
All day you have been itching to touch yourself. This morning I told you that I was looking forward to playing some nipple games tonight. I told you on purpose just to torque you, and I made it worse by instructing you not to touch your nipples or pussy until I was ready to play! I gave them a tweak and left for work.

Immediately you could feel your nipples beginning to swell, crying out for attention. You were aware how sensitive they were as you showed and dressed. Putting on your bra was sheer torture! Ordinary actions were transformed into erotic events. You never enjoyed adjusting your seat belt quite as much as you did this morning! It seemed every motion you made suddenly involved your nipples, and it surely must have been impossible that they were not the center of attention for every person you dealt with today.

But some how you got through the day, and now you were home.

I had laid out your clothes for the evening. Panties and a rough shirt. No bra.

You donned the clothes and we had a light dinner. Discussion was also light, as I made no further mention of what was to come. Your breasts swwayed under the shirt, the rough material struggling your sensitive nubs.

We clear the table, putting the dishes in the sink to be washed later. Your pussy has been dampening all day, but it suddenly gushes when I press up close behind you, my hands reaching around to squeeze your breasts tightly! You can feel my hardness through my pants as I speak into your ears, “Go and knee before my chair.”

I release you and disappear into the back room.

You have done this before and you know what is expected of you. You go into the living room and drop to your knees facing the only single chair in the room. You spread your knees and put your hands behind you, palms back. You settle back, sitting on your heels in the resting position, eyes down, and wait for me.

Soon enough I come in and place some items on the table next to you. You doNot move. You do not look.

I place my hand softly on your head, stroke your hair. “Are you ready, Sweet? Do you give yourself to me?”

“Yes Sir, I am ready. I am yours and will do whatever you ask of me.”

I sit in front of you and lift your head to look into your eyes. We have played this opening scene many times before. The words have never varied. And yet they mean nothing to me if I do not see them in your eyes. I gaze into your face and see the truth of your statement and am satisfied. I bend to kiss your forehead.

Standing again, I take something from the table and move behind you. You feel the leather cuffs being strapped to your wrists and locked together. You can feel the significance of this bonding. With your arms pulled back Your breasts are thrust forward, made more available.

I mass your shoulders a bit, loosening them, making your position more comfortable before recovering my seat.

I tap the undersides of your breasts and say, “Up, Sweet.”

You rise up to an erect kneeing position, where your breasts are more available to my hands or mouth. The choice as to how to use them is entirely my own. You will simply make them available. You are no longer even thinking about what I might choose, all your attention is focused on obeying my instructions and pleasure me with your obedience.

I cup your breasts with my hands, flicking at your nipples, feeling them stiffen. “First I will get their attention,” I say, continuing the manipulation.

The sensings thrill you and you feel your pussy growth wetter, your fluids just beginning to ooze from your lips where the panties will absorb them.

“And now we will properly sense them before the real fun.” I bring my fingers up to your mouth for you to lick and wet for me, and then spread your saliva around a nipple as I reach again for an object on the table. This time it is a small plastic nipple clip.

Taking your wet nipple between my thumb and fingerI squeeze it tight and pull it towards me. This is the first slight pain you feel tonight. I have to hold it tightly, so it does not slip from my grap. Initially you lean forward as I pull, but I simply command “Stay!” and you resume your formal position.

You can feel yourself slipping into that wonderful zone of submission. Finally, you are not simply being teased, you are being used. My hands touch you, perform their magic. You are proud that you are able to give me this submission and it helps you to sink even further.

I pinch your nipple hard, pulling your breast out and away from your body. The clip slips around the base of your nipple, snug, but not tight. It is not until I squeeze the tines together and lock the clip into place that the sweet pain begins.

I release the nipple and your breast falls. The clip is squeezing the base tight, though the sting is passing. The nub is puffed out and is even stresser with the clip in place. And now my fingers are at yourmouth again, you open to accept them, wet them and again you feel their pinch, at the other nipple this time. The dull, hard pressure of my fingers squeezing the nipple, the pulling upwards and outwards of your breast. The clip slides over the nipple and then the sharp, suddenly sing as it is closed and your breast is released.

Your breathing is shorter, faster. Your pussy is hot and slick with your juices Now, the crotch of your panties definitely wet, and cool against your heat.

Once more I reach for the table, returning this time with a toothbrush, just the sight of which makes your nipples throb and your pussy ache. One at a time I take your breasts in my hand, lifting and squeezing, as I run the toothbrush over your poor clip-puffed nipples. Your legs quiver and you close your eyes to concentrate on maintaining your position. The electricity that the brush sends though your body makes it difficult to think. You try to concentrate, try to hold still. Your pussy aches andgushes. You wince as I move the brush from one nipple to the other, the nipples becoming darker as the blood becomes oxygen starved.

