(Note to the reader: This is the first chapter of the second part of a three part erotic novella I’ve tenatively titled “Making Love to Horrible People.” The first part is titled “Fear and Lusting.” Each part consists of about 4 or 5 chapters. I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is more than welcome.)
Dan squited through his dark sunglasses at the man walking around the small lawn area where he and his fiancée Jen had set up a yard sale. The man was a tall, well-built black man wearing jeans and a black T-Shirt – one of those oldAnd Oneshirts with “How you gonna play me?” printed on the front and “Wrong.” on the back. Dan wondered if he was with the Celtics, because the guy was easily six and a half feet tall and well muscled. It was getting toward 4 PM, closing time for the yard sale, and Dan thought it might be worth a shot to just ask him, but then he noticed the guy was not really looking at the items straight about the lawn at all. Instead, he kept walkingand turning, and every time he turned he looked directly at where Jen sat next to Dan, behind a small fold out table and just a few inches further back. A small smile tugged at Dan’s lips.
“See anything you like?” Dan called out to the man with a good-natured, but slightly wolffish grin.
“Oh… I’m just looking,” said the stranger in a low, but powerful, voice that carried Easily across the yard. When he said it, though, he never took his eyes off Jen, who sat counting the money from the day’s sales in a cookie tin in her lap. Dan smiled even wider and the man glanced back at him for a second longer than most men caught looking at his future wife ever had, before pretending to inspect the merchandise at his feet.
Dan turned casually in his chair to face Jen, his back to the stranger and said in a low-pitched and authoritative voice, “Stop counting the money. Put it back in the tin and put the tin on the table. Then I want you to walk around to the front of the table and bend over as far as you can and begin counting the money again. You will do this until I tell you to stop and NOT before, no matter what. We have a chance to make some real money here and if you screw it up, I’ll be very disappointed in you. Do you understand?”
Jen frozen as soon as Dan started speaking and abruptly nodded and put the money back in the tin. Never lifting her eyes to her fiancé, she placed the tin carefully in the center of the table and stood up and walked around to the front of it. Her high heels made her sway her shaped hips on the uneven ground. She wore a black mini-skirt that Dan had forced her to buy for herself the last time she had been naughty and let another man touch her without his permission. She had the perfect model’s body of 34-23-36 and breasts that would not quit, so most guys she came in contact with tried to touch her. Soft and straight brown hair and sultry deep brown eyes and with a body that knows how to walk in heels – who could blow them? Nevertheless, each time that happened, Dan warned her he would humiliate her to a greater degree. Now, dressed as a common nightclub fuck slut at their yard sale on her grandmother’s lawn, she bent over slowly, the skirt riding up just enough to see the bottom curves of her tight, round ass and black lace panty-covered twat from the busy street beyond. Dan smiled again with satisfaction, knowing the opportunity for even greater humiliation had arrived.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything I can interest you in?” Dan asked the stranger in a measured voice. The man was already staring at Jen’s ass and after a few seconds looked at Dan. Dan took off his sunglasses and rested them in his lap.
“Really. Everything is for sale,” he said as his eyes slide to Jen’s seductively posted body. For added effect, he nudged one table leg and hissed, “Spread your legs a little, slut.” Jen breathed in sharply, but did as she was told. The effect of Jen’s legs bending and spreading awkwardly at Dan’s command was immediately on the prospective buyer and Dan could see him tilt his head slightly sideways and gulp against the sudden lump in his throat.
“Why don’t you come closer and inspect my more valuable assets,” Dan said in the same measured tone he had used before. The man stared at Dan for a moment that seemed to suspend time, but then he slowly walked to stand close to Jen, his body almost touching her right hip, as she remained bent over and counting the money as she was told.
