Year One Pt. 03

October 2021

Tuesday October 12th

I’m in serious trouble with Angie. I was in town yesterday, heading back to the bus from my office. It was raining, so I took a short cut along one of the back streets. I didn’t notice the new signs that they’d put up. Some streets have been designed ‟accompanied males only” and some are ‟no males allowed”. There are even Some saying “locked males only” – some sponsors have started using locked chatity devices on their charges, with the Government’s encouragement, and they are seen as less of a risk, I guess (luckily Angie hasn’t thought of this – yet). It’s all part of the Council’s program to create safe areas for women in the town centre. Anyway, I didn’t see the signs. I’m sure they weren’t there in the morning. So, when the police whistle sounded and there were shouts of ‟Hey you!” I didn’t think it was anything to do with me. I just kept my head down and kept walking. Next thing is I’ve got two Male Control Force officers on my back and I’m pushed against the wall with a ‟Hey, dumb arse, are you deaf or something?”

It all ended up with me in handcuffs down at the police station while they contacted Angie, because her name is down as my sponsor on the Ident Card, of course. She managed to get me out. ‟According to your sponsor, you’re too stupid to be doing anything illegal. Piss off home and keep your eyes open next time,” they said when they throw me out.

Anyway, when I got back, she was waiting with her arms folded and a ‟you’d better have a good explanation for this” look on her face. After I told her about what happened, she said ‟I didn’t think I’d ever have to use this, but the other party members were right,” and pulled out a leather strap from a drawer.

I said something to the effect that she wasn’t going to use it on me, although I probably wasn’t that polite.

Turns out I was wrong. Things is, while Angie isn’t that tall, she’s quite fit.’s always performed and played sports. Somehow, she grabbed me, dragged me across her lap, and started laying into me with the belt. It may sound like I’m a wimp but I couldn’t get loose and it fucking well hurt. After half a dozen whacks, I was yelping like a kid and by the time she’d finished I was sobbing. She let go of me and I slid off her lap onto the floor.

‟Kiss my foot and apologise,” she barked and, when I protested, she kicked me and asked if I wanted another twenty strokes before she kicked me out and told me to go on the Government Sponsor scheme. That really scared me, so I gave in. After a while she seemed to relax. ‟It’s so much better when you do as you are told,” she said. ‟Now why don’t you make a nice cup of tea?”

Thursday October 14th

Lucy stopped by my desk in the office this afternoon. I find her turning up disrupting. She wanted some input on her new service portfolio, ‟Since I know you did a bit ofwork on this” — which didn’t really describe my efforts over the last 6 months. She perched on the corner of the desk. As she sat down, I realized that although her skirt was knee length it was slit right up one side. It just sort of fall away, showing her leg practically to her hip. I must have cought or grunted because Lucy said something like, ‟Oh, do try to keep your mind on the work, David.”

I mumbled through some statistics that I thought would help her and at least she seemed pleased with that. The trouble was that, as she left, she patted me on the shoulder and said, ‟Thank you so much. That really deserves a reward. I shall have to think of something.”

Nipped off to the gentles for a quick wank while I still had the image of her legs in my mind. It was only Afterwards I wondered if there were cameras in there. I’m guessing not – nobody has said anything. Still, I found myself thinking back to that Question Time in August. I’m sure I’ve heard someone saying that NewOrder plans to introduce ‟No Wanking” legislation, though I reckon that IS scare mongering.

Wednesday October 20th

They’ve changed the time of my bus in the mornings. I used to get the 7:30 bus but they’ve made it a “Women Only” service. Now I have to get a bus at 6:45 which gets me to work way too early. I didn’t get much sympathy in the office. ‟At least you’ll be in on time,” was all Lucy said.

It pissed me off this evening too, standing in the queue for the bus back and watching women push by to get on ‟Women Only” buses. Then, when I did get on a mixed bus, there were no seats. Well, the men are supposed to offer theirs up if a woman is standing. All part of the bloody ‟Respect Agenda”.

Friday October 22nd

I had a stupid problem today. I went to pay for my lunch with my credit card but the shop said it wasn’t accepted. I phoned them up and complained, but they pointed out that the card had passed its expiry date.

