In the previous chapter I explained how Maureen, my boss at the garage, had taken myself and hubby to be initiated into the ultra kinky and perverted 7 up club. We had been joined by another couple who had drawn a very messy experience for their first test and that everyone had eventually ended up naked and covered in a mixture of dung and oil and every other thing imagined.
As explained before to be a member You had to experience many kinky experiences. Maureen my boss said my experiences at the garage were only the beginning.
This means more were to come.
After everyone had cleaned up after the messy wrestling our fellow initiates had drawn from a pack of cards with challenges written on them everyone sat down to dinner naked as sexy gowns and dinner jackets were ruined in the messy pit.
Hubby and I and the other initiatives were naked anyway.
During dinner I had asked Jasmine, the forty five year old club founder, why the club was called 7up.
She explained that many years ago when drink at a party she had had a bet with another girl as to who could take the most men at once.
She had mounted one stud, taken a second up the arse and a third in her mouth something the other girl had managed.
Now to beat her she took a cock in each hand and somehow squeezed another cock in her mouth.
A seventh stud managed to find a way to put his penis between her breasts.
She of course gagged and could only keep two in her mouth a short time but long enough to win the bet.
Was there a penalty for the loser, I asked.
Of course. All the men present came on her then the other girls took her outside and staked her out on the grass. The everyone washed the come off her by pissing on her.
After that, continued Jasmine, I searched erotic books and the Internet for more kink and became hopelessly added to everything perverted. Luckily my hubby also joined in and helped me find this remote house where we areNot disturbed.
Then Jasmine stood up and announced that it was my turn to draw from the pack of kink. I was told that as I had already experienced sliming, beating and branding none of these would count if drawn and another card would be drawn.
To add to the fun the name of a female established club member was drawn from a bowl and she would also do the challenge with me and hubby. The name drawn was Maureen my boss.
I was a mixture of fear that it might be something beyond me but at the same time wet with anticipation.
The pack was placed in front of me and I drew a card.
Crucified for at least half an hour.
I had read stories of this on Literotica and other places and also found videos of people in the Philippines actually being nailed to a cross at Easter and been turned on.
What would such humiliation be like I had wondered. I was about to find out.
Will it involve nails I asked.
Never before was the reply but you could be thefirst if you wish.
All present went out to a clearing in a wooden area behind the house. Luckily a warm evening as we were all naked. It was dark by this time but electric lights were on.
Here large crosses were laid out on the ground. One for me, one for hubby who had to endure everything with me and one for Maureen whose name had been drawn from the bowl.
Al three of us had Our arms tightly bound to our cross.
Jasmine then said that several club members including herself had experienced this challenge but was I serious in taking it to another level with nails.
I was tempted to immediately saw bring on the nails but hesitated. let me first try without I said so my cross was elevated by a combination of the stronger men and ropes until the base dropped into a hole.
There was a small wedge to rest my feet but even though the strain on my arms was terrible.
Hubby and boss Maureen were soon in the same predicament.
Jasmine and the other clubMembers looked on showing no emotion.
After 10 minutes hubby was asking to give up. Don’t you dare I shouted. Boss Maureen increased the stakes by saying she would hold out the longest.
Determined not to be beaten I pushed myself up as far as I could so to call out.
I shouted “I want to go further, bring nails” What motivated me I am still not sure. Wanting to beat Maureen was one but I was also thinking of the Easter Philippine men and women who endured nailing to a cross. Deep down in my mind I wanted to share their experience.
No problem replied Jasmine who declared that she had thought I might decide on this action and had arranged that doctor club member was already sterilising nails.
A ladder was produced and the doctor member climbed up and wiped sterilising fluid on my hands and feet. He then descended and Jasmine took over and hammered a nail through each hand and then through the front of each foot into the supporting wedge. The pain was horrendous but the adrenaline rush put me into an almost hypnotic state.
I learned late that hubby looked on with pride in my achievement but boss Maureen, not to be out done also requested nails.
I continued to push up and down. One moment taking my weight on my feet nailed to me feet and then on my arms.
Maureen gave up five minutes after I was nailed. I managed more than the half hour, and Today am a senior member of the club trying to think of other experiences for club members and initiatives.
Any ideas welcome. It should be said that the nailing in the Easter Celebrations in the Philippines does occur and any doubtful reader should look to the internet.
My experience was not religious but gave me the most amazing orgasm.
What could be better. To experience the same pain and humiliation in front of crowds of hundreds
How do you book a flight to Philippines for Easter?
Footnote to readers. If you think the story is nonsense seek film on internet of Easter nailing o cross.
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