It was on a day of no particular significance that I had returned home from Glenhurst rehabilitation centre, upon returning home my mother greeted me with a smile, my step-father did not. Instead he showed all his affection to my step-sister, Ida, who had come to pick me up.
It was a long drive back to Sulwich, and although I would never have admitted it, I did miss both her and my step-sister immensely, something which Ida would never let me live down if she ever found out. She chatted idly to me about her first year at college, I tuned most of it out and watched as the town’s outskirts melted away and the spraying fields and woods of Knox County.
The colours of autumn veiling the countryside with a blaze of vibrant reds and oranges, that blazed like flames in the autumnal sun.
Upon My return to our rural home in Maythew Hamlet, my mother throw her arms around me and beset me with questions of how I had been keeping and if I was feeling alright, all the while mystep-father urged her to make sure that she had everything, as their coach left in an hour.
I tried to forge a conversation with her, but at every turn my stepfather interjected with prompts to pack her final few things, and eventually we both relented, our catch-up chat would have to be picked up after their vacation.
My step-father handed the house keys to Ada, and told her that he had left some money for her to get a pizza and she could have a few friends round, just not on the night they were coming back, he left me with a stern instruction not to park my old Ford Focus in the garage as it was now exclusively for my his new Jaguar.
My mother left me with a smile and a peck on the cheek before she left with my step-father for the coach station. I offered to take them, hoping to be able to have more of a conversation with my mother, but he refused, and said a taxi would do, and that my old Focus was too small anyway.
Not good enough you mean. I thought to myself, I flipped him off the moment the taxi had taken him and my mother away, I turned back, and found Ada gazing at me, eyes raised.
“He hit menupause or something?” I asked.
She shrugged “The promotion’s gone to his head, you should have seen him over the last few months.” She folded her arms, and we both met each other’s gaze.
“He over it yet?” I asked, having mustered up the courage to finally ask the question.
“He didn’t get over my mother getting a tattoo, and that lead to their dividend. So don’t take it personally.” She gave my shoulder a playful slap. “Been quiet here without you.”
“Quieter.” I repeated. Calmer she means. Although that wasn’t her style, too much of a party girl, like her mother.
I glanced back across the street again and I was pleased to see that Kendra’s car was back on her mother’s drive, the same old white Suzuki she had got for her sixteenth birthday five years ago.
“You want to get a pizza then?” Ada asked.
“Yeah…what?” I said, unable to tear my eyes from Kendra as she stepped out eyes glued to her phone, dressed in a crop top and a pair of tight jeans, her backside twitching perfectly beneath the denim.
Ada snapped her fingers at me.
“Liam. Liam. You’re drooling.” I glanced back to her.
“Pizza? Do you want one? After you’re done ogling.”
“I’m not ogling.”
“Yes you are, and who could blow you, she’s hot.”
“Just look at that ass.” She said leaning up against the doorway, she pursued her lips, causing me to guffaw and snort.
“Maybe a bit later.” I said eventually. “Are you having friends round tonight?”
“Yeah. Thought we could throw a bit of a party, my friends and yours, your friend Den’s still single right?”
“When is he not. But not tonight, I think I’m just going to chill with Paulie.”
She folded her arms. “Right, just Paulie, and not his sister.”
“We go way back, but who know, maybe she’ll tag along.”
Ida rolled her eyes and headed back inside, calling to me that this was my last chance to grab a pizza, I told her I would get one myself later, as I jogged across the street and headed up Kendra’s drive and knocked on the door. I stepped back glancing up at the window directly above the door, I could still remember the night when Kendra had leant out and her dressing gown had spilled open. That was an image burnt into my mind, and something I’d never let Paulie live down. I could even feel my heart racing despite knowing that Kendra was not home.
Get it together Liam.
The door swung open snapping me out of my daydream and I was greeted by Paulie and Kendra’s mother, Madeline, dressed in black three-quarter length running bottoms and a pink top, her hair tied back in a neighbor ponytail. She looked not a day older than forty despite being nearly fifty-two.
She and Kendra shared many features, from their crystalline blue eyes to their sharp thinnoses, both also possessed rounded and voluptuous lips, hers being slightly with a thin layer of pink lipstick. She also possessed a pair of pronounced cheesebones that looked as though they’d slice your finger open should you reach out and touch one, something which Kendra had not inherited, along with the auburn hair that framed Madeline’s face in a blockish shape.
