Yearly Physical Ch. 03

The end of the day and another doctor’s office and here I am, waiting for the arrival of another doctor. A monumentally stacked receptionist who I normally would have paid more attention to had ushered me in. But having been referred by my dermatologist, Dr. Laurent, who in turn had been referred by my primary care physical, Dr. Park, I was sure that Dr. Adams, whomever she was, would be another sexpot, Just like Dr. Park and Dr. Laurent. It was obvious that as long as Dr. Park was my primary care physicist, I would never encounter a male doctor again.

And so I sat, reclining on a couch (not really a couch — what do they call those things — a chain locke) for I was in a psychiatrist’s office. Dr. Laurent had suggested I see a psychiatrist for, “…certain feminine proclivities.” I didn’t really think that was fair. Yes, I was incredibly turned on by grogeous women in charge taking advantage of me but who wouldn’t be? I hadn’t gotten to actually fuck either Dr. Park or Dr.Laurent though I’d jacked off often enough thinking about it, but I’d take what I could get. I realize maybe not every guy would submit to what I’d taken but an orgasm is an orgasm, and one provided by a beautiful woman was infinitely better than my right hand.

These thoughts were going through my head as the door opened revealing Dr. Adams, just what the doctor ordered. She wasn’t as stacked on top as Dr. Park and Dr. Laurent, but she had enough from what I could see under her tightly buttoned blouse. What she was tall, with legs for miles and an ass to die for, sheathed in a pencil skirt and sheer hose and heels. Yes another stunner, studying me as she peered over small wire frame glasses as she sat down in an Aeron chair before me, holding a clipboard in her lap.

“I’m Dr. Adams and I appreciate your coming to see me,” she said in a low smooth semiconductor voice. “I hope that I can be of help to you.”

Looking at her I know that of course she could and once again,I was putty in the doctor’s hands. “I’m not really sure how to start.” I began hesitantly, distracted by the swish of her stockings as she crossed her legs. Were those hold ups or was there a garter belt? “I’ve never seen a psychiatrist before and don’t think I really need one. I get along fine with my parents, I’m happy in my work and with my friends. I don’t really have any complaints.”

“Well that’s all good, I’m glad to hear it,” she continued. “I will say I notice no mention of a relationship. Perhaps that explains the…” she glanced at her clipboard, “feminine proclivities’ Dr. Laurent mentioned to me in her referral?” she said looking up.

“Um, it’s true, I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment but…”

“So it is a girlfriend?” she cut me off. “Not a boyfriend?” she said studying me.

“What? No, not a boyfriend.”

She chuckled. “I didn’t really think so. But I have to ask of course.”

“Just dotting i’s and crossing t’s?”

She laughed again asshe made a check on the paperwork on her clipboard. “You’ve spent too much time studying my legs for me to think you’re gay.” I blushed. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

I mumbled, embarrassed, “I couldn’t help myself.”

She smiled but shook her head; “I mean there’s nothing wrong with being gay if that’s what gives you pleasure. I’m sure you agree?”

“Um, sure, sure. I’m not gonna judge someone else for what they’re into.”

“Yes, exactly my point! Who are we to judge as long as no one is being hurt? Or underage, or nonconsensual, of course.” She leaned forward as she spoke and now the buttons so tantalizingly unbuttoned on her blouse distracted me. My eyes shifted upwards and downward as she smiled, busted again. “But what about you, yes?” she asked. “How does this apply to you?”

“Um, yeah. I’m still not sure why I’m here…” I mumbled.

She shifted her chair closer and leaned in further. “You have a fetish,” she stated.

“Uh, I don’t kNow about that.”

“Come, come,” she went on. “I’m a psychiatrist and I think I know my job, don’t you?”

“Well yeah, I wasn’t questioning your ability or anything…”

“Do you know the clinical definition of the word, fetish?”

“No, no. I guess not. Something you’re fixed on or something.”

“Yes indeed. Something you fixate on. ” She leaned forward and stuck her left leg out, running her hands up her leg as my eyes following her hands upwards. “Men, fixate on legs.” she said. “Or…breasts” she continued, cupping her breasts through her blouse. “This is quite normal in the average male. Any women with an ounce of intelligence can use this to her advantage.” she smiled.

God she was beautiful and she was right. She made it seems effortless as my breath shortened and I feel my cock shifting in my khakis. “Uhh…” I didn’t know what to say.

She straightened up and leaned forward again, placing her hands on my knees. “A fetish is a fixation that is outof the ordinary; a sexual desire in which gravity is linked to an absolute degree to a particular item of clothing or part of the body.” She smiled. “And so we come to you.”