When I asked why they hadn’t sent me another one, they said they weren’t renewing cards for men unless they were on a joint account held with a woman, and because I was the only named cardholder, they wouldn’t be issuing a new one. Oh, and by the way, could I pay off my balance as quickly as possible, please.

I said that sounded a lot like discrimination. The woman in the Call Centre said, ‟So, sue me.”

I was sounding off about it to a couple of the guys in the office and they’ve had the same problem. It seems like I’ve missed something on the news. Apparently, New Order updated the discrimination legislation to allow companies to offer different financial products to men and women where they can show they have a different level of risk. Credit card companies say men that are sole-account holders are More likely to default, so they’re changing what they do. I called a couple of other companies and they all said the same thing. I’m going to have to talk to Angie about it, I suppose.

It reminded me about my discussion with Harry a while back and the whole ‟male-held assets” thing. It’s not that exactly but it could be heading down that track, I suppose. I haven’t heard from Harry since September, I wonder what he’s up to…

I’m a bit worried about keeping this journal.

I mean, I don’t know about any regulations saying you can’t keep one but you hear about so many things that are ‟subversive” or ‟dissident” that I wonder. The popular press don’t help. You get an aggressively pro-Government agenda from them. The big story this week is about Ident Card fraud.

Saturday October 23rd

Angie got another of those ‟DOSA” envelopes this morning. She said, ‟Hey, I’d better tell you about this, since it seems you can’t walk down the road without getting into trouble.” (I thought that was a bit unfair – there’s only been that one incident with the ‘No Males’ sign and that was a couple of weeks ago now). ‟Home Affairs are introducing a tariff for minor offences against Male Control Orders. You get caught doing something wrong you get so many points depending on what it is – you’d have got 3 points for walking down that road. The points go against your Ident Card and if you get 12 points it’s an instant prison sentence of six months.”

That’s certainly scary. It’s easy to see how you could clock up points quite quickly, looking at the list. I’m going to have to pay more attention to the regulations to stay out of trouble.

I spoke to Angie about the credit card problem. She said she wasn’t surprised. It was something she’d seen on a notice from DOSA, that they expected men would find it increasing difficult to get financial service products. DOSA suggests that where a sponsor is a joint account holder with the man, they provide a cash allowance or they get the bank to give them a cash card with a pre-set limit. Angie says that sounds like a lot of both but she’s prepared to give ita go.

Wednesday October 27th

Lucy made another pass at me this afternoon… She said she was sorry if we got off on the wrong foot earlier on in the year and couldn’t I see she could be a lot of help to me; said there was a limit, of course, with me being a man and all — or so the rumour was, ha ha – but she was sure she could help me get a higher grade than I’m on now. ‟Look, I’m not looking for anything deep,” she said.

Seems like she just really gets off on the idea of ​​us having sex in the office. Wouldn’t it be great if I was toguiling her off under her desk while she was on the phone to some customer, she suggested. I thought that sounded really risky, so she said well how about in the stores cupboard, or she’d smuggle me into the girl’s restroom (which sounded even more risk). Then she starts with a ‟Well, I guess these days you aren’t getting much that needs you to take your pants down, are you? I mean New Order is so down on prick-sex, aren’tThey? That’s not the sort of thing you’d normally be able to find, is it? Me, I’m more open minded. I don’t worry as long as I’m on top.”

She was right, of course. My cock hasn’t been involved in any sex with Angie since before the election and Lucy’s come-on was certainly waking it up.

Luckily though, I managed to regain some control. ‟Look,” I said, ‟I really appreciate this but, well it’s difficult for me with my live-in sponsor, and everything. I don’t think I can.”

Lucy frowned and said she understand. I don’t think that means she was planning to forget about it, though.

I don’t get why she is so keen on me. There are plenty of other blokes in the office. Some of them don’t even have sponsors, so you’d almost expect them to be angling for a bit of I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

Thursday October 28th

I really don’t know where this is going to end up.

I got home from work late tonight (all the usual problems waiting for a male-only bus and then I had to take a different route back home from the bus stop as there was what looked like a police raid going on at the bottom of our street) to find Lucy in the living room drinking wine with Angie.

