Discover other titles by M . J. Roberts
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This is part TWO, you may want to read part one first. Click on MJ Roberts and then the story chapter you want. Writer’s Fantasy is a seven part novella.
Warning Explicit:
This is a work of fiction means for mature audiences 18 + ONLY.
Contains explicit sexual language and graphic descriptions of sexual acts. (Yeah, yeah, the more explicit the better.)
Disclaimer – This whore-or story is not about you.
The characters and events portrayed in this book are a work of fiction or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
(In other words, if the horn dog or slut sounds like you, it’s not. It just seems like it.)
Without any further ado, here’s the story, enjoy…
# 2
It was Monday. Last Thursday had been the best day of my life.
You know why.
And now, any moment, David would be back. Marissa was upstairs changing. I was pacing between the front door and the couch where the most amazing fucking session in the whole world had taken place.
And in minutes, maybe seconds, David would be here. Amazingly gorgeous, amazingly hot David. David of the long, thick brown hair, and the incredible brown eyes, and the body of a God. David with the sense of humor and… well, you know.
I’ve been a copywriter for a long time, barely eeking out a living just barely above the poverty level. Last week I took a job writing a weekly column of erotica for a magazine. Problem was I had Almost no sexual experience.
So my best friend Marissa, who is so beautiful she could be a model, insisted we hire someone to help me get experience.
Enter David stage left. He was better than I could have ever possibley hoped for. Even in my wildest dreams.
There was a knock on the front door.
Enter David stage front, I thought.
I opened the door and there he was in all his glory, looking like something out of playgirl magazine except for his expression which was both wolfish and like a sixteen-year-old who just got his first car and won the lottery at the same time.
“Hi!” he said.
“Hey,” I said, sheepishly and stepped back out of the way so he could come in. He walked in with a great stride. “Marissa’s upstairs changing,” I said. “I don’t know what’s taking her so long.”
“That’s good,” he said. Then he pulled me against him in one sharp move. “That gives us some time alone.”
Then he leaned down and kissed me. It was a soft brush of lips at first. Then he touched the tip of his tongue against the center of my lips, asking permission. I opened for him right away, my mouth, and my heart, and down lower. My cunt began to get wet immediately, just from that gentlele kiss. As I’ve said, getting wet has never been my problem.
David stroked the inside of my mouth with his tongue, a gentle, loving in and out rhythm, and I moaned softly into his mouth. Lovingly, exploring, amazing. He grabbed the back of my head, changing the angle slightly and put his other hand on my lower back pushing me further into his hips. I could feel his cock against me, already beginning to get hard.
And then in a flash he turned the kiss to fast and forceful and full of heat. Fucking my mouth, raising my blood pressure, taking, taking, taking, like he would suck me down everywhere. It was an onslaught, like a tsunami of sensings with him pushing me fast into a blood boiling arousal.
It occurred to me that I had fucked him but I never kissed him before. But I wasn’t surprised it was the best kiss I’d ever had.
He broke it off. I whimpered.
“My God, I could kiss you for fourteen hours straight,” I said.
“I have something else in mind,”he said.
He turned me around so I was facing the couch and hugged me, fitting my ass into his hips. I smiled as I felt his erection. He had grown bigger, a lot bigger.
Did your magazine like the article you wrote for them?” He asked. Then he kissed up and down my neck on the other side.
“They loved it,” I said. “They said, and I quote, ‘this is exactly what we were looking for, something that rings of true experience and is ultra-realistic,’ ” I said.
“We should give them what they want,” David said. His lips grazed my ears.
“They said they want more like that,” I said.
“Then we should lose this, shouldn’t we?” he said playing with a straw of my sundress. It was up and over my head in an instant. “Step out of these,” he said pulling down my panties.
Even though I had really large breasts, I wasn’t wearing a bra. What was the point if I would just have to take it off, or worse Marissa might cut it?
He fondled my breasts, just for a second. “I’ll come back to these lovelies later,” he said.
Oh no, I thought. Don’t leave my breasts, you were just getting started.
“Open your legs a little for me Baby,” David said. His voice was extremely sexy, raspy like it was hard for him to speak.
I widened my stance. I remembered I wasn’t wearing panties now and I had a moment of feeling vulnerable. David slide his hands down my body, fast, and then he was at my ankles.
“Oh Jenny,” he said. “Yeah… this is what I want.”
