Yes Please

“That is a very erotic fantasy, young lady. So when would you like to make it come true?”

She stared at the words on the screen. Surely she misunderstood. “Oh, I’m sure it will never come true, Sir. It’s a fantasy, nothing more.”

“Not necessary, my dear. Do you trust me?”

Did she trust him? What kind of question was that. They had never met, she didn’t even know his name. Yes they chatted every night online but that wasn’t the same. Trust….”Yes, Sir. I do trust you.” She had typed the words from her heart, she only hoped her body wouldn’t pay the price.

The dress flew throw the air and settled on top of a growing pile of dresses. “Wear a dress, shoes and coat. Nothing else. Do you understand, sweetheart?” He had said the words as if he had been directing her every movement for years. And yet, she knew she would oblige. It was six-fifty and she was to meet him at seven. She reached into the closet and cringed as she pulled the red dress from it’s hunger. THere was no more time, the red it would have to be. Her arms slide into the long cashmere sleeps and she wrapped the dress around her body, securing the one button that held it closed. The black belt completed the look and she flew out the door, black heels clicking on the wooden floor. In a blur she grabbed her purse and coat and ran for seven o’clock.

Anyone passing by the café window would have taken a second look. The middle aged man, greying at the temples, wore the fine silk suit with ease. He sipped his cappuccino and casually watched down the street for the object of his desire. They had never met, he had never seen her picture, didn’t even know her name. Nevertheless, when she turned the corner, red dress peeking out from the black wool coat, his lips curled in a rare smile of appreciation. Her stride was long, to match the legs and Her brunette curls caught by the moon turned to fire. Oh yes, this one was delicious. He casually glanced at his watch, five after seven. His eyes darkened with lust and he thought, “Thank you, sweetheart. Now I have an excuse.”

She apologized profusely for being late, his reply was a simple “seven is seven, my dear”. She didn’t know how to respond, so she simply caught her lip in her teeth (a nervous habit) and sat in the chair he held for her. Dinner was delicious, or at least she didn’t remember it being otherwise. He held her mesmerized by his words, movements, the sound of his voice. When he stood and held out her coat, she moved as if in a trance. His hand burned her thru her coat where it touched her lower back. Guiding her to his car in the back of the lot a moment of hesitation washed over her. She didn’t know this man, it was dark, he was taking her somewhere she had never been, figuratively and geographically. She must have lost her mind.

When they reached the last car in the lot she moved towards the passenger side, he stopped her. “Bend over the back of the car, little one.” She looked at him as ifhe had grown horns. He looked at her sternly, “Do as I say, pet.” She put her purse on the trunk and bent over placing her hands on the cool metal. He lifted her coat and brushed it to one side. Then he placed his hand on the inside of her knee and slide it upward until she gasped. The dress followed his hand up over her naked ass and the brush of cool air hit her warm skin. He tucked her dress around her and then straightened, undid the buckle of his belt, and pulled it from his pants. At that moment she knew what was coming and her sex swelled and wept. Her knees trembled and she curled her fingers into fists against the car.

His hand slide over her creamy skin once then the belt struck home, she cried out once then bit her lip harder. Again the leather met skin and a third time. Tears slide down her cheeks and there would be red Welts on her ass but she didn’t notice the pain. What she felt was a butterfly fluttering thru her blood, heat melting her bones and her sex weeping forrelease. “Come along now, sweetheart. You are forgiven for keeping me waiting. We will speak of it no more.” He righted her clothes and led her to the car door. When he opened it she turned into his chest and hugged him, her tears wetting his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her chin. His lips brushed hers and then were gone and he was fasting her seatbelt for her.

Nothing was said as the car moved along the dark streets. Her mind was absorbed by the heat pouring from her reddened ass and the mood between her legs. When the car stopped in front of a large home her mind snapped to attention, remembering the plan for the evening. He held her hand as she exited the car and didn’t let it go. They stood in front of the big double doors until a woman in a black and white uniform appeared and ushered them inside. They were Shown to a large bedroom upstairs. “The Captain will be with you shortly, there is wine in the cabinet.” Then she was gone. He poured one glassof wine and sat down in an overstuffed chair. His eyes devoured her. She stood nervously, still in her coat.

“Take your clothes off, sweetheart. Don’t think about it, just do it, now.” There was no malice in his voice, just certainty. She sat her purse on the table, slide the coat off her arms and put it on a chair. “Slowly, my dear, you are unwrapping a priceless treasure.” She blushed and bit her lip but never took her eyes off of his. She began to unbuckle the belt but paused when the door opened behind her. “Don’t stop, ignore him.” She wanted to turn to see who the stranger was but instead finished unbuckling the belt. It fell to the floor. Her fingers trembled as she slid the button from its hole then frozen. Her mouth was dry, her heart raced. His eyes moved over her body and then returned to hers. “Continue.” Her lips parted and she began to pant for air. She opened the dress slowly revealing first one breast and then the other, then it fell from her shoulders to the floorand her hands fisted at her sides.

