Cunny’s lunch
While Bernice was out fetching her lunch Jessy could only mourn how low she had fallen. Not only 24 hours ago she had been a very promising student, well on her way to graduating with honours and a promising career that would surely follow. While she didn’t have a boyfriend right now there were plenty of guys she knew had crushes on her. She was rather picky when it came to relationships and she could more than afford it with all the interest she had.
It couldn’t be further removed from being a bitch who wasn’t allowed to talk and only answered to a few basic commands that required no intelligence at all. Instead of a promising career she was degraded to something less than human in the eyes of her owner, a chubby woman in her mid sixties. The only relationship she had in her future as far as she was aware was the one with this horrid woman’s pussy and she was helpfully to stop it as a small sorrowful tear rolled down her cheek, washing away a single tiny strand of this way older woman’s juices off her face. There was no being picky left for her. This old woman’s demands were her whole life.
Jessy’s silent mourning over her fate was interrupted when the door opened again with loud footsteps quickly closing in on her. With a swift motion a chubby hands reached down to her collar and unclipped it from the chair before as Jessy gratefully stumbled back, happy to “Lunch is ready Cunny, by all means dig in, and both bowls better be spotless within the next twenty minutes.” Bernice’s loud voice sounded from above her as she put a bowl of unappetising warm stew in front of her, stew that looked like wet dog food served like this. The previously soiled panties were also fished out of her water bowl and squeezed out above it to get as much of Bernice’s essence in the water as possible.
Knowing she had no time to waste Cunny got started on her horrid meal despite the fact that she wasn’t hungryat all. This time she started on the foul water that barely tasted like pussy to her as it was a watered down taste of the one still strongly stuck in her mouth. Don drinking she moved on to the stew which at least tasted good, not that it helped much with the strong shade she was feeling as she ate like the bitch she was dressed up as and called. It was the only choice as even eating with her hands was out of question. At least the stew washed away the taste of pussy from her mouth as she hurriedly devoured it all only to be left with a brown mouth dirty with left over sauce rather than one dripping with pussy juices.
“There’s a good bitch, now does my precise Cunny need to use the restroom? If so this is your only chance until later this afternoon and if I find a wet carpet there will be hell to pay.” Bernice warned with a huge smile truly enjoying the fact that she was changing her crush in nothing but an animal of sorts she controlled completely. That was at least one indignity Jessy would manage to spare herself from this time as she quickly shook her bottom two times to say no. The water bowls weren’t that large and with all the smoking she had done during fetch there was no need to pee at all. She would surely hold out for another few hours, although deep down she hoped that she would never have to see this horrid woman again.
“Wonderful, that means that you have plenty of time to give me another orgasm before I need to go for a while. So tell me Cunny, would you like to have my pussy for dessert? It’s always wet when I’m around you so perfect for a tasty juicy finish of your lunch.” Bernice grinned widely as Jessy remembered to vigorously shake her bottom in enthusiastic agreement. She hated the fact that she had to go back to tasting and smelling that pussy so soon after she had finally gotten rid of it for a brief moment, but she knew full well that it wasn’t a question she could say no too, her singing bottom told her that much.
“Mmm what an excited little bitch you aren’t you Cunny, jumping at the chance to burn your pretty face in my pussy. I knew you couldn’t pass up such a delicious opportunity to enjoy your favourite thing in the whole wide world for dessert. There is no way you are burying that dirty face of yours in my pussy though so SIT!” Bernice grinned as she got up while a mortified Jessy anxious to get into the demanded overly exposed sitting position, a move she was getting more practiced at. She could only hope that Bernice would be pleased on sight rather than to test her posture as she fearfully looked up at the woman with stew covered mouth wide open and her pierced tongue dangling out.
Dispite all she had been put through so far, all the initial places she had been ogled and touched at, Jessy still had to Fight the urge not to try and cover herself up as well as this horrid outfit permitted. Practically naked as she was all she wanted to do was hide from the sight of this horrid woman, but that wasn’t allowed. Much to her horror her hope of escaping the test was also dashed as Bernice got up and drove the tips of her pumps against her pussy, her knees against her breasts before leaning over and dropping a big glob of spit in Jessy’s mouth, spit the girl forced herself to swallow as she suppressed some gags.