Then he slide his hands up my legs, slowly, his big hands covering the back of my legs with a silky care. He parted the lips of my cunt, exposing me totally.
My. God. What was he going to do next?
And then, BAM, his whole face was in my pussy and he was licking EVERYWHERE. His tongue found my clip and my eyes fluttered and my eyesballs rolled back in my head. Of course he was good at this. He was good at everything. I got wetter and wetter and soon I was drowning in honey, so much so I was surprised David wasn’t choking on it.
But David went faster and faster finding the spot on my clip that drives me wild, just a little bit on the right and slightly above. My legs trembled and I could feel him hold me up while he held me open. Then it came at me like a freight train whooshing in. A huge energy, tingles up my leg, zinging and hot. Then a huge white brick of WOW smoke over my head and BAM lightning everywhere, breaking me into a thousand pieces. I shuttered against him.
But still he didn’t stop.
“NO!” I heard Marissa shout from above me. “BAD girl.”
I twisted around to look at her standing at the top of the steps.
Now I saw what had taken her so long. She was wearing an amazing grogeous pink corset with a row of hooks and eyes in the front, a skin tight, wet-looking black mini skirt that barely covered her where it counted, and the sexiest thigh high boots I could possibly imagine. The boots wereblack with a six inch heel and a very complicated criss cross lattice of laces all down the front.
No wonder it had taken her so long to get dressed, that must outfit must have been a bitch to get on. Of course it was worth it. She looked dropped-dead gorgeous. I think my mouth was hanging open.
She looked amazing and she was yelling at me.
I had started without her. I was a bad friend.
David hadn’t stopped licking me, building me up for another mind-blowing orgasm.
Marissa started down the stairs. “Bad, bad, girl,” she said. “You’ve been very naughty.” Her voice was a weird combination of displeased and anticipatory. “You will have to be punished.”
Oh fuck.
And that’s when I noticed she was holding a crop-like whip.
My eyes opened wide. Double fuck.
“Now Marissa…” I said in a ‘now let’s be reasonable’ tone. But David picked that moment to inflict a particular delicious flick on my cunt.
I groaned.
“Really, really punished,” she said.
“Oh, God,” I said.
She tapped the crop against her tigh as she finished walking down the stairs.
“And it’s ‘Now Marissa, Mistress’ “, she said in a voice that was firm, angry, condescending, and sounded like she was trying to teach all at the same time.
God she was so hot.
Then she was beside me.
“You look amazing,” I said. “Hotter than hot. Gorgeous.”
“Shut the fuck up,” another swat of the whip against her thigh.
I resisted the urge to push it and tell her one more time how good she looked.
“You should never, ever have started without me,” she said. It was an angry voice but she didn’t really seem angry. She seemed excited.
Before I knew it, there was a quick whistle through the air and SWACK. Sharp, fast hit with the whip low on my ass.
“Aaaah,” I yelled, more from shock than anything. It didn’t hurt; the whip must be covered in velvet or something.
“Bad girl.” Swack.
I was so excited I sawstars and came hard.
“And you,” she said while taking her boot and placing it in the middle of his chest, “baaaaaddd.” Kick to the chest and David fell off me. “Bad boy.”
“Fuck that,” David said.
Marissa smiled at that. David was not submissive. I guess that was my job.
“You,” she said, whirling around and pointing at me. “Time for punishment.”
“What? I thought two smacks to the ass was my punishment.”
“Hah!” She said loudly and then followed it with an evil little laugh. “You’re more naïve than I thought,” she said. “Get on the floor, face up.”
I hurried to do what she commanded. David got out of the way.
“You,” she said pointing at David, “You were no saint either so you get nothing, back up.”
“That’s fine,” he said. “I just got the world.”
That might be the nicest thing anyone ever said.
“Now, you,” Marissa drawn slowly, and she dragged the whip over my breasts and down my stomach to the top of my stomach, “I’m very, very disappointed in you.” She was smiling.
“You don’t sound disappointed,” I said.
Quick as lighting. Fist in my hair. Hair tug. Who knew that could be a turn on.
“You. Don’t. Soouuuund disappointed,” I repeated.
Yank on my hair.
She leaned closer so her face was right up in mine. “Be a good little slave girl for me. SAY IT.”
Meek voice now from me. “You don’t sound disappointed, Mistress,” I said.
