Wrong Side of the Bed – Ch. 07

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes descriptions of consensual intoxication, reluctance, hair pulling, bondage, sensing deprivation, and scratching. Reader discretion is advised.


“M…Mistress,” Elva murmured in her sleep. “Don’t… stop,” Though her mind was still in slumber, Elva’s dreams were of Mistress and her pleasures. Only after another moment did Elva becomes aware of a gentle care atop her head.

“Hello, kitten,” Elva heard Mistress call to her in a sweet voice. After groaning and shifting, Elva pushed her eyes open to find herself resting in Mistress’ lap, lying on her side while facing Mistress’ corset.

Fully awake, Elva blinked several times and tried not to turn her gaze upwards. “Um, hello, Mistress,” Elva shyly answered as she stared straight ahead. ‘Oh, Brigit, her chest is right there… and her… um…‘ she struggled in vain not to picture Mistress unclothed and the noises she made wheren Elva touched her. ‘Oh no, I smell her now,‘ Elva felt her cheeks grow warm and her heart flutter as the sweet aroma filled her senses.

“It’s quite intotoxicating, isn’t it, kitten?” Mistress teased as she tucked a lock of hair behind Elva’s ear. “If you’re already this excited, I suppose you’re ready to play some more.”

Elva blinked before she turned her head upwards to find Mistress gazing at her with a pleasant smile. ‘I suppose.

“Sit up on the sofa, kitten,” Mistress ordered in a gentle tone while she held out her hand for Elva to take.

Without turning, Elva pushed herself up to sit next to Mistress, pressing her knees into the cushioned backing. After pulling herself closer, Elva waited with eager anticipation while she looked between Mistress’ eyes and lips.

“You’re very easy to read, kitten,” Mistress seizedly whispered as she adopted a slight grin. “It’s one of the many things I adore about you.” After watching Elva blush and squirm, her grin fell back to a light smile as she asked, “You want to kiss me again, don’t you, kitten?”

Elva bashfully nodded yes after a second before she leaned forward expected. Though, as Elva closed her eyes, she felt Mistress’ finger press into her parted lips. Surprised, Elva opened her eyes to find Mistress staring at her intently with hungry eyes and a devious grin.

Too bad,” Mistress whispered teasingly. “Your dreams have made me quite hungry, kitten, and I’m craving something more,” she paused for a second as she lowered her finger and leaned in to whisper into Elva’s ear, “cruel.”

“Uh, cruel?” Elva asked nervously. ‘I… don’t like the sound of that,‘ she gulped as Mistress leaned back and licked her lips.

Oh, don’t worry, kitten,” Mistress strictly cooed before she pushed herself off the sofa. “I’ll make sure it’s quite pleasurable.”

Elva hesitantly turned around to face Mistress and pulledher legs off the chair. Before she could stand up, though, Mistress brought her left hand under Elva’s chin and tapped her collar. To Elva’s surprise, as Mistress retired her hand she pulled at Elva’s neck and, in a quick motion, lifted her off the sofa.

Oh-okay, we’re—how—‘ Elva thought in a fluster as Mistress took a few steps away, tugging her with ease. ‘How-how is she moving me… so easily?‘ Elva stumbled after Mistress before catching up to her steps.

“Trade secrets, kitten,” Mistress answered while continuing to walk. “Pay enough attention and you might see a few more. It’s time to visit the other side of the playroom for some,” she paused before finishing, “punishment.”

“The other s-side?” Elva asked; she looked back nervously to discover they had been sitting against the wall. “P-punishment?” Mistress continued to pull Elva despite her distraction, causing her to stumble forward a step. ‘Oh, I…I really don’t like the sound of this,‘ she thought as she looked ahead and remembered the strange furniture and instruments they were now approaching.

“You’ll be surprised, kitten,” Mistress replied mischievously without turning around. “Some find they quite enjoy the sensings that come with pain.”

“P-p-pain?” Elva nervously clarified as she attempted to halt her steps and collect herself, only to get tugged along as if she had not even tried to stop. “But, I-I, you said a slave’s energy tastes sweetest when they’re in b-bliss?”

“And there is so much bliss in pain, kitten,” her voice nearly sang as Mistress turned around and pulled their bodies together. Before she had time to react, Mistress swiftly brought her free hand up behind Elva and firmly grabbed her hair.

Elva yelped in shock and closed her eyes as Mistress forced her head back; her heart pounded while her mind started to feel fuzzy. ‘Ah-ah, she’s…‘ Elva struggled to think asshe held her shivering body against Mistress.

