Writer's Fantasy Ch. 04

by M . J. Roberts


# 4

It was Monday again. Very quickly this had become a driving force in my life. Where I lived for Monday and Thursday.

It was still early morning but I couldn’t wait for the afternoon. For our “session”. With David. And Marissa. Oh my God, Marissa.

As if her ears were burning and saying ‘Speak of the devil’, she called.

I picked up my cell phone.

“Hey, I want to go shopping, let’s go shopping today,” Marissa said. No hi, no hello, no how are you. Right into conversation. It had always been that way with us.

I was completely silent. She wanted to go shopping? After what happened between us last Thursday, and Monday, and the Thursday before that? Was she nuts?

“Come on, I have some things to buy and I want your opinion,” she said. Totally regular voice, just like normal. Just like I hadn’t spent the last week and a half with my mind blown, whichh was all her fault. Just like getting fucked by a woman for the first time, who just happens to be your best friend doesn’t change things.

“Ahhhh…” I said.

“Come on,” she said. “As soon as the mall opens. Let’s go.”

“Marissa I have to work today,” I said. “Not to mention I can’t go shopping with you. Not after I’ve seen you naked.” Read: gotten my brains fucked out.

“Sure you can. Nothing’s changed like that. We’re still best friends. And I need your opinion on something. Call in sick. Take the day off.”

“Naw, Marissa I can’t…”

Hard voice now. Dominating. Raspy. “Come. To. Me. Take no prisoners and I give the orders. “Right fucking now.”

“Ah…ah…ah.” Fuck she’s so hot.

“I mean now.”

“Okay, right,” I said. “I’m on my way.”

I broke speed limits on the way to her house. I panicked a little walking up front steps. I mean the last three times I was here I was shocked into new levels of sluthood. Hard to believe we’d now be normal happy campers gallivanting around the mall.

She opened the door right away, like she’d been standing behind it.

“Hi!” She said, in a friendly and normal voice and hugged me. The exact way she always had for the last ten years. Up until two weeks ago.

“Ah…hey,” I said. She was wearing a nice peak sweater which set off her strawberry blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, and hugged her great perfect curves, but not in an obscene way. And good fitting jeans. Totally normal. Just another girl going to the mall.

“Hey,” I said again stepping into her house.

“Just let me grab my purse and we’re off,” she said.

We got to the mall, parked, and walked inside. With Marissa acting like the Marissa I’d known for the past decade, you know, a Total regular normal person the whole time.

Only it turns out she didn’t want to buy anything for herself. She wanted to buy stuff for me.

“We have to get you out of those prim fucking sundresses and cotton underwear and fucking flat sandals for God’s sake,” she said after we walked into the mall.

“What, they’re comfortable,” I said.

“Yeah, but they don’t scream fuck me,” Marissa said.

“Yeah, well I’m not a ‘scream fuck me’ kind of girl,” I said.

She grabbed my elbow and pulled me close to her. She spoke into my ear. “Yeah but you’re going to be for me.”

Holy fuck.

Five shopping bags and almost $2,000 worth of merchandise later we were leaving the mall with a huge variety of sexy stuff in my size all of which I was sure I would never wear. Whatever, it was her money.

She bussed me with a kiss on the cheese when were back in her driveway after helping me put all the stuff in my car. “Okay, bye,” she said. Carefree. “See you at 5:30.”

Oh, God.

Marissa called me at 4:45. “Bring that black PVC mini-dress, and the five inch black high heels with the straps around the ankles, and that bright blue bra and panty set.”

“Marissa, I’m never gonna wear that stuff,” I said.

“I know, just bring it.”


“Bring. It.” Command voice again.

“Okay,” I said.

Back to her normal cheerful tones. “Okay! Bye!”


When I arrived at 5:30 David was already there. Looking a little sheepish for being early. But anticipatory. Ready. Predatory. Loving. Hot.

I was wearing a navy sundress and my sandals. David was wearing a black button down shirt and tan dress slacks. He had dressed up. Sweet.

Marissa was wearing the same white button down Men’s shirt she had been wearing last time, but this time it was buttoned all the way up and she was wearing it with jeans. Toooottttallly different.

As soon as I was all the way Through the door David yanked me to him and gave me a hello kiss. Then deepened it, already showing me how much he wanted me.

She tapped me on the shoulder. I broke off the kiss.

“Excuse us David,” Marissa said. “We have to go upstairs and change,” she said.

