Naughty at the Office

Naughty at the Office

So this was another different direction for me largely produced by this last year. Based on a story I read many years ago. No not 50 Shades. I don’t normally go in this direction, but I have been thinking about this for a while and basically decided to go for it.

Kazimiera (Kazia to her friends) groaned as she rolled over, trying to get back to sleep. She had been awoken by her husband Valerian, Val getting up early. The two of them had been on asynchronous schedules for months. Being woken up early like this had been only the start. They barely saw one another and as a result, no sex. At first it wasn’t too bad, although she did miss him, but now it was more than she could stand. Finally Kazia gave up, wanting to scream as she slowly rose. The shower was nice and hot, which made it tempting to touch herself, but knew she would be late if she did.

Once in the office she quickly made her way to her desk. She took severalal deep breaths, hoping to conceal her frustration from her coworkers. She was so focused on trying to remain calm while calling up her work for the day on the computer, that she didn’t notice when Holly, a coworker, came up to her.

“Kazia, what are you wearing?” Kazia looked up, staring briefly at Holly before looking down.

“What?” Holly surprised.

“That skirt is too short and the shirt too low cut. Mr. Corte is not going to like it.” Kazia merely shrugged. “Your dress sense has gotten less professional in the past few months. Are you trying to get attention?” When Kazia didn’t respond Holly shrugged and walked off. Kazia tried to bury herself in her assignments for the day. This was somewhat successful as she was unaware that someone had walked up to her desk until they cleared their throat. She looked up to see it was her boss Adrian Corte. She nearly jumped as she stood.

“Mr. Corte, sorry sir. I-I was so focused I didn’t see you.” He looked her up anddown before shaking his head.

“Mrs. Caron, I believe we need to have a meeting to address certain issues that have come to my attention. However I will not have time until after the end of the work day. We will need at least an hour. Will this be a problem?” She opened her mouth to object, but saw his expression and shook her head.

“No. No sir, I’ll be there.” He nodded.

“Good. Back to work.” She stared after him for several moments, but returned to work as she knew that this would not be a prelude to termination. She knew him well enough to know that firing her would take a five minute meeting first thing, not an hour or more meeting at the end of the day.

She was grateful that by the time five rolled around she had made a fair amount of progress on her Assignments. She was just packing up for the day when her boss approached.

“Mrs. Caron, good. Meet me in my office after everyone has left.” He walked off without waiting for her response. She stared afterhim for a moment, but returned to her packing up. One or two coworkers gave her a brief look as she was not heading out with them. However it was only restricted to a brief look. At last everyone was gone and she headed to her boss’s office, with some trepidation despite her confidence that he was not going to fire her. The door was closed so she knocked.

“Enter.” She opened the door and was surprised to find her boss’s chair was in the middle of the room next to a small table that she usually saw along a wall with pictures on it. The table was about waist height for her and just over two feet long. On the table she noted that there was a towel and a cup.

“Close the door.” She did so and set her stuff down beside the door. She slowly approached him.

“You wanted to see me, sir.” He nodded.

“Your attire has become less professional of late and your work has suffered. It is currently acceptable, but only just. This is disappointing as you were one of our best.” She exhausted slowly, looking down.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Corte I’ll endeavor to do better.” He Shook his head.

“I believe the best way forward is to correct your behavior before your work deteriorates further.” She nodded slowly.

“Excellent. Now undress.” Her head shot up and her eyes went wide.

“Sir?” He barely reacted.

“That has only increased Your punishment. However if you wish to leave now, there will be no consequences. But I am concerned that this intervention is necessary.” She lowered her eyes and considered the situation. He had never shown himself to be vindictive, merely a boss who set high standards. So she nodded slowly and began undressing. She stepped out of her shoes, unzipped and dropped her skirt, and unbuttoned her shirt before removing it, leaving her dressed only in her bra and panties. She stood waiting for instructions. He showed softly.

“What were my instructions?” She momentarily looked up.

“To undress, sir.” He nodded.