“See, kitten?” Mistress teased as she held Elva’s hair. “It’s quite—stimulating—isn’t it?”

Her grasp sharpened and Elva let out a brief shriek. “Ah– it-it’s—” Elva struggled to answer through her increasingly-ragged breaths. A tug on her collar that pulled her neck further out caused Elva to gasp and halted any attempt at a response. Wincing, she couldn’t protest as Mistress lowered her lips to Elva’s neck and kissed her prickled skin.

Elva released a shuddering moan as her knees began to buckle, though it turned to a shrink cry as her hair began carrying weight. She lifted her hands to Mistress’ shoulders to pull herself up and steady her legs as Mistress moved across her neck. When her grasp tightened again, Elva dug her fingers in as she struggled to keep herself steady.

Then, suddenly, Mistress lifted her head while releasing her grasp on Elva and easing the pull on her collar. After gasping deeply, Elva let her head fall into Mistress’ chest; her mind was dizzy, and Elva had to wait a moment before she could open her eyes.

Well?” Mistress asked as she pushed Elva’s chin up. “Did you feel bliss, kitten?”

“I,” Elva struggled to form her words as she looked at Mistress’ smiling lips. “I-I’m not—sure, but I,” As her daze fall, Elva’s chest had grown hot and she was beginning to ache. ‘I think… I could handle more.

“Good girl,” Mistress criticized. With a sly grin, Mistress released Elva’s chin and looked down at her left shoulder. Only then did Elva realize her fingertips were still gripping Mistress. She swiftly retracted her hands and shyly held them over her mouth as she observed the light scratch marks embedded in Mistress’ skin.

“Don’t worry, I’m not upset, kitten,” Mistress reassurered Elva before she could express her concern. “Though, you have given me a wonderful idea,” she added with a devilish smile as she looked back at Elva.”Follow me. I think I know what you need, kitten.” Mistress stepped away and began pulling Elva by her collar again; Elva followed with little resistance this time and with more anticipation than dread as the air sweetened around her.

With a few more steps, the pair passed the center of the room then Mistress stepped towards a peculiar piece of furniture; it stood on four legs in the shape of a rounded wedding that almost came to Elva’s hip, with a pair of plans that ran along each side that came up to her knees. The piece was of sleep, blackened wood but thick, red padding that rippled as it reflected the warm light covered most of it.

“Please,” Mistress stepped to the right side of the wedge while gently pulling Elva, “lie on this for me, kitten.” Her tone and smile were disarming, and Elva hardly hesitated to nod and climb atop the structure. As she raised her left knee onto the side, the plump cushioning seemed to hug her leg and her hands as they supported her. Once shewas straddling the odd furniture, Elva followed the pull on her collar and laid her chest and arms down on the wedge.

As her body aligned with the wedge, Mistress released Elva and slowly circled her. ‘At least it’s comfortable,’ Elva thought as she rested her head on the left slope and released the tension in her shoulders.

After a moment, Mistress stepped around Elva and knelt before her While caresing her cheek. “Thank you for being such a good girl, kitten,” Mistress whispered as Elva raised her head. Feeling her face flush, Elva almost shifted as she tried to maintain eye contact. “Now, be good and stay still for another moment.”

Mistress looked to the wall and, with a wave of her hand, summoned an oddly shaped leather strap shrouded in a purple and pink glow. “Close Your eyes for me, kitten,” she soothingly whispered as she grasped the object as the light faded. Elva looked at the odd stick for only a few seconds before she glanced back up to Mistress and closed her eyes anxiously.

“Good girl,” Mistress whispered before the strap covered her eyes. Shuddering, Elva waited with anticipation as Mistress pulled the sides around and closed the leather around her head. “Just one more moment, kitten,” Mistress requested as she placed her hands upon Elva’s wrists. She only seemed to hold Elva for a few moments, though Elva welcomed the warm touch as it helped steady her shaken breaths.

“There, all done,” Mistress sweetly said as she pulled her hands away. “You may move now, kitten,” she paused before mischievously adding, “if you can.”

Elva opened her eyes first to find the world was completely dark; the leather band kept even the fearest traces of light from her sight. Next, she tried to move her wrists, only to Find her arms affixed to the plans. When she reflexively moved her legs, she realized her shins wouldn’t move either.

Mistress giggled amusingly before teasing, “Thank you for testing my magic,kitten.”

Elva felt her spine tingle before asking nervously, “Uhh, Mistress? Wh-why can’t I move?” She started to wiggle in distress as she tried to anticipate Mistress’ intentions.