“Go ahead,” said Dan in a voice pitched a little lower than before. “Touch the merchandise and let me know if you’d like to see a little more.” The black man’s breathing became huskier at this and he cast a quick glance at the road before reaching his large hands out, tenatively at first, to touch Jen’s hip and ass over the dress. The man breathed out deeply, as if he had been holding his breath since he had arrived. Jen’s eyes fluttered and she paused for a fraction of a secondbefore remembering her instructions.
“What’s your name?” Dan asked.
“Jim,” the man breathed out.
“Well, Jim,” Dan said, his smile broad and toothy. “I can see you like what I have to offer. I think we should go inside and discuss what kind of services you’d like today and negotiate some prices. I think I can show you something in there that you’ll find quite satisfied.”
Jim’s hands were gently but firmly rubbing Jen’s hips and ass. He no longer noticed the cars passing by – he seemed almost hypnotized. He nodded sharply after a few seconds and Dan stood up, folded his sunglasses and placed them in his pocket. Then, he reached over and grabbed Jen’s chin.
“Listen to me, little pet,” he said in a calm and neutral voice. “The three of us are going inside your grandmother’s house to decide what you’re worth and to show how a good little toy like you can be used. Your grandmother won’t be home until tomorrow afternoon, so you might be in for a very… long…night.” The last was said with deliberate pauses and a slight shake of Jen’s face in Dan’s firm grasp. “Now, straighten up and walk into the house and move to the middle of the living room. Once there, you will stand facing the front window with your eyes on the floor, is that understand?”
“Yes, master,” Jen whispered breathlessly. She had always wanted to be sold like a piece of meat to a stranger in her fansies, but had never expected it to become true. In fact, she always believed she never actually wanted them to become true. Now that she was facing being sold as a common prostitute, she was afraid, but also more filled with excitement and prevention than she had ever experienced before. She would have been more afraid, but she knew Dan, her true love and master, was there to protect her and make sure she was safely returned to him; no matter what happened. With a small inhale and exhale, she walked into the house, even wiggling her hips a little more than her heels demanded.
Dan turned to Jim, who was breathing heavily. “Jim, I don’t know you, so I don’t know if I can trust you. I’m sorry, but that’s just business. Maybe you’re clean, maybe you’re not, but nevertheless, I need to see the cash you got on hand to make sure I can cover repair expenses to my merchandise. Don’t hand it to me, just open your wallet and let me see the bills. If I like it, we go inside and you’ve got your choice of services. If not, I’ll take what you’ve got and let you jerk off while I fuck her. Sound fair?”
Jim was watching Jen’s departing form with eyes that even Superman would envy. He licked his big lips hungrily and nodded as soon as Jen disappeared inside the house. He dug in his pocket for his thick wallet. As soon as he opened it, he flicked the edges of the bills inside with almost practiced ease. “I’m clean, man. I swear. I just saw your woman sitting there looking so hot…”
Dan looked in the wallet and nodded. “Ready to do some business?” Jim gRunned softly and nodded slowly with his eyes fixed on the front door. “Okay, then, Jim. You got yourself access to a wide range of services, today. Let’s go inside and you make yourself comfortable on the couch.” Jim nodded again and mumbled a “yeah” before he and Dan entered the house.
Jen was waiting in the living room, standing in the middle of the floor and facing the window as she was told. Her eyes were on the floor, but in her mind her vision was focused on Jim’s powerful body. She had felt the firm grip of his large hands and had glimpsed out of the corner of her eye the tall, muscle body. She trembled slightly, wondering what things her master might let him do to her.
“I’ll be good”, she whispered to herself. “I’ll do whatever Dan tells me to do, like a good, obedient slut. I’ll show him how good I can be and let Jim use me like a common whore.” She didn’t usually talk to herself like that, but recently she had found it excited her. Her pussy rapidly dampened and the lips expanded and touched the crotch of her panties. She was getting very aroused and she suppressed a moan as they entered the house.