“Come to me, pet.” She hesitated, then stepped forward in nothing but the black high heels, head held high she moved to stand in front of him. He slide two fingers between her wet folds and into her body, then pressed his thumb to her swollen clip. “Cum.” Heat exploded inside her sex and engulfed her clip, a gentle groan escaped her lips and her body began to shake. The strangers arms wrapped around her from behind, the hands cupping her breasts then teasing and tugging at her nipples. Still he thrust his fingers in and out of her and massed her clip. The waver heat returned and when the stranger sank his teeth into her neck she cried out her climax and her knees gave way. She was held up by the arms that circled her and the hand that held her like a globe from below.

The stranger scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He was younger than the other man, perhaps thirty. His body bulged with muscles and his head was bald. She had never seen blue eyes, kind eyes but hungry. He lowered her knees to the bed and reached up above her head. She looked up and saw chains and shackles hanging from the ceiling and drawn down towards the head of the bed. He secured her wrists then pulled one length of chain down tight. Her hand was lifted as high as it would reach and then it was pulled up another inch. He repeated the process with her other hand and she found herself hanging by her wrists, her knees not quite touching the bed. The chains were secured to hold her in that position.

The bald man began to take his clothes off, she heard the older man doing the same behind her. Then something corse and tickly skimmed over her ass. The contact with the welts reminding her of the whipping. The horse hair flogger was drawn over her shoulder, the rough hair teasing her nipple. Then it was lifted and came down to strike her shoulder, the ends of each hair zinging her nipple. Gasp. The next strike was over the otherer nipple. He continued to thrash her tender spots until her body was singing. The bald man now stroked himself in front of her but she barely noticed. The flogger had her full attention.

The man would draw the hair over her body and then strike her, the sensings back and forth between cares and sting. She was nearly out of her head with pleasure when she felt the tongue of the stranger lap at her inner thigh. He lifted Her legs, spreading them and held her in his strong hands. Then the licking and sucking began, and still the flogger touched and tormented her. “Do not cum, pet.” How the hell do you not cum, she wondered. But she didn’t want to fail, so she concentrated on not climaxing. Something cold and wet touched her ass, the older man was smearing some type of gel in her crack. As the bald man sucked her clip and fingered her sex, the other was slipping first one finger and then two in and out of her ass. “I need to cum, Sir…please, Sir.” “Cum.” Her body boiled over ina delicious orgasm, the sensings from a tongue and several fingers pushing her over the edge.

She heard the tearing of a foil packet then the older man wrapped his arm around her waist and turned her. She wrapped her legs around him and his hands held the globes of her ass as his cock slide deep inside her without hesitation. She whimpered as her body began building to a new release.. He covered her lips with his and thrust deeper inside her sex. Again the opening of a foil packet and the younger man pressed his cock gently against her rosebud. In and out he worked her as she moaned and whimpered at the foreign sensings. When he slide all the way home she gasped and began to pant. She groaned into the older man’s mouth as the two moved in and out of her in a synchronized dance of lust that had her mind reeling.

Their thrusts grow deeper and more urgent, first the younger man explored with a feral growl. The older man joined suit, throwing his head back and groaning his rElease. Her body was pulsing, her vision blurred and she felt as if she was going to urinate. “CUM PET, NOW.” Her cries worked off the walls and she squirted her essence. The orgasm came from her nipples, her clip, deep in her sex and deeper still in her ass. It moved over her entire body, consuming her. Their relaxed cocks trapped inside her. They continued to rock her, their bodies stroking hers. She felt the younger man growing hard again his strong arm wrapped around her waist as the older man pulled back. The shackles began to fall and her body collapsed into the arms of the stranger.

He laid her body down and covered her with his own. After replacing the used condom he slide deep inside her sex, his fingers lacened in hers. His kisses covered her face and shoulders as again her body was swelling in anticipated climax. His legs pressed hers further apart and he speared her over and over until her screams filled his ears. Soon his body jerked in another release and he fell besIde her, drained. So it continued throughout the night, first one then the other and sometimes both. At one point the trio locked in a bubble bath and worked up more than one kind of later. When the older man took her home the next day she pressed her body to his and hugged him gently. How can you thank someone for fulfilling a fantasy so foreign and yet desired. “Pet, your assignment today is to come up with a new fantasy. It will need to be more challenging than the last so our young friend does not become bored. Would you like that?”

She smiled into his eyes and said, “YES, PLEASE.”


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