My New Lover

One morning, about 6 months ago, I left my purse on the nightstand and had gone back into the house to retrieve it. When I got there, I heard rapid breathing and moaning coming from our bathroom. I could see his reflection in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door as he stood in front of the vanity mirror struggling his cock. He wasn’t just struggling it for a quick pre-shower thrill, he was jacking off. Was he thinking of me? Would he tell me that he wanted me so badly after I left for work that he just couldn’t contain himself? No and hell no! His panting increased, his muscles tightened, his cock head bulged. The password had been slipping away for years, and now, as his cum poured down over his fingers, I could see part of the reason why. How ironic that the fluid that used to bring me so much sexual satisfaction was now covering his wedding ring.

I stood for a moment and watched until the cum show was over, then grabbed my pursuit and headed quietly out of the house. When Igot to the car, the tears flowed. But they were angry tears. I was angry at Bill for cumming without me and angry at myself for losing him. Yes, I felt I had lost him, that it was all my fault. And why not? He had not cheated on me I don’t think, but it was probably just a matter of time. I had kept a pretty good shape for a woman of 44. My 38DD’s should have been enough to keep him I was still fairly small down there to have had two children. And I was horny all the time, but he wasn’t and now I could see why.

It seemed like there was no hope. I loved him and I believe he still loved me, but I could not think of a way to stop him from drifting away until he finally left me for his dream girl.

“That’s where I am Margie and it seems like a dead end to me.” I said, tears welling up after telling all this to my best friend Margie.

“Oh honey there must be something you could do to get him back on track. Something to bring back the old Walt.” Margie said.

There was a silence as she hugged me and consoled me. Then suddenly she grabbed my arms and straightened us to attention.

“We are not giving up!” She declared. The grip on my arms gave me chill bumps and made me tingle in an unexpected place.

“What can we do?” I asked, appreciating the offer to help save my marriage.

I don’t know yet, but I will call you later with my famous Marge barrage of ideas!”

With that we hugged again and went back to our cubicles. She always cheered me up but today I think she made me wet too.

“Cage him!” Came Margie’s voice over the phone.

“What? I can’t have him arrested for jacking off!” I replied.

“No not arrested. Put his cock in a cage! And you will have the only key. Think of it. I read stories where the husband became a model of obedience and was always more than willing to take care of the wife, any time day or night!”

“Well that sounds great but he would never do it. He’s too fond of playing with himself to want to play with me.”

“I got an idea,” said Margie with a Cheshire Cat grin. “Search his browser history, find out what he likes, and use that to lure him into your trap!”

“What trap?” I was not following her. “How is porn going to make him submit to chatity?”

“That’s just it. What if he is a submissive and he was just doing a task when you saw him jacking off?”

“Okay Margie I am your slave and will do anything you say.” I don’t know why I said that but I smiled when I did. She leaned in an gave me a kiss on the lips and it was like flipping a switch. I wanted to jump her bones right there and I had never had a bi thought, but Margie thoughts? Oh yeah!

Before I could say or do anything she got up and said, “well then get to it!” I think she knew what she had done and wasn’t sure how to proceed and neither was I. When I got home I came hard thinking of her. What’s happening to me? Am I so horny that I am now bi too?

I looked up Walt’s historyand sure enough, he was into BDSM. But not as a sub. He was a Dom. How could wearing a cage help him to be a better Dom? Margie struck out on this one. Time to serve the dividend papers on him. I called Margie and told her the bad news that he was a Don and not a sub.

“What better way to know how to treat and train a sub than to be one?” She said.

“So I go to him, tell him I know What he’s been doing behind my back and then what?”

“Tell him you are proud of him for exploring his sexuality. Then tell him you have an idea how to make him a better Dom and see what he says. What have you got to lose?”

Margie made sense had me wanting to submit to her and I wasn’t even sure what it was! I did as she said and to my amazement Walt said yes!

I looked around frantically the next day to find a really good one. I found a nice ribbed stainless-steel cage. It would be easy to clean and he could wear it as long as I wanted. As long as I wanted. I loved the sound of the new me running around naked in my head. I never thought he would agree but by the next afternoon it clicked into place. There is something about that sound of imprisonment that was so liberating. He wore it all evening and wanted it off at bedtime.

I said go pee and I will clean it. He said his head filled the hood and there was no need to clean it. So I said let’s see how you feel in the morning. He tossed and turned all night from the feelings of his cock wanting to get hard and not being able to.

By the next morning he said he had a newfound admission for subs in chatity.

“Okay takes it off now please honey,” he said so sweetly.

I told him he had much more to learn and I dropped my robe and spread my legs. This is the first hoop for you to jump through. He looked at me Not in anger but puzzled as to what was going on. Then he trotted over to me, got on his knees and had me cumming so hard in just a few minutes. Quicker than I ever had. Yes, I was thinking about Margie and how to repay her for this stroke of genius. And then I thought of doing to her what Walt was doing to me and I came!

“Now can you take it off please?” He begged.

“Yes, but only for you to fuck me,” I said.

He agreed. His 8″ cock now hard and free I knew I was in for a wonderful 2nd and 3rd orgasm. He worked it into pretty quickly and I came after a few strokes. He was fingering my clip as he continued ramming his big dick in and out of my aching wet pussy. I wrapped my legs around him, wanting to hold on forever. He began to slow down and that means he was about to blow. I felt his cock head grow and throb inside of me as I anticipated his load gushing into me.

