X Marks The Spot

I pull on the second boot, it’s thick heavy leather creaking as I began to tighten the laces. When I’m done with the boots I don the last part of the ensemble. The long leather coat slides over my bare shoulders, the crisis silk lining gliding over my skin. The jet black surface shines dully in the candle light. The cut emphasizing my frame.

I stop to pick up the leather gloves and flogger that I will torturously pleasure you with later, and drop them into the inside pockets of the coat. With purpose I stride to the room that I know you wait for me in. I reach the door and pause, listening for noise.

You had earlier vowed not to speak or make any verbal sound whatsoever, if you have broken your vow you will have to be punished.

As I step through the door your eyes shoot wide open, but you manage to stop from making sound by biting your bottom lip. I stand and look at you, tied to the cross. The massive x holding you in it’s unyielding grip. I walk over and brushthe back of a hand across the nipple of one of your bound naked breasts, and enjoy it’s eager response.

I lean in close and gently touch your lips with mine, letting you open your mouth, but I pull away and leave you wanting.

Again I tease your nipple, but this time using my finger tips I lightly draw circles around it. It stressens as it is engaged with blood. Then, Taking each of them between thumb and forefinger, and gently at first, but then more forcefully, I pinch and tug at them. All the while I am staring deep into the dark pools of your eyes. I hold your gaze just long enough, and you whimper.

I can smell the heady mixture of scented candles, leather, and the unmistakable musk of your wet pussy. I feel my own desires beginning to well up, but take control of them, and turn my wicked intention’s to you. Bound, restrained, and ready to do my bidding.

I turn away and walk to the opposite side of the shadowy low ceilinged room. It is warm, very warm. Tiny rivers of sweat run between my shoulder blades, following the contours of my spine to the small of my back. Still with my back to you, I whip my long, heavy coat off, being sure you can see every part of the flatoyant movement.

I turn to face you, and scrutinise you from my vantage point, and take a moment to linger my penetrating gaze over your soft pliable flesh. You are ready to be toyed with.

I slowly make my way across the room. All the time watching you, seeing your chest rise and fall with your deep breaths. Your breasts heaven and your nipples are like bullets. I walk right up to you and press my body against you. The cold steel buckle of my belt making you flinch, and tension for a few moments. Then you sag as I lean in and kiss your neck, and then go rigid as I bite you hard.

The perspiration on my bare chest runs onto your breasts dappling them in cool liquid, and you gasp, a deep longer gasp. I reach into my rear pocket to retrieve the soft black leather blind fold. “Head down,” I order in a deep low voice. You instantly carry out the command as I fold the long strip over it’s self to double it’s thickness. I place the cool leather over your closed eyes and begin to tie a tidy knot behind your skull.

I step back and watch as you remain with your head face down, in a position of complete resigned submission. I grin a wicked grin. “Head down. No sound.” I growl, and watch as you nod your understanding.

I step a few paces back away from you, and you hear a disappoint ‘clink’ as I un-clip a soft cotton flogger that I will warm you up with. I experimentally carve a figure of eight in the air in front of me, and pleasure in the sight of you tensing at the sound it makes as it flails the air.

I began by striking you gently across your breasts, ensuring that the tails drag across their surface to increase the sensing. You instantly tend as the soft fabric connects with your flesh. I increase the intensity by speeding up, and whipping the tails down and across your stiff nipples. You squirm and wriggle from the blows as they land harder and more frequently.

Suddenly I stop, and you hear movement as I reattach the flogger to it’s clip and un-hook a slim black handled leather tailed flogger. Again I whip the air, the sound it makes ahead of you make you tremble with fear and anticipation. This time your are treated to a mixture of light and medium strikes on, and around your pouting pussy lips.

I see your spread legs trembling intensely from the thrill of being struck by your Master.

Your pussy lips are obviously moist, and I cannot help but want to expose the wet soft folds beneath. I tease you for a full fifteen minutes like this. Still not allowing you to make sound even as you cum.

I cease my attentions for a few moments, only to press up against you, and plumge my tongue into your mouth, your eager mouth kissing back franticly. I quickly step back so as not to allow you too much pleasuree, and return to the leather couch that my long coat is drawn across.

I reach into the inside pockets and retrieve the gloves, and small ball baring flogger I had placed in them earlier.

I pull on the gloves,. The soft warm leather gliding over my skin to encase the hands that will cares your tortured ecstasy wrapped body.

I stand within two feet of your now, sweat soaked body, and clnch my fists making the leather of the gloves creek. You whimper, and that is all I need to hear.

I whip at your nipples. Then at your cunt. Never letting the cold steel of the tails rest for more than a split second. You bite at your lip to stop from screaming aloud as I get faster and faster. The bright metal is a blur, and your flesh is a hot red canvas of pleasure.

After several minutes you lose all control, and your body becomes shaking wailing conductor of ecstasy.

As you begin to calm down I rub my palms over your moist warm skin. The trembling begins to subside. You groan softly at the lightness of my touch. I lean across you, and release the buckles that hold your wrists, and with a tender kiss of your lips, I exit the room.


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