Yearly Physical Ch. 04

He had to admit, he was nervous. His primary care physical, Dr. Park, had seduced him. And thanks to that dispatch, he had seen his yearly physical became a quarterly physical until his doctor gave up all pretense of the medical, and instead invited him to her house where he was regularly taken by her, with an array of strap-ons, extracting from him, an eruption of cum. It was rape for all intents and purposes; she did what she wanted with him. But the shining pearls of cum splattered across his stomach, were testimony to the power she had over him. How could it be rape when he dutifully showed up whenever she called, his erection betraying his desire for that which she took from him? If she had recognized submission in his makeup when he had first met her, she had cultivated it until, to serve a superior woman, or better yet to be taken and used by such a woman was his pre-eminent sexual desire.

As there relationship, such as it was, had intensified, she had arranged for him to be taken by others as well. He had been drilled by a skin specialist, Dr. Laurent, topped by a transsexual psychiatrist, Dr. Adams, forced to masturbate before a class of nursery students at their graduation party, after which strap-ons were handed out and a gang rapee ensured. In short, he had done it all.

But today was different. Mistress, for that was now all that he called her, had sent him to Agent Provocateur to acquire new lingerie for her. She had given him a sealed envelope with her size and requirements and instructed him to bring all that he had proved to their next planned assignment. No further directions were given, except that any questions asked by the sales staff, must be answered truly. Without further instructions forthcoming, he feared the consequences of deviating and so decided that he would explain the situation as best he could and hand over the sealed envelope. The less said the better.

And so he found himself standing before the entranceto the Agent Provocateur store. The windows displayed mannequins dressed in the merchandise of the store, causing his groin to swell even before he entered. He had chosen to arrive mid-afternoon, figuring lunch clientele if there were such, would have gone and with any luck, he might be the only customer in the store. As he entered, he saw that such was not the case. There was one customer, an older but very attractive woman having her purchases run up by one of two saleswomen. The one at the cash register was a stunning brunette, curvy in all the right places, filling out quite spectacularly, a sort of sales coat hurt over black lingerie. He had read that the salespersons sometimes exhibited the merchandise for customers so he imagined they had to wear something that covered but was quick to change in and out of.

In any case, apparently only seductive young ladies were hired as employees, the growing bulge in his pants attesting to the fact. The second saleswoman, like the first, was ravishing, a patrician looking blonde, tall and thin with incredibly perfect long legs, the same sales coat, and similar black lingerie. She came out from behind the counter to greet him.

“Can I help you, sir?” she asked, politely. All three turned to look at him, the older woman revealing under her overcoat, a tight black pencil skirt, sheer hose, and a cream colored silk blouse, the top two buttons unbuttoned, and a red bra peeking out, with her very large, slightly sagging breasts, pushing and straining outwards against it.

He gulped and swallowed nervously, his penis lurching in his pants, as he beheld the heroic trio on display before him. “I’ll uh, uh, I’ll just, uh, look around a moment.”

“Of course.” the blond replied smiling seductively (he didn’t think she could smile any other way). The older woman turned to the counter where the brunette handed her, her receipt. She turned to go, pausing before him.

“What exactly are you looking for?” she asked. His eyes bulged as she pushed her chest out at him. She chuckled quietly as his cock once again lurched forward, now pressing and bulging obscenely, outlined against his slacks. As he struggled for an answer, she reached out with her right hand to stroke his cheese. “Well…enjoy!” she whispered bringing her hand down and pinching his left nipple through the front of his shirt.

He squeaked and she laughed, openly now. How had she known so quickly what kind of man he was, and how he would inevitably respond? She exited laughing as the brunette and blonde approached him.

“Never mind her, she’s always like that. But she did ask what we were going to ask. What are you looking for, sir?”

“Just, just looking around.”

“Yes you said that. But what are you looking for?” said the blonde.

“Is there anything we could show you?” added the brunette.

He paused, soaking in the beauty of the two goddesses before him. Best get on with it, he thought to himself. Befor someone else comes in. He reached into his suit jacket, pulling the envelope from the pocket within.

“I’m, uh, picking up some things for… for someone.” He paused as they tittered slightly. “She gave me the sizes and everything… so uh, here.” he said, passing over the envelope.