“I didn’t want you to hurt yourself, kitten,” Mistress replied calmly before gently taking hold of Elva’s hair and lifting her head. “Only I can do that,” she seizedly whispered before her grip tightened, pulling Elva’s lips into hers.

Elva felt her mind grow light before she had time to react to the pain beyond a wince. Mistress’ taste was intotoxicating, while the firm hold on her hair worsened Elva’s need to fight against her bonds. Another tightening of her grap left Elva struggle to kiss Mistress back, though the sweetening of her lips drew Elva to continue through deep grosses.

After several moments, Elva felt Mistress gently scrape her fingerprintnail on her neck. A shift left Elva breathless and unable to keep hold of Mistress’ lips.

Mistress moaned approvingly as her finger followed the contours of Elva’s collar. “You make the most wonderful sounds, kitten,” she teased as her finger came around Elva’s shoulder. “Don’t forget to breathe,” Mistress added before releasing Elva’s hair. Elva rested her head back down while her body quivered.

Next, Elva heard several clicks of Mistress’ shoes following the light scratch of her finger as it traveled to her side. ‘Ah, that… that ticles,‘ Elva thought as she steadied her breathing. When Mistress added a second finger and started to trace down her ribs, a shudder forced a gasp from Elva again.

Breathe, kitten,” Mistress whispered without pausing. Her hand had reached Elva’s waist and was nearing her hip when Mistress added another finger to her scratches. Elva’s breaths became slow and labored as Mistress passed a line on her hip that sent shivers down her spine.

Mistress softly tried, “You’re doing very well, kitten.” When her fingertips reached theside of Elva’s rear, Mistress finally pulled her hand away.

Elva only had a moment to catch her breath before she felt Mistress scratch her ribs on the opposite side. With Mistress pressing in with all her fingers, Elva struggled for air as her body shook and pulled against her unseen restraints. She felt her head growing hot and dizzy again, and Elva lost herself the flow of Mistress’ nails until they reached her hip.

Mistress added her own moan onto Elva’s before she released her clawed hand from Elva’s rear. Suddenly, Elva felt a warm pressure on her bottom that pushed her into the cushioning. “That’s not so bad, is it, kitten?” Mistress asked into Elva’s ear as she leaned onto her back.

“It’s,” Elva struggled to answer; the weight of Mistress pressing her down made it difficult to breathe, while neither her scent nor the feeling of her chest helped clear her head. “It’s not… so bad… Mi-Mistress.”

“Good girl,” Mistress whispered as she gently grasped Elva by her left rear. In a smooth motion, Mistress brought her nails back up her side again, delivering a shrink cry from Elva before Mistress ordered, “Breathe, kitten.”

I…I’m trying, Mistress,‘ Elva tried to think as her breathing became ragged and her head spun. Mistress had already reached her ribs and grabbed hold of her right cheek. Just as one hand left her skin, the other started trekking up her side

At the following exchange, Elva felt her body grow warm and tingly. With her head spinning, she could hardly tell when Mistress changed sides; all Elva could do was whine lightly as her limbs trembled into the cushions.

Finally, Elva had a chance to catch her breath as Mistress tenderly held her sides. “You’re doing wonderfully, kitten,” Mistress whispered before lifting her chest off Elva’s back. “I think it’s time for a small reward,” she added before placing a hand on her rear and, instead of scratching Elva, slide to her crotch.

As her fingers touched her lips, Elva released a blissful cry while her body began to understand. It was only another second before Mistress began her scratches again; the path down her ribs was slow, but Mistress dug in her nails deeper. Elva cried out in pain and then bliss as Mistress brought her fingers to her sensitive spot.

With her body trembling, Elva could only succumb to the gentle circles Mistress traced around her hood. When Mistress brought her nails to her hip, Elva shrieked as her body began to understand while Mistress scraped past Elva’s rear and down her thigh.

“Mistress, I…I—!” Elva struggled to say before her body began to convulse. Sharp cries escaped her with ragged breaths when Mistress’ hand traveled back up to her rear. Pressing herself into the cushioning, Elva rode out the wave of heat traveling through her core. No longer able to discern where Mistress was touching her, Elva waited until, eventually, Mistress’ fingers left her skin.

“Good girl,” Mistress affectionately prayed while Elva caught her breath through waning whiles. “You endured your first scratching session so well, kitten.”

Elva was too dizzy to form a response; her heart fluttered, though, and she tried vainly to hide her face after being complimented.

“I think it might be time to move on from the warm-up, though,” Mistress mischievously added as she placed her fingertip on the small of Elva’s back.

