Meidyna was in a bed way too big for her alone. She was quite short even for a girl, though she was already 25 years old. Her tits weren’t that big but due to her short status and slim body, they appeared lush, like cute udders. She had long brown hair, which almost covered her round butt naturally. It was still an unfamiliar bed. In an unfamiliar room. In an unfamiliar castle. In an unfamiliar kingdom. She remembered back two weeks ago, when the Kings were meeting to discuss political matters. She didn’t care about that, that was boring men’s stuff to her. As a princess it was her duty to entertain the guests with her body by dancing and being gropeed. A service she happily provided and was proud of all the compliments she received for being a good fuck object. After that meeting she was told that she would becomes the personal property of a king and for that reason she was brought to this kingdom to live in this castle.
The doll left the bed and ate some fruits from a basket.Then she went to a neary bathroom to take a shower. The floor was covered in white marble tiles and looked amazingly bright, but felt cold when the naked princess walked over it with bare feet. She was wearing only a white steel collar around her neck and white leather cuffs at her wrists and ankles. The shower was nicely warm and after rubbing her tight body dry with a towel, she rushed back to the bed.
Not a single cock had pounded her insides or spurted trails of cum on her skin since her trip began, though she was teased and fingered to climax daily. But that was nothing compared to a good pounding and the feel of hot sperm. So she had the clever idea to practice all the positions men had fucked her holes in before, to keep her body flexible and familiar with all the positions. That way she had something in her heart she knew and enjoyed, with all the strangers and unknown parts of the castle surrounding her.
She went from kneeing with an open mouth to turn aroundand be on all fours with round tits hanging in the air. Then she raised her butt high up and pushed her smiling face down onto the bed. She switched to different positions, like sitting with the blanket between her legs and riding it with her wet, needy cunt. At the end she was laying on her back with her legs spread wide. She used her hands to hold her pussy open, as though inviting any men to claim her needy body.
The next moment the door opened and Lord Makael entered, smiling as he saw the toy in an alluring position. He was wearing his official uniform as a slut trainer. At 49 years old he had lots of experience in training and educating girls to become proper slaves.
“Good morning, princess. I see you are doing your daily morning routine. I hope I have not disturbed you…”
“No of course not, Lord Makael. You can always come in at any time to take a look at this anal princess. Do you think this anal princess is doing it right? Does this anal princess look beautiful?”
Lord Makael chuckled and gazed over her naked, exposed body. “Yes you do look beautiful as always and really cute. It is also terrific to hear you call yourself anal princess. That really helps to show how lowly a person you are and makes you sound more usable and fun. Just try to keep your legs wider apart. That way makes it easier for a man to fully view you as the cock sleep you want him to see you as.”
Meidyna nodded and tried to spread her legs even more. She felt a rush of shame that she had to be corrected on this one. Because it was the thing she thought about all day along and was the most important to her. How to be looked at like the perfect cock sleep without any other trait of personality. But she was also happy that he helped her to achieve her life goal. The body of the sex toy was squirming in delight as the Lord walked closer and could see every inch of her values. How she laid naked on her back with her legs and cunt spread apart.
“Thank you so much Lord Makael. It is always so nice to have you around to give this anal princess advice. Do you want to relieve some morning stress inside this anal princess, please?”, the slot asked him, almost begging to be finally allowed to be used again. She could feel her body heating up just by his words and presence.
“Not yet, little slave. Though we will spend some time together and it will feel very good for you too. I will teach you lots of new things that can be done with your body and your mind. Since you are a fast learner, we might even show these new tricks to an audience later on. But for now, greet me properly first.”
The doll giggled and rolled off the bed to crawl to the Lord. She kneeeled with spread legs at his feet and smiled proudly up at him. She had already learned some cool fun stuff, like her own opinions don’t matter to a man. Agreement to his words showed that she respected and willingly desired to submit to his will. When she was silenced, it was areminder that she had the potential to be a good girl, but she truly needed a firm hand to guide her as to what was appropriate. So many different rules can be easily overwhelming for a girl’s mind. Luckily men put in a lot of effort to keep a slut happy and show her her natural place.