“I did not say ‘strip down to your undergarments’. This will only add to your punishment.” Kazia swiftly removed her bra and panties, hoping he wouldn’t misinterpret her hard nipples as being anything more than the room being a touch cold for nudity. “Now up onto the table, I wish to examine you.” She hesitated, but only briefly before climbing up onto the table. With equal reluctance she allowed him to spread her legs. He made a low click as he shook his head.

“That hair will have to go.” She blinked and touched the hair on her head, but looked down realizing he was referring to her pubic hair. She swiftly closed her legs.

“No, what will my husband says when he sees I have a bald pussy?” He shook his head.

“That is your problem. I will remind you one last time that you can leave without repercussions.” She hesitated briefly before shaking her head. “Good, now spread your legs once more. You have added to your punishment.” She slowly compiled. Mr. Corte proceeded to spread shaving lotion between her legs until he had covered everywhere that he planned to shake. She moaned as she felt the brush along her pussy lips and her clip. Mr. Corte looked over his handiwork carefully before setting the brush aside.

She tried to remain still as there was not a lot of space on the table. He picked up a razor and with smooth strokes moved down her pussy. She moaned and struggled to keep still as he moved the razor along her most sensitive parts. He continued in this manner, working from the top of her pussy, down around to the top of her ass. At last he was satisfied and set the razor aside. Mr. Corte picked up the towel and carefully dried her off.

After making one final check that she was completely hairless, he lowered his head to her pussy. She nearly jumped as his tongue made contact with her pussy lips. She moaned while his tongue covered her lips, but carefully avoided her clip. She groaned and nearly collapsed as she put her hands on his head.She compromised under the efforts of his questing tongue. Her moaning growing louder as he delicately separated her lips with his tongue. Once the lips were sufficiently opened he began thrusting his tongue between them. She moaned louder and nearly fell off the table, but he held onto her keeping her in place. He squeezed her ass as he attempted to work his tongue in deeper. She nearly screamed and he switched to sucking her clip. This time she did scream as her orgasm hit.

With his help she collapsed on to the table, where her breathing slowed and her eyes closed. Kazia suddenly opened her eyes and looked around the office until she saw the clock on the wall. It had only been a couple of minutes. She looked over to her boss, who was sitting patiently next to the table.

“Good. When you’re ready, stand up.” She nodded and slowly sat up. Finding herself steady she slowly lowered her feet to the floor. She stood with care and he stood as well. “Now, bend over the table.” She blinked, but nodded and compiled. As soon as she was bent over he pulled out restraints and put an individual one to stick each limb to a leg of the table. She turned her head to see him standing next to the table, holding a leather paddle.

“Mr. Corte, what is that, what’s going on?” Without warning the paddle struck her rear.

“You don’t need to speak, you have already earned enough of a punishment.” She took a moment to consider what he had said, but decided to continue.

“Sir, I know I agreed to this and I know my work has suffered lately, but I promise I’ll do better.” She intended to continue, but once again she felt a sharp smoke against her rear. She moaned, but did not make intelligent speech.

“I think that mouth has become too much of a distraction for you to learn your lesson. So I’ll need to address that, at least until I have a better use for it.” Her eyes opened wide as she saw that he held a ballgag. She resisted initially, but when she saw him rais the paddle again she opened her mouth. He quickly slipped the ball gag in place and attached the straps behind her head.

“Now, let’s begin. First for your refusal to undress.” With this began a series of smacks onto her rear, first one chef, then the other, before smacking between them. She moaned into the ball gag and rocked forward against her restraints. “Then we have your disobeying instructions and Only striping down to your bra and panties.” This began another series of smacks eliciting further moans from her. She felt her pussy began to moisten and desperately hoped he hadn’t noticed.

“Finally we have your objection to my removal of your pubic hair and your general sliding work ethic.” This began a long series of smacks which rocked her back and forth as she moaned into the ball gag. She was quite Surprised when instead of another smack she felt him rubbing her ass gently. She moaned softly, resting her head against the table. Mr. Corte soon stopped.

Sheraised her head to look around. He was walking around in front of her. Her eyes went wide as she saw that he had undressed and his hard cock was about eye level. She continued to star as he removed the ball gag. Kazia nearly objected, but the lessons had sunk in too well. She slowly nodded and opened her mouth, his desire obvious.

