Worth Twice The Price

This story was written in collaboration with the extraordinary woman I call Lady C. I take great pride in sharing not only her wonderful writing talent but her amazing spirit with the rest of the world…

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It had been almost a year since we had first began our courtship over the Internet. This incredible woman who at first had come across as a shy, innocent waif had now turned into a voracious, sexual animal through our own special verbal jousting. It had all started with an innocent comment which was followed by a risqué line or two. From there, an even bolder statement until we found ourselves sharing our deepest fans, our darkest thoughts.

I began to pen stories to Cheryl based on hers, looking to bring them to life in words and our time together was filled with our sexual adventures Together. Shortly thereafter she began to do the same for me, the words tenative, almost childlike at first. Then, one day her voice found wings and since then I had embedded each story as one might an amazing lover.

During these past few weeks though I had begun to read a longing in Cheryl’s thoughts. I had only given her words, she as a woman needed more. I knew that one day she would act out one of our fansies and that day was drawing night. Sure enough, her words to me today told me of her desire and she was so sweet, even going so far as to Ask for my permission. She had often asked if we couldn’t meet and I had always gently moved the discussion into another direction. She had never pushed, but now that this beautiful bird looked to fly my heart longed to be the one who would capture her. Cheryl asked if I might know of somewhere in her area, a club where a submissive might meet a potential dominant. For some reason, those words proved to be the impetus for the plan I began to conjure upon.

I told her that I would see what I could find out and minutes later I began to put the pieces into place. It was two weeks later, a SAturday night in New York City and Le’ Club was hosting its annual audit of men and women as perspective slaves to the rich, famous and infamous who favored the Bondage & Discipline lifestyle. All of those in attendance were masked, a tradition to assure the anonymity of those bidding and would hopefully save any potential embarrassment of a perchance meeting in a boardroom or salon. I had chosen the mask of the Phantom and While his had been used to hide his hideous face, mine I hoped would simply hide me from Cheryl’s eyes. The mask wasn’t my only form of disguise as we had exchanged pictures at one time and I had gone to considerable lengths to change my appearance.

Gone was the short brown hair replaced by a longer cut, dyed silver. The mustache was now a salt and pepper goatee and the horn rimmed glasses had been replaced by contacts changing the color of my eyes from a sky blue to almost black. The stage was set, the curve was about to rise and I prayed that I could play my part. Each of the individuals who would be up for bids would be brought out one at a time and the bidding would begin. The crowd that mingled did so with a sexual energy fueled by the thoughts of what the evening might hold and I fed off of it, moving boldly until I commanded a view near the stage.

Before meeting Will, my life was very routine…I don’t even remember how we ended up together on the site that we’ve shared for almost a year now, but my life has drastically changed since…for the better. One word led to another and we were off and running in what seemed like a whirlwind romance. Will has always had the knack of making me feel both sexually and spiritually free…but, I’ve grown to need more. I needed to be taken in a physical sense…

I needed to feel the flesh of another against my own. I decided to ask Will, not only out of respect, but I wanted to give him a chance to change his mind about us meeting, just in case. He said nothing to that effect, so Ipursued the conversation by asking him where in New York I could find such a place for what I need so desperately.

I hoped that he would find it in him to give me what I needed, as I’ve always clearly stated that he was the one I wanted to live out my fansies with. A few days later though, he told me about a place called Le’ Club, a B&D facility where at some event, people were going to be audited off, like slaves. I was very surprised at my initial reaction, which was one of nervousness, to something I wanted so badly for such a long time now.

I guess I just counted on the fact that Will would change his mind, sweep me off my feet and we’d practice our craft together happily ever after. However, the thought of someone owning me to do their bidding, as Will put it, excited me in a way I never thought possible. Although I was crushed that my physical needs did not sway his thoughts on us meeting, I took the information that he gave me and set out to get what I needed onmy own.

