Yes, Katya Pt. 02

I got used to the chatity device surprisingly fast. It was easy to keep clean, and it fit so snug that sometimes I even forgot it was there.

But that’s only a half truth.

See, it was exam time: the last exams of the year — and for Katya it was even more than that, since she was in the last year of her degree. I knew that she had big plans of opening her own business for nutrition and personal training, and these exams were very important for her. Which means she was studying, hard. Which means she wasn’t leaving her house or seeing anyone, including me. For three long weeks.

So even though I ‘got used’ to the metal cage she’d put me in. The truth is I never forget it was there, not even for one single second. In fact by the end of that third week, it was all I could think about.

Thankfully, the end was in sight: Katya had given me her solemn word that I could come over as soon as she got home from her final exam on Friday. I finished mine the day before, and you’d better believe I was there barely ten seconds after she’d arrived. She still had her bag around one shoulder when she pulled open the door.

‘Oh, you’re here already,’ she said, but her smile betrayed the truth: she knew exactly what she had done to me. How crazy I had become. After a torturous pause, she competed for me to come in.

The moment I was past the threshold, she curled one hand around the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. It was as though all my senses were heightened. Her slightest touch ran through my whole body; I could smell every inch of her in high definition.

‘Easy, Romeo,’ she said, pulling away. For the first time, I noticed that she had dressed up, makeup, earrings, even a sleep red dress. She could have been a supermodel. It was too much.

‘It’s just… been so long,’ I said.

Tilting her head to the side in mock sympathy, she said ‘Aw, that’s so sweet. You missed me, huh?’

‘I want you so bad,’ I said, moving forward again. I had been reduced to my lizard brain. I wanted her, and anything else was irrelevant to me. But she put a hand on my chest, holding me back.

‘No.’ She said.


‘You don’t want me.’ She said, her smile fading. ‘You want something else — a key. Isn’t that right?’

Before I could reply, she went on. ‘But you don’t even want that, Really. What you want is to be unlocked, and touched. And even that isn’t it. What you actually want, is to come. Isn’t it?’ This time she was the one stepping forward, reaching down with one hand to grip the hard thing between my legs. I felt the warmth of her hand through my jeans.

‘More than anything in my damn life,’ I said, breathless. But again, she shook her head.

‘So silly. You are such a typical man. You don’t even know what you want. You think you want to come, Dale. But that still isn’t the truth.’

‘I dunno. It feels pretty true for me. I mean, it feels more true than anything right now. I’d probaably bet my whole life savings on that being true, is what I’m saying.’

Katya frowned, clicking her tongue. ‘Noooo. That’s just what your stupid little guy down below is telling you.’

She gave it a squeeze for good measure and then left me there while she took her bag into her room for a minute.

I laughed, throwing my hands up. ‘I’m all ears,’ I said. ‘Tell me what I really want.’

‘I will,’ she called out. ‘I’ll show you, actually. Tonight. After you take me to dinner. Same place as last time — it was so nice.’

I did, of course. I took her out, and it was a nice dinner — and we talked about exams and all kinds of things that distracted me, briefly, from my situation. When it was over and I paid the bill with my paltry barista pay check, she took me by the hand and led me out, to the admiring eyes of just about every man there.

‘So I have a proposition for you,’ she said, holding her door open for me. I entered, remembering for the millionth time what she’d done with me last time and praying for more.

‘You stay over for the weekend,’ she said. She closed the door behind her and came to stand in front of me. Again, in her heels, she was in a position to look down from me. I instinctively moved to touch her but she slapped my hand away dismissively. It was torture: to be so close like that and be denied. It was impossible to think properly — but I’m sure that was her intention.

‘Done,’ I said, but she waved a finger in front of my face.

‘I wasn’t finished. You stay for the weekend, as my slave. I can do whatever I want to you, and you have to go along with everything I say no matter what. No hesitation, no questions.’

The thought took my breath away, but some part of me must have maintained sense because I said, ‘I feel like I should have a safeword or something.’