“Wa-warm-up?” Elva snapped from her daze and lifted her head to look back at Mistress, forgetting the strap covering her eyes. “Wha-what do you mean by—move on, Mistress?” Elva asked, only to regret it immediately.

Mistress replied devilishly, “Oh, this,” as her nail sharpened to a tip and began dragging on Elva’s skin.

Elva screeched and clenched herself into the cushioning. She gripped the plans, but it did little to dull the pain. ‘It-it stings, Mistress!‘ Elva desperately thought as she was left breathless.

“Let it sting, kitten,” Mistress replied, continuing her path up Elva’s back. “You’ve felt this bliss before, let it come again.”

I’ll,‘ Elva’s thought was interrupted when Mistress reached her ribcage, leaving her spine to shiver. ‘I’ll,‘ her thought failed to form again; Mistress’ finger had turned and slide between her ribs across to her side. ‘Oh, Brigit, I-I don’t know… if I can.

“Yes, you can, kitten,” Mistress relieved Elva as the nail traveled down her ribs. Elva released another shriek as Mistress passed over the already tender skin. “Breathe, kitten. Breathe,” Mistress calmly ordered as her finger reached Elva’s waist.

Breathe,‘ Elva tried to steady her breathing, but a sharp gasp set back her efforts. ‘Breathe,‘ she curled her toes while pushing her forehead into the wedge as Mistress continued her path. ‘Brea—‘ her nail reached Elva’s hip; witha scrill cry, her body shook as Elva felt her head tingle.

“Don’t lose yourself just yet, kitten,” Mistress said with elation as Elva’s body began to understand. “Keep breathing,” Mistress lowered another sharpened nail to Elva’s skin.

While ragged, Elva began to take coarse breaths as she whimpered weakly. ‘Mistress, I… It’s…‘ Elva sharply moaned as Mistress traveled to her thigh, leaving searing trails across her rear. ‘I can’t… take… much more.

“Don’t worry,” Mistress reassured Elva sweetly before she added a third nail and traced back up her leg. “Just a little longer, kitten.”

Elva winced and pushed her head further into the cushion as the nails rounded her bottom. Her breathing was ragged and coarse while her head spun in circles. ‘I… I…

“I know, kitten, I’ll take care of you,” Mistress said as she brought two rounded fingertips to Elva’s slit. “Are you ready?” she sweetly whispered while her nails scratched pastElva’s hip.

Elva struggled to suppress a screech into a whimper before she weakly nodded her head. As Mistress slowly pushed her fingers in, a harsh moan left Elva breathless as her body shuddered. ‘Oh, Mistress, I-I…‘ nearly distracted from the pain, Elva hardly noticed Mistress lower the rest of her nails onto her skin.

That’s it, kitten,” Mistress cooed as she gently penetrated Elva further. Elva quaked as her back curled into Mistress’ hand, even as her nails scraped down from her shoulders.

P…please,‘ her fingerers were so close to where Elva was sensitive, but Mistress hardly brushed past it as she retracted her fingers and inserted them again. ‘Please, Mistress, touch—,‘ Mistress’ nails passed her hip once more, halting her request.

Breathe, kitten,” Mistress shushed Elva as her moans shuddered. “Breathe, and I will.”

B-breathe… Breathe,‘ For the next moment, Elva struggled to steady her whimpers. Mistress kept scratching and fingering her, and Elva grew dizzy as she tried to focus on her one instruction. ‘Breathe,‘ Elva clenched her hands as she inhaled deeply.

One,” Mistress counted after Elva finally managed to take a breath.

B-breathe,‘ her shudder as she exhausted wasn’t helping, but Elva gasped for more air.

Two,” Mistress’ fingers produced ever so close to Elva’s bump, as if waiting for one last breath.

The scrape of Mistress’ nails on her thigh forced a shriek from Elva as her voice trembled. Hunched into the wedge, she whimpered twice in a struggle to take a breath before finally gasping deeply.

Three,” Mistress whispered, finally pressing her fingers down onto Elva’s sensitive spot.

With a piercing shriek, Elva’s body began to tremble uncontrollable. ‘Oh, Brigit, I…I…‘ Elva struggled to think as her hips began to rock into Mistress’ hand.

“That’s it, kitten,” Mistress cooed as she pressed into Elva. “Let it come.”

Oh, I… I’m…‘ Elva could no longer tell where Mistress’ nails were dragging save for a slight tingling. With one last rock of her hip, Elva let out a quivering moan before her body began to convulse.


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