Wrestlingdomme Pt. 03

Jen had always been a person who practices anything and everything. Even something so seemingly mundane as walking, which was what she was practicing today. But instead of just walking, she would practice it by doing it really, really slow. As if in super slow motion. What that allowed her to do, is to consider every single detail of what she was doing. Exactly where her legs and arm were, what angle her knee was at, what angle her ankle was at, how it hit the floor, and so on…

Practicing like this allowed her to control how she walked very carefully. Both in terms of speed, technique, and balance, but also body language and sound. The difference might be subtle, but your brain notices more than you think. Even a minuscule misstep could subtract from the notion that she was in complete control.

Whenever she practiced like this her mind would focus completely on all of these variables and block out just about all other thoughts and worries. It helped her forget anythingand everything else for a while. So before every lesson, she would practice something she could completely lose herself in.

And as this had become easier she would sometimes also add to it. Walking on a balance plank, on her toes or on her hands. That last one had sort of become her thing; walking elegantly on her hands. It’s a great strength exercise and it looks really impressive if you do it just right.

Then her practice was interrupted. It was quite rare, but ever so often stray thought would strike her brain during her practice session. The thought did distract her for a few seconds, but she had learned to store it in her mind and go back to focusing on the task. There was always time to consider it more closely when she was supervising him as he did his worksouts.

The first thing Jay did as he entered was to look her in her eyes and give her a big, properly tight hug! Maybe there was hope for him after all.

“Hey Jay” she chuckled a bit at the alliteration before continuing. “How are you”

“I’m good, actually. Not excited about being worked to death, though”

That made her laugh and grin viciously. “Are you saying I have a particular reason to work you to death?”


“How many did you skip this time?” Her voice turned sharper, letting him know he could be in big trouble.

“Just one!” he blurted out quickly. “I almost skipped a second one, but I remembered what I had to go through the last time…”

“So you only did your exercises so that you did not have to do them here?”

“Uhmmm…. No..”

A quick look was all it took for him to collapse like a poorly executed stacked house of cards in a hurricane.

“…. Yes…”

“Seems like I need to step up the exercises I put you through here, then. That way, you might do them all like you’re supposed to.”

“N-no! Please Miss Jen… I’ll be good” he stuttered, eyes looking anywhere but at hers.

“Now’s a good time to start then. Go change and start your exercise.” The commanding tone of her voice made sure he would walk at a rather brisk pace.

As he started doing the push-ups, she desperately wished she had her siletto heels on. The thought of him pushing himself up into a spike while suffering through push up after push up at her command made her sadistic heart smile. Though silettos would, of course, be horribly impractical for wrestling, so she had to abandon the idea. As a not very interesting compromise, she made sure to stand in front of him, so he would be looking down at her feet, just to let him know she was there.

It seemed like just seeing her made him determined to do better, so instead of giving him orders, she would just make sure he saw her as he did the exercises. He never once met her eyes, he just looked at her and that alone seemed to spur him on. Only a few times did she have to verbally correct him and only to correct minor details. Mmmmh, progress!

When the time came for the dreaded pull ups she watched with great interest as he psyched himself before grabbing the bar. Then he looked straight at her. It was hard to keep a straight face because of how it seemed like he expected, or perhaps even needed, her to spur him on.

“You can do it” her voice was very matter-of-factly, merely stating that he was physically capable of doing it and that she expected him to do it right now.

That tiny poke seemed to help for a while as he started slowly rising towards the top. Though it didn’t last very long. Then it happened again; he lifted his head to look at her.

“Get. The. Fuck. Up. There.” every syllable was emphasized with some of that sharpness she used last time he did a pull-up. With his eyes closed, he tensed up and lifted himself over the bar, holding the position for a few seconds before he somewhat carefully descended back down to the floor.

Of course, she could have compiled him, but instead, sheJust told him with her sadistic grin “you know you’re gonna have to do that again later, right?”


She grinned her evil little smile at him. “Don’t worry though, you have the rest of this exercise set and half of the next series to look forward to it. Now continue.”

