Works Experience – slave girl sara
I woke early this morning, I was so excited, I had finally got the job of my dreams and was starting today.
I am to train as a shorthand typist at Blackwood & Sons, a major insurance brokerage in the centre of the city. I can walk to work in about twenty minutes in the summer or in a cold winter a bus ride into work, right outside the office door, would take five
I was so excited when I found out on Friday it got me into trouble.
“Father, Jane has not cleared the table.”
“I will sort it Mother, you just leave it.”
My parents are very, very strict, but they are also very fair and father always give me and my mum the benefit of the doubt before we even get a spanking, let alone his belt. Unfortunately, all the dirty dinner plates, cutlery and condiments left on the dining table showed no doubt.
“Jane, come down here now, and bring your bedroom belt.”
“Yes Sir, coming straight down. ShouldI undress Sir?”
“Yes please.”
I have always called him Sir out of respect, and for all he has to put up with at home with me and mum. Mum calls him either Sir or Father, depending on the context she is talking about, and rarely his first name, Derek. I got undressed, collected my bedroom belt off the side of my wardrobe and went down.
“Here I am Sir, have I been naughty?”
I looked around.
“Oh Shit!”
“Indeed Jane, bring the soap please Mother, just because she now has a proper job, she thinks she can take over the house.”
“So not true…”
Before I could continue, I was over my daddy`s knee being hand spanked till mum brought him a table tennis bat, now that did make me scream. I was stood up and sent to my corner, me and mum had one each.
“Yes Sir.”
“Why have you brought our daughter up to be a lazy, cuss mouth, common girl?”
“I am so sorry, sometimes I do not know what comes over her.”
“Talking of over, pants down and over, looks like you too need a lesson in keeping our home tidy. You must be getting old and slacking mother; I still see the straw marks I gave you yesterday for not putting my daily paper on my side table.”
He gave her a right whacking with hand and bat, and she was soon in her corner.
Sniff, “yes Sir.”
Clear the table and wash up whilst mother and I go upstairs.
“Is she to be belted Sir?”
“Has it any concern of you?”
“Yes Sir, if she is may I take her strokes as well as mine, it really was my fault alone, please Sir?”
“Yes Jane, Mother, clear the table with Jane, then whilst Jane makes herself comfy over the table bring me my number two, medium rattan and let her bite on the soap.”
So, I was to be caned too, and fully deserved. A spanking to warm me up, my belting to keep me interested and five stripes of the cane to turn my cries into screams. I was cuddled and sent to my room, my father soon followed,and he fucked me whilst I was crying at the end of my bed, so that was nice giving me a few cums then on my knees to finish him off, I so love daddy`s cum.
Back to the here and now and me being awake so early.
I went for a bath to bath my now bruised cane stripes and shacked all which needed to shake with just time for a little play. My father heard me and came in for a P then stood by the bath side which meant I had to knee and suck his cock as he punished my tits and nipples with slapses and pinches.
He left with a hard cock, my pressy for mum.
I dried and passed their room, door is never shut, and could hear his and her grunts as he fucked her and the lovely sound of skin on skin, his hand across her bottom. I hope I am fucked twice a day like mum is when I get a partner.
I lay on my bed and had another play then went down and made a slice of toast and a coffee. Then back upstairs to dress, I saw mum wanking dad as I passed, hehe.
Mum had been intotown and treated me to a gorgeous pure white garter belt and new twenty denier back seamless stockings in nude. I had also been shopping for a pair of split crotch, thin cotton knickers. The split crotch means a piece of material either side of my slide, so a naked pussy. I had seen these in someone’s rudey book so the model could be played with or play with herself without removing her knickers, wow.
Knickers on, garter belt on and then I rolled up my stocking up my legs, one at a time and fastened them. I could not quite see if my seams were straight so went in to ask mum, who said I had made a good job. My father had seen all this before.
“Come here Jane, my, what big lips you have.”
They both laughed.
“Give her a fingering for lucky Father.”
I saw mum`s hand under the cover wanking him and I was fingered.
“Off you go Jane, you do not want to be late on your first day, your boss may not like it and punishment you. When I filled your employment form in I added you may need to punishing at their discretion.”
“Thank you Sir.”
I finished dressing and just as I was about to pop in and say bye, I saw mum riding him, lol. I put my high heals on, not too high as I did not want to fall in them and left for work.