I don’t think they had met before but they seemed to be getting on really well. I mean, the two of them were laughing and talking in a very animated way. I thought at first it was just the wine but then Angie turned around and gave me a stern look and said, ‟Ah, you’re back. There’s something that we need to talk to you about.”

I thought I was in the clear. After all, I’ve kept away from Lucy, apart from when we had to be together because of work and then I’ve tried to make sure there’s always someone else in the room.

‟Lucy tells me, she’s been trying to get you to have sex with her. You’ve been making it difficult.”

‟Of course, I’ve been making it difficult! I’m not interested in having a relationship with anyone apart from you.I was being faithful.”

‟See, I told you,” Lucy chipped in.

Angie was scowling. I couldn’t see why she was upset. ‟Firstly, I’m not sure we’re having a, what you call, ‘relationship’ – I think I’m your sponsor, full stop. Secondly, it is absolutely not down to you to decide what happens in situations like this. You can’t just make up your mind who you do and don’t have sex with.”

‟Typical MDDM,” Lucy again.

‟But surely you don’t want me to just … ‟

Angie surprised. ‟There’s quite a few alternatives to you deciding to have sex or you deciding not to have sex. I think, if you are faced with something that could affect your employment, you should consult your sponsor.”


‟You said yourself, Lucy was offering to help you with promotion. No doubt if you went on refusing, you’d suddenly find yourself out of a job completely.” (Lucy smiled) ‟Don’t you think I have an interest in that? You should have asked me.”

‟I should have asked you? CanI have sex with my boss because otherwise she’ll sack me?”

‟That’s right. The thing is, David, I don’t think you are very good at making decisions about things like this. It’s not your fault. It’s just the sort of thing the Party warns us about. You can’t help it that you were born a man, but we all know men don’t think these things through properly. It’s quite clear from talking to Lucy that it would be a very good idea if she could have use of you during the day on the occasions she feels the need. And why should I object? I’m your sponsor, not your wife!”

I just stood open mouthed until Angie said, ‟Don’t look so puzzled. I know it’s difficult;, that’s why you need to ask. Now, why don’t you run along to the kitchen and fetch another bottle for Lucy and me.”

Then, when I got back with the wine, the two of them were making out on the couch. They were too busy to notice that I’d come back in until Angie came up for air. ‟Great,” she said, ‟leave that and fuck off. I’m finding out what you’ve been missing out on.”

I’m not sure if this is going to make my life simpler or more complicated. Also, when Angie and I stop being in a relationship and start just being sponsor and, well, whatever?

Sunday 31st October

I was watching the news on TV this morning – Angie likes me to keep up with what’s happening with New Order as a way of staying out of trouble.

One item was on a celebration Halloween party that had added a New Order theme to the traditional witches, ghosts and ghosts. The women all seemed to have latched onto ‟leather bitch” as a style meme – it was quite disturbing to see a woman I had always thought of as a rather deepen newsreader wielding a whip that looked as though it would strip the hide off an elephant, much less the man she was with. All the men seemed to be in some form of bondage – some in females, some being led on a leash. More curious was one manbeing led around by a girl who had won one of the year’s TV talent shows. He had his head enclosed in a giant pumpkin. The commentator was speculating as to whether these sort of public displays of female dominance and male submission would become socially acceptable on a wide scale. It didn’t sound like they were disapproving of the idea.

I’m not sure. The girls all seemed to be enjoying themselves but the men either looked resigned or scared – not even resentful, which you might have expected.

Talking to Kev and Norm in the pub at lunch time (Angie had gone to a Party meeting, so I took the opportunity to slip out), Kev reckoned there had been some sort of demonstration outside that party but MCF officers had broken it up with batons and riot shields. Six in custody, three in hospital, according to Kev. There wasn’t any mention of that on the news. Norm said he’d heard that the highlight of the evening had been a display of whipping when the girls all cheered on a woman until she’d completely covered this man’s back in blood. I don’t know if I believe that – it’s so hard to work out what is real, what is being put out by the Government to maintain the status quo and what is made up by people with their own agendas who either think the Government is going too far or – more scary – not far enough.