The second part of the exercises went pretty much like the first part with her making sure he always saw at least some part of her. Seeing her being near, ready to order him to go faster, seemed to have an effect. It still wasn’t as fast-paced as she wanted to, but definitely an improvement.

When he finished, she compiled him in her usual cheery tone; “You did a lot better today than last time!”

“So that’s why you weren’t yelling at me?”

Was that suspicion in his voice? That Surprised her a little. It was, of course, very well-grounded. But it was still surprising to hear him being critical. A sense of pride hit her; he was starting to suspect her. Hopefully, it’d soon evolveto the next step; fear.

“You did the exercises mostly correctly and not too dreadfully slow. I consider that progress and decided to reward you a little.”

She let him have a few sips of water before starting the second run through the exercises.

“Faster! You had a nice relaxing run through the exercises, now you’re gonna have to work for it”

With a deep sight, he picked up the pace. For each set of the exercise, she would keep him working hard, on the edge of what he could do. She also let him do every exercise a little faster or longer just to keep him barely within his limits.

“Stop! When you do the pullup I don’t want you to dangle there. I’m gonna say ‘go’ and when I do, you jump, grab the pole and pull yourself up. If you fail to follow These instructions you get to go through all the exercises once more.” Like always when she gave orders, there was no way anyone would mistake them for mere suggestions. Even if he had a question like ‘what if I don’t get all the way up?’, which was a very relevant question, he didn’t dare pose it.

“Ready? Now!” Just like in the previous lesson, she used that voice again. It wasn’t an angry voice, it was just such a sharp and commanding voice. It was one of those tiny, tiny details she had spent a ridiculous amount of time practicing.

The effect it had on Jay though, was absolutely. He jumped, grabbed, and slowly but surely pulled himself up. Sure, the fact that he jumped had probably helped him a little, but she didn’t care, she was just happy he had done it. Slightly shaky, he lowered himself onto the floor.

“Good girl” her voice was fully back to her normal cheery voice like she prefers it. Raised voices are good to produce an immediate reaction, which is definitely a lot of fun sometimes. But it can also create a form of tension she didn’t want, so she tended to revert back to her normal voice to lighten the mood pretty quickly. Successful pull up aside though,she didn’t give him any time to relax and instead ordered him to resume his exercises.

Since the next exercises didn’t rely on his arms, he got through them quite easily. Of course, she made sure he worked hard with each exercise lasting a bit longer than the previous one. For the final exercise, the plank, she did like last time; made it last longer and added some of her body weight to his shoulders Towards the end. She added more and more weight to him as he approached the final few seconds. By the end, he was holding up a substantial part of her body weight, but he suffered through it all.

The timer eventually reached zero ( weird how it always took longer when she was the timer ) and she got off of him and handed him a water bottle and a towel.

“You did well today” she let her pride show in the way she said it. “Way better than the last time”

“Thanks. It’s getting a little easier!”

“I’m glad!”

With the initial workout complete, it wastime to put her newly conceived plan into action. “I want to try something different today, follow me”

They walked leasurely over to a balance plan she had put up in a corner of her gym. It was, in essence, just a plan hovering two feet over the group. It was about 20 cm wide and 5 meters foot long. Small enough to easily fall, long enough there was room for two people to fight on it.

In an Elegant move, she jumped on one foot landing perfectly balanced onto the end of the plan facing away from it with Jay on her left. Then she got up onto her toes and walked backward. It was as if she was walking normally on the floor. She never hesitated or slowed down. Nor did she ever have to use her hands to regain her balance. Her feet simply just know where to place themselves in a way so that she didn’t lose balance.

As she walked backward she kept her eyes focused on Jays, while his eyes flicked between her eyes and her feet, seemingly worried she’d fall. “I want you to walkback and forth on this. But I don’t want you to use your hands to balance. Instead, I want you to really focus on the movement. Focus on where to put your feet so that they’re perfectly on the plank and as steady as possible. Buttt…”

As she said the “butt” part she had reached the end, or close enough so she stopped walking backwards, starting to walk forwards instead. Though this time she Walked at her slowest pace. Snails would be blisteringly fast in comparison “… I want you to walk extremely slow. This slow. But as you do, I want you to stare straight into my super exciting grey wall of sheer awesomeness over there and nowhere else.”

