Yes Miss Murphy Ch. 05

When I finished my chores, I quietly slipped into the living room to stand in the spot Mandy and Katherine had shown me earlier. I was still wearing the apron, and had the ball gag in place. The women were both stark naked, in the middle of their 2-girl webcam show. When Mandy saw me, she told the guys she’d be right back. She slipped around behind the cameras, took my apron off of me, and gently backed me up Against a wooden vertical beam. She picked up some handscuffs from a little table near, and cuffed my wrists behind the beam. My dick continued to twitch, and poke the empty air as I savored her glorious nakedness, and feel her hair brush my shoulder.

Then she returned to the little table, and bent over at the waist to pick up something else. I stared down at her magnificent ass as she did so. She returned with a collar, and a very long length of nylon cord. She put the collar around my neck and fastened it so that the little ring on it was in back. Then she threaded thecord through the ring, around the post, and also tossed the rope into the air above me, so that it went over a horizontal beam. She tied the rope to itself in such a way that it kept the back of my head against the post, and also prevented me from sliding down.

Thusly she immobilized me so that the most I could do do would be to jump up and down in place. Or I could have kicked my feet about, but not without choking myself in the process. But the only sensible thing to do was to just stand in that spot.

She returned to the little table again, and picked up a piece of metal of some kind. I had no idea what it was. When she returned, I tried to get a closer look. It seemed like a tiny single handcuff. She placed it up to my crotch, and I began to get nervous, suspecting she was rigging up some additional bond involving my genitals. She placed the cuff-like contraction behind my balls, and around them, hooking it to itself on top. I looked down and saw a metal piece protruding from the front.

Next she went to the little table and got a curved metal tube. When she returned with that, she held it in one hand while she flicked at my balls with the finger of the other hand. I grunted and winced; she glared at me to remind me to make no sound. I tried dancing about to escape the blows from her flicking finger, to no avail. It hurt!

I was teary-eyed and gasping for breath when she finally stopped, and soon I realized the purpose of her ball-flicking torture. I felt her slip the curved metal tube over my now-soft dick. At the top of the tube was a piece that hooked on to the other little piece protruding from the “ball cuff”. Aha, I realized. These two pieces constitute one fiendish contraption, intended to keep my dick from becoming erect without considerable disappoint. I sniveled when I realized that when Mandy (or “SexyCallie”) returned to do the webcam show with “PussyKat”, all of the action would be live right in front of me, and I’d have to stand against this post, watching it and groaning in painful frustration, not even permitted to enjoy a full bonder.

As if that realization wasn’t bad enough, imagine my horror when Mandy made one last trip to the little table, and came back with a padlock! The lock went through a hole where the “ball cuff” and tube attached, keeping them linked together. Furthermore, the padlock had a key (of course), which Mandy turned and removed. She held the key up to my face and smiled, savoring my wide, and frightened, eyes.

For the next hour, I stood against a post in Katherine Mullens’ living room, gagged, and outfitted with this infernal “dick tube”, as I watched the sexiest girl-on-girl porn (live, even!) I had ever seen. SexyCallie and PussyKat responded to all kinds of requests from viewers who tipped them site tokens. Whatever viewers wanted to see them do, they did. In addition, they told the guys that when the total number of tips reached a certain amount, SexyCallie was going to introduce PussyKat to a “toy” PussyKat hadn’t seen before, something called a “hitachi”, and SexyCallie was going to make PussyKat cum.

My dick continued twitching for all it was worth, but the tube kept it pointing down painfully, torturing me with every twitch. The tube was hollow, so eventually the head of my dick poked out the other end. This made the pain worse, because at that point, every twitch would cause the edge of my head (just where it meets the shake) to rise up and rub against the end of the tube. I leaked precum all over the floor in front of me, forming a little puddle of “helpless slave juice” over time.

The “hitachi” was a toy I’d never seen before, either. It was an electric device consisting of a plastic rod about a foot long, at the end of which was a marshmallow-looking thing that appeared to be made of rubber. A switch on the side of the rod made the end vibrate. When Mandy applied the device to Katherine’s pussy, the effect seemed to be intenselypleasurable for her. My eyes were like saucers when she made Katherine cum, as Katherine squirted all over the plastic sheet in the middle of the living room. I had seen women do this in porn but had never witnessed something like this in person, and, despite having licked Katherine’s pussy many times, had never known her to squirt.

