Wrong Girlfriend
PLOT: Natalia asked for Bryan to help her study for an upcoming math class test only for things to get a little spicy and spiral into sexual experimentation and manipulation.
In the corner of the school library a young 18 year old Bryan sat at a table reading a textbook. He was the kind of guy in school who tended to blend into the background of a room. He wasn’t short but want that tall either, freckled faced, with messy blonde hair and wore glasses when he had to read which slid down his nose. He didn’t mind being invisible – It was easier that way. People that were invisible didn’t get picked on as much as the visible geeks and freaks.
Natalia, a shorter girl at about 5’2 walked in. She was impossible to ignore with her long black hair, green eyes, her big busty tits, and a popular girl confidence that made everyone turn their heads – guys and girls alike.
Bryan saw the attractive girl from the corner of his eye as she walked in and started to get closer to him. She was wearing a tight pink top and black yoga pants with her mid-section visible and fit. Her perky breasts looked like they would burst from her top and the black yoga pants seemed to have a similar issue with her ass. He assumed she was going to walk past him or take a turn – either way he didn’t expect her to come over to him – which she did.
“Bryan right?” the young woman asked standing in front of the boy on the other side of the table.
“Y-yes That’s me.” Bryan replied a bit shocked that a popular girl like Natalie would be talking to him.
“Your in my math class – I need some help to I can pass the class. Can we do a study session – say here tomorrow?” Natalie asked as more or an order that a request.
“I’m kind of more of a science guy-” Bryan replied.
“Science, math, same general thing. I’ll meet you after class tomorrow.” Natalie said a bit smug but with a smile.
Bryan may enjoy his peace but he wasn’t about to turn down the chance to be with one of the cute girls in school. Just maybe this was an opportunity before the semister ended to do something fun. So Bryan agreed to meet her in the library the next day to study.
When Bryan got to the library the next day after school Natalia was already in there at the same table he had been sitting at the day before when she approached him. He kindly greeted her and took a seat across from her taking out his books to help with her math.
“Okay so what is it you need help with?” Bryan asked.
“The test this Friday. Can you just go over the material with me?” Natalia said.
Bryan agreed and the two spent the next 45 minutes or so going over a brief summary of what the teacher would be testing them on. The study session was pretty normal. Although Bryan did get a bit sidetracked a few times by Natalia. She would giggle in such a way or make a comment that would make Bryan pause for a moment. Natalia or ‘Nat’ as her friends called her was one of the more popular girls and she got that title from being rather attractive with a height of 5’2, long black hair which today was tied into a ponytail, bright and sharp green eyes and of course a nice big pair of breasts which just like the day before were clearly obvious almost popping out of her tight green V-shirt.
“Okay I think i get it. Lets go over this all again Thursday after class. Same time same place. Okay Bry.” Natalie said giving the nerdy tutor a nickname out of the blue.
Bryan was a bit surprised but again agreed to meet her in the library Thursday after class. The two packed up their belonging and left. Bryan’s eyes fixed on Natalia’s blue jean covered ass as she walked away her hips swaying back and forth.
The rest of the week went by and Bryan pretty normal but his mind was a bit occupied with thoughts of Natalia. She was so out of his league but that didn’t stop him from fantasizing about her. He would see her in class or in the halls and then his mind would wonder – what would she look like dress in this or that, I wonder how she is in bed.
Finally it was Thursday and Bryan again met the popular girl in the library for their study session. Just like before it all started off normal with him going over the material and having her do practice questions. About 30 or so minutes into the session however the mood shifted.
“I think I’ve got enough now. Thanks for your help Bry-guy” Natalia said with a smile and giggle.
Natalia then stood up from the table and walked around sitting on the same side of the table as Bryan their legs tough. Today the young woman was wearing a tight white shirt and black legs which hugged her figure well showing off each curve on her body.
“You have been so helpful Bryan.” she said placing her hand on her tutor’s thigh.
“You are welcome” Bryan said a bit shocked and not knowing what to do.
“Do you have a girlfriend Bryan?” Natalia asked looking at Bryan as he kept his eyes on the books frozen.
“No” he replied.
“A boyfriend?” Natalia asked.
“No” Bryan replied feeling Natalia’s hand move closer to his crotch.