Jim came in and sat on the couch in front of the window, at first cautiously, but as he stared at Jen he became much more relaxed and slip back a bit against the cushions. Dan entered after him and strode to stand close to Jen on her right. He grabbed her soft, brown ponytail and yanked her head back to make her stare at Jim.
“So, Jim,” Dan said almost casually, “this is my most expensive possession. I’m happy to rent it out to you for a reasonable fee. The only conditions are that I am present and you produce the fee up front. I’m afraid I can’t offer a refund, but I can offer a free demonstration of the item’s worth so you can be assured of your purchase.” With that, Dan slide one hand up Jen’s thigh and stopped just before her crotch.
“Show the nice gentleman what a nice toy you can be and take off that dress to show your pretty black bra and panties and crawl over and place your head in your master’s lap.” Dan bit Jen’s earlierobe and neck and rubbed her inner tigh for a few seconds, making sure their guest got a good show of Jen’s body submitting to him and the look of erotic pleasure on her face, before letting her go and backing up a few steps to sit in a chair in the corner and wait.
Jen’s eyes were closed, concentrated on the sensings Dan was giving her, but as he left she slowly opened them and looked at Jim. His powerfully built form almost dwarfed the couch and Jen wondered how she might look next to him; on top of him; underneath him. She started taking off her dress almost unconsciously, but then realized he was watching her. She wanted him to want her and wanted to make Dan happy that she was so willing to sell herself for him. She swayed her hips Seductively and slide off the black mini-dress and dropped it to the floor. She wore only panties, bra and heels as she croouched and got on her knees. Still staring at Jim as she turned around, she slowly crawled over to Dan and placed her head in his lap. Jim’s eyes followed every move of her shapely ass cheeses.
“Now, Jim,” Dan said after a few seconds, “I judge by your body language that you like what you see so far.” Jim had a large mound in his jeans that suggested he was indeed stimulated by Jen’s show. “I offer you the following services: Jen can suck my cock and you can masturbate and cum on her back for $50. Otherwise, she can suck your cock and you can cum on any part of her for $100… Or… she can suck your cock and you can cum down her throat for $150.”
Jim’s head tilted back and he nodded and breathed a “Yeah, gimme that bitch’s throat.”
Dan grabbed Jen’s hair and pulled it back so she was looking up at him. “Do you understand, my pet? You will let our guest throat fuck you until he cums and you must swallow it all unless he wishes to spread his semen on other parts of you. You will be a good toy and do as you are told and then collect the money for master. Understood?” Jen nodded almost too greedily. Dan leaned down to Jen’s ear.
“Is this making you wet, little whore?” Dan whispered. Jen hesitated a second and then nodded again. “Good. Now, go and earn some money for your master,” Dan said loudly enough for Jim to hear as he roughly throw Jen’s head away from him and leaned back to see if she would obey him.
Jen stared at Jim as she crawled over to him, swaying her hips provocatively to see if his cock would make a bigger bulge in his jeans. To her satisfaction, she could see that it did. Kneeling between his legs, she rested her head against his bulge and caressed it with her hands and face. Jen looked up at Jim and saw him staring at her. I bet he likes to see a wide-eyed, innocent little girl who’s frightened and curious and horny all at once, she thought as she teased him. Her eyes opened wider and she blinked her seductive eyesashes at him.
“Please,” she asked softly and suppliantly. “Can I take it out and look at it?”
Jim’s eyes widened slightly and he breathed, “Oh, yeah.”
Jen’s hands slowly, but expertly undid his fly and unzipped his pants. She reached her right hand in to find the base of his cock and grabbed it. Her eyesbrows instantly arched as she could feel his meaty girl. She slowly pulled it free and soon was confronted with a large and mostly hard cock. It looked like it would extend through both of her hands and still show it’s head when fully erect. Jen remembered her act and held one hand around the base as she cautiously caressed his shake with her other one. She cooed and gazed admiringly at it as it twitched and grew. Jim started to breath in sharp shallow breaths as he watched Jen worship his dick like a sheltered little girl who’d never seen a cock.