I was not disappointed. The cage had made him obey. It had also made him so full of cum, I even felt him splashing my inner walls with it. I came hard again, thrusting my hips so hard I was pushing his butt into the air. I could keep him inside of me the rest of the evening. Lying in bed andcuddling was almost as good as cumming. Feeling all the tingling sensings all over my body. But nooooo! He jumped up like the bed was on fire, saying gotta go meet the guys for a beer.

“Don’t go out without your cage on,” I declared.

“Oh uh sorry babe, this thing is just too much. It was driving me crazy. I know I haven’t been the best husband lately and I will make it up to you I promise.”

Bullshit I thought, and out the door he went. Five hours later he came back in and I was waiting. All smiles, in shorty pj’s and with his favorite drink in my hand.

“So tell me more about the BDSM lifestyle baby.” He was very forthcoming and it was very interesting. But his eyes began to close and he was getting sleepier and sleepier and in a minute he went completely limp on the couch. Poor baby just cannot hold his sleeping pills. Mama had a taste of that sweet hard cock and as going to make sure she got it again, as often as she wanted. Click!

His cussing woman meup six hours later.

“What the hell?”

“You like it baby? I think you will in time. I don’t think you wore it long enough to get the full benefits of it. So let’s try it for a week and see where we are. Okay?”

“A week? Are you out of your fucking mind? No way. I’m going to pull this off myself. I’ll just pull down and ow! Okay maybe I’ll just pull up and ow!! Well I will just go get a locksmith and uh tell him to uh.” His voice trailed off into total resignation.

“Okay one week. And then it comes off!” he grew.

“Good boy I cooed, now come here and give Mama some good morning licks and maybe I’ll take some time off for good behavior.” He shrugged and dutifully went down on me for the second time in two days, a record!

I got up and cooked breakfast. It was Saturday and I felt fantastic. I made his favorite, bacon, eggs, biscuits and white gravy.

“I guess I will get on the yard work first, before it gets too hot.” said Walt.

“Great idea, then maybe you could help me with the grocery shopping and housework?” I knew I was pushing the envelope but, what the hell.

“Well, we’ll see, the game starts at three,” he warned.

“Oh, we will be done long before then,” I smiled. “Now I’ve got to go get ready, can you clean up the kitchen for me?”

“Be glad to baby,” he replied. I wandered out of the kitchen in disbelief. He had always been good a but helping out, but it often took more begging than it was worth. That was too easy. What’s he up too, I wondered? Ohhhh I bet he wants more time off for good behavior! I wanted him in me that’s for sure but I could not let him know that. And his tongue was doing a great job keeping the pressure off.

That evening I had him go down on me twice! I could not believe it! I did not even have to ask. I just motioned him to come over to me. Of course, I was wearing a short robe and nothing else so he kinda knew the drill. Sunday was wonderful too, with lots of hugs and attentionion to me. ‘I’m going to town, do you need anything?’ he would ask. And when he returned he brought me flowers.

That afternoon I stood in front of him wearing nothing but a small necklace with a tiny key on it. I stood between him and the football game. His eyes fixed, not on my 38DD’s, but on the key. It had been three days since he last came. I had not noticed him on the internet either. I told him I wanted to make him a proposition. He muted the volume. This was something else he never did before. Was this the new Walt? I was tingling as I started speaking.

“It has been 3 days since you last came Walt. Are you okay?” I asked, wondering if his pilot light was still on. He stood up, dropped his joggers and in a few seconds a drop of precum dripped out of his cock.

“This answer your question?” he asked.

“Okay, if I let you out to play, will you promise to go back in right after?” I asked.

“Yes” he said. He would have said yes to anything at that moment.

“Now you know that if you cross me, I will find a way to cage you and the next time you want out it won’t be so easy,” I warned. He nodded as another drop strung out of his throbbing caged cock.

“Come here big boy,” I teased. I unlocked him and his 8″ wand sprang to life. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and laid me on the bed. he took the Hitachi wand from the nightstand and in seconds had me ready to exploit. He got between my legs and slowly but surely began to plume into me. The feeling was almost like the first time. My body was on fire as he began to thrust deeper and harder. When I started moaning he knew it was time but I doubt he could have lasted much longer.

I felt, not just his load gushing onto my inner walls but I feel a force, a power I had never felt before. He was huge now and fucking me hard and I was cumming just as hard, bucking and thrusting my hips like I was the one with the cock. As we calmed down and the blood returned to my brain,I got to thinking, he’s going to want to cum again real soon. It was at that very moment that I felt him moving inside me. He had never left! I was very slippery now and he felt better than he had ever felt before.

“Lick me first baby,” I could not believe those words came out of my mouth! I was sure to be a very creamy mess down there and he would never do something like that, would he? The new me was taking over and she was strong and kinky!

“Sure baby,” he replied. So obedient now and ohhhh, ohhhh, yesssssssssss!! I had never cum so quickly. I would recommend these cages to every woman who is not getting the attention she deserves. I was exhausted and he was ready to exploit. “Not now baby. Be a good boy and Mama will take care of you later.” Not draining him completely after such a long time was downright mean of me. Well it would be, but this is the new me and maybe that’s just the way she is? Constantly pushing the sexual envelope.

He got up, got cleaned up, and,with some effort, got back in his cage.

“Good boy. Now come and cuddle with me,” I whispered and he obeyed. His arms wrapped around me as I tingled all over. My pussy was still so hot I could have easily passed up on this but now I wanted to dominate him. I could feel his cage on my back and the fact he was doing this when he was ready to explode, told me he was going to be a good boy from here on out.

“Like this?’ he asked, wrapping me up all safe and secure.

“Yes, exactly like that,” I said. I felt like I was in total ecstasy. I wonder what Margie is up to?


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