Business as usual
The ride over at Bernice’s place passed by rather uneventful. It was a ride like any other at least like any other Rose was used to by now. She had her tongue as far up Sally’s ass as it would reach, busy licking to provide Sally with as much pleasure as she possibly could receive through her ass, just the way she had provided Bernice with pleasure only minutes ago at the front door. Having to carry Sally’s entire weight on just her face hadn’t gotten any easier than before, it was very uncomfortable making her entire face feel sore. The farts Sally occasionally ripped without any thought of where her tongue currently was weren’t getting any more pleasant either, but as horrid as it all was, it was something Rose was getting used to she accepted this position as her place in the car.
Unlike other days Rose was instantly led up to the dungeon the moment they arrived over at Bernice’s place. It was nervous wrapping, easily her least favourite room in theentire house, but since it was the one Sally and Bernice liked the most it’s where they chose to spend a lot of their time. Rose’s likes and dislikes didn’t matter to them and they didn’t ask for her opinion, she was smart enough not to voice her opinion either. She was already in for punishment no matter what and she didn’t want to give the Dommes any reason to make her punishment more severe.
Besides no matter what room she ended up in, she was getting used no matter what. Hell they even used her in the car while driving out in public. The only difference with the dungeon was that unlike the other places it was especially equipped for punishment and other fun. At least fun for the Dommes that as Rose just aimed on getting through it as well as she possibly could.
Madison was already waiting in the dungeon, stuck in the stocks, Her bottom on full display. Another stock was put up right in front of her and soon Rose found herself locked in it, facing Madison being unable tosee anything, but the younger girl’s immaculately made up face in front of her. Unlike hers her makeup was still intact, but the glistening coat and strong smell of Bernice’s pussy told Rose that Madison had been very well used herself.
The reason why they hadn’t really bothered to let her repaint her face in the smudge free makeup quickly became clear when Sally stepped in to get into the action. She moved her fat ass right into the slightly too narrow space between her stepmother and Madison’s face, her pussy aimed at rose while her ass was aimed at Madison. She fit, but only barely as it wedged the faces of the girls in the stocks tightly into her pussy and butt crack. “Alright sluts, time to get licking” Sally smiled as she landed a first hit with the horsehair flogger right on her stepmother’s back and ass making her yelp.
Bernice in the mean time gave Madison another taste of her crop, making her scream just like her fellow slut. Not that a lot of noise came out ofThey at all. Both their screams were effectively muffled by Sally’s pussy and ass while they screamed squirmed and licked away. If anything Sally’s loud moans were the best indicator of the hard time both sluts were having.
Throughout the entire morning both sluts were getting kept busy at both end, licking and screaming while they got flogged or fucked all morning long. Bernice was careful to keep her ass away from Madison, not wanting her slut to orgasm during their playtime, it added another layer of delicious torture, knowing Madison grow more and more desperate for some relief, despite how she got degraded and used. She so long for the taste of her owner’s ass, the taste of one of her nasty farts, which had gift her so many amazing orgasms that just getting to taste her owners ass already had her pussy leaking in anticipation. Rose in the meantime got some orgasms out of getting fucked, but she was anything but proud of that. For as much physical pleasure as they brought,her orgasms mostly meant shade.
Just like that both Dommes spend the entire morning working their sluts over, getting all the orgasms they could ever want or need. At least in such a short time. Much like their Friday afternoon had been their morning was very intense and exhausting on so many levels. Working over the sluts like they did really was a huge workout. By lunch time the both of them were completely exhausted, exhausted but oh so very satisfied with themselves.
With big smiles they finally released their sluts from the stocks. Just like their Dommes they were exhausted, their asses and backs were rather sore from their spankings as were their tongues from all the licking they had gotten up to, ass pussy, pretty much whichever got pressed in their faces. Their butt and pussy didn’t feel much better after the rough pounding with the Dommes big straps.
Unlike their Dommes however they didn’t have the luxury to relax. Out of the stocks Sally instantly took Rose up to the bathroom where she was instructed to reapply her makeup using Bernice’s smudge proof kit as she looked horribly ravaged, her makeup smelled all over her face. Madison in the meantime got taken downstairs to prepare the lunch for both Dommes as Bernice just sat back and looked on, ready to utter a command if need be.
