Wrestlingdomme Pt. 01

It’s weird how this hobby had become her source of income. She had been doing wrestling in some form or other for many years. Not the fake TV bullshit, but the form where two people fight and try to make the other person submit using just their body without punching or kicking or in any way trying to hurt the opponent.

Of course, you also got points in various situations. But making someone submit was Just so much more fun. Especially defeating bigger and stronger opponents. And that feeling of making people submit to her will give her an incentive to keep doing her workout. A regular, balanced workout routine had shaped her body the way she wanted. It might not technically be ideal for wrestling, but her goal had always been around strength. And also girls with slight muscle definition are HOT!

She had realized that competitive wrestling was a no go. It took too much effort, paid too little. So for fun, she had posted an ad for 101 self-defense/wrestling lessons.

Soon after, the application had started pouring in. Most of them were guys trying to prove they were stronger than women. She, in particular. Most of them were, in fact, not stronger than women. Especially not she, in particular. And those who were generally not good at anything else. Suffering from a bad balance or had some other weak spot she found and exploited.

With time she got tired of the ones only looking to prove themselves. It was nice money and all, but only wanting to prove your masculinity was a bad way to start a training relationship. But, of course, beating those testosterone-filled/sexist guys was a fun thing to do once in a while. Most of her lasting students, though, were girls. The majority of which just wanted the exercise or to learn to defend themselves. It was always rewarding to watch each of them grow from a clumsy, uncoordinated person to someone who could actually put up a great fight.

Being a physical sport with a lot of body contact, wrestling, at least non-competitive wrestling, can become rather intimate. Quite a few of her first students had tried using it as an opportunity to touch her in inappropriate places.

At first, she gave them a stern warning, but that was rarely successful, so then she twisted their arms painfully on their backs and made it very clear if they did that again, she would throw them out. No matter how rough she was, it never seemed to be enough. Always being true to her words, she always throw them out if they didn’t listen. It wasn’t the sexuality of it that bothered her, but the fact that she had never consented to be touched like that. The fact that they didn’t listen made it even worse.

That doesn’t mean things never got sexual though, just that the main focus always was the wrestling… for the most part. Some were just Platonic lessons, all about the wrestling. Others were more in the platonic-ish box. They mostly revolved around the wrestling, but you never knew, sometimes ahand would wander, or they ended up in a certain position…

Every now and then someone quit and she accepted a new student, and so today was her first lesson with Jay. For the first time in a long while, she had accepted a new male student. He generally didn’t seem like any of the others, though. The application was unusually well written, the person had actually put some effort into it. Reading it had made her smile and want to meet this person.

She had some trepidations, though. First lessons where always the hardest, wrestling was quite new to him and the letter hadn’t given her the impression he was a fighter. Though at the same time that’s what had caught her interest in the first place. Why would a person who didn’t particularly like fighting pay for fighting lessons with her?

“Hello Jay, happy you could come!” She reached her arm out but instead of shaking it as normal people do, she grabbed onto it. Now, a handshake is awfully formal, and almost creates moredistance between the two than anything else. It establishes a formal relationship, rendering them mere acquaintances rather than friends. And she had always been a physical person, so instead of just doing a normal handshake, she held his arm in a tight grip and pulled him towards her, giving him a nice hug with her arms wrapped around him.

This seemed to take him by surprise so it took a few seconds before he wrapped his arms around her. An average hug is said to last 3 seconds, but ‘average’ is boring so she usually aimed for at least 5. This hug probably lasted a good 6 seconds before she released him and he did the same.

“Good! Hugs are how we say hello and goodbye here.” Her tone was enthusiastic. “It’s important that we’re not shy about body contact. Wrestling IS physical after all!”

“Yeah..” was all he had to say. Oh well, he said he was a bit shy so that was expected.

“So since it’s your first time, let’s get some formalities out of the way. I’m here toteach you to reach your goals. But the most important thing for me is that YOU get something out of this, whatever that is. You’re NOT here for me, you’re here for YOU. If there is anything I can do to change it, or make it more rewarding for you, you need to tell me, okay?”

