Writer's Fantasy Ch. 03

by M . J. Roberts


# 3

It was Thursday afternoon. I was pacing back and forth in Marissa’s living room. I was wearing my burgundy sundress with the yellow flowers on it and sandals.

David was due here any minute.

There was the knock. That guy is prompt.

“Hey,” I said quietly.

Big grin from him. “Hi.”

I stepped back to let him in.

“Marissa’s upstairs changing,” I said.

Bigger grin from him, wicked this time. He kissed me.

“Should we… got started without her?”

“Hell no,” I said.

We both spent a minute remembering last time’s “punishment” for starting without her and I fanned myself.

Quiet knowing laugh from David.

He kissed me again.

“I missed you Baby,” he said.

“It’s only been three days!”

“That’s two and a half days two long,” he said.

He kissed me again. Soft. Slow. Languorous.

“Let’s go sit on the couch,” he said.

I nodded. “Okay.”

He sat down and pulled me down onto his lap, adjusting me until I was sitting across him with my ass on his thighs.

I curled a little and put my head on his upper chest.

“I really did miss you, you know,” he said.

“I missed you too,” I said softly.

“Start calling me and texting me between sessions? Okay?”

I sat up and looked at him. I was surprised and yet I wasn’t surprised.

He stroked my hair.

“Okay? Please?”

I nodded.

Then I heard Marissa come down the stairs. She was wearing a big, white, men’s dress shirt that came down to just the top of her thighs. She had the top few buttons open. And she was wearing those fucking ultra sexy thigh high black boots that she had been wearing last time, the black ones with the laces all the way up the front and back.

The combination of the sexy but demore ‘I just throw on my husband’s shirt’ look on top and the smoking dominatrix boots on bottom on Marissa, who was drop dead gorgeous anyway, was killer.

“You look amazing, Mari, really hot,” I said.

“Yeah,” David said.

“Incredibly hot,” I added.

“Thank you,” she said. She sauntered over to us.

“You two didn’t go ahead and start without me did you?” Really overly sweet, coy voice.

“Na-uh,” I said with panic. “No Mistress.”

She laughed.

“Good girl. Get up Jenny. David, help her up.”

I stood up.

Marissa shoved the coffee table away from the couch with a good hard push with that sexy boot.

“Baby Bitch, come here,” she said. She pointed to the floor at a spot in front of her.

I hustled to the spot she pointed to and stood there. Or wait, maybe she wanted me to knee?

I looked at her.

She turned me around so I was facing David. She grabbed my arms and clapped my hands behind my back, so my arms were straight down. She held both my wrists in one hand and pushed the side of her other hand between my shouder blades, forcing my breasts to jut even further up and out.

“Do you like what you see David?” Marissa asked.

“Yes,” he said. His voice was low and raspy. Serious. “Very, very much.”

“Good,” Marissa said, “Because I want to show you something.”

“Jenny…” Marissa said drawing my name out into three long sylables.

Ut-oh.. When she said my name like that it always means trouble.

“Yeah?” I said.

“You’re going to be a good little girl for me aren’t you?”

I nodded.

“We’re going to show David just how wet you can get,” she said.

My browser furrowed. David looked confused too. He knew just how wet I could get from our first two sessions together. Dripping. Soaking. I probably got wetter than any other woman in the world.

I twisted around a little to look at Marissa.

“How wet you can get without anyone touching you,” she said.

Oh my God.

“Holy fuck,” David said.

She gave a sharp downward yank on my wrists.

“Now you’re going to be a nice bitch aren’t you?”

“Yes… Mistress,” I said.

“Good because we’re going to put on a little show for David,” she said.

“And me without my popcorn,” he said. I looked at him. He wasn’t snide. He was anticipatory. He opened his legs wide, like he was making more room for an erection. He slid a little further down on the couch and opened his hands.

“Bring it on.”

God I loved him.

Another quick yank on my wrists.

“Close your eyes Jenny,” Marissa said.

I did.

Lift your tits up and out a little more, offering them up to David, and tilt your head back so you’re exposing your neck.

I did what she told me to.

“See? There’s a good girl. Are your eyes closed?”

She could damn well see my eyes were closed.


“Good. Keep them that way until I tell you otherwise.”

“Okay,” I said.

“Relax your face muscles.”

I did.

“Now picture David taking a fingerand slowly dragging it down your neck, gently ghosting over your clavicle bones, caressing the top of your breasts.”