When the show was over, the girls spent a few more minutes chatting with the guys, and then SexyCallie announced she was signing off. Once they shut down, Mandy asked Katherine, “So did you like what the hitachi does?”

“Oh my god, I LLLLOOOVED it!” Katherine replied.

“Well… you haven’t actually seen everything it can do. You’re about to find out what else it’s good for.”

“Oh my god, I don’t know if I can handle more, haha.”

“Well, shall we take care of Davey over there?”

“Take care of him? What do you mean? Looks like you already took care of him just fine. Wanna go to bed? Hahahaha!”

“Haha. Well, I doubt his sleeping arrangements will be that much more comfortable, but let’s take care of emptying his balls. He did pay for it.”

“Ecch. Do we have to? Hahaha.”

I was relieved that Mandy was indeed intent on “emptying my balls” that night instead of waiting until morning. I wasn’t looking forward to the inevitable “cum cleaning” that would follow, but at least I would get release, and get this awful metal tube off of my dick.

Mandy asked Katherine, “Did you want to inspect slaveboy’s work and make sure he did all his chores to your satisfaction?” Katherine answered that she did, and headed towards the rear of the house to have a look in the basement, and in the bathrooms. While she was gone, Mandy unplugged the hitachi, and then carried it in her hand as she walked towards the post where I was restrained. She found an outlet Behind me, and plugged it back in, though I did not know then what she needed it for.

She then went back to the middle of the living room and fiddled withone of her tripod-and-webcam assemblies, and her laptop. She seemed to be checking something on the computer; I assumed it had to do with the tips they made that night camming together. When she was satisfied, she returned to where I stood bound to the post. Katherine came in from the kitchen with a small cup, and also holding the thousands dollars in cash I had brought hours earlier.

Mandy said, “Well… Our little slaveboy here has not been allowed to cum in about seven weeks. So tonight we’re going to empty his balls for him. But why should we care whether or not his balls get emptied, PussyKat?”

Katherine replied, “Well, SexyCallie, he did pay us a thousand dollars to be allowed some relief for his pent-up balls.”

“Did he??”

“Yes, he did. Here is your 500, SexyCallie.” With that, she handed half of the stack to Mandy.

I wondered the meaning of this little show they were putting on in front of me. Obviously I knew I had paid them, and so did they. What was the point of pretending to see the money for the first time, and splitting it again? And why were they still using their cam names? If what Mandy had said was true, that the site did not allow men to appear on cam, then they could’t still be broadcasting to the site. And also, what was the purpose of the small cup Katherine stood holding?

“Yep,” said Mandy, as she stood counting the bills. “500 dollars. It’s all here. I suppose we can empty his balls then. Did you notice this lovely device on his dick?”

“Yes, I did, SexyCallie, what is that?”

“That is a chatity tube. Notice how it keeps his dick pointed down, so when he tries to get an erection… say, when I do something like this…” At that point she stood in front of me, with her back to me, and began sliding herself up and down against me. Then she bent forward at the waist and backed her gorgeous, sumptuous ass into my crotch. “… it is quite painful for him, hahaha. But notice how, because of his horniness, he has drooled his little slave juice onto the floor below.”

“Ugh. That is disgusting. Drooling onto our floor like that. I really don’t know if he should be allowed to empty his balls even if he did pay us 500 dollars each.”

Mandy shrugged. “Well… it doesn’t really matter to me. What do I care if this little slaveboy gets any pleasure? His purpose is to serve me and Follow all of my orders, isn’t that right, slaveboy?”

I nodded, albeit it with very worried face, wondering if they would indeed deny my balls relieve.

“His life is not about pleasure,” Mandy continued. “It’s about loving me, his goddess, worshiping me, and obeying my every command, no matter the price. Isn’t that right, slaveboy?”

Again, I nodded. But I didn’t like where this was going.

“However… He *has* was a very obedient little bitch tonight, spending several hours tonight doing chores here at your house, has he not, PussyKat?”

“Yes, he has.”

“And were the chores completed to your satisfaction?”

“He seems to have done a good job, yes.”

Mandy addressed me: “So you paid us each 500 dollars, and you spend the evening doing chores for my friend, because you want to empty your poooor width aching balls from the cum that’s been building up in them for seven weeks… Isn’t that right, slaveboy?” I nodded. “But your pleasure is much less important than my happiness, isn’t *that* right, slaveboy?”