He then decided what clothes to put on to cover her skin. The doll had to wear pink stockings with a pink garter belt and pink arm sleeps in the same fishnet material. He also twisted her hair into pigtails by using hair clips. She stood still and let him do what he wanted, simply enjoying his attention. She knew she was in good hands and just had to follow his instructions.
“That will suffice. It is vital for your education to allow as much access to your body as possible. And you look like a cute cocksucker with these love handles which make it easier for a man to take control of your head. You are ready for today’s first lesson in the playroom” He smiled and observed how the toy was beaming with happiness.
Meidyna smiled and offered him a leash, which he attached to her collar and then patted her head for being such a good girl. They walked out to a brightly lit corridor, guarded by men in shiny armour. The slut was swinging her hips to be better eye candy and absorbed their gazes on her still naked body, barely covered in lingerie. They came across different men, ranged from valets to knights and diplomamats. Most of them were accompanied by at least one slave. Happy girls with a red collar who were being groped casually in order for them to feel respected and useful.
Lord Makael guided the anal princess to their destination. Her anticipation to learn and to be played with only growing stronger with every step, until her body was gently squirming with arousal. They took a quick detour to some cages filled with cock sleeps. They all wore a bright yellow collar and matching red cuffs around their wrists and ankles. Lork Makael choose one of the girls who willingly followed him in the hope of being stuffed with cock by him for his pleasure. The two girls followed him giggling to the playroom.
The room had some couches on the left side and a bigger one on the right side. More like a bed in size than a couch actually. Also different hooks and devices to bind a girl. Lord Makael pushed the cock sleepe down and sat on one of the smaller couches. He took his cock out and put the mouth of the cock sleepe to work. The girl giggled and obediently began to serve him without hesitation. He then grabbed a small ball from a nearby basketball and held it in his hand.
“Slut, I want you to crawl and fetch this ball. Show me what a good pet you struggle to be.” He explained one time and throw the ball across the room. He knew he had her full attention and the girl went down to all fours and crawled to the ball, giggling. The plaything picked the small ball up with her mouth and brought it happily back to the man.
“Very good. Such a good pet to follow my orders so nicely. Now we will add a little game. Whatever you do, you will have to ask my permission first. This is not about me saying no, I will say yes. This is about you learning how it actually feels to give up control and let a man fully decide for you.”, he said and throw the ball again and groaned in pleasure. The living fleshlight between his legs was licking the shake of his cock and kissing the tip to serve her purpose.
“Can this anal princess please have permission to fetch the ball for you again please, Lord Makael?”, the princess giggled happily and was so pleased that he had so many nice ideas to teach her important lessons.
“You may, little pet.” He said while leaning back to enjoy the blowjob.
Meidyna felt different fetching the ball this time. It was like he was controlling her movements even though he was still sitting on the couch and having his cock sucked by an eager cum slut. It was less her decision to crawl to the ball and bring it backwith her mouth like a pet. She feel more like a puppet being ordered around. And it feel so great, her body reacted with trembling in arousal and her wet cunt became much more needed to submit to him.
“It makes me happy to see how fast you learn your place.” He smiled and throw the ball again.
“May this anal princess have permission to fetch the ball please for you, Lord Makael?”. Meidyna was already following the ball with her eyes because she had so much fun she wanted to do it again.
“Go for it, pet. Crawl for me.” Lord Makael smiled and pushed the head of the whore down onto his cock to make her gag a little bit on it.
The doll giggled happily to obey his permission and crawled across the room, hoping he would notice how wet her cunt had become since he had treated her so well. She enjoyed being a pet and the steel collar around her neck only increased this lovely feeling.
“Since you smile so much whenever you can fetch the ball…” He said and threw the ball again.
“May this anal princess please have permission to fetch the ball and be called pet by you again, Lord Makael?” She replied to his action automatically, being fully in the mindset of a pet.