“Good girl, now let’s get you cleaned up shall we? Good behavior needs to be rewarded and it would be a shame to make you wait longer on your much anticipated dessert.” Bernice grinned as she took some wet wipes and quickly cleaned up her pets face, being none too gentle about it. It took but a few seconds before Bernice was happy with the result, stepped back out of her soaked panties, hiked up her skirt and sat back down. “Alright then Cunny, by all means get back down and dig in.” Bernice smiled as she kept her legs spread wide for her pet, confronting the girl with an up close view of her old hairy pussy the moment she got down out of her sittingposition.
It was mortifying for Jessy that after such a brief moment away from the stench and taste of that horrid pussy it was literally forced in her face again. The stew and even the chemical perfumed smell of the wet wipes were so much better than this. Nevertheless she crawled forward only to get her collar clipped to the chair again and Bernice’s pussy pressed into her face. Almost immediately the wand still stuck to her pussy started vibrating again driving her right to the edge as the smell taste and feel of Bernice’s pussy became all overwhelming once more.
Knowing that there was only one way out of this ordeal and one way to avoid any lashes of the crop Jessy forced herself to wiggle her tongue deep between the older woman’s meaty pussy lips once more with all the enthusiasm she could manage to work up as he own muffled moans and horny haze got permeated by the loud moans coming from above. While she was licking away at Bernice’s pussy, her own need for an orgasmgrow more pressing, the constant edging really doing a number on her, but she was no where near actually wanting to do this to get closer to her own orgasm. The repulsion of what she was doing remained too big for that.
While her pet was once again going back to giving her pussy her all Bernice just sat back and enjoyed the thrills of power and the sheer amazing sensing of the girl’s tongue. She casually moved a hand back to the girl’s head and stroked her hair, moaning out a few taunting praises as she did so. She couldn’t help but chuckle when every time she looked down her pet was looking right up at her, shame and intense arousal filling her eyes.
Dispite the fact that her Cunny was trying to preserve as much of her dignity as she was allowed, Bernice still felt like she was winning big time. She had gotten the best pet she could have ever hoped for and she was already starting to get through to the girl to some degree. After all her pet no longer openly defied her and she didn’t even hesitate, or at least not much when given a demand. After only such a short time she had already broken her pet in obedience, yet it was obedience out of fear which she wasn’t what she wanted. It was easy to obtain, especially with how helpless her pet was, but only a first crude step to her end goal that might just be unachievable.
In the end Bernice would be prepared to settle for this if her end goal proved to be unrealistic, but she still truly hoped to create a second sub like Madison, someone who obeyed not for fear of punishment, but to be rewarded with one of her farts. It was just a sheer power trip unlike any she had ever felt before taking in the girl. With Cunny she hoped to achieve obedience just for the reward of eating her pussy, but that was one thing she couldn’t force like she could the punishments.
It took Bernice less than ten minutes to have another orgasm and another minute or two to come down from her high sliding back into her chair making it possible for her pet to keep her face out of her dripping pussy. Something she instantly did, grateful that it was finally over with. She was still moaning and panting kept on edge by the vibrator, but at least the worst part of this ordeal was over. Her pulling back was instantly rewarded with a sharp lash of the crop though. “Aren’t you forgetting something Cunny? You better not need a reminder cause there are more lashes where that came from.” Bernice spoke threateningly.
Cunny needed but a few seconds to figure out what her now owner wanted. Her face instantly turned red as she once again stuck out her tongue to lap up all of Bernice’s juices she could spot. It was disgusting, but after burying her face in the woman’s pussy for the third time today alone cleaning her pussy up like she had demanded before wasn’t that big of a deal anymore and way preferable to the alternative which amounted to a few lashes for motivation.
After she had done an acceptablee job of cleaning up her owner’s pussy Bernice turned off the vibrator, finally giving Cunny a chance to cool down and slowly come back down from the edge of orgasm without ever tipping over. The sheer arousal that had built up was bound to remain stronger than it had before though. “Alright Cunny as much as I would love to give you even more time with my pussy, I have to go now. Be a good bitch and lick these as clean as you can possibly get them while I am gone. You better give it your all because I will check.” Bernice said, unlike last time not even giving a possibility to her pet to give her another orgasm. Not that the girl had anything to be happy about with her face freshly dripping in the woman’s juices.
