Wrath of Darnisha Ch. 01

I heard the familiar sound of my Mistress’ car pulling into our long drive way. Over the last few months, I’d learned to love that sound. It means that she was home! Quickly stopping by the full length mirror in her dressing room to check my appearance, I rushed to my spot near the door to greet her properly. I still find it funny that I check my clothes everyday considering all I’m allowed to wear around the house is the collar she brought me for my birthday and the cock and ball harness.

Kneeling naked at the side of the door with a waiting erection took some hard training. Now, the harness is no longer needed for my erection. The mere thought of her make my cock stiffen. Chuckling to myself, I realize that even after months of this routine, I still go over the check list in my head of my duties. It is not that I don’t have them memorized. I do. She expects no less than that. The repetition is driven only by my to be perfect for her.

As I hear the key in the lock, myback stiffens straightening out my posture while my knees spread apart to provide her with a clear view of my erect dick. As the door swings open, the chilly air hits my nipples causing them to stand at attention for her. I hope she notices.

I’ve also learned to keep my eyes on the floor instead of looking at her. Surprisingly, this is one of the more difficult tasks for me. The more I’ve grown to adore her, the harder it is to resist looking at her and basking in her beauty.

“Good afternoon Mistress Darnishia,” I say struggle to keep the excitement out of my voice.

My heart drops as she walks by without acknowledging of my presence. As I stand and close the door, my mind is racing through her checklist. What did I miss? I did everything right. My clothes, such as they are, are perfect. I kneeled. I was in place. I gave the proper greeting. What did I miss?

My mind filling with appreciation and dread, I crawl after her as quietly as possible measuring off my place to make sure that I’m the proper distance behind her. I steal a quick glance at her ass in the tight fitting red skirt before lowering my eyes back to her feet. The thought of her being unhappy with me starts to gnaw at me adding to my torque. Before we make it to her bed room, I’m shaking with fear of my punishment for doing something wrong.

I stop on my little doggy rug outside her door and quickly knee. She enters her room, but doesn’t close her door, which means that I can watch and wait to see if she needs me for anything. I watch her remove her earrings and watch. I must really be in trouble since taking off her jewelery is part of my job to change her clothes.

She must have realized it to because she goes and stands before the full length mirror and waits for me. I try to hide my smile at being wanted by her. Quickly I go to the closet and grab her silk red robe and lay it over a neary chair.

“Would you like a message or a warm bath today, Mistress?” Iinquire timingly.

“No,” she replies tersely. My heart sinks. Not wanting to disappoint her further, I gathered together her hair and slip a band around it, to get it out of her face and off her neck. Deftly I move around in front of her and unbutton the big black buttons of her red and black silk shirt. As much as I love the softness of her big ample breasts, I know that letting my fingers linger to long or touch to hard will not be tolerated. “This is for my pleasure and relaxation, not yours!” How many times had I heard her say that.

Still, being near her, smelling her hair and perfume stiffens my cock with desire for her. While slipping her shirt off, my eyes linger too long on her lovely golden breasts. Whapp! The sting of her slap startles me. Almost on cue, I look down to avert my eyes from her body only to see a drop of semen sliding down my shaft and onto the floor.

Sucking blood from my bleeding lip, I reach up and unclasp her bra. Ones that hook together in the front, like this one, are the hardest because I see her breasts spill out once they are free. I steal a glance at her nice golden globes with caramel colored thick nipples. My cock bobs in the air with unanswered desire.

“Thank you Mistress for allowing me to see your breasts. I am not worthy of looking at you let alone seeing your naked bosom.” I said, before kissing each stress nipple.

As I move around behind her, my cock bounces in the air aching to be touched. Having learned my lesson, I did not let my fingers linger over her ass. Instead, I unhook her rap around skirt as quickly as possible.

Slipping my fingers around the top of her thong panties, I slowly pull them down to her ankles. The fragment of her womanhood drives me insane as I wait for her to step out of the panties. On a few lucky occasions I had been allowed to suck the crotch area of ​​her panties. Today I was not so lucky. I know better than to ask and she does not offer, so I quickly gather her underwear and put them in the laundry bag with her other things to be hand washed later.