The brunette took the envelope from him and the two crossed back to their sales counter. She found a letter opener and soon had the envelope slit open and extracted a single page from within, placing it on the counter before the two of them. As they leaned over to read, their luscious breasts were revealed even more openly and he shifted awkwardly, trying not to stare. He looked around at the various items of lingerie on the walls, racks, and tables making up the store – panties, stockings, garter belts, bras, bustiers, and corsets. His perusal was interrupted by stifled laughter. He turned to see the blonde looking at him, grinning ear to ear. She bent down to continue reading. The brunettehad finished first and studied him silently, as the blonde raced to catch up. The blonde coming to the end, looked up, exchanging looks with the brunette. They crossed to stand before him, still holding the page. He started to speak but was interrupted by the brunette, “This is for you.”

He didn’t understand, “I’m sorry?”

“She didn’t let you read this before she gave it to you, did she?” the brunette stated.

“What are you talking about?”

“Your mistress gave this to you, yes?”

Mistress, the cat was out of the bag now. This was what he had been afraid of. What had she written? How could he do as his Mistress had ordered, answering all questions truly without totally humiliating himself before complete strangers?

“Well?” the brunette demanded. She looked down to the page and read from it, obviously verbatim, “My toy will answer any questions you may have, you need only but ask him.” His face reddened at the description of him. And yet, his member was rock hard, precum beginning to see out.

“Just let him read it,” the blonde interrupted, snatching the paper from the clearly in charge brunette and thrusting it before him. He hesitated but took it from her outstretched hand and read –

To Whom It My Concern,

My toy requires new bed wear as I tire of being entertained, au nature. I trust your taste and selection for color and style Though I think a hot pink or red would suit him well. A bra, panty, and thigh high hose will serve my purpose.

Please no padded bra as his nipples are highly sensitive and I do so love playing with them. Also, I prefer crotchless panties, as I need his ass accessible to my strap-on which he simply adores. My toy will answer any questions you may have; you need only but ask him.

He couldn’t make himself look up from the page trembling in his hands. She had set him up on purpose. Red faced, his cheeks burning with shame, he couldn’t will himself to look into the eyes of the two goddesses standing before him. He almost felt tears of humiliation, singing in his eyes. And yet, his cock was even more engaged, if that were possible, and he himself now sensed the wet spot of precum staining his slacks.

The brunette, taking charge once again, interrupted him from his stasis.

“So…you would like to purchase a bra, cropless panties, and some thigh highs. Is that everything that you need?”

He remained immobile, still shamed to silence, not wanting to reply.

“Look at me!” Slowly he brought his face up, meeting her stern gaze and the blonde’s seductive shit eating grin. “She said all we have to do is ask you!”

True, his Mistress had so ordered him. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“…Yes, I want to buy…a bra…some…”

“Crotchless panties?” the blonde finished for him. “Because you like to get fucked up the ass?” the blonde grinned from ear to ear.


“Yes, because?”

He hesitated a second too long. “Answer her!” the blonette barked.

“Yes, because…because…because I like to be fucked.”

“Where?” the blonette continued.

“…In the ass. I like to be fucked in the ass.”

“Why do you like to take it up the ass?” the blonde asked.

“… Because…it feels good. It feels good. It…drives me crazy.”

The blonde barked a laugh and the brunette just looked at him. “He is a toy. Just a submissive little bitch.” The blonde laughed again.

“Do you cum?” she asked.

“Yes.” No hesitation now, he was broken. And humiliating or not, this obviously turned him on. Being used and raped by women made him cum like nothing else.

“Do you cum, just from getting fucked like a little bitch?” the blonde asked.

“Of course he does.” The brunette stated. “She means hands free. Without playing with yourself.”

The blonde cached with glee. “Is that true, Toy?”


Laughing once again, the blonde crossed past him to the door, locking it and placing the closed sign in the window. She closed the blinds on the window and turning back said, “Let’s get this party started!” The brunette laughed and reaching forward, ripped the page from his still outstretched hands.

“Strip,” ordered the brunette as the blonde joined in beside her. He hesitated just for a moment and the brunette reached out to him, pushing his suit coat outwards and gripping his nipples through his dress shirt. “Don’t be like that now.”

As she feathered his nipples, his eyes rolled back in his head. That did it. All resistance was gone now.