Without another word Bernice just wiped clean the girl’s back, replacing the three with a Two, refilled her drinking bowl, unclipped the collar from the chair and dropped her very soiled panties on the floor next to her pet. With that she simply left the room leaving anexhausted and mortified Cunny with a single task to occur her afternoon, the task of licking her panties clean, other than that all she could do was crawl around a bit and drink if she wanted, but without Bernice around to keep her busy it was just a boring empty room for her.
Not that Jessy minded at all, in fact she was happy about it, this was the best thing that had happened to her since her arrival. Unlike Other times, her tongue wasn’t painfully attached to her pierced nipples and there were no panties stuck to her face, she was freer than she had been for what by now felt like an eternity even though it hadn’t been a full day yet. Nevertheless she did have one horrid task to complete and so she quickly got to work, figuring she might as well do it now right after licking that horrid woman’s pussy while the taste was still Very strong and fresh anyways.
Licking up some more of her juices didn’t really matter at this point and while she hate what she was about to do and badly wanted to make a stand, it was pointless. She already knew she would get another horrid taste of that crop or even worse on top of that she doubted she would get this sort of freedom again for a long time to come if she didn’t behave. The freedom she was given was nothing to write home about, she was still completely stuck, and yet the lack of painful pulling on her tongue and nipples was fantastic to her now, that was how low she had fallen in such a short time. On top of that with her vision not blocked by the edges of Bernice’s panty gusset she could maybe get a better look at her surrounding for anything that could help. Not having her to breathe through the fabric was another plus, but a minor one as she couldn’t clean her own face and Bernice’s juices were caked to it, keeping the smell and taste just as strong just without the layer of fabric. Maybe she could drink to mitigate some of it, but considering how she needed to go to the toilet, she had mixed feelings about anything that may make the need rise sooner.
With a bright red face Jessy used her rubber dog’s teeth to carefully spread out Bernice’s panties as good as she possibly could. She couldn’t help but groan as she saw the amount of grool gathered in the gusset, but she needed to do this. Swallowing her pride and trying to bolster her stomach she gave the gusset a broad lap, gathering up as much of the grool as she possible could, cringing as the slimy discharge stuck to her tongue, yet she carried on, forcing her mouth close and swallowing before continuing with a next lap. It was mortifying and disgusting progress that she repeated over and over, trying to get these panties as clean as she possibly could manage with her tongue.
Jessy couldn’t help but think about how she should be relaxing at the side of the pool with a cocktail by now, taking a slow few lazy days after a busy school year and exam period just to completely let go of all the stress before she would start arrangeing all kinds of fun stuff to do with her friends. Instead she was cleaning out the panties of a woman in her mid sixties with her tongue, a woman more than triple her own age. All she could do was feel sorry for herself yet again while hoping to get out of here soon.
Lunch for Jasmine
After having squeezed out some good orgasms from her pet Bernice was quite happy to change into a pair of fresh panties and move back down to the living room. She ended up finding Sally in the kitchen, judging from the dirty plate on the table she had already eaten. Bernice couldn’t help but chuckle seeing how Sally had bend Madison over the table, vigorously pounding the girl’s pussy while her stepmother was on her knees behind her. Her lean was passed through Sally’s legs, through Madison’s legs, under the girl’s torso and attached to Madison’s collar making Rose unable to pull away from the vicious onslaught of butt smacking in her face while Sally pounded the other slut.
“Oh, you’vereturned already, do you have another minute? I’m getting really close here.” Sally moaned, not wanting to ease up her position before reaching yet another orgasm. She had a few already, but she wouldn’t be going over to her sissy project while she was horny. After all she wanted Jasmine completely pussy free. Now that she had gotten used to getting orgasms whenever she demanded them, it just wouldn’t be smart to go horny to the one person in the house that couldn’t give her one on principle. Sure she could masturbate, but that had lost it’s charm ever since she took control of Rose.
