony. However, you need more spit. Drool, Pony, drool for your Master.” Her Master watches as she drooled and swiped her face back and forth and began to run her forehead through the slimy spittle.

“Very good, Pony. You may stop now.” Instructed her Master. Master moves off the bed and lets her mane fall to the side of her face.

“Roll over now, Pony and spread your arms and legs.” Master reachings out and tweaks her nipple as it comes into view. He is aware of how sensitive and hard they get when his Pony is aroused. Master takes the Japanese clover nipple clamps from beside the bed and places one on the right nipple. The nipple strains under the pinching, gripping, vice like clamps. Master takes the chain between the clamps and pulls on it making sure the clamped nipple is secure and won’t accidentally slip out of its bondage. He then slips the left areola and nipple between his fingers and pulls upward, causing the nipple to stand prouder as he places the pincher like clamp around thenipple, snapping it closed. The harshness of the snapping clamp forces Pony to arch her back in surprise and shock. Pony immediately regrets her actions.

“Just what the fuck do think your doing, arching up like that? You act like some undisciplined tramp off the street that can’t keep her thighs closed at the mere sight of some upturned cock!” Stormed Pony’s Master. Pony knew she was in for a serious thrashing and began to feel the butterflies swirl in her stomach when she knew she had overstepped her bounds and didn’t know what to expect.

Pony felt the rope being wrapped around her wrist multiple times, yet not cutting off the circuit, and pulled down ward as the single line slipped between her first and middle fingers and then wrapping around the bedpost and back between her pinking and ring finger effectively pinning her hand to the mattress, as her Master tied the rope end off to her wrist. He repeated the same to her other hand. Pony then felt the flat corded ropesnake around her ankle and pulling her off center as her Master secured the rope to the end of the bedpost down low. Her Master effectively did the other leg the same way, however this bed was much wider than she was use too and Pony felt as if she were about to be split in two, her thighs were so spread apart. She felt like she was doing the splits. Her pussy gaped and flowered like a open ripe fruit, spinning moisture out for the thirsty predators of the forest to lap at and devour like a story book maiden being ravished by a hungry wolf. Her Master grinned with a mouth full of sharp teeth at his prize.

“Do you remember the time I first time I bit you on the ass, Pony? The time I left my teeth marks imprinted on your ass for days on end?” Whispered her Master as he knelt on the bed hovering over her breast. “Well, This time you’ll see my mark each time you look in the mirror.” And with that Pony’s Master placed his hungry lips over her title and nipped the flesh, sucking deeply, causing the blood to race to the surface and bruising her tender tea. Again and again Master bite and marked his Pony to remind her that disobedience would not be tolerated. At last he stopped, Pony’s breast tender with each mark where his teeth and sucking had created a brand that would take days and weeks to diminish. Pony would not be able to wear the cooling tank tops she so loved during the hot sweltering summer days, at least for a while. A reminder for her while her Master was away and unable to tend to her as they wished he could.

The hair from the flogger ticked her belly as Pony felt her Master move the instrument of her next thrashing along her long naked body. Her skin betraying her as goose bumps rose along her arms and tighs. Electrical current raced along her spine as the horsehair flogger traced it’s way along her smoothly saden pussy lips dancing above her clip. Pony hadn’t realized, until she heard the swishing sound of the flogger, that her Master had stopped tickling her and felt the sharp stings of the course hair bite into her thighs. Pony bit deep into her rubber bit as she sucked in air through her nostrils, knowing her real punishment was about to begin for disobeying her Master’s commands.

The flogger reddened her skin and left a dizzying array of thatching marks across her thighs and belly. Pony had never been so thoroughly flogged before and her skin felt alive with a thousand squiggly pinpricks as the heat radiated from her loins and moisture ran from her, wetting the bed sheet below her. Pony’s ass slide around effortlessly on the cool rubber sheet because there was so much lubricant from her swollen cunt. Pony wished and begged in her mind to be able to speak to her Master and beg him to fuck her and allow her to cum with him. She wanted to please her Master, to show him how devoted she was to him and show him her new tricks she thought might pleasure him. For now all she knew she could do was wish and do as she was suppose to do.

“Is your clip hard Pony? I think it should have a clover attached as well. Don’t you think so?” ” Oh. That’s right you can’t reply.” Said Master. Master begins to unbuckle your bit and then slowly allows you to spit the device lovingly into his waiting hand. “Now Pony, I am going to loosen your legs and place the wedge up under your hips and ass. You will Then pull your legs up over your head and spread your legs wide. Is that understand Pony?”

“Yes, Master.” Replied Pony.

The ropes curled around each ankle and bound Pony’s legs to the huge wooden support. Pony’s ass and pussy were now completely exposed to her Master’s every whim and desire. Master climbed upon the bed and placed himself between Pony played legs and smiled with lust in his eye and desire in his heart.

“It’s time you had your tail in place Pony.” Master said, as began to kiss and lick her sensitive ass and folds of her open pussy. Slipping his tongue deep in her ass, Master lubedher rosebud with his spit, working his tongue in and out. Pony tried not to squirm. She loved the feeling of her Masters tongue working on her, in her, probing and kissing. Pony felt the ice-cold tip of her horsehair anal plug sliding over her ass, dipping ever so slowly into her open, inviting ass.