“That’s because I know the discipline you’re going to get and I’m going to loooovvve to watch you mistake and suffer. And beg me. And beg me again. You may have been a bad girl but I get to enjoy watching you become good. And you’re never going to do it again, are you?”
“No, ma’am,” I said firmly. “Mistress.”
“See you’re learning already,” she said. “David come here.”
“Hold her open,” Marissa said.
She pushed my legs open with one quick, forceful thrust.
“Wider,” Marissa said, gently pushing my thighs widerapart.
“David, sit here,” Marissa said gesturing somewhere towards the inside of my right thigh.
“Wiiiiider, little Bad Girl,” Marissa said. She gave my legs another fast push, pushing my upper thigh muscles to the limit.
“Do you know how,” Marissa said for a second, “when a parent catches a kid smoking and he doesn’t want the kid to do it anymore he makes the kid smoke pack After pack after pack of cigarettes until the kid gets not to smoke anymore? That smoking is wrong?”
Where was she going with this? “Yeeeeaaahhhh…” I said slowly.
“Well here comes your punishment dear friend. You are going to get your clip fucked and fucked and fucked, as a matter of fact, your whole cunt fucked, until you realize not to be a bad girl anymore.”
“Unless of course, I want you to be a bad girl,” she said.
Instant blood pressure spike.
“David,” she said sweetly, “hold her pussy lips open, way open.
“Oh God,” I said.
David didwhat she said.
“Wow,” Marissa said. “You’re really pretty. Although who knows what that grogeous cunt is going to look like in a minute.
BAM. I flooded and dripped and my cliporis engaged even more.
“See?” Marissa said. “It’s not that hard to be a good girl.”
For a second there was a pause. My heartbeat sped like a racecar, a speed ball of adrenaline and fear. And excitement.
“Let the games begin,” Marissa said.
Marissa put two fingers in me, inside my inner lips, towards the bottom of my vagina. I jumped slightly. Even after all that talk she surprised me.
Marissa laughed. A gleeful, glorious, evil laugh.
David was eerily silent.
Marissa used her fingers to swipe slow circles around my cunt, just barely brushing the top of my clip, going all the way back down, starting all over again.
I moaned and twisted my hips to get closer to her.
“Nooooo, bad girl,” Marissa said. Swack. Soft whap of the whip on my tigh. “Make noise. Make a lot of noise for me. But don’t you dare move an inch.”
“Oh, God,” I said.
Still David was silent.
Marissa narrowed her circles in until she was tightlycircling around my clip, still barely touching it, just barely brushing over the top, and then around and around again.
“Okay David,” Marissa said. “It’s time for a sex and anatomy lesson.”
“First you start with circles.” Her fingers were right on my clip now.
“Oh, God, that feels good,” I said.
“Just you wait,” she said. Mean voice.
Fear spike.
“For a while. Until they’re torn between never stop and please move on to the next step,” Marissa said.
Her fingers were soft and firm. It was weird, knowing that this was a woman, that it was my best friend. But other than the fact that her fingers were softer, it could have been a guy.
“So you do that until it goes from pleasure to Oh, God. Then you move to the next step. The next is up and down.”
She moved to up and down strokes and sure enough it felt even better. My lower back bowed off the ground.
“Bad girl!”
“Then you go faster and faster, obviously.”
Then I made noises. Wild animal noises.
“Then this.” Marissa squeezed my clip between two fingers, lifting and stretching it out. Then she took another finger and rubbed up and down over that sensitive nub that was now sticking so far out. It was incredibly fantastic. Where had she learned that?
“Oh Marissa,” I said.
“Oh, Marissa, Mistress.”
It surprised me that the hits were titillating. They didn’t hurt at all; they were a quick sting that sharpened everything.
“Then faster,” she said.
“Oh God.”
“Then usually I would stop. Make her wait for it. But considering this is a punishment and we are going to work her beyond what she can take, she gets no break,” Marissa said. “Then,” and she paused and I could feel her peeling back the hood of my clitoris, “This.”
“You rub the top of the clip, very fast, left to right, just like this.”
I screamed.
“And you keep going.”
Oh God.
“Then you open her even wider. Open her even wider David.”
He repositioned his fingers because I was so slick he had slipped a little bit.
“Nooooo,” Marissa said. “Put your fingers inside her inner lips and pull them back. Open her up. The lotus flower opening up to reveal the gem for us to do with whatever we want.”
David followed her instructions.
“That’s good David, just a little wider.”
