Act 2 / Locker Room Talk
This scene takes place on the campus of a small, private university.
It is the second part of series that began with the title “Yes Ms. M.”
All characters are over the age of 18.
“What the hell are you doing!!!”
(Oh shit!)
I quickly pull up my gym shorts.
The sound of girls’ laughter entering the locker room; the match must have ended early.
“Girls, come look at this quick!!!”
I’m trapped in a rectangular alcohol. Lockers on three sides with a bench running down the middle; and now half of the university’s girls’ varsity volleyball team blocking the only escape. I stand there trying to hide my erection.
“He was jerking off in one of the lockers”
That’s Leah, captain of the squad.
“Oh my God!”
“What the fuck!”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Look! He still has a boss”
[Girls laughing]
Variious shades of hair color all pulled back in pony tails. They’re all wearing their uniform. White short sleeped compression tops with tiny black spandex yoga shorts; both articles two sizes too small for their extremely toned, nubile bodies.
“What’s that in your hand?”
So quick to pull up my shorts, I forgot I was holding a pair of panties.
She snatches them from me.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You are in so much trouble you little pervert”
“No, please… Wait…I-I I’m sorry… I’ll do anything…please don’t tell anyone.”
“Let’s make him write our papers for the rest of the semester”
“Let’s wrap him up with sports tape and leave him in the shower for the janitor to find”
“Let’s strip him naked and throw him outside the gym.”
A sadistic look of amusement lights up Leah’s face.
“What do you girls think, should we have some fun with this pervert?”
[Expressions of approval from the group]
Grabbing an elastic ace bandage from her bag, Leah moves behind me and quickly begins tying my wrists together.
“Open your mouth.”
She forces the panties into my mouth, and then suddenly yanks my gym shorts down to my ankles.
I was so nervous I didn’t even notice that I had lost my erection.
[Girls laughing]
“Oh my god.”
“He’s not wearing any underwear.”
“Look how small it is.”
“Isn’t that our score keeper.”
As part of the University’s community service requirement, I had signed up to be the home team score keeper for the girls’ varsity volleyball games. A rather simple responsibility with the added bonus of spending an hour and a half each week watching twelve beautiful young women display their physically fit bodies in supplement postures of athleticism; a visual smorgasbord of bouncing breasts and tight round
The team was supposed to be away today. A fact that led me to the error of decision making which has brought me to my current predicament./p>
I stand there humiliated; arms bound behind my back, panties in my mouth, gym shorts around my ankles, my shrunken limp penis hanging between my legs.
Leah bends down over my genitals, middle finger cocked in thumb, begins flicking the head of my penis repeatedly.
My body twitches with every snap of her finger, yet the sensing begins to re-awaken my arousal.
“Come on… What happens to your hard-on?”
Then with two fingers, she pinches my penis just below the head and starts to wiggle it up and down, looking up at her audience and speaking in a cartoon voice…
“Hello everybody, I’m Mr. Penis, wanna play with me?”
“Oh my god.”
“You are so demented.”
“That’s hysterical.”
“Look, that actual made it a little bigger.”
The feeling of her soft fingers on my limp penis causes a flutter in my groin as blood begins to pulse back into the shake.
“Ok, I got an idea, but we have to get him hard again.”
Abigail, the most aggressive of the squad on the court and most promiscuous off, steps forward.
Beach blonde hair pulled back tight, firm perky breasts, and an ass sculpted to perfection.
“I know what to do.”
As she approaches, she pushes me back against the lockers with the tips of her fingers and turn her back to me. Looking down I have a perfect view of spandex molded tightly over two firm, cantaloupe shaped flanks, fabric disappearing into the valley between.
She moves back pressing her soft round ass into my pelvis, gently wiggling her tail back and forth to straddle my limp cock deep between her tight cheeses. She then starts slowly grinding herself against me in a circular motion, up and down, side to side.
My cock immediately responds and begins to grow, contracting and pulsating…. Feeling the movement, she begins radically flexing her ass muscles to squeeze my hardening cock.
She then spreads her legs apart, bending forward at the wait, hands stretching down to the floor and begins rolling her hips up and down
I feel the warmth radiating from her cunt as my downward aimed shake begins to stiffen against the soft puffy flesh of her labia.
When she moves away, my partially engaged cock hangs down at an angle, now twice the girl and length.
“He’s almost there.”
“look how it’s twitching”
“Get on your knees.” Leah commands.
I knee at the end of the benchmark. She grips my semi-flaccid cock her hand with a slight tug…
“Scooch yourself forward.”
… And lays it out on the cold wood of the benchmark.
She removes her shoes and socks, lifts one foot onto the benchmark wrapping her toes snugly over the shake and begins jerking back and forth.
I let out a muffled groan through the panties.
Looking down on neatly pedicured toes, painted bright pink, curled around my cock; my eyes follow her smooth radiant skin up her leg, over her flexed calm muscle working her foot side to side, across a magnificently cut thigh, ending at a perfectly round spandex covered ass.
My cock hardens quickly and begins to throb under the pressure of her toes.
“It’s leaking cum”
“Ew, gross”
“I can’t un-see this.”
Heel planted on the benchmark, she raises the front of her foot a few inches, my Stiff erection follows upward under the toes. She then begins rapidly tapping her foot up and down, my flesh slapping on the benchmark.
“Girl, there is something wrong with you.”
