Neat N' Naked 05: Emiko

© 2014 Sal De Klerk, such_a_bad_man All Rights Reserved

Authors Note:

This is one of 26 stories in this series. Each is a standalone story with unique characters and actions. They can be read in any order since they do not have any plot points in common.


This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, bondage, domination, public sex, and more. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.


Ch. 01 Breaking Through

“Neat n Naked…where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?” Came the deep throaty voice that always seemed to answer the phone, no matter the time of day or location of the caller.

“Good evening. First, I’m glad that this number I got is real. Second, I’m calling on behalf of my brother. I’m not sure where to begin so I’ll just explain why I’m calling. My brother got out of a relationship after he moved to your area, and he hasn’t been able to get over her. I thnk he’s still hung up on his ex and isn’t playing the field as I figured he would after moving to a new city. I think he could use your services to kick start his life in his new city. Is this something your team can help him with?”

“Oh yes sir, we are for real. We’ve been asked to soothe broken hearts many times. Whether or not we were successful or not is open for interpretation, but our girls do try,” The voice of the service clears her throat, “So tell me about your brother, his likes dislikes fetishes, and I’ll find him, someone, to make him happy, even if it’s only for a few hours.”

“Well, that’s just it. My brother is a private person, always has been. I think that’s why he moves as often as he does and goes through relationships like he does: he doesn’t let anyone too close. As for his preferences, he does prefer petite women. He’s over six feet tall, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with a woman over five-six. He has a thing for Asian woman, and last time I helped him move, I accidentally discovered a box fill or restraints, and gags, and other bondage gear.”

“So a petite Asian female who likes bondage, for a broken-hearted, private, man who keeps his sexual, and personal life quiet. The only question I have is, does he tie-up, or get tied up,” The voice asked.

“I once borrowed his computer, and he had porn with both men, and woman being tied up, he is a lot like two face on Batman. He presents the stereotypical stolid repressed businessman persona to the outside world, but his favorite comesdy routine is George Carlins Seven Words. His last girlfriend could pass for a CEO but at a pool party I saw several tattoos and a few piercings.”

“That helps,” she says anything else you can think of?”

“He doesn’t know I’m calling you. I’m not sure how to even begin this conversation with him. Part of him being so private is that he’s also highly suspicious of people’s motives. If some new woman shows up, and just throws himself at him, he’ll think something is up before just enjoying it for what it is. I hope this isn’t too complicated for you.”

“Not at all. I think I’ve found a few girls he would like. Usually, we try to narrow the choices to no more than three. Is there anything else you can think of? Is he Bi, with the dichotomy you describe…”

“I don’t think so. His porn collection had lesbian but not gay porn, so I doubt it.”

The voice sighs, “Okay I have two pretty good matches, who have several openings…,” she giggles, “…over the next week.”

The callers phone dings, and when he looks at the screen he sees he has two new messages. He opens the first…

A picture opens of a beautiful Asian woman wearing a short silk black kimono. Her hair is up in a bun but appear to be long. Her legs are long, but a little on the skinny side. On the top right of the picture is a list of her personal details…






On the bottom right there was some text…

Emiko is an all American girl raised in the US, by Americanized parents of Japanese descent. She has her tongue, and belly pierced, but no tas. She prefers to be dominated but can dominate as well. She has formal Geisha training and loves roleplay.

He opens the second image…

There’s a picture of a different girl. She is wearing a leopard-print camisole, and matching panties. The camisole is open at the naval, showing a large diamond stud in her belly button. She has reddish-brown hair with blondish highlights and dark roots. The hair is free-hanging curls down to her breasts. She has long yet skinny legs, Her face is round and beautiful with alabaster skin.

The top right of her photo had her vitals…

Akako “Kay”





Akako is originally from Japan. She came here to study and for freedom. She is a bi switch with few limits, three piercings, and one well-hidden tattoo.


The voice on the line paused, as she waited for the caller to review the profiles she sent. as the caller reviewed the information on the two women.

“Hmmm, tough call. I mean they both sound like what he would need. Emiko has the right personality but Akako is definitely what he’d be attracted to physically. I don’t know which would be better for helping him get back in the game…” The voice trailed off, going silent in thought again.

