Wrong Side of the Bed – Ch. 03

Chapter 3: Hell or Haven

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults 18+. The following chapter includes mentions of mandated slavery, descriptions of severe trauma, masturbation, voyeurism, teasing, humiliation, and sensitive terminology (breasts). Reader discretion is advised.

The drop didn’t last long enough for Elva to scream, though her lids shut when they neared the darkness. After falling through, she landed with a gentle thumb on a luxurious cushion. ‘What did she—!’ Elva squeaked when the contract fall into her lap. Finally peeking down, she noticed the change in lightning and the cold stone floor.

“Where..?” Before asking, Elva glanced up and saw iron bars. She could scarcely discern anything through the inky black beyond her cell; the smooth slate on her back was the only wall she could see. Hovering below the wood ceiling was a mysterious orb that cast a warm light on her.

‘At least it’s not dark.’ Bleakly looking around, she found the only furniture was the plus bed with soft, pinkish sheets she sat on and a puffy pillow. ‘It’s more comfortable than the grass bedding of Móra’s—’ Elva’s heart sank. ‘If I’m dead,’ she looked at her banded finger. After unwrapping the clean binding, Elva saw that the gash was gone. ‘I,’ her hand fell into her lap, ‘I’ll never see Móra’s cottage again, will I?’

A tear fell onto her palm. Elva tried to think of what she would miss, but the only memories that mattered were those with Móra. ‘Is that so bad then? It was so lonely… and I was always so afraid.’ She picked up the contract. ‘At least I won’t be so alone… Right?’

Elva unrolled the scroll and began reading: “‘Sexual Slavery Contract. This agreement is being entered volunteerly, but cannot be broken except under the conditions stated herein, after whichCertain precautions shall be taken to protect those involved.’ That sounds comforting, I guess.

“‘Parties involved. This is an agreement between Saoirse,’” Elva gasped. ‘Saoirse. That must be Mistress’ name. “Freedom.” It’s— beautiful.’ She shook before her thoughts wandered further. “Uh, ‘Between Saoirse, hereinafter called Mistress, and Elva, hereinafter called the slave.’” ‘So she already knows my name… I expected it to say “kitten.”

“Let’s see… ‘Declaration of con-sensus: Both parties, Mistress and slave, acknowledge having read, understanding, and agreed on the document describing in general what is meant by the term “Sexual Slavery.” Declaration of… lu-ci-dity? Both parties affirm that they enter this agreement fully lucid and aware of their actions and consequences. Declaration of free will: Both parties affirm that they enter this agreement of their own free will.’” ‘There’s a lot about making sure I accept the terms— willingly. That should be a relief…’

“‘The slave’s role: At all times, the slave will obey Mistress without hesitation and will wholeheartedly seek Mistress’ comfort, pleasure, and well-being, above all other considerations the slave may have.’ I can— hopefully do that. What else am I…”

Elva unraveled the scroll to reveal several detailed paragraphs. ‘Oh, my,’ she divided when the following clause appeared after unfurling the document to her arm span. ‘This is— Mistress can’t expect me to remember all of this, right?’

‘You’ll have this read by seven, Sharp.

She gruffed, ‘I shouldn’t expect her to be so kind,’ and adjusted the paper. “‘The slave shall derive Its pleasures from accepting its part in the contract and will gladly accept the pleasures Mistress provides.’” Her cheeses flushed. ‘So Mistress will be— pleasure me aswell. Her kiss,’ she touched her lip. ‘That already felt so different. What would it feel like if she—’ Her thoughts drifted to the many nights alone with only her fingers for comfort.

Elva shook upon noting her pounding heart. ‘Focus, Elva! You need to have this read by seven, Sharp… Whatever that means.

“‘The slave further agrees to confess its desires for Mistress’ consideration. The slave will strive to remold its habits— attitudes… knowledge, and skills in accordance with Mistress’ desires. Also… the slave agrees to change its actions… and speech to express the slave’s changed habits and attitudes.’” She dejectedly lowered the contract. ‘If I’m supposed to do all that… what… What will be left of— me?’