“Okay, yeah..” was all he replied.

“No, see, that’s what all you shy little nerds do when I say that. You say ‘okay’ because you know I’m expecting you to say something to that effect. One of my goals is to break you out of those habits. Which might push you out of your comfort zone. But as the great sage Austin Kutcher once said ‘as long as you’re uncomfortable, it means you are growing’… Or something like that. But anyways…”

She Keep her enthusiastic, friendly tone, getting a slight chuckle out of him at the Ashton Kutcher part. Grabbing his collar, she gently yet firmly pulled him closer. With the same gentleness, she put her hand under his chin and force his head up slowly. “I want you tolook in my eyes and say you will tell me if you want me to change anything. No matter how small, silly irrelevant, or whatever you think. Tell. Me. Okay?”

He glanced quickly into her eyes and said “yes” before looking back down.

“Once more, this time in a full sentence and with as much eye contact as you can spare for scary little me.”

He looked back into her eyes and quickly said “y-yes. I will tell you.”

“Awesome!” she cheered and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead while at the same time thinking ‘oh boy, this will be a challenge.’ Since she knew she could come off as intense and demanding she continued; “Just FYI I might come off as a bit intensity or firm at times. But I’m only doing it out of love. Albeit quite tough love at times. But still love!” The tough, in-your-face, and pushy personality had proven to be more effective than a more careful approach, so that’s what she tended to default to.

“It’s okay,” he began “I kinda like that. I think… Ineed it. Eye contact is just hard for me”

That made her chuckle and smile back at him “you won’t believe how many people I’ve seen struggle with it. Some do it because they’re busy looking at my boobs. Although I don’t see why, they’re not much to look at” she joked, lifting them up as if she were examining them. “But many just look down because eye contact makes them uncomfortable. I think some get a feeling that they’re inferior in some way.” she continued.

“Yeah, I can relate to that. It’s just become a habit.”

Nodding understandably she smiled and noted how his eyes would look up into hers for the briefest moments. “I aim to beat that out of you” she replied, putting a slight emphasis on the word ‘beat’.

“So what are your goals?”

“Well I wanted to try wrestling, it seems like a lot of fun, though I’m not the overly violent type. And I need the exercise, don’t get a lot of physical exercise, and I don’t really have any motivation for doing it either…”The words came out in a slow, hesitant mumble.

“Oh, I can definitely help you with that! I can even make you an exercise routine that you can do in your own home if you want. Anything else?” Somehow she expected there was more to it than what he just said.

“Nah… Or… I just realized I needed to go out more and not just sit at home all day” he admitted.

“Good, I think I’ll do you good on that part too! Now I hope you brought clothes for wrestling?” He nodded and held up his bag. “Good girl! You can change in that room over there.”

Shortly after he returned and she led him to the wrestling mat. “So what do you know about wrestling?”

“Not a lot. No punches or kicks. No touching … Uhm weak spots…” The last part made him blush a little.

“No touching twats, balls or boobs, yeah” she shot in. The choice of words made him chuckle slightly. She continued “Do you know any moves or techniques?”

He admitted he didn’t, so she continued “Okay. That’sgood, because then I don’t have to unlearn you anything, which is waaaaay harder. So the basic goal is to pin your opponent to the mat and have the shoulders touch the floor for 2 seconds. At that point, the match is over. That’s the gist of it. There are other rules and points and stuff but we’ll just be focusing on pinning for now. Sound good?”

“Yeah” a very terse and, frankly, a bit boring reply. But at least he seemed motivated.

“Alright. So let’s start with a basic stand.” She showed him the stand and ordered him to mirror it. “Okay, keep that stand. Now I’ll come at you and force you on the back. Just stand like that or try to stop me if you want. It doesn’t really matter, I’ll get you on your ass either way. Ready?”


As soon as he spoke, she ran at her, putting her hand behind the knee of his foot and forced him back to the side and onto his back. “See, that was fun, wasn’t it?” she looked over at him, making sure he was okay. He looked up justpast her with a big grin on his face.

“Yeah! Not sure I can do that, though.”

