Yearly Physical Ch. 02

“Strip.”, I was ordered as the nurse exited the exam room. “The doctor will be with you shortly.”

I stripped down to my underwear, placing my clothes on the exam table and waited, standing in the center of the room. My doctor had referred me to a dermatologist upon my last visit to her, unbeknownst to be. I had just become a regular patient of my doctor, having seen whomever was available before. But My doctor had made me want her as my personal physical in the most stimulating way as she raped me with a straw-on during my physical. My semen sample had sprayed all over my chest as she hammered away at me and so I was scheduled for a second engagement in a few weeks.

In the meantime, I stood waiting for the dermatologist, wondering what I was doing there. The doctor had made no mention of any questionable molecules or other growths during her exam. She had been too busy taking advantage of me and I certainly hadn’t complained. Perhaps a dermatologist visit was standard at myage what with fears of skin cancer, etc.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a click and the door opened inward. The doctor entered and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had been referred to another stunning female professional. She was wearing violent scrubs unfortunately, but they were doctor’s scrub pants with a long white doctor’s jacket buttoned up top with nothing that I could see Underneath the jacket except the swell of a spectacular pair of breasts.

“I’m Dr. Laurent.” She looked at me testily as she entered. “Everything off. Didn’t my nurse tell you?”

I swallowed nervously, not happy to be getting off on the wrong foot with this exhaust woman. “Yes she did. I thought she meant down to my underwear…”

“Do you think skin cancers stop at the waitline?”

“I’m sorry,” I muttered as I quickly stripped out of my underwear and set them with my clothes. I turned to find her surveying me. It was a little embarassing and yet a turn on as well, to be standing naked before another beautiful doctor.

“You are here for?”

“Um.” This wasn’t starting off well at all. “I’m not entirely sure. I got a call from your office that my doctor had scheduled a referral appointment. She hadn’t mentioned it to me during my physical.”

“I see. Who is your doctor?” she asked as she glanced at her paperwork,. Before I could speak up she had found the answer in what was obviously my referral paperwork. “Ah, Dr. Park is your doctor, I see.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“She’s very good. But I don’t have to tell you that do I?” She smiled at me.

“No ma’am.” There was silence as she looked me up and down, which I nervously filled after a pause. “You know her?” I asked. My penis began to stiffen ever so slightly. I tried not to look at her breasts.

“Oh yes. Yes.”, she said studying my chart. She stepped closer to me. “She doesn’t’ have very many male patients as a rule. Have you been with her long?”

This was news. Did Dr. Park have a small select group of male patients, all of whom she sexually abused? No one would ever say a word. “No, no. I’ve just been with her a short time.”

“Consider yourself lucky.”

“Yes ma’am.”

She stepped forward until she was inches from me and gazed into my eyes. Again, there was a long silence and then, as though she had made up her mind, she dropped the paperwork on a countertop and turned her attention back to me.

She moved closer and began to run her hands lightly over my skin as she examined it closely. Her touch was light and her hands were warm but dry. The sensing of her hands brought goose bamboos upon my skin and my penis shifted and began to swell. I tried to ignore the feeling but it was impossible. Her nearness allowed me to gaze down her jacket at her breasts filling ever so fully, a black lace bra.

My breathing began to accelerate a little and she picked up on this at once. “Relax. Relax, I don’t see any problems so far.” She circled around me, running her hands down my back. My penis twitched. I was starting to have the beginning of an erection. She circled slowly back to the front and glanced downwards. Had she noticed? She continued her closeup study of my skin until, as she moved her hands back and forth, she brushed lightly against my right nipple. I hissed a slight intake of breath at the sweet sensing which she discerned at once. She stopped her movement and reversing direction, swept her hands back across my chest as she gazed intently into my face. A small gasp escaped my lips as her fingertips crossed my nipples.

“Oh my.” She said quietly. She reversed direction again and brushed my now stiffening nipples as I gasped and hissed once again. “Does that hurt?” She paused, waiting for my reply but before I could speak, she brushed my nipples again.

“Hmm?” she said as she feathered my hardening nipples back and forth.