With a neighbor little jump, she got off the plank and landed solidly on the floor. “Now get up there”

With absolutely no elegance whatsoever he jumped up onto the plank, arms immediately out to regain his balance.

“Remember; look straight ahead and focus on the movements. I want you to consider every single aspectt of every step. You control every variable of each step. The knee, the heels, your torso, your head, and everything else. I want you to consider them all. Find what makes you feel balanced. It’s all about keeping focused. Nothing other than you slowly walking towards the end of this plank matters. Okay”

“Uhmm. Okay”

“I know it sounds weird, but I want you to do it. It’ll help you a lot. “

“Alright, I’ll do my best to keep focused like you said”

“Good girl. I’ll be keeping half an eye on you while I do some exercises.” Which was part of the plan, she knew she needed to make sure he did it correctly, but she didn’t want him to feel too pressed from her watching him.

“Oh, and I want you to walk backwards when you reach the end. So your eyes will always be focused on my wonderful grey wall.” Before he could raise any of his concerns she added “just walk slowly and you’ll be fine” And without looking back, she headed off to do the exercises.

“Stop! What did I say about using your hands for balance?” she inquired in a brisk tone. It had taken him no more than ten seconds to disobey her command.

“But I need my hands to not fall!” he seemed a little worried, most likely suspecting what she’d say next.

“No, you don’t”

I do. I can’t make any adjustments without my hands” he seemed almost genuinely scared now.

When she landed in front of him on the plank, he shrunk a little, seeming worried she’d attack him somehow. Wonder where he got that idea… But for once causing him pain wasn’t even on her mind.

“Do you remember what we talked about last time?”

“Uhmm… Find your balance…?”

“Yes. Adjust your feet until you’re steady”

“Okay…” it took him a while of wiggling unsteadily until he seemed confident he was balanced.

“Now close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you.” As was her standard procedure, she sharpened her voice at the ‘don’t’ while the rest of her command was spoken in her friendly voice. It was usually all that was needed.

“Uhhh. Close them, Miss Jen?” there was definitely some fear in his voice.

“Yes. Feel your balance. I’ll make sure you don’t look”

Slowly, scared that that little movement would cause him to fall. But he didn’t and managed to straighten himself up and close his eyes.

“Good, now slowly take one step forward.”

Instinctively he looked down to see where he put his foot. A smart thing to do, really. But not conducive to her methods. Without making any sudden moves, she put her hand under his chin and lifted his head up and held it there. It did as she hoped and reminded him to close his eyes.

“Proceed. Remember; super slow. Find your balance and shift your weight onto the other foot.”

She watched him as he started moving

“Slower! I want you to move on a geoological time frame; there’s no way you could possibly move too slow.

That made himslow his pace down enough. Throughout the step she kept his head up high to remind him not to look down.

“Good! Keep going…”

A bit into the next step, he misplaced his foot slightly and had to lift his arms up to adjust in order to not fall. It’s a good thing that he didn’t fall… No, scratch that, she wished he did fall. The thick matts of the floor would make sure he didn’t come to Any serious harm but it was still hard enough that he’d learn a lesson.

“Stop! Go slower and don’t shift your weight until you have a sure footing. The next time you have to use your arms for balance, I’ll punch you”

From the way he reacted she knew he believed her, he straightened up and walked even slower. To his credit, he took several steps before getting just a tiny bit Too confident, moving too quickly, and making a mistake. The mistake caused him to raise his arms, which means she had to punch him in his upper chest. Just as she expected, he lost balance and fell down. Thepunch made her lose balance as well, but she managed to stabilize.

“Uhhh…sorry Miss Jen. Think I got a bit hasty there”

“You did. Next time you will go slower.”