Dispite her unease, Elva grimly moved on. “‘The slave will seek to learn how to please Mistress better, and will gracefully accept any criticism in whatever form Mistress chooses. The slave renounces all rights to privacyor concealment from Mistress.’ That’s already obvious. Oh, Brigit,” she cringed, “I still can’t believe I— thought all of that…

“‘The slave will answer truly and completely, to the best of the slave’s knowledge, any and all questions Mistress may ask of the slave. The slave understands and agrees that any failure by the slave to comply fully with Mistress’ desires shall be considered as sufficient cause for any punishment Mistress deems appropriate.’”

‘Punishment,’ Elva gulped. ‘That can’t be good.’

“‘The slave unconditionally accepts, as Mistress’ right, anything Mistress may choose to do with the slave, whether as— punishment,” the color drained from her cheeses, “for Mistress’ amusement, or for whatever purpose Mistress desires, no matter how uncomfortable, unpleasant, or— painful to the slave.’” She shivered, ‘That certainly sounds unpleasant.’

“‘The slave agrees tosubmitted completely to Mistress in all ways. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, its body, soul, and mind belong to its Mistress, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines herein defined. The slave agrees to please Mistress to the best of its ability, in that it now exists solely for the pleasure of said Mistress.’ For her pleasure…” ‘I— I haven’t even been living for my own pleasure… So,’ Elva tried to breathe easier, ‘maybe that won’t be so bad… Right?’

“‘The slave’s veto: The slave holds veto power over any command Mistress gives and may rightfully refund to obey that command. This can only be invoked if said command may cause permanent harm, or where deemed necessary by both Mistress and slave.’” ‘So I can refuse some commands. I guess that’s reassuring.’

“‘The safeword: Both parties have an agreed-upon safeword: teardrop. Use of thisphrase by either party can temporarily postpone this agreement. The slave accepts the responsibility of using this safeword when necessary, and trusts implicitly in Mistress to respect the use of that safeword. If a condition arises in which the slave needs to use the safeword, Mistress will assess the situation, and determine an appropriate course of action.’ So— I can stop what she’s doing— at any point?” Elva’s chest Finally lightened. “That doesn’t seem so bad then. Next is:

“‘Mistress’ role: Mistress accepts the responsibility of the slave’s mind, body, and immortal soul, to do with as she sees fit. Mistress agrees to care for the slave, to arrange for the safety and well-being of the slave, as long as she shall own the slave.’”

Her lids flickered before Elva reread the passage. “Care for— me— and arrangement for— my— safety and well-being..?

‘That seems—contradictory after reading about pain and—punishment, but— I’m here because I wanted to feel safe. Will I be safe?’ Glancing at the glowing globe, she wondered, ‘Can I be safe..?’ Elva shrugged off the question.

“‘Conditions of lucidity: Mistress accepts the responsibility of the slave’s lucidity and guarantees that the slave will be lucid in times determined by the contract, the slave’s veto, or when the safeword is used. The slave accepts that Mistress naturally releases mind-altering— hor-mones: phe-ro-mones that heighten relaxation and lower inhibitions, and…’” Elva had to study: “‘A-phro— di-siacs… that increases— sexual desire…’ I,” she shuddered, “I’m not sure how I feel about that… But… I’m not a stranger to desire… And Mistress was—” She huffed, ‘I shouldn’t finish that; she can probably hear me. Maybe this would be easier if I could relax a little.’

“‘Taking of succession: Mistress accepts the responsibility of the slave’s energy as her food to consume as she sees fit, accepts any limitations the slave may have, and agrees not to cause permanent harm while feeding.’ Well, I knew that from Móra’s grimoire. What’s next…”

Elva’s stomach dropped as she read, “‘Punishment: The slave agrees to accept any punishment Mistress decides to inflict, whether earned or not.’ Oh no.” Some color drained from her cheeses. ‘I’m not making it out of This safely. Please, Brigit, tell me it gets better.’

In her fright, Elva glanced past the next paragraph and caught a line in a list: “‘Burning or branding of the body…”” She began trembling; shouting overwhelmed her while fire prickled her skin. ‘Please,’ she prayed and then read the passage she overlooked.

“‘Rules of punishment…””” She could scarcely focus. “‘Punishment of the slave is subject to certain rules designed to protect the slave from intentional abuse or permanent body harm.’” Please…’ “‘Punishment must not incur permanent body harm, or the following forms of abuse.’”