Boom. I was wet.

“His soft breath in your ear. And then his tongue following where his fingers had just been.”

I let out a groan.

“Are you wet yet, Jenny?”

“Yes,” I said.

She kicked my ankle lightly. I knew what that means and I did what I was supposed to immediately, even as she said it.

“Open your legs.”

I did.

She pushed my panties aside and slipped a finger inside me, just for the briefest of moments, testing the wetness.

She made a move and opened my eyes the tiniest bit and slanted them towards her to see what she was doing. She was holding her finger up.

“She’s glistening for you David,” Marissa said. “Isn’t she a good girl David?”

A strange groaning sound from David. “Yes.”

A gentle downward yank on the wrists for me.

“Yes, you’re wet,” Marissa said, “but you can do better thanthat.”

“David kisses you,” Marissa said. “Then he nibbles his way down until he’s at your breast. He takes your nipple in his mouth.”

Both David and I groan here.

“He sucks gently,” Marissa says. Yank on my wrists. “Then he sucks hard.”

Whoosh. A ton of liquid pours out of me, flooding my entire cunt in thick juicy honey.

Marissa sticks a finger in me. Faster and not too gentle this time. It’s shocking but she’s removed it almost as quickly as it took for the sensing to register.

“David look,” she said.

I don’t imagine he ever stopped looking.

“Now that’s better Jenny,” Marissa said. “But you can do better.”

I hear a zipper unzipping. David’s fly.

“He sucks one breast and plays with the other,” Marissa said. “Then he switches and sucks on the other nipple and lets a hand drift southward.”

Speaking of southward I wonder if David is stroking himself. The idea makes my temperature rise and I get even wetter.

“That big hand opens you up and he fingers your clip.” She’s so close now that her breasts are pressed up against my side. She’s talking directly into my ear, her voice smoke and sexy and full of unspeakable promise.

“And he starts going faster and faster,” Marissa said.

I groaned. I’ve soaked through my underwear now and I can feel my juices begin to run down the top of my thighs.

“With those talented fingers of his he’s finger fucking you, but you know he’s not going to stop there.”

I moan.

“Do you know what David’s doing right now?”


“Looking at me?”

“That’s right and what else?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

“Open your eyes,” Marissa said.

Holy crap, he’s stroking himself and he’s huge. I’ve seen him before but from this angle he looks better than ever.

The look on his face looking at me, and the sight of that big hand on his cock sends me barreling towards the edge and my right leg begins to shake.

“No Jenny,” Marissa said.

David thrust his hips up toward me while giving himself a really powerful stroke and BAM. Instant orgasm.

For me.

I grit my teeth and try to hide it from Marissa.

Like that would ever work.

David laughs. I look at him. He’s absolutely magnificent. He’s slowed down the stroke of his cock. He’s still doing it but it’s long, lazy strokes Now. Like he’s got all the time in the world.

“Bad girl,” Marissa said.

For a second I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about. Oh yeah. The orgasm. I didn’t wait for permission. Bad me.

“Sorry,” I said.

“That’s alright, and we’re going to skip punishment this time,” Marissa said. “I understand it. He’s gorgeous. You’re a horny slut. You want him.”

Yank on the back of my hands. “Tell him you want him.”

“I want you David,” I said. “I really, really…”

“Shut up now Jenny.”

Kick to the inside of my ankle. I open my legs wider.

“Picture you’re up in my bedroom in front of that full length mirror. You can see yourself and him and me in the mirror. You see everything he’s doing to you and it makes everything you feel…oh, so that much more intense.”

My mouth is open because I need more air.

“He stops fingering you and take his tongue and give you one, sharp, hard, flick to the cliprioris. You moan.”

Oh that is so not going to be a problem.

“Make noise for David, Baby Bitch.”

Obediently I moan. I admit it feels good, like it lets out some of the tension. Because I’m wound up tighter than a spring.

“Then do you know what he does next, Jenny?”

“N…n…n…no,” I said.

Yank on my wrists.

“You’re the writer. You have a good imagination. He’s going to stop using his fingers. What does he do next Jenny?”

“He licks me,” I whispered.

“Holy fuck you’re hot,” David says and he starts stroking himself a little faster.

And I’m still getting wetter.

Marissa puts a finger in me. Touches her fingers to the top of my thighs where they are wet. Puts her palm on the bottom of the crotch of my underwear, which is soaked.

“Now that’s better,” Marissa said.