“Sure thing Sally, by all means, take as much time as you need. I’m in no hurry at all, feel free to go for more than one if you like. After all what use is a slut if you can’t use them?” Bernice grinned as she took place at the table, kicked off her heels and propped her feet up on the table, cupping her by now rather smelly stocking clad toes over Madison’s nose. The overly horny girl didn’t even need an order, she just started kissing and auditively sniffing the foot in front of her, hoping to please her Mistress to the point where she would be granted one of her farts. She was needing an orgasm so badly. It was almost all she could think about.
Madison’s orgasm never came though as Sally just continued to pound her pussy for her own pleasure, not even bothering to take her in account. Nevertheless she Continued to give Bernice’s feet her all, they smelled disgusting, but could she really call anything disgusting any considering how she reached an orgasm?
While Madison was having a slight existing crisis on what she could still consider disgusting Rose was dealing with one of her own. Yesterday’s break had been welcome, as was the thought that her children were safe, but the constant slapping of Sally’s chubby butt cheats in her face was down right horrible for what little self esteem she had. After so many it was down right painful as well, her garishly made up face felt rather numb from the onslaught as Bernice’s words rang strong in her mind, what use was she if not being used. It was both a mortifying statement of how low she had sunk as it was a terrifying one. It implied that Sally might still go ahead and ruin her life if she lost interest. After all what use would she be to her stepdaughter then? So far she had hoped for that to happen, but after that statement she wasn’t so sure anymore. Maybe trying to keep Sally interested was in her best interest. With that in mind Rose forced herself to plant a peck on Sally’s but whenever it shacked in her face, hoping to please her Mistress.
“Hahaha would you look at that, spending all that time under our asses is really rubbing off on the slut, she has become a true kiss ass.” Sally laughed loving the fact that her stepmother was starting to kiss her ass on her own according. It was clear that she was really getting through to the woman, she didn’t know what she had done for her stepmOther to break a little more just now, but she was loving it. In time she imagined the woman wouldn’t even think about denying her anything or hesitating to carry out a command, just like Madison she hoped.
With the added thrill of having broken her stepmother a little more it took Sally only a couple of thrusts to finally tip over in yet another amazing orgasm, flooding Madison’s pussy with her juices until They were simply running down the pretty college girl’s legs, all while she was kissing and sniffing her way older owner’s stocking clad feet.
Having had her fill Sally simply worked the strapless dildo out of her own pussy, leaving it sticking out of Madison’s dripping wet one. Then without a word or anything she swung her head over her stepmother’s lap, pulled her panties and tights back in place, made a quick stop at the fridge and simply left, leaving her stepmother and Madison in Bernice’s care. Rose could only feel truly used, her proactiveness had only earned hera taunt and otherwise she went completely ignored, then again the fact that Sally had found it funny was a good thing right?
While Rose only awaited further torque at the hands of Bernice’s twisted mind, Sally went from one outrageously fun activity to another. Just before entering Jasmine’s room Sally took a moment to get back into the sturdy harness and hooked the fresh bottle of formula that contained everything Jasmine needed to get her down to a perfect sissy figure up to the metal plate in front. The bottle felt heavy and awkward between her legs, but the fun of feeding Jasmine her sissy formula straight from a cock she wilded was too precise to be bothered by the slight awkwardness.
Now that everything was ready Sally simply unlocked the door and barged in with a big smile as she looked straight at Jasmine who was still stuck behind the too tight desk, massaging her wrist as good as she could after apparently only just finishing up her writing task. “I’m back Jasmine and I brought your lunch with me. Why don’t mince your ass over here, give me feet a nice peck, present your work to me and getting eating while I go over it. You better hope you did a good job sissy or you’ll pay with your ass.” Sally laughed as she obviously grabbed the bottle with the four inch realistic cock shaped tea and shook it in her directions, only to laugh loudly as she saw the frozen horror on her heavily made up face, a freeze that was only broken when Jasmine quickly fixed her glassed back up with a loud snort, something she had done near instinctively during her very long writing exercise. She had to concentrate on writing in this very new to her style so much that she didn’t have time to think about vividly stopping that inane snorting.
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