The torturous brush strokes steadily across your nipples and your body rises toward an orgasm. At first you merely whimper, but soon you must speak. “Master, may I come?”

At first you get no response. Your hips are beginning to rotate now. I cannot tell if you are chasing your orgasm, or are running from it, afraid to lose control before you have permission. You can sense me stand, you feel my cock at your mouth, and you open for it gratefully. As my cock slides into you I reach down and suddenly pinch your nipples hard! “Come!” Your body convulses! You moan around my cock even as your mouth tightens in reaction to your orgasm. Your hips pump up and down, your pussy clenching again and again in orgasm as I hold your torso in place with my grip on your nipples, my cock lodged in your mouth. My fingers vary their pressure as I sustain your orgasm, milking it out of you, and then letting it subside gradually, finally letting go as you recover.

I pull back from you and sit back down in the chair. I remove the clips, letting new blood back into your nipples. I rub them gently, press you back to sit on your heels again. “Rest for a minute, Sweet. We have only finished the preliminaries.”

As you rest, recovering your breath, I fetch some water and bring the cup to your lips. I raise you and pull your panties down, allowing you to step out of them. My fingers swipe at your pussy to collect some of the copious fluids, and I bring them you your lips to be cleaned. Then I gather more and rub the musky fluid into your nipples.

When you have rested a bit, I instruct you to resume your position in front of me.

This time the table yields a long rope into my hands. I draw it over your head, behind your neck, the loose ends dangling between your breasts.

Cupping your left breast in my hand, I began to wind the rope tightly around the base of the breast. One turn, two turns, three, four…. You can feel your breast get full and taut, and you begin the spin back down into substrate. You are hardly even aware of your feelings, only that your body is being used as it was meant to be. As a toy, as an instrument of pleasure. As a canvas upon which I paint my fansies!

When I am satisfied, I take the end of the rope and pull it up, raising your bound breast. I bring the rope to your mouth, and you open, accepting the rope, participating in this use of your body.

As you hold the one end in your mouth, I similarly bind your right breast, and bring this end of the rope up for you to hold in your teeth as well.

Your breasts are tight, now, wrapped in the rope that is digging into Your flesh. Your breathing is a bit unsteady, and your breasts move obviously with each breath.

Standing again, my hard cock dangles before you, the head slick with precum. I move closer, grasping my cock at the base. As you watch, I suddenly slap your nipple with my cock!

You groan around the ropes in your mouth, and your bare pussy begins to gush again. Over and over, I slap your nipples with my cock, moving from one to the other, your taut breasts begin to glisten with the precum that continues to leak from me.

And then sitting once more, for the last time I reach to the table, bringing back a small flogger. Holding the flogger in one hand, I take the ropes from your mouth and present it to your lips. In a symbol of your acceptance, you kiss the flogger, giving me permission to use it on you.

I return the ropes to your mouth and take your left breast in my hand. One more look into your eyes to see that you are still alright, and then I turn my attention to my work.

Holding the flogger near the top, with only a few inches exposed, I raise it and then bring it sharply down on your nipple.

Your body jerks but I hold on tight to your breast. The flogger sTrikes again, and again you jerk in response. Your nipple, already sensitive from the earlier stimulation burns with the sting of the leather flogger.

smack smack smack

I strike you again and again, shifting from breast to breast, changing the direction and intensity of the strokes! Jolt after jolt courses through your body. Your pussy is clenching again, and the insides of your thighs are wet with your juices. Your eyes are screwed tightly shut now; you lose any sense of time. You are not even aware of breathing, only of the slapses at your nipples and the resulting throb in your clip. You do not think about stopping, you do not think about continuing. You think only about the now, about how you exist where you were meant to be.

You feel yourself spiraling into an explosive orgasm. Your mind is empty, but you somehow know it is happening. You know your body must be convulsing in wave after wave of orgasm, but in your mind, everything is dark and peaceful. Only a gentlehum exists, and it gets louder and louder until it is deafening, and then is suddenly gone….

Slowly you become aware of my voice. As if from a distance, calling you. The darkness retreats and you feel yourself gasping for air. you are lying on your back as I hover over you, stroking you, calming you. The ropes are gone from your breasts, and I am kneeing them to smooth out the marks they’ve left. I cradle your head to me and soothe you until you are able to breath more normally and can respond to my questions. I unbind your hands, holding you close in my lap. I tell you how you came, screaming in pain and pleasure, falling away from me, your head thrown back. You can feel the soreness in your throat from your screams, but you don’t remember them. You cling to me, and I hold you as you return to reality and to the bond between us that has never failed. Later you will happily suck at me until I come in your mouth. But for now, we will rest and enjoy the special connection thatComes from such an intense experience. And all this from just playing with your nipples…


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