She let go of my wrists and quickly lifted my dress and pulled my underwear down. She throw them to David.

He caught them one handed.

“Wow,” he said.

“She’s good huh?” Marissa said.

“They couldn’t have been wetter if you’d run them under a faucet.” He brought them to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Oh yeah.”

He took the underwear and tucked it in his front jeans pocket.

“Um…” I said. “I kind of wanted those underwear back,” I said.

“Too bad.” Firm, hard voice from David. Friendly but dominating. “Too. Fucking. Bad.” Non-negotiable.

Damn, now I was getting even wetter and not wearing any underwear to catch it.

“You’ve proved yourself to be a good girl,” Marissa said. “Now we’re going to get rid of this.” She pushed the straps of my sundress down revealing my bare breasts.

“Nice,” David said and resumed struggling himself.

Marissa pushed my dress the rest of the way down until it pooled at me feet. Now I was totally naked except for my sandals.

“Oh, really nice,” David said.

“You’ve been a very, very good girl,” Marissa said in my ear.

I love when she says that.

“You’re so hot. Come here Baby,” David reached a hand out to me.

I took a step towards him.

“Noooo,” Marissa said grabbing me around the waist. “NO.” Very firm.

What the hell was wrong with her?

“I want him,” I said.

“I’m sure he wants you too,” she said. “In a minute. First we’re going to see how wet you are.”

“Didn’t you just do that?” I asked.

“We are going to see how wet you are.”

A moan from David.

Marissa gave me a gentle push and shove and then I was sitting on the coffee table. “Lie back and put your heels on the edge of the table and open your legs up to show David how wet youare for him.

I did what she said. Marissa moved my feet further apart and pressed on my inner thighs dropping my knees even further open.

“Mmmnn,” she said. “What do you think David?”

“She’s shining she’s so beautiful. She’s glorious she’s so wet. She’s dripping.” And here David’s voice dropped to a growl. “And I can’t wait to get my hands on her.”

“Yeah, I think you’ve waited long enough,” Marissa said. “You can touch her now.”

He came over and dropped a kiss near my knee. Then his fingers were in me. Softly at first and then harder. Quickly finding that great spot and teasing that nub up.

“Stop David,” Marissa said.

“Are you kidding me? No fucking way,” David said.

“Stop David,” Marissa repeated. And he did. Because we both knew the game by now. When Marissa said stop it was because she was going to give us something…more.

There was a second when nothing happened. I leaned up to look at her.

Then Marissa scooped the side of her hand in me, really, really getting in there, gathering a whole scoop of honey in her hand. She took her hand away and offered it up to David.

He just looked at her for a second.

Then he put his hands under hers, holding her so, so gently, and bent down and licked the juices out of her palm.

That should not be so hot, I thought.

But David’s body language was reverent. Like he was drinking holy water. Or from the fountain of youth. Or something better.

Then he was licking her palm clean, rotating her hand to get every last bit.

“That’s good,” Marissa said struggling his hair. “Now you can drink from the well from which this magic sprung.”

“Oh, yeah,” he said.

And then he was licking me and I squeezed my eyes tight because I was already so excited and I knew I wasn’t supposed to come without Marissa’s permission. Besides the strokes of his tongue were so delicious I didn’t want to rush the process, I wanted to prolong it.

And it was a long time. David kept doing wicked things with his tongue. Going deep in and out of my vagina. Circling my clip. Sucking. Licking hard just where I liked it. It went on and on.

“That’s enough,” Marissa said.

David backed up.

“You can fuck her now,” Marissa said.

David very gently picked me up off the coffee table and lay me down on the carpet between the coffee table and the couch. Then he was poised above me. All huge male proud and want.

With one fast surge his cock was inside me.

“You feel wonderful,” I ground out.

“You too,” he said.

Quickly he increased the rhythm and my eyes half closed as I drank in how fucking great it was.

Faster and faster he rocked and pummeled into me. I heard his breath speed up, he would come any minute.

“David that’s enough,” Marissa said.

“Aaaargggh,” David said.

My sentiments exactly, I thought.

“David, get off her,” Marissa said.

He did.

He stared at Marissa with his hands on his hips. Not. Happy.

Marissa looked like she didn’t give a fuck.

She walked around us and sat on the couch. She swung around and then moved until one leg was thrown way up on the back of the couch and was leg was still down on the floor. With those amazing high heeled boots she looked like something out of every man’s fantasy. She opened another button or two of her shirt. Every magazine writer’s fantasy too I guess.