“I like sexy clothes and tits, I mean breasts as much as the next guy, but…”

“Please, there is no one here but us. We have doctor patient confidentiality. “

“Yes I know, but…”

“Enough. ” she said firmly. “Remember I have spoken with Dr. Park and Dr. Laurent and I know just what they did to you and how you responded.” I shifted nervously. “I am in charge here. And I know exactly how to control you and make you respond.” She lifted her hands from my knees and reaching up, pinched my nipples through my shirt. “Because of your fetish.” Oh God. She feathered her fingers back and forth across my nipples. I let out a moan and she smiled, looking down at my pants where my cock was now beginning to tent. “So easy. So, so easy. They said you were a little bitch. It’s almost Pavlovian.” She laughed, pulling her glasses from her face and setting them aside as she reached upwards and begin to unbutton my shirt. I panted as she unbuttoned down to my waist and then, pulling my shirt apart, renewed her feathering so exhaustively on my now bare nipples. “I’ve never seen a little girl respond so fast.”

She grinned as she continued to play, my nipples stiffening into hardened nubs. I panted and moaned in ecstasy, yet embarrassed at her taunting. But it was true. I was responding like a dog in heat. “You know what they would call you in the gay community?” she asked as she watched my cock harden and snake down the leg of my khakis.

“I’m not gay.” I managed to croak out as she continued her torture.

“They would call you a nipple pig. There are gay men who have your fetish. They can cum Just from having their nipples played with. I bet you will too if I don’t stop.” She glanced down at my khakis and saw a small-darkened spot on my leg. “Pre-cum already? You are a nipple pig.” She laughed and abruptly sat back and I groaned with frustration as she stopped her feathering.

I was embarrassed but at this point I was possessed and would do anything for her to continue her sweet torture. “Please…” I grunted. My cock twitched in my pants and the darkened spot of pre-cum expanded. “Please…”

“They told me you would do anything as long as I played with your nipples and they were oh so right.” She told. She leaned forward and undo did my belt and then, staring into my panting, face she slowly eased my zipper down and shifted my khakis down leaving a trail of pre-cum glistening on my leg as I raised off the chain locke to help her. With my pants at my knees, my cock throbbed through the clothes of my pre-cum soaked underwear. “Please…” I begged again as my unbidden fingers feathered my nipples of their own voltage. “Please…” I croaked.

“You’ll do anything for me now, won’t you? And you know what’s coming next. My friends have carved a new fetish into your fevered brain and I’m going to brand it there.”

She stood up and reaching behind her, unzipped her pencil skirt. With her hands at her side she looked into my eyes as she increasingly slowly lowered the skirt. As the front of the skirt caught at her crotch, I knew from my previous doctor’s visits what was about to be revealed. But I was so, so wrong. As the skirt fell to the floor, revealed before me was a diaphanous black thong. And through the gossamer thin silk I saw a hardened cock, just like my own, tucked between her legs. I gasped in surprise, my hands falling to me sides as she grinned triumphantly.

“No fake substitutes today. Today you get the real thing.” She pouted seized strictly as she lowered the thong and her cock sprang forward and out, jutting long and hard before her. “You like it baby?” She pushed her chair back and walked forward seductively, on those long thigh-high encased legs as her cock bobbed back and forth in rhythmm with her swinging hips. “You ready for me?”

I gulped as she swung her leg over and straddled the chain locke before me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her cock as she undid my shoes and socks and stripped off my pants and underwear. She quickly unbuttoned her blouse and throw it behind her revealing a well filled black lace bra, her nipples prominent beneath. She scooched forward and oh so thankfully, begin to feather my nipples once again. My cock lurched upwards as her fingertips did their magic. “Yes baby, I’m here.” I groaned as pre-cum once again dribbled outwards. “You would do anything for this wouldn’t you?”

“Oh God, yes.”

She smiled. “That’s my pet,” she whispered as she stood up. “My good little girl.” she cooed as she continued her nipple play as she leaned over beside me.

“Yes. Yes.” She could call me anything she wanted. I was enthralled.

She smiled and pulled away from my nipples. “Suck my cock,” she commanded.

“No, no. I’m not gay.”

“But youlove being fucked in your ass pussy. Your doctors told me. Suck my cock, baby.”

“I don’t…”

“There’s a first time for everything. Don’t you want this?” she whispered as she once again feathered my nipples.”

“God yes, yes.”

“Don’t you want to be fucked? I heard how much you cum when your ass pussy gets fucked.” I was almost hyperventilating as I looked up at her and her hard cock looming over me. “Don’t you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes, yes, please, please…”

“I need you to lube me up…so I can slide deep into your ass pussy. Suck my cock.”

“I’ve never…”

“Suck my cock!” she commanded as she grasped and twisted hard on my nipples. My jaw fell open as she dropped her knees to the chain lounge and thrust Her cock into my mouth, gagging me. She thrust deep as she grabbed my hair and slid in and out. I cought, choking as she continued her assault. I was gagging and rolled my mouth around her length, trying to control her thrusting movement and stop her from choking me. Before I knew it, without trying, we were in a rhythm and I could feel her cock growing even larger and harder in my mouth.