I whimpered… but I nodded in the affordable.

“Because you love me and worship me, isn’t that correct?” I nodded again. “So do you agree that next time I allow you to empty your balls, you will pay a thousand dollars to me, and also a thousand dollars to PussyKat?” I sniveled, but nodded that I would.

“Well, then… PussyKat and I are going to empty your balls, but starting now, until I tell you to stop, I want you to repeat, ‘You are my goddess. I love you and worship you, and will serve you forever, no matter the cost.’”

I started chanting the required mantra, though it was muffled and unintelligible due to the ball gag still in my mouth. “Now,” said Mandy, addressing Katherine, “I want to show you what else the hitachi can do besides give a woman pleasure. If you will, PussyKat, just hold that cup right here, below the end of his dick, which we can see peeking out from the end of this chatity tube, haha.”

With that, Mandy walked around behind me to retrieve the hitachi. She switched it on, and came back to stand in front of me, but to the side opposite Katherine. She brought the hitachi up along the vertical post, between my thighs, up below my balls, and finally touched the vibrating end to my balls. I was still chanting, “You are my goddess. I love you and worship you, and will serve you forever, no matter the cost.” My voice rose a little as the vibrating wand worked its magic on my balls. My dick was fully hard but painfully restricted by the unyielding metal tube. Every twitch was torure, but the vibrating device seemed to keep me at full arousal.

Katherine realized what would happen before I did. She asked Mandy, “You mean to say that even with that contraction on his dick, that hitachi will make him cum, into this cup?”

“Yes!” was Mandy’s cheerful reply. “After all, slaveboys like this don’t deserve pleasure orgasms. It doesn’t give *us* any pleasure to empty his balls, so why should it give *him* any??” At that, they both laughed.

I winced and grunted as I felt an orgasm building, but tried to concentrate on continuing to mumble Goddess Miss Murphy’s mantra into the ball gag. “Now keep repeating what I told you, slave,” warned Mandy. “Even once you start to squirt your little goo into this cup, I want you to keep saying, ‘You are my goddess. I love you and worship you, and will serve you forever, no matter the cost.’ Remember, no matter what happens, don’t stop saying that until I tell you to stop.”

I could feel that I was almost tothe point of no return. The first spasm of my ejaculation was seconds away. Then when it hit, I could not moan or grunt as I normally would, but had to keep mumbling the mantra. That fact, combined with the chatity tube keeping my dick painfully pointed downward, made the “orgasm” painful and frustrating, not pleasant. This was even worse than Mandy’s previous torture of letting go of my (unrestrained) dick the moment it started squirting.

When I was done, Mandy said, “There, you see, PussyKat? His balls are empty now, and we didn’t even have to unlock his chatity tube to take care of this little chore. Of course, this little padlock here has a key, but as you can see, there isn’t really any need for me to keep track of that key, is there?”

“Hahaha, no, I guess there isn’t.”

“It’s not like this little slaveboy deserves to do any more with his dick than pee, does he?”

“Nope! Hahaha.”

“So,” Mandy shrugged. “I suppose if I should happen to lose that key,poor little slaveboy here would just be stuck in this thing forever, and this is the only way he’d ever be able to empty his poor, aching, frustrated balls.” They both laughed at the prospect, while I just continued chanting, declaring my love, and intention to serve Goddess Miss Murphy forever, no matter the cost. I stood mumbling into the ball gag, hands cuffed behind me and around the post, neck collared, with collar secured to the post by rope which also keep me in a standing position. I stood… awake in helpless awareness that I *meant* what I continued to chant… that despite having had not one satisfying orgasm in the last five months, despite having had had my dick imprisoned in a steel tube which Mandy was now threatening to keep on it forever, I was added to the cruel treatment Mandy and Katherine so enjoyed administratoring. My love for Goddess Miss Murphy, aka SexyCallie, was real. And she WAS my goddess. And I WOULD serve her forever… no matter the cost.

“Now, slave,” said Mandy. “I’m going to take this gag off of you. Don’t stop repeating what I told you to say. Now we’ll be able to hear it clearly. Not that that really matters, but we do need to get to your mouth, because you made a mess in PussyKat’s cup, with your disgusting goo. She doesn’t want that stuff in her cup, do you, PussyKat?”