Rose made it down tugged along by Sally just in time to set the table for both Dommes as Madison had their food ready to go only seconds after she was done. With their Dommes having all the food and drinks they needed at their exposure. The sluts were ordered down under the table to provide them with some more pleasure while they enjoyed their meals, giving the Dommes yet another multiitude of orgasms to accompany their food.
As a reward the sluts eventually got fed themselves, out of a bowl much like the day before which they got to eat using only their mouth right there on the floor like they were pets rather than people. With the sluts fed the Dommes simply left, to the couch with the instruction to join them once they had cleaned everything up after they finished eating.
Both sluts knew better than to question that order or god forbid disobey. Just as they had been told they finished their embarrassing meal, happy to at least be left alone for a little bit, before they went to cleaning. First their faces which were a mess, then all the dishes including their own bowls only to make it back to the couches as instructed. Once there they instantly got put to work between their Dommes legs once more, providing them with pleasure as they simply talked over their heads and watched some television.
Eventually like all good things this most amazing day for Bernice and Sally also came to an end as Rose was finally led back to the car and driven home very much in the same way as she had been driven Here. Back at their place she was released from all locking things and allowed to go and get cleaned up for her husband. Sally on the other hand just drive back along to Bernice to enjoy Madison’s attention some more while they shaped up their plan for her step siblings.
It was pretty much how the whole week passed by an intense morning using the sluts, lunch, a relaxing afternoon and finally an evening of more plotting after Rose was sent home. Unlike Sally and Bernice who were looking forward to Friday when her step siblings would arrive, Rose was dreading that day. She hadn’t heard much from her kids anymore which was quite normal given how she was usually the one to call them, something she hadn’t been able to do ever since Sally had taken control, and as much fun as it would be to see them, she was dreading their arrival.
Unlike her husband her kids would be home most of the time and at unpredictable times. They came and went at random without a set routine and she doubted Sally would drop all her control over her the moment they arrived. The thought of them seeing what Sally did to her was more mortifying than pleasing her mistress had been by now. She had gotten quite used to the taste and smell of Sally’s pussy and even her ass. Lately getting to taste Sally had even gotten her own pussy wet as bizarre and mortifying as that had been to her. It had just come with some form or pleasure so often that her pussy already anticipated the pleasure before it was there. Serving Sally had just become normal to her while the Thought of her kids catching on was even more horrifying then initially submitting to Sally had been. She really feared what their arrival would bring.
The big catch
Friday morning started just like every other morning with Rose being shouted awake by Sally’s recorded voice, a little later than it had been during the school year. Unlike other mornings however Rose’s nerves were on a knives edge. Her kids would most likely arrive today, but she had no clue as to when that would be. They had each sent her a message, but Sally had made sure to delete thosebefore Rose could possibly read them. Instead she had sent a message from their mother’s phone that a driver would come and pick them up.
Unaware of all this Rose just carried out her morning routine as usual, making herself presentable just how Sally liked before waking her up with a nice couple of orgasms, as many as Sally needed before finally getting out of bed and ready for the day. Rose meanwhile headed downstairs where she prepared her Mistress’s breakfast, a breakfast Sally as per usual ate while fucking her stepmother providing them both with a couple of orgasms. She simply loved how her stepmother was already wet before even getting her pussy touched by now, something that could have only come from eating her pussy earlier. It was promising for her plans with her stepsiblings.
Once she was done eating Rose quickly cleaned the table, a little wobbly on her legs due to the orgasms she had just had. Sally had purchased some of that smudge proof makeup so that her stepmother didn’t need to go back upstairs to clean herself up. Instead they waited for Bernice who soon arrived and got greeted by Rose with an orgasm right in the doorway as per usual. The big surprise for her came once Bernice pulled away and Sally unlocked her collar instead of dragging her out to the car.