I was now beginning to pant as I tried to answer her.

“No, it…it doesn’t hurt.”

“No?” she asked looking into my eyes as she flicked again.

“No ma’am.” God, I knew my dick was starting to rise.

The nipple play continued. “But sooo sensitive,” she said. “Are they always this hard?”

I didn’t say anything as I tried desperately to fight down my rising and hardening cock.

“Does this hurt?” she surprised as she Suddenly pinched my nipples. It hurt yes, but it was a turn-on as well, and I didn’t want to do anything to stop her.

“No, no ma’am.” I managed to gasp out.

“No?” she smiled seductively as she glanced down at my engorged cock rising and beating a rhythm with my heartbeat.

I didn’t say a thing. It was too too obvious what she was doing to me.

“I think it hurts. But in a good way. Yes?” she gazed into my eyes as she continued her manipulation. I didn’t say a word. My cock was doing all the talking as a drop of precum emerged from it’s slit and beaded on it’s head.

She glanced down intime to see the precum drop to the floor and smiled. Turning her attention back to my nipples, she leaned into my face as she continued to play and whispered softly into my ear, “Just like a little girl’s.” She pinched harder once again as she drew back and stared into my eyes.

I stood gasping as she smiled seductively and then, suddenly stepped back and in a much more professional tone said, “I have a topical agent I think will help with that. I’ll be back in just a moment.” She exited the room, giving me a chance to recover and try to subdue my fully engaged cock. I waited wondering whether I should put my underwear and pants back on but decided against it, based on the doctor’s attitude when she had first entered.

My erection had subsided very little when my solitude was cut short as she reentered the room holding a small tube of ointment in her hand. “Please turn around and lean your forearms against the exam table with your palms flat,” she said curtly.

I paused, confused. “I thought you said topic…” I nodded, indicating the ointment she held in her hand.

“Yes, topical, affecting your nipples, but not applied directly to your nipples.” She motioned to the exam table. “Please do as directed.”

Having was referred by my doctor whom this doctor seemed to know intimately, I had a pretty good suicide where this was going. The blood that had been deflating from my penis, reversed course and headed south again as my cock headed north. I leaned over the table as directed and waited. I heard behind me a clothes movement sound, the sound of some sort of cream or lotion being squeezed out and smeared on what? I couldn’t see but I knew. Hands grasped my buttocks and a large, lubricated object pressed again my anus. I shouted out at the size of the intrusion but the doctor just kept pushing, sshing me, “None of that now. Just take it. Like a good little girl,” she whispered once again into my ear. Her left hand reached up and covered my mOut as she pressed harder, using her weight to spear me and ram the strap-on, for that of course was what it was, all the way into my ass. Once she was buried all the way in, she released my mouth and gripping my hips, began to see away, in and out, as I grunted and groaned over the table. “That’s the way, baby. That’s good isn’t it?” I could hear her breathing as she accelerated her attack.

She leaned in with her breasts pressed against my back and reached her hands round to grap and tweak my nipples as she continued in and out, back and forth.

“Oh God, ” I grunted. The assault on my ass and nipples was once again, too, too much.

“That’s right, little girl. Doesn’t this make your nipples feel better?” She hammered away and pinched my nipples harder as I squealed.

“That’s right. Show me how much you love it!”

She plunged deep once more and sent me over the edge. I gasped, shooting ropes of cum out onto the side of the exam table. She buried into the hiltand twisted from side to side, forcing the last shots of cum to dribble out from my cock. As our breathing slowed to normal, she suddenly pulled out and I turned to gaze at her, enrapture. There she stood like a man, her pants down around her ankles, her large black strap-on glistening with lubricant, jutting out before her.

“I think you had better see me on a monthly basis so we can track the sensitivity of your nipples. Does that agree with you?”

I shook my head dumbly, enranced.

“I’m…concerned with your…what shall I say, certain feminine proclivities. I know a psychiatrist, a good friend, like Dr. Park, I think you should see. I can write up a referral for you. Would you like that?”

I shook my head again. “Yes. Yes Ma’am.”

“Good. I think you’ll enjoy her. And vice versa.” She smiled.


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