“Okay,” he said.

“She has to change,” I corrected.

We went upstairs to her bedroom, which is larger than my whole apartment.

With her back to me she immediately undressed, revealing all that creamy perfect skin on her back, arching when she unsnapped her bra and wiggled out of it. She put the Men’s shirt back on, leaving it open. Then she bent all the way forward when she took off her jeans and underwear, exposing that perfect ass, right at me, totally exposed and just freaking, so there, it was like it was staring at me with the tails of the shirt teasing the top.

Her movements all casual. Like she was totally oblivious.

But I doubted it.

And me, standing there like some dumb high school boy with my mouth hanging open and my body already began to respond.

Then she was struggling into candy-apple red bright thigh high boots. Exact duplicates of those sinful black boots with the high, high, heel and those complicated fuck me laces.

My mouth went dry and my tongue glued to the top of my mouth.

Then she turned around. Totally different person. Aggressive body language. Hard dominatrix ‘don’t fuck with me’ expression.

“Hey, Jennnnny,” she purred.

Oh fuck.

“Let me see what you brought me in that bag.”

The shopping bag. I forgot I was holding it.

“Aah…gah,” I said.

I walked over to the bed and took out the PVC dress. God that was really short. It had multiple cut outs on each side. I took out the bra and the panties. They were even prettier when I looked at them laid out on the bed. Semi see-through with lots of dark blue and gold stitching on them.

And then the shoes. Wow. Those were freaking nice shoes.

“Well that’s it,” I said.

“Good,” she said. “Strip down and put the lingerie on,” she said.

“Marissa I’m not wearing that stuff,” I said.

Voom. Faster than light she was by my side. “Put the fucking bra and panties on.”

Whatver. She bought it for me and they were freaking expensive and they were beautiful. And the bra made my triple Ds stand up really high, which was rare, and look nice, which I had to admit I appreciated.

“Okay,” I said. I took my sundress off. I put on the bra and panties.

“Let me look at you,” she said. She ran her hands lightly over the cups of the bra and the front of the panties from hip to hip. She stepped back and examined me.

“They look really nice,” she said, stepping back. “You can put your sundress back on.”

“Thank God,” I said.

I was pulling my sundress over my head when she lifted one of my feet up and then the other. I got my sundress out of the way enough to look down. She was muscling the PVC dress up onto me.

“Jeez Marissa what are you doing? I’m not going to wear that.”

Bang. Fast as lightning. Hand fisted in my hair. Hair pull. Her cheek against my cheek. “I bought you this dress and you’re going to fucking wear it. Don’t make me ask you again. You fight me on this, you protest just one more time and I’m going to discipline you. And not with pleasure this time. With pain. And you’re not going to like it. Don’t make me discipline you Baby Bitch; I don’t have the time.”

I stood there, shocked. I’d soaked through the underwear already and we hadn’t even gone down to David yet.

Marissa slip the dress up the rest of my body, under my sundress, where it was completely hidden. Hidden was good.

“Now the shoes. Sit on the bed.”

I sat.

Marissa grabbed my ankle, roughly and jammed my foot into one shoe. She bent down in front of me to fasten the little buckle on the ankle stick. She kissed the inside of my ankle right above the stick. She kissed my leg a little higher. Pressed another kiss a little higher, on my calm.

“Perhaps I should kiss all the way up until I taste that glorious, delicious pussy of yours before we go down to David. What do you think?”

“N…n…no,” I said.”No Mistress, please.”

She laughed. A happy, pleasant easy laugh.

“I wasn’t going to,” she said. She stood up and picked up the other shoe. Then she surprised me by grabbing my hair. “If I wanted to I would have been doing it. And I wouldn’t have asked. Because I’m going to take what I want and dish out what I like. And you’re going to take it, aren’t you Baby Bitch?”

Soft, quick yank on my hair.

“Yes Mistress.”

“That’s a good girl.” She put on my other shoe.

“Come on,” she said. “Let’s go down and re-greet David.”

David was in the kitchen helping himself to a drink but he hustled around quickly when he heard us at the top of the stairs.

His expression went to instant lust when he saw Marissa sashaying down the stairs, shirt open, red boots lacened up almost to her cropch, velvet crop in her hand beating a steady beat against her own thigh.

But his expression changed when he saw me and looked down at the shoes. Happy. Radiant. That amazing smile full of ‘Fuck yeah’.

“Hey David,” Marissa purred.

