Xander Pt. 02

The Truth about Xander

Xander sat looking at the photographs he had taken of Martha, now enlarged in glorious colour and HD on his television screen. His legs were played wide apart, as he slowly stroked his rampant cock with one hand, and gently massed his balls with the other. She was indeed big, buxom, fecund, ripe, all rubbery pliable flesh; flesh he had reddened with his hand and then his belt. She was Not his type, fat and shapeless, he preferred his Sally-type, slim and boyish, small tits but big, long pointed erectile, suckable and chewable nipples. He even felt annoyed with himself for getting so excited. It was, he reasoned, because she should be punished for being so gross. He wanted to do the punishment; he wanted to degrade her; he wanted to dominate her, make her do the most obscene things he could think up. It had started with helping out a mate, but now he realized this was about him. He looked at her enormous red tortured buttocks and her pouting arsehole; the hole he had smelled and licked and probed with his tongue. His cock was twitching in anticipation.

Next time it would be buried inside her tight, dark brown passage; he would come inside her, just as he had come inside her slack, sloppy cunt. He looked at the close-up picture of her big, fleshy, dangling cunt lips, dripping with his spunk. Next time it would be on video. He revealed in the sight of her big, swollen, drooping, dangling, pendulous udders. He needed to abuse them, to violent them, to punish them, to torture them, to cage them, to bind them, to tame them … He shot spurts of hot, white, glutinous sperm over his broad, hairy chest and belly, only wilting a little, as he continued to gaze at the mountain of undulating amorphous, fat, flabby flesh, fantasising about his future with Martha and her husband Jacob, his best friend.

Xander had not been entirely honest with them. In fact, if he was honest with himself, he had been totally dishonest with them, But, ‘Needs must’, he excused himself. He had never played S&D with Sally. They had never videoed their love-making. He had never spanked or beaten her. He had never had anal intercourse with her. He had never been in a threesome before. But now was the opportunity to let himself go, and do whatever he wanted, and with their blessing too. He had nothing to lose, and no-one to hide from. He emailed the pictures separately to both Martha and Jacob, with comments ‘for your eyes only’. To Jacob, he wrote, ‘I trust Martha is being herself, and that you are have now taken control, as I wrote in the note I left with you.’ To Martha he wrote, ‘I trust Jacob is controlling you, and that you are learning to do as you’re told. Remember, the wages of sin is punishment.’ He then set about working out how to arrange to video their session on Friday, so that they could see exactly what they were doing, as they thought he and Sally had been doing.

By Friday evening everything was prepared. Jacob and Martha arrived by taxi as instructed. Xander and Jacob embraced, but Xander with a cold glare asked Martha,

“What are you wearing under your coat?’ Martha was somewhat disappointed at the lack of greeting, but realized that this was part of the game.

“As you commanded sir, as you instructed me.” She smiled her child, pity smile at her master.

“Then show me”. Martha unbuttoned the long black coat, slowly and provocatively, holding the sides together with her arms, until all was unfasted. Coyly she opened it displaying her distended and engaged udders, constrained as they were in a bra with the centres cut out, squeezing the flesh into grotesque balloons, blue veined and pink nippled. The crotch of her big knickers had been similarly cut open, allowing her long, full, dangling outer cunt lips free reign. “Turn round slowly.” The cut was extended to the waist band, so that each taut buttock pulled the material to the sides. He noticed that she was an excitingand inviting hue of dark pink; Jacob had done as he was told. “Bend over,” Martha instantly obeyed without a flicker of hesitation. “Pull your cheats apart.” Again Martha compiled. Xander was pleased to see firstly that her full dangling cunt lips were glistening in anticipation, but secondly that her arsehole was plugged with a black plastic stopper. “Good. Now in the kitchen, you will find your uniform. Bring me a glass of the red and whatever Jacob wants.” She was summarized dismissed as he turned his attention to Jacob.

“Now dear friend, sit yourself down, and tell me honestly how it has been with you both since we last met. Spare me no details.”

“Oh Xander, your magic worked. She loves playing your S&D games, and our love making is even better now than it ever was. I cannot Thank you enough. I thought I’d lost her and that our marriage was on the rocks. So ‘Yes’, how can I ever thank you?”

“Oh I’ll show you soon enough. Did she comment on the threesome? And how ae you with it? Xander asked, interested, but not really caring; he was going to use his wife whatever the answer.

“Martha thinks you’re wonderful and masterly and she loves being your slave.”