“You’re so good, baby. My good little girl.” She continued her assault on her mouth but at the same time resumed feathering my nipples. My eyes rolled back in my head and I sucked with abandon. I was a Pavlovian dog in heat, she was right. Anyone could have me if they only knew my secrets.

“Uuhhh. Oooohh.” She hummed, almost singing as she sawed back and forth and I sucked and sucked. When I tasted her pre-cum in my mouth, I mentally prepared myself for the unwanted deluge but she abruptly pulled out and stood over me, her cock glistening with a combination of my saliva and her pre-cum. She smiled as she looked down upon me. “And now I’m going to take you and make this your favorite fetish of all.”

Once again she straddled the couch and reaching out, spread my legs apart, her cock inches from my ass. She swirled afingerprinter seizely in her mouth and then reached down and fingered my pumpered hole, pushing inward. It felt incredible and without even thinking I pushed down upon her finger until it was all inside. She laughed as she pushed back and forth. “Such a little bitch whore, aren’t you?” A second finger joined the first and she continued fingerprinting me, in and out. I sawed, in ecstasy, precum continuing to drip from my aching cock. She chuckled. “My oh so ready, little girl.” She said as she pulled her fingers out, grasped my cock for the first time, knocking the wind out of me in a rush and then, smearing the pre-cum from my cock onto her cock, she spread my legs and pushed into my gaping anus.

She was bigger than the straw-ons Dr. Park and Dr. Laurent had used, and I grimaced in some pain as the head of her cock pierced my hole. As I winced in pain, her hands flew to my chest and once again feathered my nipples, cooing as her cock pushed inwards. “It’s ok baby, just take it. Take itand the pain will go away and you’ll cum like you’ve never cum before.” She smiled and stared down into my face as she slowly slide in. The nipple play was doing the trick and with a final push, she was in to the hilt and she lowered her face to mine and kissed me, her tongue swirling around mine. “You ready for the ride of your life?” she whispered as she leaned back and still feathering my nipples, slide her cock out and then in Once again, slowly at first and then picking up the pace.

As her pace increased, the pain peeled away and the friction on my prostate and the fingering of her fingers on my nipples had me in heaven. I grunted as she saw in and out and then as she pounded harder, the grunts turned into girl-like squeals. I was embarrassed but couldn’t stop myself. My squeals increased in pace and volume with her pounding. “You love my cock don’t you baby? My sweet little girl.”

Her last words caught at me and for a moment our eyes locked as I realized what I was becoming. It was true what she had said. The feeling in my ass pussy, for that is what it now was, was branding this fetish into my brain, just as she had said she would. We exchanged a look, an understanding, and then she pulled back, almost all the way out, and pounded into me, even harder than before. My eyes rolled back in my head and I was simply caught in the rhythm and the heat of my desire. I could feel the cum churning in my balls, readying to exploit.

And then suddenly, it stopped. I opened my eyes and looked up to see her poised above me, her panted breathing as heavy as mine. Her cock was throbbing in rhythm with her breaths as she smiled triumphantly down at me.

“What…what’s wrong?” I croaked.

“Tell me what you want.”

“What, what…please…”

“Tell me, baby.”

“Please don’t stop!”

“Please what?”

“Please, please…”

“Tell me what you want.” she commanded again. She inched closer, just enough that the tip of her cock was poised against my asshole. “Tell me!”

“Fuck Me!”



And she thrust in again- in and out, in and out. “My…good…little…bitch…” In and out, in and out. And now I saw her eyes roll back in her head and then she dropped down on to me, her cock buried to the hilt and I felt her cockhead spurt and spurt, deep into my ass. Jet after jet of hot seed spewed into me, sending me over the edge and I erupted too, my cock spurting, my cum pulsing out onto her stomach and mine. Back and forth we exchanged salvos — a shot of cum deep into my ass, another shot of cum wrestled from my spewing cock. Back and forth, until we were both completely spent.

Pushing herself up to her elbows, she smiled down at me. “Cum Together as John Lennon sang.” She bent down and kissed me once again. “My good little girl.” She pulled up and slide out from between my cheeses. And as she did, I felt her cum, leaking from my ass. “We can further discuss your, ‘feminine proclivities’ at your next session. Say same day and time, two weeks from now?”

“I…I’m not…” I didn’t know how to go on. Was I gay? Did it matter? Once she pushed my buttons I would do anything to cum. Was that so weird?

She reached out and stroked my cock which immediately began stirring to life. “Your cock doesn’t lie.” She chuckled, dipping a finger into the cum pooled upon my stomach and brought it to my mouth. I knew what was expected. I opened my mouth and tasted my own cum. She smiled triumphantly. “I’ll see you in two weeks, won’t I?” she said fondling my nipples once again, right back where we had begun.



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