“Yes, Miss”

They repeated the process with him moving. Just like last time he did well at first. Then she noticed a smile she hadn’t seen on him before. Then out of the corner of her eyes, she saw slight movements in his hands. It seemed a tiny bit distinct from the usual little twitches and stretches she had come to recognize as his. Or maybe it was just her imagination. He might just have had an idea he would never act on and those movements were just little ticks.

It took four more steps before he lost his balance again. So the hands came up, and as you probably expected, she punched him. Harder this time. But as her fist struck him, he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him at an angle. There was no way she could steady herself. He was falling, but he was pulling her with him.

TheyHit the floor at about the same time. With an unexpected surge of adrenaline, she reacted instantly and instinctively, pounding on top of him. With her knees digging into that very sensitive spot everyone has in their shoulders she stared down on him. Internally she was smoking, externally her expression was a mix between secret and ‘oh girl, you’re in big trouble now.’ All he could do was grin back up at her.

That annoying, yet also kinda cute, grin remained on his face as her knees started digging deeper into his shoulders. There was a quick flinch, but the grin came back.

“You want us to wrestle on the plank? Because that can certainly be arranged…” Her voice was half angry and half-joking. They both knew a fight like that would end with a very bruised Jay and only slightly if at all bruised Jen.

“Uhm.. No… Ss-sorry Miss Jen”

“No you’re not!” it was more a laugh than a statement.

The grin came back even stronger. “It was fun though”

“I’m sure it was. You do know you’re going to regret it, I assume”

“Yea, I-i’m sure I will.”

“Back on the plank, ‘oh brave one’. I’ll go find something to make this harder for you.” A part of her wanted to turn around as she walked away. But she didn’t, she was fairly certain he would do as she said. And even if he didn’t, his punishment would more than make up for it.

When she was walking back towards him, she saw that he was indeed doing the balance exercise. Though he was going way faster and less steady than he had under her instruction. That was easily remedied with a single-worded command; “slower!”

To his credit, he did slow down without looking at her and just walked on, all the way until she returned.

“Stop” she was standing by his side now, ready to implement her vengeance.

“W-what are you doing, Miss Jen”

The question was met without a verbal response. Instead she had started attaching cuffs to his ankles. She took great care to make sure she didn’t push him off balance as she put them around his limbs and closed the buckle.

“Give me your hands” when the cuff was firmly attached to his wrist she made sure to hold onto his arm so he couldn’t get away.

“Bend down so I can connect them, or I will push you.”

In order to attach cuffs around wrists to cuffs around knees you have to bend a lot. Which isn’t too hard when you’re on the floor and have room to maneuver slightly and falling isn’t particularly painful. When you’re on a rather thin plank half a meter above the floor, it’s a different story. It was actually quite amusing to his trembling body as he slowly bent his knees and back so that his arm would get close enough to his ankle. With a ‘click’ she locked them together.

Doing the second wasn’t nearly as much fun since he was already mostly there. But now she could take a few steps back and admire the effects of her plan. He was shaking, unsteady, trying really hard not to move too much.

“Now you’re going to move from your end to the other end. If you fall down, you start over. I recommend you take your time with this one. Don’t worry, I’m not in any rush. Besides, watching you struggle is going to be very entertaining.” Like earlier, the last part ( though true ) was something she mostly said to make him comfortable with spending a lot of time. Even just the sheer terror in his eyes was highly amusing. She marveled at the brilliance of her malice. This was going to be fun!

To be fair to Jay, she had managed almost three steps away before she heard a thud followed by a “dammit”


The smile on her face rarely told him she knew very well what he wanted to ask. It of course alo told him she wouldn’t move a fraction of an inch before he asked in the proper way. To his credit, it didn’t take him too long to do so.

“Help me… Please… Miss Jen”

Now the logical thing to do would of course be to unlock the cuffs so he could get back up, it was the only way she could help. But logic can be so boring sometimes. Instead, she did one of the many things she did best.

“How can I help?”

A seemingly simple question, the answer was fairly obvious. But it forced him to make a decision. Now he had to ask her to do something in specific for him. It made the chance of asking for something and getting a big fat no in return larger, maybe even another punishment if he screwed up.


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