For the first time in a long long time, she was really excited about a lesson. Not because Jay was super interesting or a barrel of laughs in any way. But she was curious to know; had he done the exercises? Had he did them well and not half-assedly as she more or less expected? He didn’t seem too eager about the exercise the last time, though that might just be his generally not very enthusiastic personality.
The very first thing he did as she opened the door was to look straight in her eyes! It didn’t last long, it was if he realized ‘oh shit! She’s looking into my eyes! Danger!’ and quickly looked down, then stood still, doing almost exactly nothing. But it still counted as progress in her eyes.
She studied him briefly to see if he had learned how to say hello the proper way, but apparently not. Instead of waiting any longer to see if he would go for it, she grabbed his collar and yanked him towards her. That caught him by surprise so he fell onto her more than anything like some slightly forced Ponyo hug. Ponyo hugs are nice ( Google it! ), but having to force him onto her kinda ruined part of the magic.
In return, he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. Tightly. That made her smile and she squeezed him equally hard back. Feeling the need to one-up him, she slapped his ass. It wasn’t a friendly little tap for fun. Well, it was fun. But it was Also quite hard. The sound echoed loudly in the hall, though her neighbors were probably used to all kinds of sounds coming from her apartment like that by now.
He must have interpreted her slap as a cue that the hug had lasted long enough. Which it wasn’t, but not wanting to give him that impression she slapped her hand back on his butt and felt and squeezed it a little. She caught herself thinking that he had a cut ass she let her hands wander up his back, still hugging and leaning lightly on him.
Taking a few steps back, she finally greeted him as if nothing happened; “Hello, Jay! How are you?”
He smiled a bit and replied “butt hurts a bit, but otherwise I’m good”
“You have a cute little butt, couldn’t resist hitting it” she grinned back at him. After a short moment of silence ( though in her mind it was unbearably long ) long she continued “Did you do the exercises?”
“I did most of them” he was clearly getting a little nervous she would be upset. Which, of course, made it extra fun.
“You didn’t do all of them?” her voice got a touch sharper, stressing the word ‘all’, making it clear she did indeed expect him to do them all
“No… I’m sorry! I did all except one. I was just so tired and unmotivated.” he was looking down onto the floor in his usual way now, seemingly upset at not having done what she had ordered. Or just worried about the consequences.
“So you skipped one, but did the other eight?” she inquired.
A brief pause before he finally simply asked “Yes. Just skipped the one”
“Well then… As your funishment, you’re gonna go change and do the exercises for me. Twice. First one I’ll be just observing. Second round I’ll be ‘encouraging’ you a little”
The look on his face was priceless! He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to. It was clear that every fiber of him was uncomfortable being watched as he exercised and she knew right then that this was the best punishment she could ever have picked.
His first run through the exercises was about what she expected. All exercises were done in a lazy, half-assembled way. Clearly she needed to do her magic and give him some encouragement during the next run. She could feel a big, malicious grin spreading across her face as she envisioned how the second one would be.
Five minutes after his first run through the exercises it was time to make him do the exercises properly. She mentally rubbed her hands together in glee while speaking in her normal, excited voice; “Right! Now start over, and I don’t want those slow sissy push-ups youDid last time. Also, of timing it, I will tell you when you’re done.”
The abundance of pressure she put on the ‘I’ made it very clear she would make him work for it. But to really drive home that point she added in a touch of her sharp, commanding, and confident voice just for that one vowel. Tiny little dynamics in the voice like that usually helped hammer in the point.
One thing it did do was cause him to immediately do push-ups in a frenzy. No words escaped his mouth, he just dropped down and started his exercises. It was amusing to see the difference. Last time it was slow as fuck. This time, though, it was more like he was trying to set a world record after having ingested a great deal of caffeine, speed, and whatever else would make it generally look like your ass was on fire.
Amused, she let him do his thing for just a few seconds. She knew full well he wouldn’t last long at that pace, it was just so entertaining to watch how hard he was trying now compared to before.
