
Sarah fiddled with her wrist, as best she could, and wondered if it was maybe a little too tight.

How long had he been out of the room? Probably just a minute or two, but every minute he was gone seemed like an hour.

She began to go through the events of the day, one of–if not THE–most eventful days of her life. But it wasn’t over yet. The best, she thought, was still to come. He had smiled just before he walked out, and Sarah saw in that smile all the promises she knew he would fulfill, all the joy he was going to bring her. Amazed that a smile could carry that much weight, she had almost forgotten that he had walked out and left her there, defenseless. Where did he go?

Everyone had told her all day how beautiful she had looked. It started at breakfast, when her mother mentioned that she had a glow about her. Having a little secret about just how special a day this was made her glow all the more, she figured. She had looked around the breakfast table at her mom,her dad, and Sean, wondering if they had any inkling of the thoughts rolling around in her head. Actually, it was suspect that Sean had any thoughts at all sometimes, but little brothers always seem a little dimmer to big sisters than they really are. She knew she could never relay to them what was going on in her head (or under her pajamas, for that matter), so she had just smiled and said “thank you”.

Jenny had come over a little earlier than expected and had been almost as excited as she herself had been. She wanted to tell Jenny everything, but Brody had told her specifically that no one could know. She had never kept a secret from Jenny, and she felt bad keeping this one, but she could not betray his trust whether he ever found out or not. She burned to spill it all to Jenny, but he had instructed her that This was the only way for it to truly work, and–if she was honest with herself–she agreed.

Jenny had fussed with Sarah’s hair, talking almost constantly, but Sarah could only think of later that night. She wondered if she would feel scared or exhilarated, and if she felt both she wondered which would be more dominant. Lying there now, she felt that no preparation in the world could have readied her for the thoughts racing around in her head. Or the feeling between her legs. She looked down at the white lace bustier, matching thong, stockings and garters she was wearing. Would Mom Still think she looked gorgeous like this? She laughed a little, under her breath, and her arm shifted. The rope around her wrist tightened a little more, and she let out a small gasp. At the same time, her crotch seemed to burst forth with a wetness she had seldom felt. She looked up at her other wrist, considered for a moment, then pulled her arm forward. Feeling the fibers tighten around her skin led to a new gasp, a new burst of wetness. Where was he?

Sarah’s mind flashed to the ceremony. It seemed like everyone she had ever known had been there. All of them,looking up at her, with Brody standing beside her. Brody. The man who had stood by her through all the ridiculousness. Brody, who showed her that she was worthy of being loved. Brody, who always made her feel prettier than she would ever believe she was. Brody, who slipped into her room while she was dressing earlier and tied the silver rope around her bare waist and cinched it. “Only we will know,” he said, whispering his warm breath into her ear and on her neck. “Only us. Forever.”

As she had stood at the altar, looking out at all of her friends and family, she felt the rope around her waist. How strange it was, at such a seemingly pure moment, to feel that growing wetness under her dress. As her eyes moved to meet Brody’s, she had felt that she could take him right there, in front of everyone, and never regret it. “I love this man,” she had thought. “I never knew I could love like this.”

As the words of their vows had been spoken aloud, her thoughts kept returning to the rope around her waist. None of these words mattered, really. They were just words. Brody had said much more earlier that afternoon, and she had said much more by raising her arms as she had allowed him to bind her. “Only us. Forever.”

Now it seemed like he had been gone forever. How long had she been there, alone? Probably only five or ten minutes, but time was moving excitedly slow, and all she wanted was to look into his eyes again.

They had left the reception and headed for the airport before just before sunset. Jenny had offered to help Sarah change, but Sarah had declined (perhaps too forcedly and hastily, by the look on Jenny’s face). Sarah didn’t want to risk Jenny seeing the rope around her waist, and being alone for a minute had allowed her to savor just a little more the anticipation of what was to come. She had stood in front of the mirror, naked except for that silver rope, and had caressed her skin where it met the fibers. She had shivered, feeling that wetness yet again. Would she ever be dry again, she had thought, and shared another private laugh at her ever-rising emotions.

In the car, nearly alone with Brody, she had mustered all of her restraint in an effort to not jump him right then and there. He had seemed to sense her eagerness, for he smiled and shook his head from side to side. Leaning in to her ear, as she felt that breath again, he had whispered “Soon, my pet. Soon, it will be real.”

Lying there now, she wondered again what he had meant. Real? Hadn’t they just exchanged vows? Slipped rings on each other’s fingers? Said “I do” in front of everyone they knew? What did he mean by “soon, it will be real”?

Her thought was interrupted by the sound of the doorknob being turned. A fresh wave of warmth spread under her panties, and she felt like she was ready to exploit in a mind-blowing orgasm. The door opened, and in he walked, something cupped in his hand. For a brief second, she tried to make out what it was. But then her eyes met his, and they locked in on each other with complete fixation.

He walked slowly to the bed, then smiled as he stopped. She reached up to touch his chest, forgetting that her wrists were bound to the bedposts. The tightening of the restraints caused her eyes to widen and her mouth to open in the loudest gasp yet. His smile grew wider as he reached down and kissed the wrist closest to him. Her eyes moved from His face to what he was holding in his hand: a black, leather collar. He moved his face into her view, and said “Sarah, I love you with all of my heart. I want you to be mine. Forever. Only us, forever.”

As he reached forward to class the collar around her neck, her entire body began to shake. The sound of the class and the feel of the leather on her skin were too much for her mind and body to handle. Her body rocked in intense orgasm as a last burst of warm wetness gushed forth from her.

She was his. She belonged to this man. The sound ofthe clap was the final act in the ritual of binding them together for eternity.

There would never be another. Not ever.


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