Note: This series of short stories covers exhibits at the fictitious “Fetish World Exhibition” For readers who loved the setups of my story “Project Oracle”, but didn’t like the permanent nature of the bondage. Enjoy!
Chapter 01: Daddy’s Girl is all grown up
I have been involved in fetish Wear design and bondage equipment for over twenty years now. This is how my late wife, Cassandra and I met. She was a Dominatrix and a good one at that. The most incredible woman I’ve ever met. With her help, I made myself a name as the best designer for bespoke bondage gear in the country. My store became a site for pilgrimage for all rubber and bondage fanatics. All the time we took care to keep our only daughter out of our world. She was bright at school and hopefully on her way to MIT. I had diversified enough for her that Ihoped she didn’t notice where my fortune and true password lay. After Cassandra’s passing from cancer, we became even more close. I did see my daughter Chloe had a kinky streak to her. She sometimes dressed in tall boots, and had a tendency to buy tight leather pants and gloves. I suppose it runs in the family.
Chloe was blowing into a smart and beautiful young woman before my eyes. I only wished my wife was here to see it. Things came to a head one day in the most unexpected way possible.
One summer afternoon, I arrived home to find the place empty. Chloe was usually by the pool reading, or working on her laptop, but not today. I called her out, “Coming Daddy,” she called from upstairs.
Then I heard the distinct clicking of steel ballet heels. A sound I hadn’t heard in the house for years. She then appeared at the head of the stairs in all her latex clad glory! It was de Ja vu for me, the tall shaped figure, tight black latex catsuit, knee high balled heel boots with stainless steel buckles all the way up, the silver zipper at her crotch with two small balls dangling at the zipper pulls, a wide thick belt and black corset, her breasts pushed up and shining with sweat like two golden globes, a thick picker collar with ring on her neck and long black shoulder length latex gloves. She had a long whip coiled and hanging from her hip. Her long black hair was in a tight braided pony tail falling down from the top of her head.
“Look what I found Daddy! It fits me perfectly!” she said innocently walking down. She had found my wife’s fetish wear.
I was so mad at first, but stood speechless.
“Chloe, get out of those things! Its sick!” I yelled at her. She reminded me too much of her mother. A father can’t have such feelings!
We didn’t speak for a few days. I finally sat her down and explained it to her. MY business, how I met her mother and all of it. She wasn’t a child anymore.
“That’s so cool! I know I have studies full time, but I want to be part of your business, with my engineering knowledge, we can do wonders Daddy!”
We soon discovered we made a great team. I felt invigorated, a new spark of creativity had ignored in me. Chloe was the ideal model and she soon shed any qualms about giving me honest feedback on how the gear felt. Was this perverted? Was this wrong? was always on my mind as my now fully nude daughter began dressing up in my latest slave ensemble in front of me. A full bond slave outfit which she helped perfect with her computer design software and 3D printing.
She was on holiday and we worked day and night on the concept. It wasn’t anything new, but the quality and intricacy was next level. Chloe never wore the stuff in public. We had models for that. But today, she was about to give me a heart attack.
Chloe had several piercings by now in all the right places. Her nipples, septum, belly button and cliporis. I was against these at first but she returned with them one summer holiday anyway calling me a hypocrite.
First to put on were the poisoned stainless steel high slave collar and cuffs. The collar was tall and fit snuggly with a heavy ring at the front.
The wrist, ankle and thigh cuffs were next. They had a soft rubber padding inside and were tight but very comfortable. The locks were our own design, so compact and flush inside the hollow cuffs with only tiny keyholes showing.
She admitted herself in the mirror, striking some sexy poses, oblivious to my gaze and proceeded to put on her crowning achievement to date, the intricate chatity belt.
The belt was a work of art, if I say so myself! It was thin and slender, skeletal even, unlike the cumbersome steel affairs commonly in use.
It was modeled after one of Chloe’s favorite things. She put her legs into the hoops and suppled it up her tanned thighs.