“And you?”

“Xander, dear friend, you’ve brought us back together. If that’s what you and she want, who am I to complain. I ask only one thing.”

“And what is that?”

“You never have sex with Martha without me being present.”

“On that you have my word. Our friendship is more precise to me that a clandestine fuck.”

Martha came back from the kitchen, carrying a tray with their drinks and nibbles. She was wearing a white pinafore, a strap around her neck holding up the apron front which did little to cover her swinging boobs in their constricting cut-off bra; it was tied at the wait. She turned, and bent down as she put the tray on the coffee table. Her back was bare save for the bra strap, the big slashed knickers, and the bow of her apron. The butt plug was still in place.

“You’ve red wine sir.” She turned to Jacob, “You gin and tonic sir. Crisps or olives.”

“You’ve found the pizza and salad things Martha. Go and make Jacob and me a snack, but be quick about it, we don’t want to waste valuable time. I could see you’re excited about the evening’s possibilities. Now go.”

“Yes sir. Thank you sir,” and she Dipped him a brief curtsey, before leaving for the kitchen. Xander turned to his friend.

“Tell me Jacob, how has she taken to have her arse plusred instead of her conventional hole?”

“Oh she loves it. Mind you I love it too. It’s much tighter than her big open cunt. I can feel much more. The results are more exciting and extreme.”

“OK, good. No problem there then. And has she held you as I told her to?”

“Yes. It was a strange experience, but it’s wonderfully liberating somehow. We made it part of our S&D. She took her turn dominating me.”

“And has she played with your arse.”

“Yes, tothat too. She’s stroked and ticked it, rimmed it and tongued it; introduced her finger and found my prostate, which she has learned to milk. It’s all so wonderfully new and exciting.”

“And have you fucked her in her arse yet, or is its still fingers?”

“Still fingers. She’s a bit worried, that she hasn’t been stretched enough yet.”

“Well we’ll see what this evening brings. Ah Martha, our supplier. Put the tray down on the table. I hope you’ve had something to nibble in the kitchen.”

“No sir, not yet.”

“Then you shall have a nibble here and now. Jacob, drop your trousers, your wife needs something to nibble.” This took Jacob totally by surprise, but he compiled without question. As his trousers, dropped to his ankles, and he sat down again, Xander could verify that his belly and ball bag were hairless. “Remove his trousers and play his legs. There’s not much to nibble there at the moment. See what you can do to increase the size of your snack. Lift his thighs. I want to check that you shavled his arse well.” Martha dropped to her knees, her big rounded buttocks straining towards him, as she took her husband’s shrivelled prick between a thumb and two fingers, drawing down the loose skin, cupping his shiny bare sac in her free hand. Xander clicked the remote. The television screen lit up, showing the view he had, but now for all three of them to see, what they couldn’t see from the Front: her big arse, the butt plug, the growing cock being gently stroked and licked, before disappearing between pursued lips, being sucked in to its hilt, the complete shaft embedded in the mouth. She squeezed his sac, making his balls bulge in their shiny membrane. She lifted her head, allowing the now rampant pulsing cock to exit her lips, as she laid it flat along his bare belly, and used her tongue on its new target. She licked all over the offering, before taking each little globe in her mouth, teasing and sucking.

Xander got up and stood momentarilyabove, and to one side of the tableaux. Then without warning, he let fly a momentous slap on a straining chef with the flat of his hand. Martha screamed, being totally lost in her ministers. The sting was almost, but not quite, unbearable.

“My God that hurt,” she said as she instinctively sought to knee up. But Xander was too quick for her. He let fly a second slap on her other cheek, followed Immediately by another on her first. Martha’s head was now buried in her husband groin, seeking comfort and respite. Xander spoke in a fierce threatening unrecognisable tone,

“Firstly, I gave you an offer of a nibble. It was not to be a meal. You gave yourself up to a veritable banquet, to the total banishment of the two of us. This was all about you. You selfish bitch.” And a further two blows were applied in quick succession, one on each globe. “Secondly, I told you to lift his thighs. Did you? ‘No’. I thought you were beginning to understand that when I tell you to do something, I expect total submission and compliance.” Martha’s buttocks were now a vivid red, as Xander chose a new target for his ministrative blows; one on the top of each of her fat thighs.