While Kev was in the Gents, Norm asked me if Angie had got into any kinky stuff – as he called it – since New Order got in. I didn’t really want to talk about what we got up to but he just launched off into this description of how his girlfriend just seemed to bully him all the time and insisted on him taking a straw-on dildo up his arse whenever she wanted sex. He wanted to know if I thought there was anyone he could talk to about it with, because he didn’t it was right that she was forcing him to do that. I said I didn’t really know but if I heard of anything I’d let him know. I couldn’t see there would be any point going to the police. He had seemed pretty upset but he pulled it all back in as Kev came back. ‟Just between us,” he said to me.

‟Sure,” I said.

November 2021

Tuesday November 2nd

After what I saw yesterday on TV and the speculation about public displays of dominance and submission, I’ve decided to add stuff here when I see things that would have been out of the ordinary before. I’m not saying they are right or wrong you understand, just that it’s stuff you wouldn’t have seen before.

Today I was queuing for a paper and there was a woman in the shop looking at some magazines. She had a man with her. At one point she fished a tissue out of her handbag, handed it to the man and pointed at her shoe. He got down on his knees and Wiped away a few spots of mud. When he got back up, she put her hand out for the tissue and when he gave it her, she pushed it into his mouth.

What had he done to deserve that, I wondered. He didn’t objector anything. Just stood there and took it. Nobody else in the shop seemed to take any notice either. With things like that going on, I’m not confident of finding anyone that can help Norm.

Busy day at work, but nothing remarkable.

On the way home this evening, though, I thought I was going to be in trouble. I missed my usual bus and had to wait half an hour for the next one that was taking unaccompanied men. It means I got back to the village just after eight – curfew time. Luckily there was no one around. I got back before Angie got in as well, so no harm done.

Wednesday November 3rd

Lucy is out of the office for a while on some course or other, which means I can get on with stuff without too much interference. One of the guys that have have put on filing and administration came looking for her with a trolley full of correspondence files. He seemed relieved when I told him she was away. I asked him why he had lookedso nervous. Apparently Lucy has a reputation of being a ball-breaker, likely to get someone sacked as soon as look at them, if she takes against them.

“If you ask me, she’s worse than the New Order party members – they think its politically sound, she just thinks it’s fucking good fun, as far as I can tell. Did you hear about Lenny?”

I hadn’t. Lenny used to be the manager in charge of one of the services we deliver. I hadn’t seen him around for a while. Turns out she’d wanted him to be part of the service delivery team which in this particular case means emptying garbage bins for a number of government buildings. He’d suggested that this was a bit beneath him and that he wasn’t doing it even if he got to watch her humping one of the bins until she managed to get off on that instead. She’d had him fired for contravening the company’s respect ethic.

“It’s not much of a job, but I’d be in real trouble if I lost it,” he said. “My sponsor is already pissed off that my earnings barely cover the costs of the commute in to town. She’s suggesting I jack this in and be a stay-at-home house boy. At least I get a bit of freedom coming in here. She’d have me poisoning floors and cleaning up all day if I was there. How come you’ve managed to survive working with this bit though?”

I said I wasn’t sure and that she had been OK to me. I didn’t say anything about how she was aiming to set things up. The last thing I need in the office is a report for being her fuck-toy.

Then we were interrupted by Jackie, the woman that is running resource allocation these days, and my other visitor scuttled off.

Thursday November 11th

Shit, seven times over! I didn’t get away with being out after curfew last week.

Another envelope turned up from DOSA today, addressed to Angie. She went ape-shit when she read the letter. ‟We understand that you are the sponsor for #70994-445, Anders, David, who was in breach of curfew regulationson the evening of November 2nd. The enclosed timed and dated pictures derived from CCTV footage provides prima-facie evidence of the offence. You have three options for the male in question. If you wish to contest the charge you can notify us and we will provide a scheduled date for a hearing at your local court. Alternatively you can either accept a fixed penalty (Curfew breach for a first offence has a penalty fine of £250 plus 3 penalty points for the individual concerned) or the individual can attend an Offence Awareness Course at a fee of £125. Attendance on a course avoids the need for penalty points to be recorded against the individual’s Ident Card.”


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