“You a cute nerd you know that- Have you have been pleased by a woman before?” Natalia said with a giggle.
“I-I’m a virgin” Bryan blurted out surprising even himself.
“Oh – well I’ll tell you what -” Natalia said as her fingers unzipped the nerdy boy’s pants and slithered their way in grabbing his hardening cock from under his boxers.
“W-w-what?” Bryan asked still not looking at the cute popular girl sitting beside him her hand now firmly gripping his cock.
“How about I give you a little reward for you help studying. And if I pass maybe I’ll give you another gift. You like that idea?” Natalia said already struggling Bryan’s cock.
Bryan nodded as he felt Natalia’s hand jerking his hardened manhood. Natalia started off nice and slow in a very teasing manner. There was pretty much no one else in the library and they were all the way in the corner out of sight. As Natalia stroked her tutor she whispered cute words to him about how good a tutor he was and how cute he looked even with his glasses on. Bryan strained to control himself still unwilling or unable to move. He made a couple sharp breaths and moans as Natalia stroked him but none that were to loud.
“Don’t be to loud Mr. Tutor – we wouldn’t want anyone to come and ruin this moment for you now would we? Here bit onto this to keep quite.” Natalia said grabbing a wooden pencil with her free hand and putting it against Bryan’s lips for him to bite on like a gag.
Bryan opened his mouth just enough for Natalia to place the pencil inside. Bryan then bit town on it with a moan. He was so overwhelmed – this kind of thing should never happen to someone like himself.He is just some nerdy guy and Natalia is one of the hottest girls in school.
“God boy – there you go – almost there – ” Natalia said as she sped up her hand motions.
Just like Natalia predicted it didn’t take much longer for Bryan to exploit in his pants. He coated the inside of his boxers and jeans with his white hot cum. He felt relieved and happy but also embarrassed and maybe a bit humiliated at what he just experienced. The pencil fell out of Bryan’s mouth and clattered onto he table and then the floor.
“Well that seemed like fun for you. I got to go now. Hopefully I pass that test tomorrow.” Natalia said calmly as she collected her things and walked away leaving the stunned nerd sitting at the library table alone the inside of his pants painted in jizz.
Today was Friday and the weirdest thing about it was that despite what had happened the night before everything seemed so normal today. Last night Bryan had walked all the way home in those cum stained boxes and pants thinking about what had just happened and how it must have all been a fantasy. There was no way a girl like Natalia just gave him a handjob in the library.
Bryan went to all his classes like normal. He even saw Natalia in their Math class for the test and she acted like she normally did as if nothing had happened. Bryan did the best he could to contain himself and stay normal. He went Through the rest of his classes as usual with little decision. The day finally ended with nothing really eventful happening. Bryan grabbed his belongings and left his last classroom to start to head home. He made it out and into the campus garden area before a voice called out to him from behind. He turned to see Natalia with a big smile on her face.
“Bryan! The grades are in for the test.” Natalie said pushing her phone screen in front of him and showing that their Math teacher had finished grading and Natalia had passed.
“Oh – ah – good job Natalia” Bryan said trying to act normal.
Bryan was eyeing her entire attractive choice of clothes for the day. Natalie was wearing again tight clothes. Another green shirt matching her eyes and tight black yoga pants. Bryan jokingly wondered for a moment if Natalia owned anything that was not formfitting and that didn’t show off her amazing figure.
“Well – I promised if I passed you would get a gift. How About you swing by my place tonight around 8. Don’t be late.” Natalia said handing Bryan a slip of paper with her address on it before walking away without another word.
Bryan stood there in the garden for a moment looking at the paper with the address on it. What on earth was going on he thought to himself before placing the paper in his pocket and starting to walk home. He thought the whole way home on what Natalia could have in store for him at her place but there was no use thinking of all the hypotheticals. He took a shower and cleaned himself up like he never had before andmade sure to put on some nicer clothes. He put on a red collared shirt, some nice tan pants and a belt and some nice shoes. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought he looked overly dressed and to nice – so he swapped the tan pants for some nice jeans and the shoes for some athletic shoes.