I called the number Will gave to me and after answering what seemed to be a hundred questions, I was put on the audit list. The woman to whom I had spoke also told me to make sure that I brought a fine piece of lingerie to wear at the viewing. She said that the people attending would not be easily impressed and that the bidding, high or low, would depend a lot on the way I was dressed. After searching quite a few lingerie shops, I finally found the piece that I thought would be perfect for the night in question.

When I arrived at Le’ Club, I was awed by all the types of people I had seen. I noticed a sign that read Auction Check, and figured that is where I needed to be. I followed its direction, which led to a desk and after being checked in I was told to report to room four at the end of the hall. I entered the room and took the only seat open by one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She must have sensed my nervousness and introduced herself as Sharon. I told her my name in return, and before I knew it, we were laughing and talking like sisters.

“Have you done this type of thing before Cheryl”, Sharon asked me? “No, I haven’t. Have you”, I said embarrassed? “Yes, quite a few times actually”, she told me smiling. “Are you nervous”, she asked? “No, I mean yes”, I told her. “It’s good to look like you are, that’s what they like”, Sharon assured me. “Just try not to be, okay? Keep in mind that you are here because you want to be. You weren’t recruited. These people pay a lot of money to get what they want and expect to get what they pay for. We need to know their places, just as much as we need to know our own. Understand?” I nodded my head, thinking about how much Sharon sounded like the woman I spoke with on the phone. “Just hold your head down like this”, she instructed while lowering her chin down to her chest.

I couldn’t help but laugh saying, “That’s for real then?” “It sure is, it’s a must”, she told me. “When you receive the highest bid, you become that person’s property for the night. They make the rules and you abide by them, whether you like them or not.” I began to reminisce on a conversation I had with Will on his views of the differences between a submissive and a slave. I knew I was ready to become a submissive, but was I ready to become a slave? I guess I was going to find out. A voice on the loud speaker informed the group to go to the dressing area by the stage. “I know the way”, Sharon told me heading for the door. I followed behind her closely, like a lost puppy.

“You look absolutely amazing Cheryl”, Sharon said smiling. “Thank you, aren’t you getting dressed too”, I asked? “No, I’m with another group. What number are you”, she asked? “I’m number 17”, I answered her. “You’re last, that means you have time to relax a bit before going out there. Just take a deep breath and go with it, you’ll be fine”, she said leading me to the line that’s forming at the stage entrance. “I have to get going”, she told me, kissing me on the cheese. “Will I see you later”, I asked as she walked away? “I think you just might”, then blew me a last kiss.

The auction was moving along quickly, it was less than hour later when I heard my number being called by the man on stage. I walked out with my head hung as Sharon had instructed me. The lights that shone were hot, almost blinding at first and I heard the stirring of the people as they viewed me. With my head down I looked closely at the lingerie I had chosen. It was more like a gown, as I wanted to attract a certain type of person in bidding. The top portion was black lace, my breasts barely visible with sleeps that went down to my hands and elastic loops that I had put through my forefingers. The bottom portion was periwinkle silk that dragged to the floor. Underneath, I wore only a black garter belt with black lace stockings and black velvet pump heels. I had applied my make up evenly to give a presence of elegance, and mystrawberry blonde hair flowed over my shoulders. The lace picker I wore began to tighten around my neck as I grew more nervous, but I knew better then to lift my head. I did lift my eyes slightly though to look upon the faces of my potential owners, only to find all the people in the crowd wearing masks. Some were humorous, some were beautiful and some simply scared me.

As the night progressed I had watched as each of the individuals had come up for bid. Some went for two hundred, others for three hundred and two for as high as five hundred dollars. But when the final offer of the evening walked out, a hush fell over the crowd and I knew that things were about to change. Cheryl stood there both a figure of beauty in her attire and yet unashamedly submissive in her pose. Bidding began quickly, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred until there was a momentary pause and in a voice that I hoped did not betray my nervousness I said, “One thousand dollars.”