Jim couldn’t resist her little porn scenario, and he reached down and grabbed the sides of her head in his large hands and forced it onto the head of his cock. “Suck it, you little slut,” he whispered hoarsely and pressed her down until he felt his shake enter her mouth. Jen swirled her tongue around the massive head and tried to produce as much spit as possible, but Jim was already bucking his hips up against her face. Soon, she was gagging on the massive cock, which had seemed to double in size since she took it out of his pants. She struggled to fit it down her throat, but his thickness and the force of his hands was making it difficult. It’s big, but not that big, she told herself as she tried to calm down. I have to suck this thing off and prove I’m worth the money Jim is paying. I have to take his cock completely down my throat or else I’m just useless.
Soon, Jen was gagging too much and saliva and pre-cum were squirting out her nose. She was trying as hard as she could, but it was just too much. Dan snorted in disgust.
“You’re doing it all wrong, slut!” he said in a loud, commanding voice. “That isn’t the way I taught you at all.” Dan strode over to Jen and grabbed her messy, glistening face and said, “Don’t you dare embarrass me, whore. You will take his cock all the way down your throat or you are useless to me! Do you understand?” Dan’s words were almost a shout, but so much more an indisputable command.
Jim was shocked by Dan’s interruption, but excited by seeing Jen’s wet face pulled back in pain. Jen knew she had no choice but to swallow this man’s cock and deliver the money to her master so she could prove she was worthy enough to stay as his slave. Before she could force herself to try to take the large, thick, black cock down her throat, Dan grabbed her by her hair and forced her head back down. She swallowed and spewed more phlegm and pre-cum out her nose, but with her master there she concentrated on relaxing her throat and taking the thick, meaty shake as far down as it would go.
His firm hands forcing her head down on Jim’s cock, her mind went blank except to think how wonderful it felt to be such a good toy for her master to use or rent. She relaxed all her throat muscles and gave in to the fact that she was just a piece of meat with a clever tongue. Deep in her mind, she knew she could breath with any size cock down her throat; she just had to accept the fact that the new role for her esophagus was to accept dick. When she did that, Dan released his grip and Jen could sense that somehow she had relaxed enough to be thoroughly throat fucked by anyone.
The thick black cock pounded the back of her throat, but she opened it more and more to Jim, wanting the thick head to move ever deeper down into her. Suddenly, Jim thrust up from the couch and stood above her, tendrils of saliva and pre-cum dripping on to her chin. He grasped her head in his massive hands and shoved all of his cock down past her larynx. Jen was amazed at herself as she peeked out of half-closed eyes to see her nose was almost touching Jim’s pelvis. She gagged and spewed phlegmand pre-cum out her nose again, but this time she was able to recover and relax her head in his large hands and let him fuck her pretty mouth and throat until his balls churned with orgasm.
Jim simply could not control his climax and his cum shot onto the back of Jen’s tongue with an unrelenting velocity and volume. Jen’s eyes widened and her throat and cheeses filled. There was so much cum, she couldn’t swallow it all and most of it burst out of her nostrils and landed on her face and heaving breasts. Jim keep shoving his cock down into her, though, despite her clawing hands at his muscle arms that were keeping her face wrapped around his pumping shake. Jen was breathing cum bubbles out of her nostrils and almost panicked when she thought she felt fluids enter her lungs, but she submitted to accepting as much as she could or drowning in it – the thought of both made her pussy wetter than she had ever experienced. Jim grasped her head tighter for a few more final aftershocks befor throwing her to the floor and collapsing on the couch.
Jen chased and cought for a full minute before she gathered herself and lifted her cum smeared face to her master, who was seated again in the chair. He nodded once at her and she struggled to get up on her knees, take Jim’s $150 dollars in her mouth from the coffee table and crawl over to her master to deposit it in his lap before collapsing there.
“So, Jim, is there anything else we can help you with today?”
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