“Oh you can, but I’ll do it to you a few more times. Slower this time. I just like to start with a bang. It’s a lot of fun taking people by surprise like that. Most people think I’ll start out slow, but that’s no fun!” She got up and reached out a hand to him.

Looking down His body, there was a slight bulge just where you could expect to see a bulge if the person was either dirty-minded, not used to this type of contact, or just haven’t gotten laid in a long time. After half a second or so she looked back up towards his eyes, not really caring if he saw, though she knew he didn’t.

She repeated the move, this time going slower, showing him where to put the hand, how to pull it so that he loses his balance and how to exploit his imbalance before doing it again and forcing him onto his back.

“You ready to try it on me?”

His reply as a hesitant “uhmmmm…”

She ignored it and pretended he was as enthusiastic as her. “Good! Come here!” She grabbed him and pulled him closer. “Now assume the position” she then grabbed his hand and put behind her knee. “Now pull!” The hand felt weak and slightly shake and she just knew there was no way he would do it hard enough without more motivation.

“Okay good, but it needs to be harder and faster if you want to get me off balance.” So they repeated the moved a few more times, him gaining a little confidence and pulling harder every time.

“Now for the second part. Push me backward so I lose my balance and fall on my back.” As before the order was obeyed very gently. “Nono! Harder. Like this!” she grabbed him and pulled him forwards towards her, making herself fall back. She landed comfortably on her back with him on top of her.

It seemed like it took him a few seconds to understand what happened. He had landed on top of her, with his hip area on top of hers. She could feel him being slightly hard still. As soon as he refused his senses he shot up and apologized, looking anywhere but at her.

With a swift kick into the air, she got back up on her feet. “Sorry for what? For landing on top of me?” Her tone bright and cheery as usual.

“Yeah, and, uhh…”

Since he didn’t seem to know how to say it, she helped him out. “And you being hard so I feel your dick poking into me?”

He blushed and looked even further down muttering a barely audible “yeah.”

“Oh, that happens all the time. Guys often get a kick of fighting girls, I’ve learned to completely ignore it, so no need to apologize.” She looked over at him, trying to gauge his reaction. “In fact, it’s kinda hot to me too. Beating up guys, I mean.”

That made him blush even more, bulge getting bigger. “Does that means… Do you ever…?” his voice was stuttering a little now, but there was definitely some curiosity there.

“Do I ever fuck my students?”

“…Yeah?” he replied shyly.

“I would be lying if I said it didn’t happen.” She patted his crotch quickly, unabashedly before moving her hand away as if nothing had happened. “…but only with some people. And they always need to earn it first.” She said with a wink before continuing. “To be clear. I don’t care about your dick. I don’t care if I feel it. It’s happened so many times at this point, so for me, it’s completely normal and I don’t really care one way or another. If anything I think of it as a compliment.”

“Alright, let’s try that again.” She gave his butt a hard, yet playful slap as they resumed the position. It was always fun to put them off like that. Especially the shy ones.

They repeated the process, though this time she instructed him to place his hand on her. He did so hesitantly, and in her opinion, quite slowly. “That’s the spot. Now pull.” This time he pulled harder, hard enough to almost make her lose her balance. Almost. That seemed to surprise him, and she instinctively knew she could takeadvantage of the situation and easily get him on his back. Not being one to turn down such advantages, she acted and managed to elegantly flip him over on his back with her straddling him.

“That was better, but you still need to go harder, or I’m gonna keep toppling you over like a stack of bricks.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go harder”. His tone was already a bit more determined and confident than it had have been before.

“Good” she smiled, deciding not to listen to the slightly mischievous side of her brain telling her to grind on him this time.

They got into the same position. Like last time he was slightly hesitant when placing his hand. ‘Very gentle and careful’ she thought to herself. He pulled harder, hard enough that she needed to grab onto him, but still not enough to make her fall.

“Okay, it’s getting better, you’re not treating me as if I were made of unstable nitroglycerin anymore. Now it’s more like I’m merely made of glass.” She took half a step back andlooked at him, pondering his stance.