For at least a fleeting moment the attention of the crowd shifted from the beautiful woman on stage to the gentleman on the floor before seconds later their eyes moved on as a voice from behind me bid, “Two thousands dollars.” I had to fight not to turn to see who it was. Instead I calmly replied, “Three thousand dollars.” The crowd now was gasping at each bid, their eyes moving back and forth from the stage to the floor. I knew the person Behind me was a female, her voice a soft silky one against my rough tone. “Four thousands dollars” came the sound from just over my right shoulder and I couldn’t help but turn slowly to face a stunning woman, her face obscured by the leopard skin mask she wore.

Her golden hair was almost mane like and her eyes danced with her enjoyment of the moment. “Five thousands dollars” I said and she smiled in response to my words. Her emerald cut eyes shone as she replied, “She is quite the lovely isn’t she?” I nodded my agreement and she continued, “I don’t believe we’ve met but if we have then you know that I always get what I want. However, I do sense you are a gentleman and if that is the case, I propose to you a fighter.” She leaned close, whispered in my ear and when she finished I gave her a slight bow and she turned to the stage.

“The gentleman and I are in agreement. We both bid $5,000 for the pleasure of this woman’s company for the evening. She will decided after tonight which of us she will serve.” The crowd began to roar with the unexpected twist that the evening’s festivals had taken. I looked up to see Cheryl standing there, her eyes still downcast, trembling in excitement at the prospect. I had long known of her desire to be dominated by not only the male but the female of the species as well. I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be a dream or a nightmare come true for not Only her but also for both of us.

“Why don’t we go up and meet our acquisition?” and with that the other bidder slipped her hand throughmy arm. As we walked up to meet the woman who awaited us the crowd parted as if in the presence of royalty. As we got closer and closer to the lone figure remaining on the stage my heart soared one moment to finally be so close and then sunk to my stomach as I pondered what I might have wrong. We came to a stop directly in front of the still beauty, her head hung in her submissive pose and trembling from what must have been a combination of fright and excitement. The woman on my arm said, “Kneel, knee in our presence.” Cheryl paused momentarily, as if the woman’s voice had reminded of her something but then did as she was asked. She got down on her knees, her hands in her lap as she listened to, “Congratulations my dear, most here can only dream of serving not only a Mistress but a Master as well. You will enjoy that rare privilege tonight.”

“Your Master has kindly consented to let me begin your training. You will be with me for the next two hours then you will have thirty minutes to, shall we say, refresh yourself and he will spend two hours with you. Do you understand?” After a moment or two a soft, quiet voice came from the figure kneeing, “Yes Mistress.” “Good, do you have anything to say kind sir before we depart?” I seized the moment at hand to say simply, “Stand.” When she didn’t react instantly I turned my voice to thunder this time saying, “I SAID STAND WENCH.” The room grew quiet as she came to her feet quickly, her body shaking at the sound of my voice. “Look at me.” Her eyes snapped to meet mine as I continued, “Unlike your Mistress here who speaks to you with a soft voice and kind words I expect, no, I demand more.”

My eyes had grown dark and I saw the fear in hers as I continued, “My commands are to be obeyed instantly and never, ever questioned. Your punishment will be my decision, your pain at my command and your pleasure lies solely with me. Now, hold still so that I can see what my investment has brought me.” I began to walk aroundthe woman standing there, her eyes staring straight ahead though I did see them twice move freshly to catch a glance of her new Mistress as I viewed her from each angle. I moved as if I were perusing a purchase of fine meat from a butcher and as I completed my circle, locked eyes with her again and said, “Adequate.” Her face flushed a bright red as if I had slapped her and I heard the chuckle from the other figure that was standing neary. I turned to her and bowed again this time saying, “She is yours for now, m’lady.”

It feel like a dream. I stood on the stage and the bidding did indeed start flying. The highest and what I had hoped to be final bid came from a mysterious gentleman wearing a mask based on the Phantom of the Opera. It covered only half of his face, allowing me to see his jet dark eyes and that he wore a mustache and goatee. The same lights that shone on me, now seemed to shine on him, making his silver hair glisten. The tuxedo he wore hung handsomely on him, it looked expensive as well. I congratulated myself for choosing the right apparent to attract such a man of this status.