With Pony’s tail firmly inserted into her, Master took the leather strips that hung from the plug and tied each one securely around Each of Pony’s thighs, keeping the plug firmly in place. Master knew Pony loved the feeling of the ice-cold plug deep in her ass. Ice always drive Pony crazy. Master took the long hard ice shaped like a cock and slowly drew it over Pony’s clip, circling it making it harder. The cold ice melting and wetting her pussy even more, Master worked the ice dildo in and out of Pony’s hot and inviting hole. With Pony’s pussy turned upwards the ice cold water filled her as it melted, the water running over her belly and cooling her red and welded skin.

Standing over her, Master drove his hard cock into her stretched and filled pussy. The ice dildo and his cock sliding in unison, Pony had never been so full before. It was like having three cocks in her at once. If only she had one in her mouth as well, she thought to herself. Master worked his hot cock in and out of her, the ice dildo melting and sending cold water splashing against his balls with each downward thrust. Master’s balls began to tighten and pull upward.

“Open your mouth Pony.” Master commanded. “I want you to catch my cum on you’re your tongue when I exploit. Is that understand?”

“Yes, Master.” Pony gasped.

Master’s hips began to thrust ever harder into her sloppy, hot cunt, his balls slapping against her swollen lips. “Now Pony, open wide and stick out your tongue.” Master grunted. Half kneeing and squatting over his Pony’s face, Master pulled his cock from her and aimed his cock at her open and inviting mouth. Ropes of nine white cum gushed forth from him, painting her lips and tongue. Convulsing, Master continued to work his hips sending more cum than he thought possible into her waiting mouth.

Pony smiled with satisfaction as her Master finished himself off by wiping the head of his cum swollen cock across her lips. Pony held the cum in her mouth as instructed and waited as her Master repositioned himself over her waiting mouth. Master lowered his semi-rigid cock into her waiting mouth and Pony began to bath his cock and balls in the hot cum and saliva. Swirling her tongue over first his left testicle and then the right. Cum glistened over the wrinkled ball sac as Pony then sucked in the crown of his cock and into her mouth attempting to slip her tongue in to the hole of his cock. Pony played for a while, altering the whole of his cock in to her mouth and then his balls, until at last Master instructed her to clean him. Pony began to swallow the cum from his cock and lick him clean dipping slightly lower with each lappingof her tongue and back up over her Master’s balls. Pony licked and sucked with loving attention as she asked her Master to knee over her face. Master knew that Pony wanted to give him a complete cleaning and did as she asked.

“Do you like that Master?” Pony inquired, as she slipped her tongue over his sensitive, ticklish asshole.

It wasn’t often that Pony rimmed her Master, but from time to time her inner slut took over and she wanted to drive her tongue deep into her Master, suck his balls and feel the weight of him pressing down over her face. Pony loved when her Master’s balls and cock rested on her nose and mouth and she was able to smell the heady, musky, maleness of him. Pony ground her flat width of her tongue over the slightly salty patch of skin just below her Master’s balls and inhaled deeply through her nose. Primal lust overtaking her as pulled against her restraints and forced her head deeper between her Master’s thighs. Pony knew her Master loved it when shealternatively sucked on his left testicle and ass. Pony wished for her hands to be free so she could grab his tighs and slip a finger or toy into his ass, pleasing him as he had done to her. Soon…so very soon, Pony thought to herself, smiling wickedly.

At last Pony’s chore of cleaning her Master was complete and if her Master felt she had completed a satisfaction job he may just allow her to cum herself. Pony asked her Master for permission to speak.

“Master? Permission to ask a question.” Pony purred.

“You may ask a question Pony, as you have performed wonderfully this evening.” Master responded.

“Will I get to cum this evening after I am untied? Pony asked. But before she could stop herself she asked another question and knew what was about to happen for disobeying for asking more than one question. “And will you leave the ropes tied to bed posts?”

“No and Yes.” Master said. “How many times have I told you when you ask to speak you give the correct number of questions your going to ask…hum? How many times have we gone over this?”

Pony knew better than to respond. Many times we have gone over this question, Master. Pony thought to herself. Pony smiled inwardly despite looking heartbroken for not being allowed to cum this evening but little did her Master know the tables were about to be turned, and Master was to become Pony and Pony to become Master.

Slowly, Master began to untie the ropes that tied his Pony’s ankles above her head and lower her legs down gently. Master then removed the wedge from under his Pony wait and hips and could resist but slip his fingers over her still swollen, un-pleasured clip. Pony gasped but knew she would get her turn soon and patiently waited.

Next, her Master untied her wrists and left the ropes exactly where he had said he would…tied to the bedposts. If he only knew what she had in store for him he may have thought otherwise, or would he?

“Turn down the lights Pony and get me a fresh gin and tonic. This ones watered down from all the ice melting while we played.” Master ordered. “And while your at it get the joint from the table and the lighter too.”

” Yes, Master.” Pony said sweetly, all the while thinking wild and wicked thoughts. My Master always slides into that silly stoned space when he’s had a hit or two and then I will have my way with him, Pony thought to herself. This will be the last time he doesn’t let me cum when we’ve been playing for so long.


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