“Hello Ladies,” David said. “You both look great. Love the shoes Jenny.”

“Jenny has a surprise for you,” Marissa said.

“Whatever Jenny has I’ll take,” he said.

An even bigger wave of desire and want washed into me. More dripping juice leaked out.

Soft growl from David. “I’ll start now please,” he said. “You can quote that in your story, Jenny. That I can’t wait for you. That I hate waiting between sessions. That I’ll start attacking you right now as soon as I have your permission.”

When we reached the bottom of the stairs David took two huge strides toward me. He was about to pull me up against him when Marissa put the crop up between us.

“Nooooo,” Marissa said.

Fuck. I didn’t know if I was beginning to love or to hate that word.

“Jenny has something to show you David. Go sit on the couch.”

Remembering the last display he got from that vantage point he was over and sitting on the couch in less than a second.

“Take off your sundress Jenny,” Marissa said.

I hesitated.

Fast Marissa had the back of my dress up giving me a sharp smoke to the ass with her crop. I looked at her. She bunched the bottom of the side of the sundress in her fist. She put the… holy crap… she put the tip of the crop in her mouth and ran it quickly up my leg and pushed it into my cunt, shoving the crotch of my panties aside.

Groan from David.

“Take. The sundress. Off.”

I lifted the bottom of the dress.

“And stick your tits out for David when you get the dress up and over them. Show him. Do it.”

I did what she said.

Sharp intake of breath from David when he caught site of me in tight the PVC sheath.

The idea that he was really turned on turned me on even more. Which caused even more nectar to drip out of me. Prepared for him. So, so ready.

The desire to run to him was almost overwhelming. He opened a few buttons on his shirt and stroked a big hand down those flat muscled planes of his chest.

“Good God Jenny, let me at you,” David said.

“No,” Marissa said. She grabbed my arms behind my back and secured my wrists with one hand. She started rubbing my nipple with the hand that still held the crop.

“We’re going to pop your nipples out for David so he can see their gorgeous outline right through this dress and drool over you.” My nipple had already perked up.

“You’re going to get those nipples erect and popping out for us, aren’t you?”

“Yes Mistress,” I said.

Like I had any choice.

It only took seconds of hard pinching for my nipples to be straining against the fabric of the dress.

“Like what you see?” Marissa asked David.

He looked me right in the eyes. Opened his pants. “Yes. Love it.”

“Would you like more David?” Marissa asked.

“Fuck yeah,” David said. “Give me more. Send Jenny over here. Let me suck her through that dress. Fuck me, Marissa, let her go and send her over here.”

He was apparently going commando because he had taken his dick out and was struggling it. I just stared at his beautiful cock. I didn’t even pretend I was looking somewhere else.

“What should we do now Jenny?” Marissa asked me.

“I don’t know,” I said.

Hard yank down on my wrists. “You’re the writer,” she said. “Use your imagination. You’re the one who needs to learn. What do you want him to teach you how to do?”

“Umnn…” I said.

Who could think with a gorgeous hunk struggling himself in front of you and a gorgeous girl tugging on your arms and the smell of my cunt juices wafting all around?

“Ah…ah…,” I said. “What was the question?”

“What…” yank… “the fuck”… yank “Do you want the consultant to teach you?”

“Ummmnn,” I said. “Actually I want you to teach me.”

Instant release of my arms.

“Really?” Very interested voice. “And what do you want me to teach you?”

How to give a really good blow job. How to ride David so beautifully you look like artwork. How to finger you so you’re the one begging for mercy.

“Everything,” I said.

She laughed quietly.

Marissa went to David and got up on the couch, slinging one knee between his open legs so she was half straddling him except she was poised above him so she wasn’t touching him anywhere.

“So would you like to learn how to kiss?” Marissa asked.

“Yes,” I said. I moved a little to the side so the angle was better.

“You can start like this,” Marissa said. David didn’t move as she came in slow, licked David’s bottom lip, retracted. She put one hand in the middle of his chest for balance. He unbuttoned his shirt completely so she could touch his bare skin.

“And this,” she said and she nipped on corner of his mouth and then the other. “And this,” she said and she bit his lower lip and pulled it out far, holding it between her teeth so that I could see.

David’s vibe was a weird cross between restrained from a low level excitement and a calm detachment, like he was an object being used and he wasn’t accustomed to it, but he certainly wasn’t opposed either. It was like the calm of a dam that you knew held back millions of gallons of powerful rushing water but was quiet if you looked at it from only one view.