Marissa arched her upper back and shoulders over the arm of the couch, which pushed her breasts out and made her shirt fall a little further open.

She was mind-blowingly beautiful. David and I just stared at her.

Marissa pointed at her crotch. “David get over here.”

You didn’t have to tell him twice. He was stripped naked and on the couch kneeing between her legs in an instant, bending his head down toward her. He was about to lick her when Marissa stopped him.

“Nooooo,” she said.

He backed up a second.Then took his cock in his hand.

“Yes,” Marissa said.

He leaned over, quick as a whip, he leaned over and got a condom out of his pants and put it on.

Then he plunged his cock inside her and it must have been a great angle for him because his hips were really moving. I could see a lot of his cock, coming out on each stroke, before plowing back into her.

Marissa opened her shirt up totally and pushed the sides of the shirt open further, revealing more of her breasts to both of us.

Then Marissa brought her top leg down and said, “Change positions.” Then she was sort of sitting on him with her legs bent and reaching out on the couch behind him. He had one leg on the floor and one leg curled around her lower back and ass.

I had stayed rooted to the spot where Marissa left me with my mouth hanging open and my eyes bugging out and my heart beat fast.

David began lifting her up and down on his cock and she was riding him, this smooth, beautiful sensungular ride.

My euphoria went even further up because they were just so gorgeous together. Him with his long brown hair and his golden tan skin and those wide planes of firm chest muscles and those big, big muscles in his legs and ass.

And her, so much smaller, a total contrast with her porcelain white skin and her great strawberry blonde hair piled up in some fancy updo on the back of her head but with tendrils that had escaped falling down around cheats and neck. Marissa with her perfectly symmetrical face and amazingly banging body.

Every time he lifted her, her heavy breasts swwayed and every time he lifted her I could see a little bit of his cock and how it was slicking back into her in this amazing rhythm.

It wasn’t like watching porn. It was like watching a beautiful sexual artistic film.

The best. Film. Ever.

“Jenny,” Marissa said turning her head to look at me. “Pull the coffee table closer and come sit on it so you’re right next to us and youhave a better view.”

I have a pretty fucking amazing view from right where I am, thank you.

But I did what she said. And then I was sitting, only about a foot from them, and I could smell the sex all over all three of us and around us. I could hear the hitches and the pleasure in Marissa’s breath and the exercise and strain and restraint in David’s breathing and the very subtle noise he was making, Somewhere between a grunt and a groan.

Marissa looked over at me and I don’t know exactly what she saw in my face but apparently it made her very, very happy.

“Apparently I’m not the only one who likes to watch,” she said.

“And me,” I drewed. “Without my popcorn.”

David laughed on sharp, loud laugh.

“Change positions again,” Marissa said.

He lifted her off him and she moved around until she was on her knees, sort of like an all fours position, except she was bent over the arm of the couch with her breasts hanging freeover the edge of the arm.

She turned around and looked at David.

Again, he wasn’t the type of guy you had to tell him twice.

And then he was fucking her and it was totally different watching them do it this way, doggie style sort of, instead of the way they had just been. Raunchier. A lot rabbitier.

“Hey, Jenny,” Marissa said. “You should pleasure yourself to get off one last time while he’s fucking me. To complete the writer’s experience.”

I looked at her. I looked at him.

“I…can…” David was trying to talk while pumping into her. “I … can… fuck her…again.”

“Hhmn, okay,” Marissa said. “Change positions. Jenny you come over here exactly where I was.”

I watched him pull out of her and she hoped off the couch. I got on the couch, positioning myself the same way with my ass towards David and breasts hanging off the edge of the arm. It was the same position but I’m sure it looked different because my breasts are so large and my ass and hips are a lot wider than Marissa’s.

David leaned down and covered my back with his chest. “Hey Baby,” he said in his really warm and friendly tone, and then, “You still okay with all this?”

“Yes,” I said.

“For literature right?” Marissa said. There was a hint of something in her voice, I couldn’t tell what. Mischievousness?

“Yes,” I said striving for a serious tone. But then David slammed his cock into me and it was hard to talk. “For…” pound, pound, pound. “Literature.”

And then I was all focused on David. How he slowed his rhythm and was going even deeper and how his hips felt when they slapped up against my ass. He reached around fingered my cliporis and all my sensings heightened.


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