“Oh yes,” told the blonde separately as she watched. “You do like that don’t you?” The brunette started to unbutton his shirt and then simply pulled, popping the buttons, and ripping the shirt open. Pushing the shirt back, she began feathering and squeezing his now exposed and hardening nipples. He hissed and swwayed, almost stumbling backward before the blonde reached out to keep him from falling. “Oh yeah, baby,” she cooed as she watched the brunette perform her magic. “You’ve got the nipples of a teenage girl, don’t you?” He grunted and almost squealed as the brunette continued her ministers. The blonde reached down and felt his cock pressed against his slacks, the slacks now slimy with precum in an ever-growing spot. “Ummmm. Little girl wants it bad, don’t you baby?”

He collapsed to his knees with the Two goddesses, now fully in control, following him to the floor. Quickly they stripped off his clothes, his underwear a soggy mess of precum.

“Of course he’s wearing briefs. Little bitch like her panties,” the brunette laughed as she tossed them aside, pausing to admire his fully erect cock, pulsing to the rhythm of his heartbeat, glistening with precum. She stopped caressing his nipples, which started a desperate pleading from him.

“Please don’t stop, I’ll do anything…anything you want. Please!”

“I know you will bitch,” she said as studied him for a momentt. “I think we’ll need large for him, for both top and bottom,” she directed the blonde who scampered off, returning a moment later with a neon pink bra and panties.

“Get up Cinderella, time to get ready for the ball…ing!” declared the blonde gleefully. They both shrieked with laughter as they pulled him up to standing and placing him before a large floor length mirror. Guiding his outstretched arms through the straps, they got the bra onto him.

“Pants,” the brunette called out. The blonde held the pair she had selected before him, demonstrating with her hands that they were indeed, crotchless.

“Just what the Mistress ordered,” she declared handing them over to the brunette. The brunette got behind him and helped him into the panties, pulling them up his legs.

The blonde raced away again as the brunette reached around pushing her hands up under the bra, feathering his nipples once again. He gasped and leaned back into her, almost crooning as she massed hisnipples. She watched in the mirror as a long string of precum dripped from his cock to the ground.

The blonde raced back, “Don’t forget the pantyhose!” She ripped open a package and between the two of them, each doing a leg, they got matching pink neon thigh highs onto him. He was complete, the blonde smiling at him in the mirror as his cock continued to leak cum. The brunette feathered his nipples once last time and withdraw her hands.

“Please…” he moaned again.

“No baby, no. Stand and look pretty for me,” the brunette commanded. “There are other things…” she trailed off. She grasped his cock, and with one stroke, wiped precum from it and smelled it onto her index finger. She smiled at him in the mirror. He saw her hand descend behind his back and then felt her reach through the gap in the cropless panties and between his Cheeks. Her index finger wriggled forward and found his sweet spot. Slowly she inched her finger inward as he grunted in some little pain. “Just relax baby,” she cooed as she nibbled and sucked at his ear, all the while worming her finger deeper. As she found bottom, he grunted. “All the way in honey, just enjoy the ride…” Slowly she withdraw her finger and then slowly pushed inward once again. Backwards and forwards, she saw. As she slowly picked up the pace, she saw his toes curl in the mirror and felt him lifting up on tippy-toe and thrusting his ass back into her finger.

The blonde observing the same declared, “Baby does like it up the ass. It’s so good isn’t it baby?” She walked behind him and the brunette moved to her right to accommodate her. With the brunette to the right picking up the pace of her finger fucking, the blonde at the left reached under and around the brunette and for the first time, she too, feathered his nipples. The reaction was immediate. He squealed in delight and the brunette adding a second finger, bored into his ass. Between the thrusting and the excite nipple torture, he squealedand squealed helpfully, bucking back and forth between the two sweet sensings until his cock erupted, shooting out great strings of cum to fling outwards, falling onto the mirror. The orgasmic torture went on for ten, fifteen, twenty seconds until he was spent and the last of his cum dribbled forth from his draining but still engaged cock. One final thrust of three fingers deep from the brunette propelled one more great shot of cum to spread against the mirror and then he was done. He fell in a heap on the floor, his body wrapped by greats sobs of heavy breathing. Slowly he recovered, looking up into the mirror at the two goddesses behind him, his eyes glistening with tears of joy and pleasure.

“Thank you. Thank you.” He gasped, his chest heaving. “Thank you so much.”

“Anytime,” replied the blonde. He turned to the brunette and silently mouthed, “Thank you.” once again.

“You’re a good bitch.” she said.


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