“Ew, no,” Katherine grimaced.

“So we’re going to take your gag off, and you just keep saying what you’re saying, but also, since you know you’re not allowed to have your balls emptied without cleaning up your mess, drink down every drop of your cum.”

Mandy removed the gag, to hear “Goo are eye goss. Ah ngung goo ang gership you, and will serve you forever. You are my goddess. I love you and worship you, and will serve you forever…”

“OK, PussyKat,” she said, “Pour that filter down this little slaveboy’s throat.” Katherine did, and in between swallows, I continued chanting, but I also grimaced, and cought a bit, trying not to gag. As bad as licking up my own cum from a plastic tarp had been, this was worse, because all of the cum went into my mouth at once, overwhelming me with its salty slimness.

Both women laughed, and then Mandy said, “Keep chanting.” I did, and they walked off together, into the kitchen. I stood repeating the mantra a few more times, and then Mandy walked back into the living room with a bowl of water. She set it down Near her laptop, squatted on the floor to work at the keyboard momentarily, and then stood, with the bowl, and brought it to a spot on the floor near me. “OK,” she said. “You can stop. Thirsty?”

“Yes, Miss Murphy.”

She undid the rope which held my collar against the post, and then uncuffed my wrists. “You can have a drink of water,” she said.

“Thank you, Miss Murphy.” I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled to the bowl, and lapped from it.

“Hungry?” I nodded. “Katherine, do we have another bowl we could put some food in for our little slaveboy here? Perhaps you could just dump our leftovers from dinner into one?”

“Sure,” replied Katherine.

“OK, would you mind doing that while I take him to go potty? I’ll have to teach him his new way of peeing, you know, haha. No more standing at urinals for him, and I can guarantee he won’t miss your toilet bowl and splatter his piss on your bathroom floor, hahaha.”

I was so exhausted from what they had put me through that night (after spending a full day on tedious clerical work, no less) that it didn’t fully hit me what Mandy means. But once she fastened a lean to my collar, and led me crawling into the bathroom, I realized that with the chatity tube on my dick, I would have to sit down to pee. I also realized that Mandy was apparently serious when she had spoken of leaving the cursed contraction on me!

After allowing me to save myself, Mandy led me back to the living room, where a bowl of food had been placed beside the water. It contained salad, scraps of garlic bread, and cold lasagne, dumped together. I was indeed hungry, so I was grateful, but was only allowed to use my mouth, to eat it from the bowl like a dog. Mandy said I had ten minutes, and then we were all going to “bed”.

The ladies did sleep in actual beds (or a bed) that night, but my sleeping arrangements were different. Mandy throw the plastic tarp over Katherine’s living room sofa. She directed me to sit, naked on the plastic, and she affixed a spreader bar which held my ankles apart. She threaded nylon cord through the ring on the back of my collar, and tossed it over one of the horizontal beams above. The state of the bondage at this point would mean that if I tried to raise myself off the sofa, and stand, the cord would yank me back down to a sitting position.

Next she cuffed my wrists in front of me, and with another piece of cord, she tied the handscuffs to the bottom of a vertical post, about 15 feet in front of me. The result was to bring my hands into my lap,resting on my imprisoned dick. She left enough slackness in my arms that I could move my hands an inch or so in any direction, but there would be no way to raise my arms, even if I yanked upward repeatedly, trying to maneuver the other end of the rope up along the post. I assume she did this so that I could not bring my hands behind my neck in an attempt to untie the rope keeping me seated on the sofa.

Since Mandy said we were all going to “bed”, I knew that she must have intended for me to sleep in a sitting position, with virtually no range of movement, naked on the plastic atop Katherine’s sofa. The bondage would certainly ensure that. Preventing my escape may have been a secondary consideration, but that was entirely unnecessary, as I believed what Mandy had said earlier that night: I could not escape her… and by this point no longer wanted to.

Mandy then told me she was going to allow me to sit on the sofa and watch television until I fell asleep. She then hooked her computer up to the large flatscreen TV in Katherine’s living room. She told me she had captured SexyCallie and PussyKat’s entire webcam show, and would now play the video file, on repeat, so it would play on the big screen all night long. “Now,” she said, “say, ‘I love you and worship you, Goddess Miss Murphy.’”


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