“Liam.” She exclaimed, and she wrapped Her arms around me, I hugged her back. To admit that I had not found her to be an extremely attractive older woman when I was younger would be an outright lie, and she still had something about her now, but with Kendra in mind no other woman came close. “You’re back.”
“Hi Madeline. How are you?”
“All good thanks, you want Paulie?”
“I was hoping to see him. He’s not working is he?”
She snorted and leant on the doorway. “Paulie working, that’d be the day. No, he’s up on his game, go up and see him.” She stepped out of the way to let me in, the familiar smokescent of the Ingridson household bringing back a flood of memories. Playing hide and seek as kids, watching the Saw movies when Madeline had been out visiting her parents in Iowa and of course when they had thrown the Halloween party, and Kendra had been dressed as a very immodest nun.
I headed upstairs and wrapped on Paulie’s door. I called in to tell him it was me and he opened the door, he had been midway Through something or other on his computer, a game I could not afford of some kind.
We embedded and he apologised for the state of his room. Something’s never changed, he was as scruffy as ever, his auburn hair a mess but his own crystalline blues no longer locked behind his thick spectacles.
“So, beer, my place?” I said. “Mom’s out for a few days.”
“Dan too?” Paulie asked, a ghost of a smile creeping across his lips.
“Yes.” I replied curtly. “Dan too. Ida’s having some friends over too.”
“Is she really.” Paulie replied, his eyes lighting up, and his hand instinctively running through his hair, already planning his introduction in his head no doubt.
I glanced out of the window, hoping that maybe Kendra would be on her way back, and had initially been planning to invite her too, and came close to asking Paulie, but no doubt he’d become suspicious.
“Hey, didn’t he get a new car too?” Paulie asked, ripping me out of my fansies.
“Yeah, a Jag apparently. You would have seen it surely.”
Paulie joined me by the window and gestured to the garage attached to the side of my house. “He’s kept it locked in that garage, not even got a glimpse yet.”
“Do you want too?” I said with a smile.
It was truly a thing of beauty. I wasn’t a massive car guy, and neither was Paulie, but even the Two of us could tell that this was something special. Racing green, sparkling from hood to boot, with leather seats and a spotless sleep mock mahogany dashboard. I leant down to get a better look inside.
“This has got to be what?” Paulie began. “Nearly five hundred thousand.”
“This is Dan we’re talking about. The only thing he likes more than his Rolex is his cars, I would guess he spent close to a million on this.”
We stood in silence for a moment gazing over the chassis of the Jaguar. Judging by the wheel being on the other side it had been imported from the UK, probably with a few custom modifications per his request.
“I wonder what it feels like to drive a million dollar car?”. Paulie mused aloud with a mocking tone.
I matched his tone. “You know what I’d love to find out too.” I then held up the keys. “You really think we were just going to have a look.”
We climbed in, carefully, daring to not even leave a smudge on the chassis and closed the doors slowly and Delicately as we could. I grasped the wheel and exhausted, my heart suddenly thundering against my chest, Paulie ran his finger over the dashboard. “How can such an asshole afford something like this, just isn’t fair.”
I pushed the key into the ignition and turned it, the engine jolted to life, soft and almost smooth in its growing.
“Paulie.” I said, my voice something close to a tremble, heart in my throat. “Open the garage door.”
I dared not put it above five mile per hour as we rolled out of the driveway and reached the road, my heart still hammering against my ribs, I readjusted my grip. “Right, once around the country roads, then back.”
Paulie nodded. “But we’ll need tunes first.”
He switched the radio on and tuned it to an R&B station, not my thing, but it seemed to fit as we rolled out into the street.
And more perfectly timed it could not have been, as Kendra had just headed up her drive. I brought it to a stop and rolled the window down. Kendra glanced over her shoulder, and gazed at us almost in shock.
“Hey Kendra.” I leant on the window. “Fancy a ride?”
“Are you supposed to be inThere?” She replied, folding her arms. “Paulie?”
“Dan said I could take it for one spin.” I said quickly. “Jump in, might be your only chance.”