“Today’s the day your kids are supposed to arrive isn’t it slut? As the general Mistress I am I’ll give you today and tomorrow off, besides I’m sure you can use it, this place is really in need of some cleaning as you’ve been slacking on that front. In any case I’ll be going with Bernice for some fun with her slut. The only thing I expect when I come back on Saturday or maybe Sunday is a clean house understanding? If I don’t you will regret it. In the mean time enjoy your time off, although I bet that’ll be hard without an all you can eat buffet of pussy and ass you filter slut.” Sally laughed before stepping out and throwing the door shutt, leaving her stepmother behind, stunned on her knees, some awkward, but free for the first time in forever it saved so much of her most immediate worries, at least for now as she rushed up stairs to get herself cleaned up and presentable for when her kids would arrive, keeping her phone with her at all times.
While Rose thought she was given a huge favour she had no clue of Sally and Bernice’s true evil intentions. She wasn’t given the day off for her own good, but so Sally and Bernice had free reign carrying out their plan for Sally’s stepsiblings without their mother possibly interrupting or screwing up anything at all. Sally had taken the liberty to temporarily block incoming messages from Rose’s phone so that she wouldn’t be tipped off throughout the day.
With the biggest obstacle to their plan, Rose, out of the way and blissfully unaware Sally got into Bernice’s car, Madison already laying face up on the passenger’s seat in order not to waste any time. “Hello there slut one, I hope your tongue is well rested as we have a little drive ahead of us.” Sally smiled down at Madison who looked kind of mortified, obviously Bernice had just allowed her to cum at home so she was at her most clear mind. Not that Sally cared about that at all, if anything it made her even more excited as she sat her fat ass down on Madison’s face, nearly instantly feeling the girl’s tongue wiggle up her butthole without needing an order.
“Mmm, such an eager ass slut aren’t you slut one? Even more so than my stepmother.” Sally smiled wiggling her ass a little on Madison’s face. With Sally’s entire weight applying pressure with the wiggle it was slightly painful, but Madison had endured worse. She couldn’t help but groan lightly though, but the most prevalent feeling of all was a slow but steady growing arousal, it was just the effect these embarrassing positions had on her. She wasn’t even touching herself, just being under Sally’s ass was enough to turn her on and make her long for her Mistress’s ass instead.
Aside from those first few words from Sally, Madison got ignored. With Sally seated she was treated like nothing more than a seat as Bernice drove them both out to the city centre down to a special salon some searching for their plan had brought them to. It was in a shady part of town, but the owner had assured them that there would be no trouble, not even if they got out on the street with a practically naked slut. She had assured them that she had everything they’d need for their plan.
A bad part of town had been an understanding in Bernice and Sally’s eyes, having always lived in their shielded gated community, only really visiting the high end shopping streets, bars and restaurants in the city. They weren’t prepared to see these old ill maintained buildings in a neighborhood that looked run by a gang from the looks of some shady people standing on every corner and at the end of every alley. They feel very uneasy and nervous even realising they would need to get out in here, the only one who didn’t share their nerves yet was Madison who was too consumed by Sally’s ass to realize what was going on around them.
Soon after entering this neighborhood they luckyly found exactly what they were looking for. “Suzan’s Salon for Sissies and other Deviants.” A very modern and neighbor looking apparently freshly renovated place in this otherwise run down neighborhood. Luckily there was a place right in front of the store so they didn’t have to be out on the streets any longer than it took to cross the sidewalk, something they quickly did the moment Bernice parked the car.
Without delay Sally opened her door and hoped off of Madison’s face, the girl’s tongue leaving her ass with a loout pop as Sally straightened out her skirt. Grabbing hold of Madison’s leanh she Pulled the pretty much naked girl, wearing the same kind of uniform as she had wound since her arrival at Bernice out of the car. Her perfect naked body in the corset and impossibleheels, along with the collar and leash and the place she had been riding in the car got them a lot of looks from all the thugs hanging around. They just leaned back and enjoyed the show though, not at all trying to make any attempts to do anything but that. Still It made Sally very nervous as she quickly tugged Madison along and into the salon, Bernice following behind them quickly.