When he started heading over to Natalia’s house his heart pounded. It was insane enough that she had jerked him off in the school library just the other day but she had said there would be a bigger gift tonight. What kind of gift could she mean? Did she mean sex – no that seemed like to much. Maybe a blow job – that seemed like the next rational sexual step in Bryan’s mind. Before long Bryan was standing in front of a front door so nervous and filled with adrenaline. He rang the bell and waited hearing a voice and footsteps on the other side. He then heard the unlocking of the door and it opened. On the other side was Natalia looking stunning. The big green eyes of Natalia looked right atBryan. She had her long black hair down past both her shoulders, a small bright red tight shirt showing her nipples of her large tits poking through indicating she had no bra on under, the same tight black yoga pants from earlier and no socks showing her bare feet and painted red toes which matched her fingernails and shirt.
“Hey Bryan – your right on time” Natalia said with a smile leading the young man inside Before closing and locking the door behind him.
Bryan was transfixed by the girl’s appearance. She of course always looked good but she was looking very good right now and the lack of a bra and socks gave off a more relaxed but still sexual vibe.
“Well – you did say to be here at 8” Bryan said struggle to get the words out without sounding like a fool.
“Yes i did – and your such a good boy for being here right on time.” Natalia said with a smile. “So lets go up to my room. No one is home but I think my room would be more comfortable for us.” Natalia said grabbing Bryan’s hand and leading him to her bedroom.
The boy followed without a word and this beautiful popular girl lead him to her room like a puppy. Natalia’s bedroom door was already open with the light on inside. They both went in and she closed the door behind them. She sat on the bed and then patted part of the bed next to her motioning her study partner to sit next to her. Bryan did as directed without a word spoken by either of them.
“So Bryan – did you like what we did last night?” Natalia asked with a chuckle breaking the silence.
“It was nice studying with you.” Bryan replied not wanting to mention the handjob at first and getting overly excited.
“No silly! I meant me jerking off your dick.” Natalia said with another chuckle as she placed her hand on Bryan’s thigh like she had the other night at the library study session.
“That – was also nice” Bryan said trying to fight through his nervousness.
“Well I sure hope so!” Natalia retreatedwith another chuckle her hand now on top of the growing bulge being held back by his jeans. “I promised you more if I passed the test – “
“Yes you did” Bryan said back
“Well I passed” she said to him.
“Yes you did” he responded blushing
“So do you want more?” Natalia jokingly asked teasing the nerdy classmate.
“Y-yes -” Bryan replied turning more red as Natalia tapped her fingers on the bulge under his jeans.
“Good answer. But I have some conditions.” Natalia said as she used her hand not resting on Bryan’s bulge to lightly grab his face and move his head so their eyes locked on to one another.
“Conditions?” Bryan questioned with his dark blue eyes focusing on her deep green ones.
“Yes – conditions. Firstly you wont tell anyone about this or me or anything we have done or might do ever. Secondly I’ll make you feel so good but I’m going to do it the way I want to. You can ask me to stop at any time but if you do then your gift stops for good and you can go home. Do you understand and agree to that?” Natalia explained looking deep into Bryan’s eyes.
“I-i do – yes” Bryan said feeling a bit caught off guard by Natalia’s clear and simple but odd rules.
“Good – not take your pants and boxes off – your socks too” Natalia ordered.
Bryan did as directed putting the now unworn clothes into a pile on the floor. The young man’s cock was hard and pulsing with excitement. Seeing him Natalia smiled and gave the hard dick a flick with her fingers making Bryan let out a little gasp. She then grabbed his cock and started to play with the boy’s dick.
“Bryan – you said you were a virgin – have you ever done anything with anyone?” Natalia asked as she got to her knees and very slowly played with his cock and balls
“No – never – I just – ” Bryan started to explain but trailed off.
“Thats okay – I’m here to help you with all that.” Natalia replied still struggling Bryan and planning a single kiss on his tip.
The black haired girl continued to play with the nerd’s hard erect penis for what felt like hours from Bryan’s perspective. Bryan may not have been experienced with sex through actual interaction but he had seen enough porn to know that Natalia was clearly trying to tease him and keep him from climaxing for as long as possible. After more time Bryan started to feel strained – craving to cum but being denied by Natalia’s skilled hands.
“How do you feel Bry?” Natalia asked still going nice and slow teasing her tutor with no end in sight.