“Thirdly, you know you do not speak when you are being punished, or the punishment increases. Cries, are accepted; they indicate contribution, and subscription, and a knowledge that the punishment is being effective, accepted and understand.” Xander bent a little lower and took aim, landing hard, played, flat-handed slaps on each white bulging thigh, which immediately showed pink imprints of his hand and fingers. Martha was now quietly and continuously whimpering, gasping and crying in her throat as each slap was landed.

“Finally, our supplier is cold. Go and do it again. But before you do, show me Jacob’s arse. Is his butt plugged too?” Martha got up slowly into an upright kneeing position, and lifted her lover’s thighs clear of the seat. Between his legs, and round and up to his similarly plugged and stretched arsehole, was now smooth and hairless. “Fine. Now take these plates away, and do as you’re told. Bring the bottles in, we’ll help ourselves.” Martha stood up painfully, gathered the plates and retired to the kitchen, retuning with the wine the gin and the tonic bottles. Xander smiled, as he switched off the TV. “She really is learning quickly. I just wonder how far we can go, how much she can take.”

When Martha had cleared away the things, Xander pressed the remote illuminating the TV again. He had placed a low padded chair in front of it.

“Now Martha, take off your apron and your knickers and then strip Jacob. Martha immediately complied, removing her own things before helping Jacob out of his shirt. “Now knee on the chair with your tits over the back. Jacob you come and release the udders from their constriction. You can smooth them a little, play with them, milk them, lick them, suck the nipples, they’ve been tied up quite long enough. Get them ready for their punishment.” While Jacob played with the big dangling fruits, Xander lifted her arms behind her and cuffed her wrists. He ran his hands over the taut, stretched flesh of her great buttocks, down the ground between them, and ignoring the butt plug, found her long lips, which he took one at a time between his thumb and fingers, jerking and tugging and twisting. She was wet and hot and open. Xander drove his pointed four fingers brutally into her welcome tunnel. There was little resistance, so he withdraw and added his thumb, before slowly introducing his balled fist between her stretched rubbery, dripping lips. Martha was wriggling her bottom in painful appreciation of this new sensing. Gradually she relaxed and accommodated the invader, so that Xander could now fist fuck her, first slowly, but then increasing the depth and the speed, playing his fingers inside her, stretching her,

“Suck her hard Jacob, leave love bites on those gross appendages. Soon we’ll changesplaces and you can sooth this end, while I punish the other.” They both gave themselves up to their allotted tasks with increased vigour. Martha was no longer a person but an object of their abuse. Suddenly Xander pulled out his slimy fist and moved to the Jacob’s side of the chair. “That’s enough. Change places. Come and fist your wife for the first time. The bitch enjoys it.” Xander watched the screen as Jacob first played with the gaping, dripping, yearning swollen, distended cavern of a cunt, to lubricate his fingers, then slowing replacing Xander’s fist with his own; it was welcomed with open lips, sucked in, inviting another fist fucking. Xander raised his sticky fist to Martha’s face,

“Lick it clean you dirty bitch. You’re just like a bitch in heat. You can’t get enough of it can you? Is there nothing you wouldn’t do to satisfy your shameful lust?” and as she licked his fingers and hand, he slapped her on each chef. “Suck then all together, fist fuck your mouth like yourhusband’s fist fucking your arse.” He stood back and looked down at the dangling, extended, bruised, milk sacks and slapped each in turn, making them swway. Martha was somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness; she was semi-conscious. She was all cunt and tits. She was consumed by pain and pleasure, and longing and sheer lust for more. Xander’s slapsed in ferocity. He gathered the areola of one breast and pinched and squeezed it, trying to make a nipple. He tried the other. He pulled them. He twisted them. He twisted them. Then he let go and went in to the kitchen, coming back with the bag of clothes pegs, which he dropped on the floor. Picking one out, he attached the pincers to her would-be nipple, making Martha cry out despite herself. This encouraged Xander to apply one to the other tea. He then gently slapped them, one at a time, increasing the pain. He lifted them and let the weights drop. He attached more pegs to the parts where Jacob had left his mark. Marthawas now openly crying. Jacob was rubbing his stiff rod as he continued his fisting.

Xander stood up and unzipped his fly. Taking out his stiff cock, he stuffed it between Martha’s lips, and as he held her head severely still, started mouth fucking her. He knew that if this tableau was allowed to continue both he and Jacob would come and spoil the evening. So he pulled out and zipped himself up.