He slowly pushed forward, her struggle not to gag as the final inches entered her. He held that position for several moments, during which she began to see spots, but he soon pulled back. Again he slowly inched forward until he was all the way in. He continued in this manner, each thrust a little harder than the last, until he was thrusting with modern speed. Suddenly he stopped and pulled out. She gasped and was momentarily unaware of his movements until she felt a smack on her rear, although it was not a spank as before, more an affection smack to get her attention.

He lined up the head of his cock with her pussy and she gasped, but didn’tSay anything. He slowly pushed forward, finding her wet pussy offered little resistance. She moaned loudly and it did not take him long to bottom outside inside her. In short order he gripped her rear tightly and began thrusting with increasing speed. She moaned and could believe how big he felt, even though after taking him in her mouth she knew he was not much larger than her husband. She moaned as he continued to pound her into the restraints. He made low groans, but was otherwise quiet.

Mr. Corte began making quick hard thrusts, eliciting further moans from her. Kazia felt her own orgasm hit and she felt herself collapse onto the table. He however continued to thrust, but now he began rubbing her anus with a thumb. She moaned softly, but mostly just whimpered as his thrusts slowed until he made one last hard thrust. He lingered for a short time before slowly pulling out. She barely noticed her surroundings until she felt a warm liquid at the entrance of her ass. She raised her head and attempted to speak.

“What’s that?” A sharp smack on her rear caused her to close her mouth and wait. Mr. Corte pressed a finger to her anus, causing a sharp intake of breath as he slowly penetrated her ass. She moaned as he turned to thrusting in and out of her ass. She remained lying flat on the table as he used more lube until he could get two fingers inside. Once he could get both fingers inside her, he slowly spread them until he was satisfied. She moaned as he pulled all the way out. She whimpered as she experienced the feeling of her now empty ass. She gasped when she felt something hard slowly pushed into her ass, although she didn’t say anything. She felt herself nodding off from exhaustion and barely noticed as he removed the restraints.

“When you’re ready stand slowly.” She looked over to see he was once more seated in the chair, watching her intently. She slowly stood, but soon found herself sinking to the floor. She groaned as she felt her ass, both wherehe had spanked her and the object he had put inside.

“What’s this?” He sat back in the chair, arms resting on the rests.

“A plug. You will keep it there unless you absolutely need to remove it. In which case you will clean the plug and yourself thoroughly before returning it to your ass.” She stared at him as she slowly stood.

“Why?” He stood and began gathering his clothes.

“You clearly need discipline, I’m providing that. Now we will see how your work ethic improvements. In the future I expect you to be dressed properly and returning to your usual quality of work. You will earn the release from the plug.” She made several attempts to object, but each time closed her mouth when she saw the look in his eye. Slowly she nodded.

“Yes, sir.” He smiled as they finished dressing.

“Good. Now, good night and I expect to see you here bright and early on Monday.” She nodded as she gathered the rest of her stuff.

“Yes, sir. I promise not to be late.” He nodded and she walked out. Although she walked a bit slower as she had never tried walking with a plug in her ass.

Kazia drove home in complete confusion at the events of the past hour. She had allowed her pussy to be shaken, her ass to be spanked, to be restrained, fucked by her boss and finally her ass to be filled with a plug.

“Why, why did I allow that?” Even as she asked the question, part of it was obvious. She had allowed herself to be fucked because she was horny. The part she couldn’t readily reconcile was how turned on she had been by being spanked and restrained as well as the overall dominance of her boss. At last she arrived at the house she had lived in with her husband for nearly three years since they had married. She was surprised to see her husband (Valarian), Val’s car was in the garage. She entered to find Val Sitting on the couch staring intently at his tablet. He looked up when she entered.

“Kazia, late night?” She nodded.

“Yeah…boss was really riding me.” She held up a hand as he made to stand. She went to the kitchen, filled a glass of water, drained it and refilled it before draining it again. She returned to the living room where Val was once more working on his tablet. He set it down as she returned. She sat next to him.