Her shaking ceased as Elva stared at the list in disbelief. ‘So, I— I won’t be hurt— like Mó…’ She held her mouth as the words set in; with the fall of tears, Elva gripped the contract to her chest and waited. ‘Móra, I’m so sorry.’

She pulled her legs onto the cot and hugged her knees; for a time she cried, but the droplets slowed as she eventually composed herself. After cleaning her face, Elva attempted to clear the lump in her throat.

‘I need to keep reading. Seven, Sharp.’ She lowered her feet and searched for the list. “‘The following punishments are not allowed: blood may not be drawn intentionally at any time, burning or branding of the body, loss of… cir-cu-lation, internal— bleeding, or loss of cons-ciousness through— suffocation.’

‘I— hadn’t even thought of… Circu-lation..? I suppose I should feel safe, but— What isshe allowed to do as a punishment?

“‘Permanent body harm: Since the body of the slave now belongs to Mistress, it is Mistress’ responsibility to protect that body from permanent body harm. Should the slave ever intendingly come to permanent body harm during the course of punishment, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract— should the slave so desire. Permanent body harm shall be determined as: Any damage that involves permanent loss of mobility or function, or any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or…’ What’s— tat-toos… ‘Unless accepted by the slave.’”

Elva gruffed upon seeing the contract was moving on. ‘I should feel comfortable, but I still don’t know how she can punish me…’

“‘Contact with other people: The slave may not seek any other Mistress, Master, lover, or related to others in any sexual, submissive or affectionate way without Mistress’ permission. To do so will be considered a breach of contract, and will result in extreme punishment.’ That’s— unsettling, but I don’t even know anyone here.

“‘Mistress may accept other slaves or lovers.’” ‘I should have expected that, but it’s— strange to think that I may have to be with other slaves.’ “‘Mistress may give the slave to another Master or Mistress—’ “Wait, she,” her breath caught, “I could be… given— away?” Elva held her quivering lips as tears well. ‘Wha— So— What if I— If I’m not— a good slave, then— will Mistress— abandon me— too?’

She shook her head before more droplets fell. “‘P-provided the rules of this contract are uppheld. In such a situation, Mistress will inform the new Master or Mistress of the provisions stated herein, and any breach by the new Master or Mistress will be considered a breach by Mistress as well, subject to all rules stated in this contract.’

“I—” ‘I still don’t like this. I don’t want to be abandoned again…’

Hoping to distract herself, Elva continued, “‘Activities not mentioned: The slave is forbidden from engaging in any activities not actively allowed by the contract. All rights and privileges not otherwise noted in this contract belong to Mistress, and she may exercise them as she chooses.’ As if I wasn’t already limited enough.

“‘Duration of the contract: This contract is applicable all twenty— hours of each day, all seven days of the— week, every week of the— year, until discharge of the slave.’” ‘Hours? Weeks? How long is a— year? Will I have time to sleep? Do I— need to sleep anymore?’

Shrugging off her questions, Elva moved on. “‘This contract will go through several phases to allow each party to fully understand What it means. The first trial will last for one day, the second trial one week, the third a— month, then the agreement may enter its final and semi-permanent state and can only be ended as mentioned elsewhere in this contract or at the conclusion of the slave’s sentence.

“‘Alteration of contract: This contract may not be altered. When both parties, Mistress and slave, agree fully aware and out of their free will to change the contractual terms of their relationship, they will first terminate this existing contract as described below and afterwards agree on and sign a new one.’”

After unscrolling further, Elva found the end. “Almost done. ‘Termination of contract: This contract may be terminated at any time by Mistress, but never by the slave, except under special conditions explained within this contract. Regardless of the circumstances of termination, the Mistress will make efforts to secure a new Master or Mistress for the slave to contract with for the duration of their sentence.’ I guess that’s meant to be comforting, but— I— don’t want to be abandoned…

“‘Slave’s vow: I, Elva, of sound mind and body, so hereby relinquish all rights to my Mistress except those granted by my contract. I vow to devote myself fully to my Mistress and trust in her care and protection for the duration of my time in her services.’ That’s not too hard to remember. ‘D-date… 6 Av— 22531… Anno… Dia-boli..?’ Date? Anno..?” ‘What does any of that means?’ Elva decided not to linger.