“Yes you may, cute pet.” He chuckled at how easy it was to adjust her little brain to improve it and make her more feminine. He also used both hands to guide the other girl in the room on his cock to Increase his own pleasure even more.
Meidyna crawled happily and squirmed with arousal, being well coated since he gave his permission for her to fetch the ball. Being in the playroom was the best part of each day to her. She was allowed to be used for the fun of a man. And she learned so many things about how to be a good girl and what her rightful place was.
This went on for some more time until crawling and fetching the ball became second nature to her. With lots of compliments about what a good pet she had become. And that all this fun was possible only becausese she had permission to do so. Understanding more and more that there is no fun without the commands and permission of a man. After one hour he put the ball away.
“Now tell me, what do you answer if a man asks you whether you like bondage. There are three possible answers. Explain why two of them are wrong and what makes the last one correct.” He gazed over her squirming body, making her even More aroused by staring at her naked skin. Her lush tits moved smoothly as she was breathing more heavily in excitement. Though she had very long hair, her pigtails prevented her hair from covering her udders or her hard nipples.
She smiled proudly because she remembered it, since he made her say this every day. To the point that it was echoing in her empty mind. She was filled with energy in anticipation of hearing more praise for knowing the answer to his question.
“Can this anal princess please have permission to say it to you, Lord Makael?” She asked him playfully while still doing the permission game.
“Wonderful pet, always ask for permission first” He smiled and nodded to show that he acknowledged how well she had submitted to him making every decision.
“So this anal princess could say that this anal princess likes bondage. But that is wrong, because it doesn’t say what this anal princess likes about it. Whether to be tied up or to tie up other girls. So this anal princess could say that this anal princess likes to be tied up. But that is wrong again. Because it is boring for a man to hear that. The best answer is to say that this anal princess is good at being tied up. That makes a man smile and shows him how usable this anal princess is for his fun. And he feels more invited and encouraged to play it with this anal princess. And when this anal princess is tied up it’s much easier for him to toy with the holes of this anal princess. And to grope and fondle the body of this anal princess, like this anal princess tits and butt. So it’s a win for him and for this anal princess.”
“Perfect. Your useless mind can be quite cute when filled with the right thoughts. With the thoughts of what a man wants to hear from you. Referring to yourself in the third person as anal princess does make you sound so much more fun and inviting to toy with your body. You can now ask for permission to get the chalkboard and write for me. And since you are being behaving so well, you may also ask permission to fingerprint your tight cunt while doing so.”, he said and cared the chef of the cunt who was still busy serving his cock with her mouth and throat.
“Can this anal princess please have permission to get the chalkboard, Lord Makael?” She asked, eager to obey him and be taught more after hearing all these kind compliments.
“Yes, pet.” He said and watched the head between his thighs bopping up and down in a steady rhythm.
Meidyna went happily to get the chalkboard and placed it where he could see both her and the board.
“Can this anal princess please touch herself for you while this anal princess writes, Lord Makael?” She smiled happily and was ready to become even more submissive for her next lesson.
“Yes, and repeat the words out loud. Let them sink deeply into your little brain and soul. Tease your clip for me to be more open and receptive, and to enjoy the lesson more. Your fun is important after all. Every lesson is designed for you to learn how to be happy.” He was clearly pleased with the progress of her learning. And of the blowjob he was receiving too.
She began to write with chalk on the board. She had learned to write in small letters so she could write it and say it out loud many more times. So there would be more words to sink into her deepest core and become an inseparable part of her whole being. Though it was not really her writing for real. The words were already engraved on the board and she just filled the grooves with the chalk to make the words appear on the board. There is no need for girls to actually learn how to read or write. If their little heads were even capable of that in the first place.