“Okay, slow down. Instead do big push-ups, going fully down and fully up.” He instantly obliged, going all the way down, and all the way up. A lot slower, but now she could keep him going for longer and make sure he did the exercises correctly instead of… Whatever he was doing previously.
Throughout the exercises, he never once looked at her. Not even at her feet. It wasn’t like he ever had a convenient moment to look at her, though. Whenever he seemed to slow down, she would tell him to not slack off. Always in a somewhat sharp, commanding voice, and it always got him moving faster for a while. His punishments were going to be blood, sweat, and tears. Well, maybe not blood, this time. But definitely copious amounts of sweat and quite possibly a few tears from his sheer determination to do whatever he could to placate her.
Naturally, she ‘let’ him do every exercise longer than she had originally instructed, it was a punishment after all. Then about halfway through the exercises came the pullops. She had from the very first moment she saw his body, or maybe even from the when she initially read his letter, known that there was no way in hell he’d be able to do a pull-up unless his life depended on it.
This time his life didn’t depend on it. Instead, he had her trying to make him obey, which often had a similar effect. He grabbed onto the pull-up bar and Just hung there in anticipation. “What are you waiting for!? Pull your ass up that bar” externally she sounded like she downright expected him to be able to get up at least once. Internally she was hoping she could coat at least one out of him.
When he didn’t move, just looking up and drawing deep breaths she realized she needed to pull out some bigger guns. ‘This is gonna be fun’ she thought to herself as he got ‘the voice’ ready.
Countless hours had gone by just practicing that voice. It was loud, clear, and sharp without sounding shrink. It was spoken with absolute confidence, the word dragged out just a tiny little bit for added emphasis. What you get when you add all that together, is an instinctive reaction of almost sheer panic.
It was the first time she had ever used that voice on him and it had an instant effect. He didn’t even draw his breath, he just started inching his way towards the top. Spurred on by a few “keep going” and “don’t you dare stop” spoke in a similar, but definitely not as harsh voice, he finally reached the top.
That was obviously a huge exercise and he almost fell back towards the floor. She could feel an immense sensing of pride and what he’d done, spurred on by her commanding him. It made her happy to see just how far she could make him push himself for her, just by using that voice.
His reward was just a ‘good girl’, but it was spoken in her very enthusiastic, warm, and friendly voice that was brimming with pride. That would let him know she still loved him and that she was very proud of him, she figured he needed that.
As an added bonus, he got a slightly longer break. Both so that he could have some more time to enjoy the accomplishment of doing a full pull up, but also just so that he could regain some breath before the next half.
Knowing full well that the pull-ups would exhaust his arms in particular when she made the routine, the next few exercises relied on other muscle groups. Which means that she could keep pushing him as hard as she had during the first few exercises. All the remaining exercises were of the type which he had done more or less correctly on his first run-through. She corrected him whenever he did something incorrectly and kept on pushing him like she had, seizing every opportunity to squeeze some more sweat out of him.
The very last exercise was the plank. Which was nice because it’s a static exercise so it’s never really a question of putting effort into it, it’s just a matter of keeping the position. “Since it’s theLast exercise, I want you to keep it for 90 seconds instead of the usual 30” again there was nothing in her voice that suggested this was anything else than an absolute order. He didn’t reply, as usual. Though this time it was mostly from him being too exhausted to speak. All seemed able to do was to assume the position in silence.
As he approached 30 seconds the grimaces started to appear. Holding on by what seemed like pure determination to do everything he could to hold on.
The grimaces grew more and more intensity and at the 60-second mark, his limbs started to shake, yet she didn’t say anything just yet.
15 seconds later she moved in, standing with her foot directly under his face. And because she is who she is, she put one foot on him, riiight between the supposed blades, applying just the tiniest bit of weight onto him as she began the countdown.
Knowing the end was in sight he grew more determined. He stiffened up, holding himself higher.
“9! 8! 7! 6!”
Grunting noises escaped his mouth, but he was determined!
Just to mess with him and to see what noises she could make him make she added more weight to his shoulders.
Some mumbled, gruffly noises that by an astonishing coincidence sounded like ‘bitch’ escaped his mouth. It was quite hard to tell, it might have just been huffing noises. But it would be so much more amusing if he said ‘bitch’, so that’s what he said.