“I can’t believe I’m watching this.”
“That’s fucking sick.”
Looking up at Leah, I notice for the first time two gumdrop shaped nipples perked up under the thin fabric of her top. She must be enjoying this.
She releases her foot and my fully erect cock springs upward, glistening at the tip.
“Ok, we’re going to play a little game. Each of us will take turns jerking him off for ten seconds. Whoever makes him cum, loses. The only rule is, you have to be touching it for a full ten seconds.”
“Oh my god.”
‘Are you for real.”
“But wait…we don’t want him to cum too quick.”
“Hold on, I have an idea. I saw it in a porn video on the internet.”
That’s Madison, … The brunette with the nice full rack.
She reaching into her bag and pulls out a white nylon knee high stocking.
“Let’s tie this around his balls. I guess it’s supposed to make it harder to ejaculate.”
She straddles the benchmark directly in front of me; legs spread open, the fabric of the shorts pinched in and formed to her labia.
“Get up.”
Standing up, my pulsating erection just below her chin, hovering a few inches over her two large breasts stretching out the material of her top. She pushes her chest up and slowly rotates her torso letting my cock gently slide over the silky fabric, across the twin curves of her chest, sending a shiverinto my groin.
She began to wrap the stocking tightly around the base of my scrotum and ties it in a taut square knot… then give my cock a quick slap, sending my erection bouncing side to side.
Leah moves behind me.
“I’ll get this game started.”
She presses her chest into my back, my right arm between her firm breasts, I feel her hard nipple just below My should blade. She reaches around grabbing my cock firmly in her hand and begins vigorously jerking me off.
Ten, nine, eight, …
My tests immediately contract upward against the tight nylon wrap. Looking up to see three sets of eyes staring wide with curious amazement; aroused and amused.
…. three, two, one. Stop.
“Ashley, … You should get some practice Before you go out with what’s-his-name this weekend.”
Ashley’s the quit one with cinnamon red hair.
She steps forward to take her turn. Using just the tips of her fingers, she begins to gently slide her hand slowly up and down the underside of the shake.
Ten, nine, eight….
The tickling sensing causing my erect cock to spasm involuntarily, bobbing up and down.
…three, two, one. Stop.
“That’s cheating.”
“You’re such a tease.”
“My hand was on it the whole ten seconds. That was the rule.”
“I’m next.”
Madison positions herself beside me, pushing her large soft breasts against my side, my arm snuggled deep into the warm cleavage. She grips the base of my cock firmly in her fist and squeezes tight, holding it there motionless.
Ten, nine, eight….
Her tight grip trapping the blood in the pulsating shaft, quickly turning red and begins throbbing intensely with lustful anticipation; pre-cum begins to ooze from the swollen head…
…three, two, one. Stop.
…Releasing her grasp leaves a pale hand print around my erection.
“You girls are such pussies. You act like you never gave a hand job before.”
Abigail reaches into a locker for hand lotion and squeezes some into her hand.
“Let me show you how a professional does the job.”
She cups her palm of over the tip of my erection and begins to twist and turn her hand swiftly over and around the inflamed head.
Ten, nine, eight, …
The sensitivity sends an explosion of pleasure down the shake and into my aching testicles; My head dizzy, knees begin to buckle.
… Six, five, four….
She slides her lubed hand down my cock and begins aggressively pumping up and down, over the head and back, fist pounding over my erection..
I’m about to explode.
…three, two, one. Stop.
“I think he’s gonna pass out”
“Look how much cum is leaking out”
“His ball are turning purple, I think we should notie them.”
“Not yet”
Leah steps up for her second go. A sadistic look of knowing a secret; that she will win by losing the game.
She unties the binding around my wrists.
“Bend over with your hands on the benchmark.”
Her voice now taking on the tone of an instructor.
Squeezing the lotion into her palm and working it into her hand as she moves behind me.
“Spread your legs.”
She squats down behind me.
She reaches between my legs grabbing my forward straining erection, pulling down and back against its will towards her, to an uncomfortable position pointed straight down between my thighs.
I push my hips up and bend in closer to save the strain.
“Now you little pervert… you will not cum until I give you permission. Do you understand?”
She begins slowly sliding her hand down my cock, releasing upward and pulling down again in a rhythmic cycle.
Ten, nine, eight….
Milking my cock up and down, squeezing the shaft on the descent. My aching tests contracted tight against the knot.
…seven, six, five, …
She increases the pace, twisting her hand with every stroke.
…four, three, two…
“Oh fuck!”
She suddenly stops, gripping firmly around the base as the first exploration of cum shots down into my shorts. Fist grasped tight, motionless; rope after rope pumping from the head, her hand compressing in rhythm with the throbbing shake
As the spasms begin to diminish, she squeezes her clenched fist down the length of the shake, coming to rest with her hand wrapped snuggly around the highly sensitive head of my twitching cock.
My entire body shutters as the very last loads of cum pulsate into her warm palm; a thick stalactite of milky semen forming at the bottom of her fist.
“That was fucking incredible”
“Did you see how much cum he had?”
“I’m gonna go take a shower.”
Leah wipes the cum off her hand on to my gym shorts and give me a quick hard slap on the ass as she rises.
Madison says…
“You can keep the stocking… and my panties.”
As they walk away, I hear one of them say…
“You know when you’re a senior, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the cock. You can do anything.”
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