By the time I return to her, she’s sitting in her favorite rocking chair with her legs spread over the arms exposing her pussy and ass for my worship. Trying to control my password, I drop to my knees before her and crawl between her legs to begin my personal worship of her. I began the ritual by kissing her two thick outer pussy lips. Then the two inner lips, followed by her clip, and lastly her asshole. Its torture. I am forced to take my time merely pecking on her pussy. The only place that I am allowed to lick and actually taste is her asshole. I love to feel her ass react to my tongue. Being so close to her precious flower and not being able to taste its sweet nectar makes my cock throb with desire. To try and satisfy myself, I flick away at her asshole longer than usual.

“I’ve had a long day slave. Relax me with your tongue,” she growls low in her throat while grabbing my head and pushing my face to her clip.

“Yes, Mistress” I mumble before my lips are covered with her soft downy hair. Taking a brief moment to inhale her sweet scent, I trail my tongue through her hair looking for her secret oyster pearl. It only takes a few seconds to find her small bud at the fold of her lips. Using the tip of my tongue I slowly circle around it, brushing against it occasionally.

“Mmmmmmm, do your job well slave,” she said hooking her left leg around the back of my neck. A quick squeeze of her thigh smokes my tongue flat against her hard clip. I respond with long slow vertical flicks of the tip of my tongue up and across the hard little nub of her womanhood.

“Just like that,” she moan grabbing my hair and holding my head still above her sweet spot. The feel of Her body rocking back against the tip of my tongue urges me on. To give my tongue a rest, I suck her pearl gently careful not to lose rhythm. Her body tenses from this new pleasure. When her grasp relaxesI realized that she has finished.

“Go on slave, lick up my juices and make sure my ass is clean.”

“Thank you Mistress.”

Honored to worship her in such a fashion, I quickly find the thin leak of her cum from her pussy. Again, my tongue flicks out to her asshole, where a little bit of the juice had dripped. As I ran my tongue across her hole I can feel it tense and relax under my careful attention.

Working my way back up to the edge of her pussy, I stop. I haven’t been given permission to taste her there. I hesitate, hoping that she will find my service worth of granting such delight. She does not.

“Thank you Mistress for allowing me the privilege of tasting your juices,” I say still starring at her lovely engaged pussy lips.

“What are you doing boy,” she Asks kicking me away with her foot. “Did I give you permission to look at my womanhood?”

I curry back to a proper kneeing position a few feet away from her and keep my eyes trained on the floor.

“Well did I?” she demands.

“No ma’am,” I reply in a near whisper.

“Get my robe!” she barks as she stands.

“And my crop,” she adds with a drop of acid to her voice.

My erection turns flaccid at the thought of her riding crop. Last time she used it on me, I was left with a permanent scar across my right ass cheek from her fit of rage.

“I see you regret your lucky star,” she said while eyeing my shriveling manhood.

“I do,” I replied weakly.

“Not as much as you will! Come here and stand up so I can adjust your cock harness.”

“Adjust?” I croaked fear strangely strangling my voice. I had made it as tight as I could stand it when I put it on in preparation for her arrival, now she wanted to make it tighter.

“Did you say something?” she asked while grabbing my cock and twisting it viscously.

“Good,” she replied grabbing the harness and pulling it tighter. I winced from the shock and pain of having my the shake of my cock restrictedand my balls separated. The fabric surrounding the base of my cock cut into my flesh. I could live with that, but having the loop around each testicle tighten and pull them in opposite directions was unbearable.

“Mmmm, much better,” she teased. I could feel my cock stiffening in her hand. It wasn’t from the warmth of her hand, but from the trapped blood.

“As long as your happy that is all that matters,” I managed to say through shallow pants.

“Yes, it is” she replied holding her finger up to my lips so that I could clean the juices that leaked from my cock off her flesh. I sucked greedily at her finger.

“Now get my robe and the crop.”

Waddling to her bed, I grabbed her robe. Walking was difficult with my testicles stretched out. When my thighs came together they had no place to go. Each time it felt like someone knee me in the groin.

“Is it to tight slave?” she teased all ready knowing that it was.

“Not if it pleases you Mistress,” I lied.

I managed to make it behind her chair with the robe. She stood and I put it on her. I couldn’t help but marvel at the smooth soft curves of her back and breasts in my efforts. Thankfully I managed to get the robe tied without further mishap.


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