“Yeah, I’m not getting involved in this.” She said promptly and headed in, I creded my neck to keep an eye on her backside as she headed in, before finding Paulie gazing at me with a blank expression.
“What?” I asked with a shrug.
“Just drive the car and stop checking out my sister.”
I couldn’t help but snigger and put the Jaguar in gear before I headed for the back country roads that surrounded our small rural town.
Paulie let out a hot and a holler as I put it in fifth and brought it up to speed, the trees and fields rushing past us, and we veered right onto the road, aptly nicknamed The Autobahn due to its length, and the fact that due to the lack of police presence, one could almost go at any speed upon it with no repercussions.
I weaved in and out of pockets and turned off onto a narrow country road, flanked on both sides by tall hedges and a dense forest. We both let out a few more hots as I floored the gas and we shot round the winding road. I slowly began to slow it down.
Paulie dug into his pocket and pulled out a small tin box, the cent of marijuana reached my nose before he had even opened it, I glanced over to him nervously as he picked up a joint and held it up.
“Fancy a toke.”
“Come on man.” I replied. “I’m off the stuff.”
“Come on you went to that place only because Dan was threatening you, what harm can a bit of weed do.”
I swallowed and turned my attention back to the road. Honestly I found the whole situation ridiculous, however even I was one to admit that my excessive smoking had impacted me somewhat negatively before I had gone to Glenmore.
Dan and I had almost come to blows on several occasions, the fact that I spent all my time in bed and eating crisps and playing video games upset him greatly, and the fact I didn’t havea job upset him more so. But then again, he was the kind of man who judged you by your salary not your character.
“He clenched it between his teeth and lit it up.”
“Dan’ll smell it.” I protested.
He exhausted out of the window and lay his hand on the windowsill. “Just one, and we’ll aerate it. Trust me I know how to get the smell out.” He offered it to me.
I looked at it then to him before slowly taking it, placing it to my lips and inhaling. Paulie smiled and took it back, I breathed out a plume and slowed to a crawl, turning onto a narrower country road.
“You help me clean it when we get back, okay.”
“Whatever you say.” Paulie said sticking his head out and let out a hot after blowing out another puff of smoke.
I began to shift back up the gears.
“Right, one last time. You staying out there?”
“Hell yeah.” Paulie said.
I floored it again.
“Fuck you Dan.” I heard myself yell as we shot back round the narrow road, Paulie’shair flying out behind him. The reds, oranges and greens turned to a blur around us as we shot down the narrow road and I brought it to a skidding halt at the end. I took another toke from his joint before turning it round and brought it back towards the autobahn, but I had understood my ability to control it going back round the midway bend.
The car jolted and Paulie was shunted against the window. He slipped back in while letting out a cry, the joint dropping from his hands, lost to the road. I gripped onto the wheel as I felt the car swerve, I managed to wrangle it back under control but not before we slammed into a pothole and the car bounded up and almost off the side of the road.
I slammed on the breaks and we both let out a cry, Paulie covering his face as we swerved again towards the treeline.
We came to a stop, inches from a tall birch tree, but the front of the car had rolled over the side of a step incline and the back wheels were now elevated off theearth.
We sat there in silence, motionless for a moment before I glanced to Paulie, I then turned back to the windshield and released the steering wheel, my knuckles stiff and hands shaking.
“Shit.” Paulie whispered.
We opened the doors and stepped out. The front of the car was smoking but other than that it had only received a few scratches and a scuff on the tires.
We popped the hood and stepped back so we wouldn’t get a mouthful of smoke.
“It’s not on fire at least.” I said.
Paulie didn’t smile, in fact he looked quite queasy and pale.
“It’ll be fine, we just need to get it back, I know someone at a garage, it’ll be fine.” I said, trying to convince myself more than him.
I shut the hood and we climbed back in, I turned the key and the engine grew then cut out. We glanced to each other, and I turned it again, with the same result.
“No no no.” I slammed my hands on the wheel. “Come on.” I turned it again, but to no avail. “Fuck.”
Paulie leant back on the seat shaking his head.
“We’re dead, your step-dad’s going to kill us.”
I didn’t need him to remind me. But worse than that if we were found to be driving under the influence of Marijuana then I had no doubt Dan would have no qualms in calling the police, hell it’d probably make him happy to see me locked up. Evidently Paulie had been thinking the same thing.