A smile almost escaped my lips, when I heard a woman’s voice call a out a bid double of his. I shifted my eyes from the gentleman who I thought I would be spending the evening with to the figure that had called the second bid. I had found her to be every bit as beautiful as I had found “my Phantom” mysterious. It just never occurred to me that a woman would bid on me. How could I have neglected that fact? Although it was a fantasy of mine, one that I had only shared with Will, never in my wildest thoughts did I expect something like this to transpire. I felt a burning excitement build inside of me that I never thought that even this night would bring.

A bidding war had Begun, all on account of me. This was mind bending as I thought I would be lucky to get a bid of maybe a few hundred dollars. What amazed me was that this gentleman in his fine tuxedo and tHis woman who resembled a big cat were trying to out bid each other by the thousands. I was in disbelief at the way these two people were trying to outbid as though their very lives depended on having me. Five thousand dollars? Neither of them could possibly believe that someone like me was worth such a price. What happened next was even more astonishing. They both agreed to pay the current bid of five thousand, but decided Among themselves that after my spending some time with each of them, that I would have to choose between the two. I wanted to just admit to this world that I was now a part of, that I wanted him, I wasn’t ready for her. I’m not prepared to be with a woman yet, but something told me that none of this really mattered now.

As they both walked down the aisle towards me, I felt strangely like a knight about to be dubbed by the King and Queen of this far away kingdom. This thought was banished from my mind when I heard the woman instruct me to knee down before them. I was both impressed and surprised by my reaction of falling to my knees without hesitation. Will came into my mind again as I remembered him telling me that this pose is not complete without placing your hands in your lap. So, with that last thought in mind, I did just that. I made sure to remain still as this seemingly delicate, yet dominant woman told me of the rare privileges that I would have the pleasure of being exposed to that evening.

I started to feel a little more intimidated by her than I had originally as she led me from the stage, down a corridor and into a large Victorian decorated room. “What’s your name dear?” “My name is Cheryl, Mistress.” “What you’re wearing is most attractive Cheryl but covers up much more of you than I prefer, I’d like to have a better look”, slowly unzipping the back of my gown. “You’ve got a quality I like in your kind my dear”, she compiled, slipping her hands inside the garment and around my wait. “I want to taste you Cheryl. I’ve wanted to since the moment I laid my eyes on you.” I felt a wetness form between my legs as the light scratching of her long fingernails traced their way down my stomach.

With the front of her body fully pressed against the back of mine, she kissed my ear and whispered that she was going to undress me now. She pulled her hands from around my wait, took the gown by its shoulders and slowly pulled it down, as if she were peeling it off of me. She came down along with it, running her tongue down my back as she went. When she reached my ass, I felt her slip her tongue inside while bringing the garment to the floor, leaving me standing there in only the chaser, garter belt, stockings and heels.

My eyes closed with the excitement of this and without thinking, I reached for myself, wanting to orgasm. I didn’t feel her remove her tongue from my ass, as my fingers slipped in and out of my pussy faster, and closer to my climax. “Cheryl”, I heard her ask me, “Did I instruct you todo that to yourself?” “No Mistress”, I replied, letting my fingers fall from where they were, back to my side and bringing my head down, my eyes now open wide. “You’ve been quite disobedient. Your being here is not for your pleasure, but for my own. I do believe you’ve forgotten your place,” she scolded.

“On your knees, slave. You require some punishment, keeping in mind that it’s for your own good. I’m sure that your Master will not tolerate this display of self-indulgence and insubordination. Whatever pain I may inflict upon you is sure to pale in comparison to what he would inflict. You’ll be lucky to get through your session with him half-alive, he seems to have a lot of anger built up inside of him”, she commented laughing. “Shall we begin?” It sounding more like an Order then a question and before I could respond she demanded, “On all fours beast.” I moved my body forward and rested it on the palms of my hands and knees. I heard her walk away and then moving objects aroundwhere I couldn’t see before coming around to face me, holding out a long plastic object.


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