“That’s enough playing with yourself Jacob. Make her come not you. Here, maybe she needs a bit more encouragement. Get her to lick your hand clean, while I warm that fat arse of hers. He opened a cupboard and took out a riding crop with short fine leather strips at the end. He flexed it in his hands and smoothed the leather tassel, whilst looking down at his expandive targets. As Martha was licking Jacobs fingers and hand, Xander thrashed her mid-buttock with just the flashed end. There was a scream as the whole body reacted to this new unexpected violence. The other buttock receivedthe same treatment. The dull red had immediately change back to crisis. Xander moved the target to other parts of the globe. He used all his strength on each stroke, now lashing widely unconcerned where they landed. There was a pause, as Xander stepped back a little from the angle, bright red twin beacons. This was to be the culmination, the climax. This time the whole length of the crop, assailed the burning flesh, leaving even more vivid streaks. Again and again; first one burning buttock and then the other. The skin was raised in living lines criss-crossing, the canvass of his art. There was another pause. This was the moment. He looked at Jacob, who was wanting his friend to stop, but didn’t dare to interfere. He wanted to take his lover on his arms and sooth her, and tell her how much he loved her, but…

The final ferocious lashes came, Splitting the strained skin, leaving bleeding lines. Martha had passed out, having orgasmed in her ecstasy. Xander took a bottle of aftershave from the cupboard, and sprayed it over the abused, bloody, weeping, abused flesh, smoothing it around with the palm of his hand. Martha screamed in her suddenly awakening. Screamed at what she felt, Screamed at what she witnessed on the screen. Screamed in her semi bondage. He looked at Jacob.

“Get her a drink,” He barked.

Xander hadn’t finished yet. When Martha had had a drink of water, and Jacob had been allowed to calm his wife, Martha was uncuffed and allowed to stand up.

“Jacob, it’s your turn now. Kneel on the chair. Martha, take a little breather. Take a little walk around the room. Let me look at you. First let’s take the pegs off your balloons. Oh yes they’ve marked well.” They showed raised bruises from the pegs, and dull bites from Jacob. “I like it. Did you like it? Do you like it? Would you do it all again? Tell me?”

“Yes, Yes and Yes,” she said in dull enthusiasm. “I don’t like my body, and I know it needs to be punished. So when you’re doing it, I know it has to be done. Part of me wants it, part of me wants it to stop. But it has to happen again please.”

“Good. Well said. Now I want you to show me what you have been doing with Jacob. Show me how you have been preparing Jacobs arse. Let’s have that plug out and see if he’s ready.” Martha knelt down behind Jacob’s bottom and gently spread his thighs as far as the chair would allow. Then she lovingly kissed and licked his buttocks, whilst fingering the plug, giving it a little wiggle from side to side and around and around, before taking the end between her fingers and slowing drawing it out, watching the delicate skin stretch outwards. The gaping pink hole slowly closed. “Use your fingers now. Here, use this,” and he passed her a tube of KY.

Once more Xander went to his cupboard and brought out a black stick-on penis.

“Step into this and belt it up to suit you.” With two sticky fingers still embedded inside her husband’s butt hole, she stood in a croouching position and stepped into the harness. Xander took the KY and applied it to the length the prosthesis. “Now Martha, see what you can do with that. Let’s see if Jacob is ready for it. Be gentle with him. Take your time. Let both of you enjoy it.” While he was saying this, Xander was undressing himself. When he was naked, he knelt down behind Martha and between her dry, blood-streaked buttons and Felt for her dangling, lonely, swollen, wet cunt lips, and gently played with and between them. He watched as Martha’s cock touched the entrance to Jacob’s rear passage. Watched as the skin was forced inwards before accepting the tip of his intruder. She paused, then engaged the head inside and paused again.

Xander was gently and slowly removing the plug from Martha’s arse. It too was gaping, wide and pink. He reached for the Jelly and lubricated his own cock, imitating the gentle actions of his slave on her husband. His silky tip eased into her. She was waiting. Martha moved in; Xander moved in. Jacob pushed back. Marth went in deeper; Xander went in deeper. Jacob welcomed it deeper. Soon all three had found a rhythm that suited them. For the first time all three were involved in anal intercourse. All three of them were enjoying the new sensings, and combinations. Martha had reached round and found Jacob’s cock and was beating it in time with their thrustings. Xander had reached round and found Martha’s cunt and was fisting it in time with their thrustings. All three of them were climbing to their climax. Martha came first in cries of sheer joy, triggering a thrill in Xander, who buried himself as deeply as he could, and deposited his seed in Martha’s dark, warm, welcoming, seed bed. Jacob came all over the chair.


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