“I gotta get out of here man.” He opened the door and stepped out.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going home, I can’t be dealing with this.”
“Hey, you can’t leave me.” I exclaimed.
“Look you can’t hide this, anyone who you get out here will tell your step-dad, I’m sorry but I can’t be here when that happens. And I can’t be caught, I already got a DUI last month.”
My eyes widened before quickly turning to a glare.
“You weren’t the one driving.”
“It don’t matter. Look I’ll send someone out, but…I’m sorry.”
“Hey fuck you.” I yelled as hebegan to head back towards the autobahn, he didn’t turn back. “Come on Paulie.” I fell back against the car before kicking a stick across the street. What have I done. What was I going to do?
I pulled my phone out, but paused as I started to dial for an emergency tow truck. What if they told Dan what happened, hell everyone in town knew Dan, it’d get back to him in no time, and the next town was nearly forty-five minutes away, by car. I leant back against the Jaguar, what was I going to do?
I’d just have to wait for someone else to come by and hope they had jump leads, then I could take it to a garage a bit out of the way and sort it all out there, simple. Only problem was that no one ever came this way, there was a reason we had come this way in the first place, since the new highway had opened no one took these backroads anymore.
I perched on the driver’s seat, hands claped. I had three days to sort this out, then Dan would be back.
I could head back and getmy car, bring it back and then jump it, I would need someone to help and Paulie was out of the question. Kendra I thought. A few bucks and maybe she’d help me. I smiled, perhaps that would teach him a lesson.
But that mean walking back. Hell, I was going to have to do it at one point, although someone might come by in the next five minutes, who knew.
I would leave a note, simple, with my number on it and hope that if anyone saw it they didn’t know my step-dad.
I took to looking for paper and pens within the car, but found only a biro, of course there was no paper. I would have to find a flat piece of wood and use that instead.
It took a good twenty minutes to find one and a further hour to scratch a legible message into the wood, and in all that time no one had come.
I had been about to leave it on the windshield and start my walk when I heard a stick snap.
I whirled round, taken by surprise. My eyes scanning the woods around me, must have been a racoon or a…
It came again, I turned now able to hear the audible sound of footsteps, and they were moving quickly through the trees. As they came closer I could see a bright pink between the leaves.
As they came closer I was able to make out the familiar auburn hair and high cheesebones of Madeline. I felt my heart sink as she spied me and slowed to a jog.
“Madeline.” I said with a start. “Look I-.”
“I heard you were in a jam”. She said and came to a stop by the car. “Paulie told me.” She placed a hand on her hip and gave me such a stern look that I could not help but drop my gaze.
“He did? That was quick.”
“He hitched a lift from Dale. That boy has never been able to hide anything from me, and Kendra kind of sold you both out.”
I scratched the back of my head nervously. “Look, Madeline I’d really be grateful if you didn’t tell Dan anything, I know I shouldn’t ask.”
Her lips curled into the faintest of smiles, and she swung her rucksackoff her back and dropped it at her feet.
“Don’t worry, our secret.”
“Thank you.” I said, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
She inspected the car. “I know someone who can come out, fix it up in a day or two.”
“And… would Dan find out?”
“That depends.” She said, turning back to me and placing her hands on her hips.
“On what?”
“On you.” She said. “And what you’re willing to do.”
I cocked my head to the side. “I…what do you mean.” I had a singing suicide she was implying something, I just hoped it wasn’t what I thought it was. Hell, maybe I did, what a way to get revenge on Paulie. Although maybe that was a bit far.
“Well, put it this way, you make me happy and step-dad never has to know, capeesh?”
“Madeline I…are you blackmailing me.”
She gave me a sly smile. “I don’t like that word, I prefer convinced.” She leant down and unzipped the bag, from it she produced a long cylindrical object that wilted in her hand. It was connected to what appeared to be long black straps. For a moment I couldn’t identify what it was, until she turned it lengthways and I was able to get a look at the object in full.
It was ten maybe eleven inches of thick flesh coloured silicane, and perhaps three or so inches thick. She lifted the strapon and smiled.
I opened my mouth to speak but the words would not come, I took a step back and her lips curled into a wicked smile and she lowered it again.
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