The hip straps were thin, less than 5mm in width and rounded with a thin rubber padding on the inside. The straps looped high above the girl’s hip bones accentuating her long legs and figure. The front plunged deep with a hole for the cliporis and its piercing to poke through. The crotch strap split in to two and cradled her hairless pussy pushing it out. Similar to a open crotch bikini bottom. The genius of the device was the crotch shield itself, which left the wearer’s pussy totally visible yet inaccessible;
Protruding from the crotch strap erupted thin claws, interlocking from each side. I called it the “bear trap” but Chloe always corrected me saying it was modeled after the Venus fly trap plant. “Its too delicate Daddy. Bear Trap makes it sound so cruel!” she remarked.
The device made the wearer always keep their thighs a bit spread apart, showing of their womanhood for all to see but out of reach.
The two crotch straps melted together at the perineum, and then spread out in a ring perfectly circled the girl’s anus. The metal strap had two “butterfly wings” which spread the wearer’s butt cheats wide, showing off the anus to all. The strap thinned at the top of the anus once again and spread out at the small of the back in a tiny but sexy “V”. This “V” was where the lock for the device was and Chloe was meddling with it trying to push the two hip straps in from the sides before turning the key.
She stopped abruptly.
“Daddy, could you plug me in before I put it on please?” She asked.
“Sure hon,” I said.
The dildo and butt plug were on the dresser in front of her.
I lubed them up and she let the belt drop down.
“Pussy first,” she said naughtily spreading her legs and bending forward, placing her elbows on the dresser.
The dildo was a stainless steel affairs, six inches long and built in with a remote vibrator. I slid it into her with no difficulty. She was tight. As far as I knew, she wasn’t sexually active, apart from the devices she tested.
“Mmmm…Its popping out, I’ll hold it in while you plug me,” she said, her eyes closed.
A butt plug too had a remote vibration feature. Both were our own brand with a mobile app to control pleasure and pain in the form of electric shocks. (The shocks drained the batteries quite fast though).
I lubed my finger and entered her anus, massaging in and out before pushing the plug in. She was an expert now and pushed against it as I pushed it in. It plopped into place.
“That feels good” she said, puling up the chatity belt. Once in place I helped her push in the hip strips and the device clicked.
Next she got a tiny heart shaped padlock which she looped though her clip piercing, essentially locking the belt with her cliporis.
Next, I helped her put on her poisoned steel bra which was padlocked to her slave collar in addition to being locked in the rear. The bra had holes where Her nipples poked through. As with her clip, two padlocks looped through her nipple piercings.
Next was the helmet. Chloe, didn’t want tobe gagged today. The helmet was one of a range of face masks and helmets which we had designed. Like the rest of her ensemble, this too was exhaustively formed in poisoned stainless steel with rubber padding. It was a cross between a dog’s muzzle and a medieval knights helmet.
It was in two parts: The helmet part which covered the head and the muzzle part which covered the lower half of the face. The Muzzle had a series of laser cut slots to enable the wearer to breathe. It could be pared with a gag, but today Chloe was free to speak. The helmet had a hole at the top of the head where Chloe’s long braid of hair was threaded through.
Both the mask and the helmet part extended to the neck and had screw holes where they were to be screwed onto the slave collar.
I helped her put on the helmet and She took a few gulps of water before I screwed the muzzle onto the helmet.
I used an electric screwdriver to screw the helmet to the collar. It was such a snug fit on her!
“How do you feel?” I asked.
“Great Daddy. Its all snug. The measures are perfect!” She said, slightly muffled by the muzzle.
She then sat on a high stool and I helped her to remove her ankle cuffs.
I then helped her into the polarized steel boots with siletto heels. These were strapped and padlocked. Back went the ankle cuffs and we completed the setup by threading thin chains through all the cuffs.
I stood back and marveled at my creation. Chloe was evinedly deeply impressed and she took her time at the mirror striking poses in all angles and making sure everything was secure.
After she had clicked everything in place, my princess came to me and asked me sweetly.
“Daddy, all the keys are on the dresser. I feel great. Please lock me in.”
I proceeded to insert the labeled keys to each and every cuff and lock everything in place. There was no escape for Chloe. She needed my help to even sip some water. The objective was to spend a few days in the setup and see if any complications arose.
But she had something nastier brewing in her perverted little mind.
She came to me and sat on my lap, hugging me. “Take me home like this Daddy. Leave the keys here.”
To be continued…
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