“5! 4! 3!”
More weight was applied to his back. Far from enough to lift her off the ground. But definitely enough that she would be calling the person standing on her ‘bitch’. Actually, she probably would have dug deeper down in her vocabulary of malediction if someone did this to her.
“2! 1! Aaaaaan done!”
As soon as she said it, he collapsed on the floor. Completely motionless and still apart from his rapidly heaving chest. Lungs and heart working hard from all the effort she had pushed him through.
Without saysing anything, she sat down on her knees next to him and stroked his back gently. She wasn’t sure if he noticed or not, she just sat there stroking his back gently, giving him time to catch his breath.
“How are you feeling? Want me to help you up?” Her tone was back to her gentle and friendly tone she had used after having fun with his nipples during the previous session. Friendly, but with a hint of amusement at what he had done.
His response was to silently move to get up, not saying a word, just slow almost pained movements. It seemed like he barely had the energy to move his hands, so she grabbed onto him and pulled him up. As she held onto him tightly, he was leaning heavily onto her, barely able to stand, even with her holding him up. “Good girl! I’m proud of you” she said with a big smile in her voice and kissed him on his cheek and stroked his hair.
After having given him a few moments to gather himself she throw him a water bottle so he could replenish some ofthat he had lost through what seemed to be a small lake’s worth of sweat.
“I take it you don’t normally do the exercise program like this?” her tone was full of amusement of how far he’d stretched himself through that last run-through.
“Definitely not!” he took another swig of water before continuing “more like the first. If that”
“Then I hope you remember this second series and do it more like that.”
“I’ll try” he replied in his normal ( way too terse way in her opinion ) manner.
“You should know by now I don’t take that for an answer.” she went in close, put a finger under his chin almost simultaneously, and lifted it up so he was looking straight at her. When he didn’t respond, she prompted him “Say it” her voice changed ever so slightly towards the one she had used to make him work his ass off earlier.
“I-i-i promise I will do my exercises harder and better.” The words were delivered with stutter and more fear than real conviction. Just by how he replied she knew it most likely would not be enough to get him to work his ass off as she wanted him to.
“That’s a little better. But I think from now on we need to do this once per lesson. Twice if you forget a workout!” She made sure to put stress on the word ‘twice’, removing any hope he might have that he wouldn’t have to endure that hellish series of exercises twice if he forget any of the exercises from now on.
The appreciation was painted all over his face, and his reply came out in a nervous mutter “Yes, Mistrrr… Err… Sorry. I mean yes.”
That made her smile to herself, amused at his instinct to refer to her as ‘Mistress.’ when she put on that voice. She decided to throw him a little bone in the form of hope “Hmmm. I think since you like referring to me by a title so much, you should call me ‘Miss Jen’ from now on” her voice was back to it’s normal cheery self.
It was a small thing, but it raised his spirits. His voice grew higher and cheerier “Uhh,…To clarify; ‘Miss’ and not, uhm, ‘Mistress’?”
“‘Miss Jen‘ But yes. Though maybe at some point you’ll be calling me that” The last part came with a little wink.
With what almost sounded like reverence, he replied; “Yes, Miss Jen”
After he had resolved most of himself they went over to the wrestling mat. Initially, they just repeated the lesson from last time, showing the most common way of getting the opponent down. At first, he was too careful, but he quickly got back to form where he was able to get her down every time when she didn’t retaliate.
Once she was confident he had the move down, it was time to move on. “Okay, good! You now have that move down. Sort of. Come at me again, and I’ll show you something”
This time, as he was About to push her back she grabbed him and pushed him just the right way. It was enough for him to lose his balance and fall down with her on top.
It all happened very fast, and he seemed to have no idea what just happended. “You’re definitely gonna have to show me that again. Just …slower”
“Oh I intend to, just wanted to show you at full speed” She kicked her legs up and used the momentum to get up and land perfectly balanced on her feet like she usually did, all in one smooth motion. It was just quicker. And looked WAY cooler!