Smiling, she shrugged. ‘Just say stop if you want to stop. But you know what?’ she leaned in to whisper. ‘I bet you won’t.’

‘I don’tKnow,’ I said. ‘What do I get if I last the weekend?’

‘If you last the weekend, I promise, cross my heart.’ She dutifully crossed both arms across her chest. ‘That I will let you come, if you ask me to. As many times as you want.’

I grinned. ‘Nice try,’ I said. ‘But I’m pretty sure you’ve got a gag or something hidden in that chest of drawers in There.’

Undeterred, Katya said only: ‘No tricks. I promise.’

‘You promise?’

‘I do. And what about you? Do you promise, Dale?’

I looked up into her beautiful face, those clear green eyes seeing to stare right into my thoughts, and I felt as helpless as I had three weeks ago when she’d tied me to her bed and had her way with me. I remembered how that had felt. How badly I wanted it. A whole weekend.

‘I promise,’ I said.


I don’t know what I expected her first official ‘order’ to be, but it sure wasn’t ‘take a shower with me’. Not that I’m complaining.

The shower itself was tolerable –she liked it scalding hot, which helped me keep myself under control for the most part. But afterward, she lay out on her bed and instructed me to massage her. ‘Coconut oil is there on the table.’

To be so close to a body like that — long limbed and muscled — to touch and smell her, and all the while feel the cage hugging me so tightly it hurt… I can’t describe the age. And she smiled, for the whole hour in which I massed every part of her body (almost every part) she had her eyes closed and a faith smile on her face. She knew what she was doing to me, and she liked it, and that made me crazier than ever.

After, she cuffed my hands to the bed post over my head and climbed on top of me, lowering herself onto my mouth. I made her come two, three times like that while she rocked her hips, her shins pinning both of my arms down beside my head. Now and then I couldn’t breathe, but she was too lost in pleasure to care, and after the third time she climbed off at last, brEathing a deep sign of satisfaction.

And then? With her head on my chest, one hand lazily drawn over my cage, she fell asleep.

To say I spent the night ‘frustrated’ or ‘horny’ doesn’t cut it. My entire existence shrank to encompass her, nothing but her. All I could think about was what she had planned for me over the next days. I didn’t think I could take much more of this teasing. It seemed impossible. But I promised myself that I would see it through. I would do everything she asked — more, even. And I would claim my prize at the end. I envisioned it, in the clearest detail I could. When I finally drifted to sleep, it was with this in mind: how it would feel, sliding into her for the first time, sliding my hands up that body…

Only something she’d said to me the last time I’d seen her returned to me, causing me to doubt the fantasy, and her promise: ‘I’ll never have sex with you…’


I awoke the next morning to something I did not expect to feel at all: her hand on my penis, struggling slowly. I tried to move, only to discover that not only were my hands still cuffed, but my ankles were too, and a collar around my neck kept my head fixed in position: I was completely immobile.

Needless to say, I woke up very quickly.

Katya propped herself up lazily on one hand, the other doing its work, moving just fast enough to drive me to the edge and Then slowing down again. If I could only have thrust my hips up, just once, I’m sure I would have come, but she had too much control to allow that.

‘You know, I’m kinda hungry,’ she said.

‘Is that… is that…’ I gasped, unable to finish. She didn’t seem to mind.

‘My bathroom is a mess, too. And my living room floor could use a good vacuum.’

Her delicate hand ran all the way down and then vanished, leaving me throbbing. I stopped breathing for a minute, then recovered.

‘Enough about me, though. Why don’t you tell me what you want to do today, Dale? If you tell me the truth, I just might give it to you.’ And her hand descended on me once more.

‘I want… Oh my God. I want to… I want you so bad.’

‘No, no. Give me the truth. Tell me what you really want to do.’

‘I want to… go down on you?’