“If you want my opinion, I would go for personality. If you want him to start living life again, someone who is good looking will be a distraction, but a good personality may help him to open, and help him find his way back.”

The voice came back on after a slight pause for thought over the scheduler’s words, “You make a good point. Akako might just bring up old feelings for his ex with a body like hers. I think Emiko will be just what he needs to give him a kick in the pants. Thank you much. As for scheduling, will yOur service be able to accommodate a Thursday late afternoon appointment? His new job has him working the vampire shift so he’s sleep during the day and off most of the late half of the week.”

“The clack of a keyboard comes over the phone. It’s all set, come Thursday four pm she’ll be at his place, and take care of him.”

“Fantastic. Thank you so much. I’ll call him, and let him know that I got him his housewarming gift finally.”

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

It was a typical Thursday. Jon was up at about 3:15 pm, showed, and held by 3:45, and waiting on his couch at 3:55 pm. He would have slept in a bit longer, but his brother said he was sending a maid around to help get his place cleaned up, and settled in. Normally, he would have scoffed at his brother; their mother Prided herself on keeping an immaculate home and passed that on to her boys. Jon thought as he waited. He scanned his new house, frowning at what he saw.

Between moving, and working a schedule thatwore him out, he had let things slip. There were still empty boxes straight about, there were piles of debris that needed to be swept up, and most of his furniture required dusting. He told himself that it was his schedule, but deep down he knew he was lying to himself. It was because of her.

Jon was kept from walking in painful reminiscence when there was a knock at the door. Checking his watch he saw that the maid was punctual. ‘Hmmph, 4 pm on the nose.’ he thought as he opened the door wearing some loose shorts, and a comical t-shirt, his typical off day attire.

“Yes?” He asked, barely registering who was on the porch as he was still glancing back into the house.

Emiko was wearing a short jean skirt, ankle socks, and sneakers, with a low cut tank top showing more than a hint of cleavage. “Hi, I’m Emiko. I’m here to clean for you, a gift from your brother, I believe.” She smiled shyly at him, offering her hand.

Jon turned towards the voice. It sounded a littleMore bubbled than he expected. As he took her in, he noted how she was dressed, and a slightly arched eyebrow. Still, it wasn’t in him to be rude, and he took her tiny hand in his.

“Yes, as he explained it to me, he thought I could use someone to look after my place since I’ve been too busy to do it myself. Please, won’t you come in.”

Jon stepped back, holding the door open, and gesturing for Emiko to enter. Once she was in, he closed the door behind her and joined her in the living room.

“Right, so I don’t know if you brought your supplies or this is just an initial visit to see what you’ll need for the actual cleaning, but this…” He paused and gestured to her outfit. “Doesn’t look like a cleaning outfit, if you don’t mind me saying.”

Jon waited, curious about her answer.

“Well, to be honest, there is a uniform we are supposed to wear. However, it’s a bit embarrassing to wear in public. If there’s a place I can change, I would appreciate it. Then I canget started on making this place immaculate.”

Jon tilted his head at the mention of a uniform. ‘How could a cleaning outfit be embarrassing?’ he thought, but his curiosity got the better of him. He’d take a look, and if this wasn’t above board he’d get rid of her, manners be damned.

“I see. Apologies. If you’ll go down that hall…” Jon turned and pointed to a hallway to their left. “The Second door on your left will be the bathroom. There should be plenty of room to change in there. When you return we can discuss what the priorities are.”

Jon stepped back, giving Emiko plenty of room to move past him. As she did, he watched how she walked. When his brother called about a cleaning service, he was dubious; this wasn’t the usual sort of thing he’d get as a housewarming present. Now, that present was here. It was time to figure out what his brother was up to.

She smiled as she moved past him, ‘accidentally’ rubbing her tits on his chest. She went into the bathroomand closed the door. Several minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and a naked Emiko walked out carrying her clothes. “I guess you can now see why the uniform is embarrassing.” She said standing in front of him letting him look at her smooth skin.