He, on the other hand, used what seemed like a long time to get up. It wasn’t a problem or anything, time was not a constraint at all. But she noticed how it seemed clumsy and unsteady. She knew she’d have to address that at some point.
“You ready to try again, without falling?” She said it more like a joke, knowing full well he had no idea what just happened.
His answer came out all confused and befuddled; “I don’t even know what you did exactly. It all happened so fast.”
With a smile and her normal cheery voice she told him “that’s why we’re gonna do it again, just a lot slower.”
And so they did. With her instruction, he moved very slowly. She guided him through the move, step by step, each step happening really slowly.
“Okay, now stop here!”
Of course, he stopped at the ‘Okay’ part, but it was nice to finish the sentence at least. “Now you have left yourself very vulnerable. Almost anything I do will knock you off your feet.” To prove her point, she grabbed his shoulders and gave him a push.
What happened was ever as funny as she thought it would be. Yup, he fell. Arms flailing, slight look of panic in his eyes, desperately trying to grab onto her or in some fleeting way relative his balance. Could she have helped him? Yes. Did she? Hell no! Where’s the fun in that?
“See! You are very vulnerable in that spot.” Since he was laying there and she kinda-sorta was the reason why he was laying there, she reached out her hand. And forcibly yanked him up as soon as she had a firm hold. That almost made him topple over and land on his face again, but he managed to regain his balance before itwas too late. It was really hard to fight that little shouting demon going ‘Push him! Push hiiiim!’.
Realizing that would be rather counter-productive, she put her hand on his shoulders gently, just rubbing it for a few seconds. “We really need to work on your balance!”
“Yeeahh, I’m starting to realize that too” he smiled, his spirits seemed to be high.
They repeated the process from Before, her stopping him at the exact point where his balance failed. “How does this position feel? Do you feel balanced?”
“I never feel balanced,” he joked. “But this seems particularly bad. I just never realized when doing it, since it all goes by so fast.”
“It does. It takes lots of training and instincts to learn how to stay balanced.” She helped him improve his stance, doing whatever minor tweaks were needed to make him steamier.
The rest of the lesson was made up of him doing the same move on her over and over again.
They started out very slow, increase ing the speed as he got better. He was inconsistent to say the least, but slowly getting better. At least she thought he did, it was hard to tell because his results varied. Sometimes he’d do everything almost flawlessly. Other times he forgot a detail and she was able to exploit it. Maybe the problem wasn’t isolated to just balance?
After a while he was getting noticeably tired, so she called a halt ; “Okay, let’s stop there! You’ve made some great progress, but we will have to work on your balance.”
Concurring with her, he muttered, “Yeah, my balance sucks.”
“It really does. Might want to find a slackline kit, they’re quite cheap.”
“I’ll definitely look into it!”
“Good!” Then she finally asked the question that’s been on her for the last two weeks. “Now how did you like the bondage and the electron last time?” It was always important to know after the first few sessions, but especially with Jay, since he was more quiet and inexpressive.
“I like it a lot! All of it! Never thought I’d like electron.” Somehow he sounded more enthusiastic than usual. Not as enthusiastic as her, very few could compete with her when it came to that. But he seemed unusually enthusiastic especially with that big smile he had.
“Awesome! It makes me happy you had a good time. So I guess you’ll let me play some more with you today?” Asking if he’d let her play with him rather than if he wanted to play is important. It shows that you, the part that’ll be in control, want this and that you’re not just doing it out of some charity. Just one of the tiny little details she had learned over the years.
“Hell yeah!”
The sheer enthusiasm and way he said it took her by surprise and she let out a tiny laugh Followed and smiled at him.
“Alrighty, then. Go shower and I’ll find some stuff for ya”
Just like last time, she got the ropes. But this time she skipped the electron. She got the nipple clamps, though, just because he hatedThey so. The other things were just a few toys for impact play. Floggers, a riding crop and a cane. Most of which looked innocent, the one exception being the cane. Which was, well, a cane.
A little bit later he left the bathroom and walked towards her.
“Had a nice shower?” The shower had hopefully calmed him some and mentally prepared him for more play.
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