My New Maitresse Ch. 03

Chapter 3

And so it went this way for a few weeks. I donned my ridiculous uniforms and submitted to Emma’s new rule. I performed oral sex at least twice a day and got nothing in return but the occasional rub of my engaged testicles. We still keep up our appearances in social circles and family events but everyone began to notice a softer version of me coming forward. When questioned by my sister I simply mentioned seeing a marriage counsel but a simple dropping off my pants would show the red stripes that were evidence even through my black pantyhose.

Luckily after about 3 weeks I was granted the ‘privilege’ of no longer having to beg to like maitresse’s ass but now I was made to beg to lick maitresse’s cunt (her words not mine). I often found myself begging for this privilege multiple times a day to the point to where maitresse put a limit to only morning, midday, and bed time I was allowed. A process we now referred to as worshipping her.

I could end this at any time and simply walk away but a deep masochistic desire spoke to me and keep me submitting to maitresse. Particularly embarrassing was an incident at dinner when I absent-mindedly referred to Emma as maitresse. We laughed this off as a lost bet but the troubled look on my sister Tiffany’s face told me she put a lot more stock in the gesture than that.

Later that night as I worshiped maitresse after we returned home she made a new rule that in public around people that I was to refer to her as maitresse, and I was to call her Emma as infrequently as possible except around friends. I muffled an affordable as I lapped at her on my knees.

A dull ache existed almost at all times between my legs. The cage kept my cock at bay and I buzzed with a dull frustrating desire. I just wanted out of the cage to get an erection and to feel some what normal again but it was unyielding and only for the occasional cleaning was the cage ever removed. Maitresse would tease me constantly by dressing seductively and even telling me she had a desire to suck cock but was unable to do to my cock cage. I could only groan in frustration and was forced to agree with her that a real faithful man would allow her to satisfy those desires no problem.

I’m sure brain chemistry was partially responsible but when I looked at myself in the mirror dressed up in a French maid uniform I didn’t resent Emma at all for this. I was angry at myself, angry for taking her for granted for so many years, angry for not taking advantage of what I had. I figured I would serve my penance, could start over with the woman I loved, and in a way I deserved to be like this.

In my mind I felt a push-pull between hating what was being done to me and enjoying it on a masochistic level. I had always enjoyed pain and humiliation but getting it 24/7 was overwhelming. Plus the amount of work exhausting me each day accompanied by a bland diet I think my brain was being overwhelmed. Icould barely get my shoes and dress of every night before falling into bed exhausted by each day schedule.

Emma experienced a new-found confidence that was previously not present in her and got in a toned ridiculously sexy physique. She dressed more provocatively as well. Gone were loose fitting pants and in were figure hugging skirts and dresses all designed no doubt to tease me into longing for what was now unattainable. She now often w leather mini skirts with sheer black pantyhose which she knew is a look that drives me wild.

A few times a week Tiffany would give me a call just to have a brother and sister chat which I was forced to pretend everything was completely normal. Her suspicions raised even higher when one day I mentioned Emma was gone and as I was talking on my phone she asked about an audible clicking of high heels. Of course, they were the 4 inch stilletos that were locked onto my feet but I simply played it off as her mishearing. In retrospect, I wishI would have made up an excuse about Emma coming home at that moment but being flustered at the moment playing dumb was all I could manage.

Massaging her naked body while caged was heaven and hell at the same time. While the chores and bland diet were not enjoyable, I realized when being teased either verbally or physically that I enjoyed the humiliation. Worshiping her was pure bliss, occasionally she would grant me a brief humping session of her leg which was the closest I got to sex those first two months. As time went on in the cage I could no longer resist the urge to ask to be released for sex.

Emma’s eyes lit up when the words came spilling out of my mouth, “Please I cannot take anymore of this.” As I pointed to my crotch. “I need SEX.” Tears leaked from my eyes, I never felt more submissive or helpless in my entire life.

A wicked smile came across Emma’s lips, “That’s what go you in this situation in the first place. Tell you what you have been a good girl over these 59 days, I will have sex with you and let you get off if you agree to a reduction in some of your privileges.”

Privileges I thought, what privileges do I have?

“You are going to get to have a choice! That has to be exciting since you don’t get many of those anymore. If you want to cum you can choose to beg me to let you wear makeup or have girl boobies! Remember when I said I was certain that you would beg me to go one of those two things, I know even if it isn’t today it will happen since you aren’t getting any release until that happens.” A wicked laugh that I came to know well escaped her lips.

Despite my growing desire for submission and humiliation I was not particularly interested in wearing makeup or fake boobs. In the seconds following her Proposal though I experienced a surprise emotion. I wanted to submit to this request, I wanted to have more freedom stripped and to make maitresse happy. This admission was shocking to me as I never wanted to admit that deep down I was getting a perverse enjoyment from all of this. I thought to myself although it will probably be more work at least the makeup will not physically interfere with me at all and wearing a bra sounded terrible.

“I dropped to my knees and kissed her feet whispering a soft, “Please may I wear makeup maitresse, I would like to be a pretty girl.”

Emma shuttered at this and let out a loud exclamation of “I love my fucking life!”


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