“G-goood” Bryan gasped.
“Do you want to cum?” Natalia asked with a smile knowing the boy’s answer.
“Y-yes” Bryan mumbled his hands grasping the sheets of the bed he was sitting on.
Just then Natalia stopped playing with Bryan’s cock taking her hands off him completely letting his dick painfully bounce and throb becoming for release. Bryan was in shock and confusion from immediate stop of his torque and pleasure.
“Well Bry – I can make you cum. But I want to make you cum a specific way. We can do it how I want or we can stop right now.” Natalia said from her kneeing position on the floor.
Bryan looked down at Natalia kneeing on the floor below him. She was looking up at him with those big green eyes. He could see that perky cleavage with her breasts clad in that tight red shirt and no bra. He was so horny – so close to climax – he couldn’t say no.
“Okay – your way” Bryan said with a nod.
“Okay – my way it is then.” Natalia nodded and said with a smile as she stood up.
“Get onto the bed – on all fours. Put your butt into the air.” Natalia ordered.
Bryan hesitated for a minute and looked at Natalia confused and concerned about why Natalie would need him in that position to make him cum.
“Trust me” she said looking into his eyes gently.
For one reason or another Bryan agreed to trust her and did as she told him. Once on the bed with all fours and hisbutt in the air he felt her hands on his cock and balls yet again. She continued to jerk Bryan off and tease him from this much more vulnerable and demasculating position. Bryan didn’t care in this moment – it felt great and Natalie was so attractive. Plus she said we wouldn’t tell anyone about what we did so no one would ever even know about this.
“You feel good like this Bry?” Natalia asked still teasing his cock and balls.
“Y-yes” Bryan mumbled his face against the bedding.
“I can make you cum better than you ever have before. Do you still trust me?” Natalia asked moving one of her hands across Bryan’s butt and between his cheeses.
Bryan thought for a moment about what could and would happen. He remembered Natalie saying that he could tell her to stop at any time but that if he did it would be the end. he remembered that this was all between them too – a secret. After a long thought and Natalia jerking him with one hand and the other circulation his hole he finally made his choice.
“Yes I trust you.” Bryan said.
Although he couldn’t see Natalie from his compromising position she had a large smile across her face right as she started to insert a single finger into her partner’s ass.
“Ahhhhhhhgggg!” Bryan cried out as he felt one of Natalia’s long slender fingers slide inside of him.
“Ohh – good boy. It’s okay.” Natalia said in a comfortable soft voice as she started to jerk off Bryan’s cock while fingering his ass.
Bryan was loosing control over himself as the popular girl from school played with his erect twitching cock and his ass. He shoved his face hard and deep into the bed covers as Natalia continued to milk him driving him crazy.
“Who’s a good boy now? Is Bryan a good boy?” Natalia mockingly asked seeing the overwhelming sensings pulsing through Bryan’s body and mind.
The girl’s hands continued playing with Bryan driving him crazy. Bryan had jerked off so many times in his life but he had neverfelt the intensity amount of pleasure he was feeling right now as Natalia continued to jerk him off and mess with his prostate. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before in his life as wave after wave of uncontrollable pleasure rushed over him.
“I – I – I’m – gggonnnaaa c-ccummmm-” Bryan eventually blurted out.
“Already? Don’t you want to have more fun?” Natalia asked jokingly knowing the poor guy was not going to make it much longer now – and honestly she was a bit impressed he had lasted this long before burning.
“Yes – I – I – ccan’t hold it annyyy l-l-longerr!” Bryan squealed as he thrusted his hips into Natalia’s hands and finally climaxed shooting his thick heavy load all over the covers of Natalia’s bed with a large gasp.
Natalia slide her finger out of Bryan’s ass and took Her other hand off his cock and giggled. Bryan panted as the last drops of his excitement dripped out of him. He felt so tired and weak. He felt so emasculated from what Natalia had just done to him but the pleasure was so tense and magical it overpowered his mind for the moment.
“What a big load of goo Bryan. Looks like someone really made a mess of my sheets.” Natalia said laughing seeing the amount of cum on her bed from the nerdy classmate. “Was that the best orgasm you ever had?” the girl asked with a big smile on her face.
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