“‘Mistress’ Vow: I, Saoirse, of sound mind and body, so hereby take possession of all rights of my slave except those authorized by her contract. I vow to care for and protect her as payment for her devotion for the duration of her time in my services.’” ‘Care for and protect,’ Elva rolled up the contract before setting it in her lap. ‘It’s only for a day.’ She closed out the world and rested against the cold wall. ‘I can make it through this.’


Elva had no clue how long she sat, playing with her toes when she wasn’t studying the scroll. Tired from restlessly fidgeting and failing not to imagine what Mistress might have planned, she laid back on the bed in an attempt to relax. ‘It’s so comfortable,’ she plopped her hand up, ‘and it smells so clean.’

Her stiff shoulders gradually loosened. ‘It could be worse, I guess. I won’t be hunted, tortured, and killed by some ugly hunters, at the very least. I suppose instead I’ll be tortured, used, and pleasured by a beautiful—!’ Her heart throbbed upon recalling her Mistress-to-be. ‘She was… beautiful.’ Elva touched her flushed cheek before wandering to her parted lips. ‘That was my first kiss.’ Her body warmed while her legs shuffled. ‘That taste… Her tongue…’

‘Only when it pleases me, kitten.’

‘If Mistress were to— How would she— eat me?’ The world fell away as Elva’s mind drifted. Her fingertips slide past the soft ridge of her collarbone to rest on her breast. ‘She was—’ Mistress’ intotoxicating aroma flooded her senses.

Gorgeous, am I, little kitten?’

‘How could I have let that slip?!’ she cursed, biting her lip. ‘She was,’ Mistress’ nude sight slide into her thoughts, Gorgeous, though.’ Her breaths deepened; she fondled herself while her other hand slipped down her stomach. ‘If she…’ Elva found her hip and pulled the skirt of her dress up. As the coache fabric left her legs, the cool air sent gooseflesh around her thighs. She dropped the hem at her waist and drifted to her crotch, gasping as she found her sensitive place.

Steadily moaning while tenderly rubbing it, Elva remembered how Their embrace made her chest flutter. Her toes curled and her legs wrestled. ‘Call me Mistress, kitten,’ the words thrilled while she comforted herself.

Mi,” she while; the rising heat left her breathless, “Mistress.”

“Practicing your purr,” a sweet voice echoed, “are we, kitten?”

Elva jolted awake and throw her skirt down. After clumsy sitting up with her back against the wall, she found Mistress leaning on a brightly lit doorway in front of her cell. ‘I didn’t hear her come in… Please don’t tell me she’s been watching me comfort myself.’ “How,” she gulped before finally meeting Mistress’ gaze, “how long have you been standing there?”

“Since your eyes closed, kitten,” she playedfully answered.

Her cheeses grew hot; Elva brought her knees up to bury her blushed face. ‘Oh, Brigit— she saw everything.’

Oh, but it was so cute, though. My kitten is falling for me already.” The strange chains of footsteps pulled Elva up. “But enough practice, kitten. It’s seven, sharp.” She stopped when the dim glow revealed her silhouette. Elva stared in awe as the cell was unlocked; instead of a loose robe and tattered locks, Mistress wore a slim black dress and corset while her hair was bound in a ponytail. “Come, kitten.” The barred door swung out with a subtle creak. “It’s time to break my fast, and I’m quite hungry today.”

‘Quite— hungry?’ Elva gulped, “I… Wo-would that makes me the… meal?” She grimaced, ‘Am-am I trying to get eaten?!’

“Quite astute, my kitten!” she gleefully answered while stepping into the cage.

‘Oh no,’ Elva panicked as Mistress stand before her, ‘she is really close.’ She looked away from her cleavage—conspicuously displayed by the deep cut of her dress—and instead ogled the floral layerwork of her corset. ‘Do notstare.’ She whiffed Mistress’ arca. ‘Ah, Brigit— Don’t smell. Don’t stare. Don’t smell—’

Kitten,” Mistress sang, pinching Elva’s chin to match their gaze; her daze only worsened as she became lost in Mistress’ irises. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. First, I need your contract. Follow me, kitten,” she released Elva to leave the cell.


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