Upon entering they were nearly Instantly greeted by a big, tall burly older woman in a simple soft pink shapeless dress, nude support hose and a pair of comfortable loafers. She was followed closely by a demure looking grogeous petite Hispanic girl that caught the attention of both women. She wore a uniform, similar in colours and items to Suzan, but way more delicious and elegant. Her soft pink dress had a nipped in waist, accentuated by a white satin ribbon tied in a big bow at her back. It’s skirt was short enough to show the reinforced tops of her sheer glossy nude coloured stockings and her feetwere slid into a pair of white patent leather heels with a pink bow at their heel rather than comfortable well hurt loafers. The girl’s nails were manicured to perfection painted soft pink like her dress, a tone that reappeared in her masterfully applied, yet some over the top makeup.
“Welcome ladies, I’m Suzan and this here is my wonderful stylist and personal sissy Angel. We’ll be helping with Your project today. I hope you didn’t have too much trouble getting here with a delightful package like they one you’re carrying along? I would like to apologise if you were uneasy, but there is no need for that at all, the guys outside won’t interfere with my clients, in fact they would step in if anyone not from around here was to harass you so you have nothing to worry about. Now can Angel fetch you something while we wait for the first arrival?” Suzan gleefully asked eyeing up Madison with a lustful look in her eyes.
Both Bernice and Sally were shocked when it was revealed Angel was a sissy rather than an actual girl. Sure she didn’t have big curves, yet the dress did create some illusion of curves. She was also simply gorgeous, way to pretty to have ever been a guy in their eyes. If anything that was great news for their plans as their shock quickly turned into two huge smiles. They had most definitely come to the right place they thought as both ordered a drink before following Suzan to her office.
“Oh Suzan, by the way, I saw you checking out my slut when we entered, would you like to take her for a spin? She’s perfectly obedient. I can assure you that she is and feels as good as she looks. Consider it an extra tip for your services.” Bernice said with a smile, signaling to Madison who deeply stood next to Sally’s chair, her face beet red under her makeup and her lean forward neatly sitting in between her naked breasts.
“Now that’s an offer I won’t refuse, your slut looks greous.” Suzan smiled as Sally gave Madison a firm slap on her ass tosend her forward, only for Suzan to grab onto her lean and pull her in the moment she got close enough. Suzan didn’t waste any time to start fondling Madison’s breasts, pinching her nipples while she played with the girl’s already sopping wet pussy with her free hand, making her moan and yelp in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Ever since entering this business of sissies and other deviants Suzan had become a lot more open About sex and getting her sexual gratification even in front of others all her shame and hang ups were basically gone.
Seeing Suzan was about to go in for a kiss while fondling Madison, Sally quickly stopped her. “I think you might reconsider how close you get to that mouth Suzan. I mean you do you, but know that I have been sitting on that face all the way over here. I just thought you might want to know.” She snickered as Madison looked hopelessly embarrassed which only made her moan louder.
This new bit of information did make Suzan pull back instantlyThough. “Thank you for the warning Sally, I should have known from how wet she was when I first touched her that she was one hell of a filter slut. Which doesn’t mean I can’t have my kiss any of course. All it means is that I want that kiss on a different pair of lips so I don’t have to smell that face.” Suzan smiled as she slowly but surely pushed Madison down to her knees, rolling up her skirt as she guided the girl in between her legs by her legs by her legs.
Knowing exactly what Suzan had meant Madison didn’t protest or hesitate at all, she never did. Madison just leaned forward and started licking the hairy pussy, already smelling strongly of arousal in front of her. She guessed Suzan was even older than her owner was, but that hardly mattered to Madison as she gave her oral efforts all she had. All she cared about was making her owner proud so she would be allowed to savour her farts and cum, god she desired nothing more at the moment, her arousal having clouded her brain enoughto make her long for one of those farts and the orgasm it would get her.
Madison had only barely made her way in between Suzan’s legs when Angle returned with the drinks both women and her Mistress had asked for. She neatly put them on the desk in front of them like a properly trained maid would do before standing back against the wall, waiting to see whether anyone needed anything while just looking pretty herself in the meantime. She was blushing heavily as she realized that the pretty girl that had made her cage very tight when she entered must now be down on her knees serving her Mistress, at least it would explain why she was gone and her Mistress was moaning.
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