Jon’s face showed disapproval immediately as she walked out completely naked. “Okay, what the hell is this? You’re not a maid, are you?”

Jon turned from her to give her some small amount of respect. He didn’t wait for her answer though and keep talking, mostly to himself. “My stupid brother thinks I’m depressed over my ex, so he hires a call girl to…”

Jon turned his head slightly but still avoided looking at naked woman standing inside his personal space. “Look, I’ll pay you for your time, and you can be on your way. I have a phone call, and an angry conversation to deal with.”

She walks up to him and placed her hand on his arm. “Yes, I am a maid.” She hands him a business card. “The service is called Neat N’ Naked. We do clean, but we do it naked. Some girls do more than just clean, but it’s not required. On average only about four to six percent of our clients want more than a pretty girl dusting shelves. I’m not embarrassed to be seen naked, so look all you want. Besides once I got here there are no refunds, and your brother did pay a lot of money for my time,” She stood there looking up at him, caresing his arm gently waiting for him to speak.

Jon turned slightly, and took the card, looking at the name on it. Sure enough, the service was called “Neat N’ Naked”. As he looked up, he had to admit that she looked like something out of his fansies. Her petite body looked like she had been carved out of marble like a Greek status. Her pert breasts and hourglass wait made him reconsider for a moment, but if he wanted sex, he would have gone out, and gotten it. He just wasn’t ready, or so he told himself.

He pocketed the card since she had no pockets in her “uniform”. He surprised, heDid need some help getting his place organized.

“Alright…,” he sights in announcement, and resignation, “Since he’s already paid for your time, and you are a maid, though a bit underdressed, you may as well stay, and help me straighten up. Start here…,” He gestured to the living room, “Then the bathroom, and kitchen. If there’s time left after that…” He turned and walked through an arch that had been to the right of the living room. On the other side of the wall from the living room, in my home office, and the dining room on the far side of the kitchen.”

Emiko noticed a heavy-duty door with a deadbolt on it. She also noticed Jon didn’t say anything about it. “As you wish…sir.” She said meekly. Walking into the living room she bent over at the waist pointing her ass right at Jon as she began to neatly stack up the books, and magazines on his coffee table. Looking over her shoulder, she asked: “Is there anything, in particular, you would like me to take care of for you?”

At the word sir, Jon felt his mask slip, the mask he had spent years perfecting. The one he used to keep control of himself, and strangers at bay. For a fleeting instant, the real Jon broke free, but he recovered so quickly that Emiko didn’t see anything.

When she bent over, Jon couldn’t help but steal a look at her heart-shaped ass, as he shook his head in response, then realizing she wasn’t looking at him, he responded, “No, nothing specific. I just hope you’re through. I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be in my office if you need me.” Averting his eyes as he headed to his office, and away from temptation.

If he was going to hide in his office, and avoid her, she wouldn’t stand a chance of doing what the client hired her to do. As he turned away, inspiration struck the young woman. “Does Emiko displease Master? Is Master unhappy with Emiko’s body?” She asked kneeing with her legs spread open, and her hands palm up resting on her thighs.

Jon stopped and put his handon the door jamb to steady himself. Her words had cut through his defenses and hit a primary nervous underneath. He didn’t turn right away; he took a moment to settle himself and drew a few breaths to replace his mask.

Once he had control, Jon looked over his shoulder. His heart left into his throat when he saw Emiko in the Nadu position. It accentuated her perky breasts, tipped with nipples that ached to be sucked. A long slow breath tamed his more basic urges as he spoke. “What did you say?”

That’s not what he means to ask, but it slipped out just the same. “I mean, why would that matter?” He said, trying to maintain his earlier attitude, “Your body, as nice as it is, as no bearing on how good of a maid you are.”

“Does Master not wish to watch this one, in case she… does something that requires correction from Master? Master must ensure that this one is an obedient, and worthy worker for him.”