Marissa let go of his bottom lip, it was already puffed up a bit, gently bruised and swollen. “And then of course this,” she said.

And then she kissed him and as she deepened the kiss his passive, I’m just here for you to experiment on me and demonstrate on me, got shot to hell and he grabbed the back of her head and changed the angle and mashed his lips into hers.

I was so turned on watching them, so fiery hot together. I had a brief sharp pang of longing, wishing so much it was me kissing David. I flooded with want. I felt like I wouldn’t be able to withstand waiting for my turn. It was like I was a magnet and David was the other half and I was drawn to him with a magnetic force as strong and as powerful as gravity and I would be always drawn to him and this would never stop.

As if that force literally pulled me, I walked closer to them.

Marissa had obviously made the kiss even hotter because David grabbed her and slammed her torso down onto his leg so her pussy was touching him and those sexy red boots were even more spread out. He had one big hand played across her lower back, pressing her hard into him and holding her in place.

I want. Me, me, me, me, me, me.

And then Marissa stopped and twisted around to look at me. “Do you wanna try?”

“Hell. Yeah.” I said.

The both laughed.

“But wait! There’s more!” Marissa said in the tone of an infomercial.

She crawled off him and stood up.

“David, why don’t you strip? I’m sure we’d both like to see you take your clothes off.”

He had his clothes off in an instant. No show from David. He was readyand he wasn’t dawdling.

Then he was naked in all his glory and I did a quick swipe of my mouth with the back of my hand checking for drool.

Nope. All good there. It was just my mind that was drooling.

“Assume the position,” Marissa said to David while pointing to the floor in front of the couch.

He went to lie down on the floor, face up. While he was moving he said, “A guy could get used to this.”

When he was on the floor we both stood over him and stared. Handsome face staring up at us, waiting. Long brown hair fanned around him. His big, firm, thigh muscles taught. That erection already long and, hard; it was thick and engorged, lying smack flat against his belly. The tip of the head by the belly button.

“Pretty, isn’t he?” Marissa asked.

“Talk about an Understatement,” I said. “Extraordinarily handsome and resplendent in his prowess would be more accurate.”

Marissa chuckled. “That’s why she’s the writer,” Marissa said.

David looked into my eyes and put and a hand on his cock. Stroked softly. Subtly licked his lips like he was totally parched and I was the only water around.

which is totally fucking hot.

“Now, where were we?” Marissa said.

Fuck if I know, I’m enranced out watching David’s hand makes those slow up and down movements.

“Oh yes,” Marissa said. “Kissing.”

She bent down between the couch and David, sitting on her haunches and she snuggled up her knees to David’s hip.

“Kissing,” she said. “Which leads to blowing.”

Dear God.

She kissed the bottom of his peptide muscle and slowly kissed her way down the side of his torso. Tendrils of her hair dragged over David’s cock as she kissed his hip. I watched those hairs tease him as they caressed over the head like a whisper. Or a scream.

“And then,” Marissa said, and she removed his hand. “And then this,” she said and she blew a steady cool stream of air on the underside of his sex from base to tip.

Boing. His penis stood straight up on its own, pointing towards the ceiling.


Marissa repeated the action, blowing again. His sex quivered.

Marissa blew a little and stopped. “Blow,” she said blowing again for a second. “Job.”

Damn, what a job that was.

Me. Let me. Me me me me me me me.

“And then wrap your hand around the bottom of the shake of his cock like this,” Marissa said.

“Getting instructions from you shouldn’t be this hot,” I said.

“Shut up Jenny,” she said in a voice that made me even hotter.

“You wrap his cock like this and then,” and then she slip that beautiful mouth over his cock, right to where her hand was, and David moaned.

She came up very slowly, coming all the way off his with her mouth and then continued to move her hand up.

“You bring your hand all the way up and then over the top of the head, like this,” she said. She was still fisting him but her palm went all the way over the top of his head in a smooth motion and then back and started the stroke down again.

“And then of course you follow that hand with your mouth,” she said. Another groan from David as she smoothly, seamlessly took him in her mouth just as her hand cleared the head and her mouth and hand slide down, slicking down his sex in tandem.

Now I groaned.

She came up, slowly, and when she ran her palm over the top of him she said, “And repeat.”

I watched her.

“Then you can press your tongue to the bottom of his shake like this,” she said and went down on him some more.

David thrashed. “Holy shit,” he said.


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