She took her hand away again. I couldn’t tell if I was in hell or heaven. It was amazing that she could be so precision — it was as if she had a sixth sense of when I was getting close to the edge.

‘That’s not what you really want. Go on. Tell me.’

It clicked, then — the game she was playing. I was so far gone I hadn’t picked up on the hint. As her hand returned to work, I gave my final answer.

‘I want to make you breakfast,’ I said.

‘Oh? That’s nice. That’s what you want?’

‘Yes. Yes, Katya! That’s what I want. And… to clean your bathroom. And vacuum your floor. I want all of that.’ The last part was barely audible as she brought me, with quick strokes, right to the edge. A second before I wouldhave come, she got up off the bed, leaving me to squirm.

‘Great. That sounds good to me.’ She left the room and returned a minute later with, of all things, a block of ice. Which she used (more gasping from me) to calm me back down so that she could lock me back up in my chatity device.

‘I don’t get it,’ I said, as she clicked the lock shut. ‘Why not just order me to do all those things? I’m supposed to be your slave, right?’

‘Because, I’m trying to prove a point, silly,’ she said, releasing my cuffs. As I fried up some bacon and eggs for us, she explained it to me.

‘What you’re learning this weekend, what I’m teaching you, is that serving and obeying me is all you really care about. My pleasure is your pleasure. My happiness, is your happiness. But it’s a one way street. Whether I’m pleased means everything to you; whether you’re pleased means nothing to me.’

I thought about this while I cleaned her bathroom for her. It sounded crazy at first, but here IWas, scrubbing her tiles. I don’t like cleaning things, usually, but even though she wasn’t even there (she was sprayed out on her couch reading), I was more turned on than ever. Was it some trick? Did I really want this, or was I just working towards my promised reward at the end of the weekend?

Katya came to check on me as I was finishing, and I looked up at her, feeling oddly vulnerable: she had forbidden me to wear clothes, but she herself had been dressed since breakfast. Folding her arms, she raised her eyesbrows. ‘I suppose that’s acceptable,’ she said. And, without another word, left the room.

Acceptable? I thought. And, as crazy at it seems, I found myself grabbing a clothes and going to work on the mirror, the glass, every surface I could reach. I cleaned until I sweated, determined to make the room cleaner than she’d ever seen it.

When she returned half an hour later, I got what I wanted: Katya smiled, giving me a nod of satisfaction that filled me with a warmth. ‘Come here,’ she said. I followed her into the bedroom, where she made me wait at the foot of the bed while she undressed. I was once more captured by her beauty, and I found myself wondering if I’d ever get used to it.

She lay down on the bed, stretching out and yawning. ‘I’m feeling lazy today,’ she said. Parting her legs, her right hand — the same one she’d touched me with that morning — snaked down below her wait. Every part of me wanted to jump on top of her, to touch her, lick her, kiss her… but I was certain she was testing me. She hadn’t told me to do anything, after all.

And then, watching me from lidded eyes, she said: ‘So Dale, what do you want to do now?’

Of course, I knew then what I was supposed to say. I didn’t realize it then, but the first part of her training was already ingrained in me. I was no longer thinking about what I wanted. Now, I was thinking only about what the ‘correct’ answer was.

‘I want to — ‘ I swallowed. ‘I want to vacuum your floor for you.’

‘Really?’ She said sleepily. ‘That would be so nice. That would please me very much. God, I would love it if you did that.’ And her hand went to work on her just as expertly as it had on me, earlier, though I had a feeling it wouldn’t stop the same way.

I watched, unable to look away, until her voice snapped me out of my trance. ‘Go on, then, slave.’

Jumping at the unexpected sternness of her tone, I hurried out of the room. It might surprise you to know (or it might not, if you understand by now what she was doing to me, so craftily) that after I vacuumed Katya’s living room I decided to sweep her kitchen floor, even though she hadn’t asked me to. As I began, already thinking, with no small excitement, about the look on her face when she saw this, I heard her cry out in the next room and feel a shiver of joy run through me.


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