Jon turned fully to look at her kneeing submissively in the middleof his living room. If she lifted her chin, she would see a glint in his eye. A spark that hadn’t been there in a long time. He steps forward, letting his mask slip a little, his voice changed it was more independent and less genial. “Sounds like you’ve already been broken in. I’m sure you were taught obedience,” He spoke, trying to stop her from taking him down that path, a path that he hadn’t traveled for so long, he forgot how beautiful it was. He just wasn’t sure he wanted it like this or did he?

“This one was taught to provide her Master with what he needs, even if the Master is unsure or doesn’t know what it is he needs. Let this one give you what you truly desire, Master.”

Jon felt a great aching need rise inside of him at her words. There was a part of him that Refused to admit his brother was right. His desires fought with his refusal to let his brother win when the part of him he kept locked in a cage reminded him how rare it was to find a beautiful Asian woman that would submit to him so quickly, and completely. He wrestled with his conflicting emotions and decided on a compromise. He walked into the living room and sat down in his armchair. Bringing his hand up to his chin, he looked like a completely different person. He was more confident, self-assured, and in control. His eyes flashed observing every detail.

“Return to your cleaning. If you need correction, I will provide that correction.” His voice was different as he looked at her. This was the “real” Jon.

“As Master commands, this one obeys,” Emiko said softly, then she stood up in a smooth, and fluid motion. Once she was on her feet, she picked up an empty coffee cup which slipped from her fingers, and fell, Jon saw her lose her grip on the cup,

he reached out and tried to catch it, but it was too far away, and springing from a seated position in the chair took too long. They both watched as the mug hit the floor, handle first, and shattered into as many pieces os Jon’s heart when his ex left him.

He looked at the shattered mug, then at the naked woman. He stood up, and stepped close to her, forcing her to crane her neck to look up at him. He speaks sternly but quietly, “This leaves me with a question: was that intentional? If breaking that mug was an accident, then you’re having a bad day, and we can go from there. But if you did that on purpose, then you can leave now. I don’t know if I can trust you.” He stood there, watching to see how she reacted.

“This one’s clumsiness was not intentional Master.” She said looking up at him, her eyes pleading for him to believe her. “The greatest gift this one can give her Master is her honesty. How can this one prove, to Master, she is worthy of his trust?’ She fight off a little smile as she watched his erect cock jump every time she said, Master.

“Come with me…” he said, not bothering to look behind him as he walked to the heavy locked door she saw earlier. Reaching inside his shirt, hePulled out a lanyard with a single key hanging from it. He used the key in the lock and pushed the pocket door into the wall. As Jon walked into the room, the motion sensors kicked the lights on, bathing the room in a soft amber glow.

Emiko knew that tone well. It brokered no argument and required no response from one properly trained to serve. She followed him through the house to the door. Once he opened the door, she stepped into the room and was impressed. She had suspected a stereotypical home dungeon with a few pieces of bondage apparatus.

Instead, she found a professionally decorated room in a Far East motif, mostly Japanese. The bed was low to the floor, with a curtained canopy. As Emiko looked around, she noticed the paintings on the walls were watercolors from the Edo period, including her favorite piece, Geisha. It always reminded her of her grandmother who was a professional Geisha.

Jon watched as she looked around the tastefully decorated room, rememberng the arguments he had with the contractor when he was building this room, soundproofing, hidden competitions, decorative rings strategically hanging from the ceiling, and walls, and reinforced ceiling studs. He was sure the contractor took the blueprints to the local PD, and he was listed in a file as a potential serial killer.

Jon watched as Emiko walked all around the room, looking at the art, and decorations, but not noticing the Disguised purpose of the room. While she examined the room, he stepped around her, and opened a drawer in one of the pieces of furniture, removing some restraints.

“Arms behind your back, and try to grab each elbow with the hand of the opposite arm.” He watched as she immediately assumed the position he asked for.

Hearing his command, she assumed the familiar position with ease. Once her arms were secured, the familiarity caused her juices to flow freely and started to quiver in excitement.

Jon wrapped two full-wrists bracers on her. Then, he clipped them together using all three metallic spring-loaded clips. He walked around to look in her eyes. “On to the center of the bed, face-up,” he spoke almost dispatchately as he delivered his commands. Without waiting to see if she would obey, he opened a hidden door and walked into the side room.


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