“No, you keep going, I just want to sit for a bit.” He stared a moment, but shrugged as he picked up the tablet Once more. She rested an elbow on the back of the couch and rested her head in her hand. She starred intently at her husband, his dark hair getting a bit shaggy as he hadn’t had a chance to get it cut with his recent schedule. Her eyes roamed down his face, tan skin, face not shacked that day, down his toned body. Finally her eyes reached his crotch. There was no sign of an erection, but she suddenly wanted to see his cock. Moving quickly she knelt on the floor in front of him. Val didn’t notice until her hand started rubbing him.

“Kazia, what are you doing?” Suddenly shewas irritated and hissed.

“Shh!” He set the tablet aside, but didn’t speak. She continued rubbing until she felt his cock begin to stir. Grinning she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He lifted up to allow her to pull down his pants and underwear. She unconsciously licked her lips. Kazia softly squeezed his balls and he groaned softly as his cock hardened further. Looking up at Val she wrapped her hand around the shake and began strucking slowly. It didn’t take long for him to fully harden. She quickly licked up the shake to the opening on the head.

He moaned and she readily took him into her mouth. She was soon all the way down and moaning around his cock. She stayed like that for a short time, trying not to gag as he was good sized despite not being quite as big as her boss. Soon she raised her head and allowed him to pop out. She grinned and gave him a quick look. Val opened his mouth, but closed it again as he was uncertain what to say. Kazia stood and quickly removed her clothes. His release of breath was just audible. She turned and lowered herself onto his lap. He moaned as she ground against him. After several moments, during which she moaned as well, she raised herself up to lower herself onto his cock.

Her moan was louder, but his was no less password. She was soon riding up and down with enthusiasm, while he had his hands on her hips. She moaned, despite Recently having sex she hungered for more. She leaned back into him and he kissed her neck. She turned her head and he shifted to kissing her lips as he began meeting her downward thrust with his upward thrust. Kazia moaned into his mouth and as they began thrusting harder, almost as if they were trying to outdo each other. As her pussy began to tighten around him, he moaned louder and began making short hard thrusts.

They broke the kiss and her moaning was louder than ever. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around her waist gave one last hard thrust before collapsing back onto the couch. She continued moving up and down until she made one hard thrust, moaning louder than ever before she too was settled and breathing softly. He opened his eyes and spoke softly into her ear.

“That was incredible. We definitely waited too long, but it was worth the wait.” She grinned.

“Yeah.” He frowned.

“I’m sorry to ruin the moment, but I didn’t want to wait to tell you. I have to leave on Monday.” She tensed and moved to sit beside him.

“How long?” He shook his head.

“About three weeks. They may push for a full month. I’m trying to get out of that, but I don’t know if I can.” She nodded slowly and breathed softly.

“Alright.” She stood, dressed and went to the kitchen for dinner. He soon Followed.

“Kazia, I’m sorry. I know recently we’ve barely seen one another, but I promise when this latest project is completed my promotion will be secure and then they will only be asking me to travel a couple weeks a year. Also it means that I’ll be working a more sensible schedule.” She nodded as she sat at the table.

“I just miss you so much, Val. This better be it. I’m tired of waiting. My boss actually…lectured me on how it’s affecting my work.” Val embedded her.

“It will be. After this I’m going to find a way to make sure we have time.” He sat beside her and clapped a hand briefly before letting her finish her meal. They soon headed to their bedroom, but only for her to shower and both to go to bed. She slept better she had in months, but there was still the lingering worry of Val’s impending trip.

The weekend was fairly quiet as they caught up after months of being effectively separated. They even took the opportunity to make love a number of times. Kazia was happy to feel his embrace once more, but her thoughts continuously returned to her boss and his domain. She didn’t enjoy her time with Val any less, but it was something she now discovered about herself. She needed domination and she was curious aboutexploring anal further. However every time she considered talking to Val about this new desire she had discovered she changed her mind. Kazia was certain that Val didn’t have it in him to dominate her.

Monday arrived and Val left bright and early. Kazia groaned her frustration after he had left. She felt like screaming, but stopped short when she saw the time. She rushed to shower and dress, but she soon realized as she started driving to work that she would be late.


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