I got to the office and the lady in reception gave me a note. It said, ‘Hello Jane, stay in reception for a long weight.’
I sat from eight-thirty until nine-fifteen.
It was the receptionist.
“Yes Miss?”
“Our manager, Mister Lewis, said you can go in now, you have had a long enough wait.”
Oh no, how stupid am I? I was shown which door and walked through an office full of men who all patted my bottom as I passed.
“Enjoy your sit-down Jane?”
“I am so sorry Sir and cannot complain if my stupidity earned me a spanking.”
“Yes it has, but not yet, you will start in the Ledger Room, waiting for a phone call from someone who needs a certain Ledger, Mr. Jones will makesure you get it right.”
I checked my seams, both nice and straight, and was directed to Mr. Jones and the Ledger Office.
“Hello Sir I have been sent to work under you.”
“As you soon will be. You are looking very smart with lovely legs, come here.”
His hand followed my seams up to my bottom and he patted it.
“Your father said not to hold back on spanking your young bottom should you need one.”
“Yes Sir and thank you for saying I look smart.” He smiled and I felt settled.
“Tell me Jane, have you ever sucked a cock?”
“Oh yes Sir, my father`s most days sometimes two or three times a day.”
“Good girl, now, whilst we are quiet pop under my desk, when I sit take my cock out and keep it there until I tell you to spit it out, or else.”
“Yes Sir, erm, or else what Sir?”
“Or else I will spank your bare bottom and find somewhere else to push my cock.”
“I will do my very best Sir; I am eager to please.”
He gave me a rug to knee on and I unzipped him and took out his cock. I wished it was bigger to keep in my mouth better. As I was sucking there was a knock on his door and a man walked in.
“I see the new girl is hard at work, those stockings are something else young lady.”
It was not easy to say thank you with a cock in my mouth.
“Follow them up, following the seam, hey go right up to her tight bottom, I have not split her lips yet, have a feel there too.”
And he did, the higher he got, the more I sucked and the harder Mr. Jones got with the usual result, I had a mouth full of cum and he had not reached my crotch yet. As you can imagine with a mouthful of cum I had to spit Sir out to swallow.
“Out you come Jane, remove your skirt and stand on my right side.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Ask the boys to file past as I spank her, I am sure the sight will make them all happy and hard.”
I removed my pencil pleated skirt and stood in front of him. He flicked my protruding lipsand pushed a finger in, my legs almost gave way. The door opened and in filed the six office workers, Mr. Jones kept spinning me round and when I faced a man he would finger me. All had their go and I was turned over Mr. Jones`s knee, and duly spanked.
I did a little work and was happy when lunch time came, and I could go to a cubicle and climate wank. Someone was in the one next door and heard me and knocked on my cubicle door.
“Open the door and be pleasant.”
It was the receptionist, and she did just as she had said with hand, fingerprint and tongue, I cum and cum, it was the first fucking I had with another girl and it was to get better.
“Your turn sweet Jane.”
“Should I swap places Miss?”
“No we will go outside to the basins,” and she sat on one.
She also had perfect seams, with a garter belt but no knickers. I knelt down, my face staring at her slit and dangly bits, which were like those of a girl I played netball with.
“Why no knickersMiss?”
“Get your head in here and I will tell you.”
She pushed my mouth fully on to her sex.
“Why was killed when you could be fucked and spanked several times a day?”
I giggled into her slit.
Afternoon was much like the morning, and I was soon opening our front door. I was so sticky I immediately went to bath. Soon Mum called me for tea, and we all sat down to eat.
“First thing Jane, I have asked Pastor Michael to make you an appointment so you can repent those nasty words in your head.”
“Will it be a spanking Sir?”
“I would suggest for swearing it will be a beating, and you will of course need to thank him, he will take that the way he chooses.”
“Yes Sir, if I am to be naked may I put on my new knickers, garter belt and back seamed stockings Sir.”
“Yes, I think that would be a wonderful idea Jane. Now, how was your first day at work?”
“It was everything I had hoped for Sir.”
“Were you spanked at all?”
“Just twice Sir.”
They both laughed.
“After you have cleared the table go upstairs and put on your work clothes again.”
I never asked why, I just did it as a good girl should.
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