“This anal princess needs to depend on a man so he has all the control over this anal princess and this anal princess can be fully happy.” She moaned and trembled in arousal while moving the chalk on the board with one hand, while touching her needy cunt with her other hand. It was so hard to keep writing. Her body struggled to just stand as waves of pleasure flooded her body. The set of holes had to really focus on doing the task she had been given permission to do. Saying the sentence out loud helped her a lot to proceed. Her need to depend on a man was stronger than her need to orgasm. Lord Makael was putting in so much effort to educate her. And she wanted him to be proud by becoming the best obedient pet possible.
It took her a long time until she was done and the chalkboard filled with words, and she said one last time. “This anal princess needs to depend on a man so he has all the control over this anal princess and this anal princess can be fully happy.”
She turned to him like the moaning mess of fuck meat he saw in her. Helpless and useless, unable to think on her own. The plaything waited for his next command so that she could obey him, while he still had his cock deeply buried inside the head of the who kneeling in front of him.
“Excellent. It was very entertaining watching you. Always remember how much better and more secure you feel with a man around you, deciding for you what is best. You can’t do wrong if you give up control to a man and let him be in charge of everything. He will take care of all your little worries and you can fully focus on obeying and pleasure him. Now be a good little slave and go to the store room and get the usual toys to Further your education, while I reward this cute cocksucker here with my cum for her deepthroat skills.”
He explained this to her as though she was too stupid to figure it out by herself. He was about to grap with both hands the head of the cock sleep kneeing in front of him the whole time, to finish himself off.
“Can this anal princess have permission to get the toys from the store room please, Lord Makael?” the doll asked, proud that she was able to help him educate her body and mind by fetching the toys to do just that.
“Yes, go for it pet. I will be busy with the living fleshlight for now.” he said, and began to pound the willing mouth for his pleasure.
Meidyna giggled as she left the playroom, hearing him groan and the who gagging on his cock. She walked down the corridors and reached the store to grab some dildos of various different kinds and some ropes. On her way back a group of tall knights approached her. They smiled, seeing a half naked girl holding sex toys and ropes in her arms.
“What a view to behold, a toy carrying toys. Where are you going, little collared slave?” one of them askedher, while gazing at her assets.
“Can this anal princess have permission to speak?” she asked with lowered eyes, after having learned how much fun it is to ask for permission first.
“Yes, dumb cow. Tell us what is occupying your tiny brain.” The knight smiled down at her and petted her head.
“This anal princess was told by Lord Makael to get educational toys while he gets his cock sucked by a cunt.” She replied happily and truly.
The men all chuckled towering over her, making her feel so small and vulnerable.
“Aren’t you an idiot cocksucker, looking so sexy in your clothes? Keep up with your education and you will see all your holes being filled with cock in no time too. We will not further detail you from Lord Makael and his lessons. They are great and essential for every piece of meat to improve as a good tool.” One of the other knights smiled which made her beam proudly for becoming a good girl to men, and each one of them walked by her and smokeed her butt as if to say how they appreciated the short meeting and to say goodbye to her.
The set of holes giggled each time happily and rushed back with blushing cheats and sparkling eyes, being reminded to keep on the right track. She put the toys on the couch and waited patiently as her teacher was still in a haze, fucking the other cock sleep in her mouth. He paused for a brief moment to let the whore catch a breath.
“Very good, little pet. Your next lesson will start shortly, I’m just busy for a moment. Why don’t you stand there with an open mouth and breath calmly to practice your open throat for hard cocks?” He smirked at the obedient princess cum slut.
“Can this anal princess have permission to imagine sucking a cock during this breathing exercise, Lord Makael?” the cunt giggled happy to show her servitude to the man.
“Yes, pet. Do that” he groaned and continued fucking the head of the other slut.
Meidyna opened her mouth wide and breathed slowly and calmly in and out. Her mouth was so empty and she imagined a big hard cock sliding in and out, like the other girl with Lord Makael. It looked so sweet to Meidyna how he held the head of the cum dumpster and groaned in pleasure. She waited patiently for him to shoot his load. He increased the speed of fucking the throat of the other girl. The princess couldn’t help but admire the Lord. How cute his muscles tensioned up as he came closer to orgasm and finally drained his balls deeply inside her.
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