“I want to try putting you in a different position.” She adjusted his position a little, hoping the position would help him feel confident to put a little more force into it. “This position means you can put more force into pushing me. “Now… Think of me like a brick wall. No matter how hard you push, you can’t hurt me in any way.” In his defense, he did push harder This time. Enough so that it would have made her fall with him on top, had it now been so slow she had time to grab onto him and drag him with her using the opportunity to make sure he landed on his back.

She pounded on top of him at lightning speed, straddling him and pushing him to the matt. Having secured his arms, she moved up so that her knees were on top of his shoulders. “It’s getting better. But you’re Still either afraid of me, or from hurting me.”

She grabbed his nipples and squeezed gently before going on. “I could tell you you shouldn’t be afraid of me. ButI like the idea of ​​inflicting pain, so some fear might be in order.” She squeezed a little harder, making him gasp. “Sensitive nipples, huh?” she put on a more menuing smile. The kind of smile she only smiled when she was about to inflict pain. She started squeezed harder, making him squirm, trying to move his arms to stop her.

He started licking”…please…”.

“Nope, I think some tough love is in Order here. I will not go of your oh so delicious nipples. I will sit here until you can get me off of you.” He started thrashing about, moving his upper body from right to left more and more desperately. She was amused at how sensitive his nipples were, her smile widening as she squeezed just a little harder, provoking more thrashing. He started using his legs to lift his upper body, desperately trying to knock her off, but she held on, wanting him to get more violent with her.

Finally, he grabbed her hands and yanked her to his right, careful at first. But when she squeezed even harder still he got desperate and forcedly yanked her off to the side. As he lay there panting she kissed each of his nipples through his shirt and rested her head on his chest. She smiled up at him.

“That’s better! I want you to use that viciousness when we retry this move. I will let you catch your breath some first, though. But if you go gentle on me one more time…” she put two fingers on each side of one of his nipples and squeezed. Not hard, but hard enough to make him gasp slightly. “Sooo sensitive…” she said, amused, as if he was a science experiment, one she would happily do again and again if that’s what it took.

They both remained motionless for a little while, him panting from the exertion, and she gave him some time to recover. It was a sweet moment, just laying there. Body contact can be so nice at times.

A couple of moments later, he moved a little. Realizing he was ready to get back up, she kicked her leg and got on her legs without theuse of her hands, reaching out a hand to Jay and helped him up. Once again, they resumed the position. “Now don’t you dare go gentle me. You know I’m not afra…”

She was cut short as he yanked her legs hard, pushing back making her topple onto her back with a thud. She gave him a huge friendly smile, patted his head, and teased “good girl.” A bit patronizing, maybe. But reacting as if what he did was what she expected of him was usually better than reacting like he had performed the greatest wrestling move since the dawn of time.

Still, the fact that he finally was able to knock her over on his own was amazing. She knew he could do it, it was just a matter of convincing him that he could do it. And that whatever he did, it would not hurt her.

He smiled back, still shy, still not looking her in the eyes, just smiling amazing and happy at what he’d done. And possibly a little relieved he hadn’t hurt her. “How was it? Did I do it right?” he was curious to know.

“It was great! Proud I managed to get you to go rough on me. Help me up?”

“Oh, yeah. Of course. Sorry!” She grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled herself up.

Many retries later he was getting noticeably tired. So instead of letting him topple her yet again, she took him by surprise, made him land on his back with her straddling him again. Without moving an inch or in any way caring she sat on his now slightly hard again dick as if it was just a normal chair and not a reproductive organ, she prompted him

“Now. You mentioned you’re quite bad when it comes to working out on your own?” A slight hesitation, as if waiting to see if she would move, which of course wasn’t going to happen.

Taking the hint she would sit until he answered, he continued “Yeah. Don’t have a lot of motivation, don’t like the feeling of working out and I generally don’t have a lot of discipline.”

“Okay, you will be needing to do some workout on your own and I WILL expect you to do it all.” the extra workout was always a requirement as students needed to build stamina and muscles to last longer and generally become more fit. Which was one of his goals anyways.


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