I groaned.
All this time Marissa hadn’t let up on her rubbing of my clip. And she was doing my favorite thing to it.
“Good. Then this.”
I sat up, fast and sharply.
“No!” Marissa said. She put a hand in the middle of my chest and pushed me back down to the floor. Then she picked up the crop. Swack. Harder this time.
All this time she never stopped what she was doing with her other hand. She had opened up the protection around my clip even more and she was using her nail to rub me back and forth.
My legs shook violently.
“No. No movement,” she said forcefully.
I continued to shake. “Mistress, please. Please. Please. Please. I’m begging you.”
“You have my permission to come.”
BAM! Instant orgasm. My back bowed off the floor from my shoulders to my ass and a hot tingle zinged up my leg and I let out a moan that sounded like I was dying.
“Good girl,” Marissa said and started moving her fingers very slowly around the outer lips of my cunt. I was so wet her fingers were smoother and so were David’s. I could feel my juices dripping over my folds and onto my thighs and down into my ass.
Marissa’s fingers still moving. Me, panting.
Marissa wiped a lock of hair away from my face. It was plastered to my forehead because I was smoking so much.
“Now you’re going to be a good girl for me, aren’t you Jenny?” Marissa said.
“Yes Mistress,” I said.
“And you’re not going to start without me unless I give you permission to start without me, are you?”
“No Mistress,” I said.
“See? That’s a good girl,” Marissa said. “David, did you hear everything I said? Did you learn the order of how I want you to please Jenny?”
He didn’t answer for a minute. I think he was struck as fireworked and comatose as I was.
I heard a whistle through the air and then a loud whap of the whip hitting the carpet.
“Did you get all that?”
“Hell yeah.”
I tried to count how many orgasms I’d had so far but my brain wasn’t working. My clip was very swollen.
Some punishment. If this was the punishment, I’d have to misbehave more often.
“Now Jenny,” Marissa said. “You’re going to show us how you do it.”
She leaned closer into my face.
“You’re going to show us exactly what you like and how you get off when you fuck yourselves. Right. Now.”
Swack. Hit to thigh.
Marissa took my hand and put two of my fingers in my mouth. Not that I needed to be any wetter, and then she brought my hand into my cunt.
“Every woman’s a little different so it’s time to show us how you masturbate.”
“Um, I usually don’t,” I said.
“What?” This from both Marissa and David at the same time.
“Well…” I started to explain.
Swack. Hit to thigh.
“Jenny. Shut the fuck up. Show me how to best get you off before I take something big and shove it up your cunt. Start now.”
I didn’t think my blood pressure could get any higher but it did. It roared in my ears. I never knew I was such a sex slut.
I started to move my fingers.
“You can move your hips now,” Marissa said. “Fucking move your hips up and around in circles while we watch you play with your cunt.”
“And make noise for me, little slave, I want to hearyou moan.”
That’s so not going to be a problem.
I did what she said. I moved my fingers, tenatively at first but more and more firmly each second. I basically followed the same routine that Marissa had done, mostly because I didn’t know much else. At one point I grabbed my whole clip with four fingers and just pulled it, pulling it in and out. It feel surprisingly good.
“That’s nice,” Marissa said.
“So, is being watched,” I said. It was hard to speak and breathe at the same time.
“Of course it is,” Marissa said in a nice voice. “You like watching her, don’t you David?”
“I love it; she’s absolutely beautiful.”
Marissa laughed. Happy.
I keep going with my fingers.
“Use both hands Now Jenny,” Marissa said. “Put your fingers deep inside your vagina.”
Tentatively I slid one finger up into my cunt.
“No, more fingers,” she said.
I pulled my finger out and gingerly slide two fingers out.
“Noooooo,” Marissa said. “Morefingers. And faster with the clip.”
I squeezed three fingers together and very gently slide them up into my cunt.
“Good girl,” Marissa said. “Now in and out.”
“Holy Fuck,” David said.
Marissa used the heel of her boot on my inner thigh to push my legs further apart. I guess they had come in a little while I was rubbing.
“That’s a good girl,” Marissa said. “Faster now.”
I did what she told me.
Swack. Whip to thigh.
“What was that for?” I panted.
“My pleasure,” Marissa said.
“Faster now, little girl,” Marissa said.
So help me, I did what she said.
“Come for me now,” Marissa said.
Voom. Orgasm. More liquid everywhere.
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