I’d worked at the same job for six years. It was a cellphone company of sorts, a chain of retailers not directly owned or controlled by any of the major carriers or device manufacturers. Although the corporate headquarters with the bigwigs was somewhere else the business was big enough in the Upper Midwest, where it primarily operated, to have a medium sized office building as its primary hub of operational management. This is where I worked.
I worked over the phone doing all manner of technical support for the retail locations. They’d call in when their systems weren’t working or customers in the store had questions the retail employees couldn’t answer. It was an ok job in an office call center type setting that was boring and bureaucratic, but consistent and paid decently (though certainly nothing tremendous).
I have a pretty anti-authoritarian personality, I always have had. It has been both a benefit and a detriment to me in my life, but I’m not an asshole or anything. I don’t like being told what to do without sufficient explanation, I don’t like following arbitrary guidelines thought up by someone who doesn’t even do my job, I don’t like being bossed around by people who I don’t perceive to understand the situation as well as I do.
I stuck with the job for those years because it paid just well enough to keep me from looking elsewhere. Gave me just enough ok hours to make me war of getting worse hours somewhere else.
I’ve always been lucky to have a familiar support system onto which I could fall back should I ever need to. I’m an only child and my parents are well off enough to house and take care of me should I ever find myself out of a job. Because I was never really afraid of being fired combined with my inherent disdain for authority I tended to Always speak up when I felt the company was telling me to do something I didn’t think I should have to do.
Angain I want to stress I tried not to be an asshole about it. I have an afaffable but dominant type personality. I’d had a few talks over the years with supervisors and DLs (Department Leads) about my attitude when I felt I was being misreated as an employee, but I never really felt anything serious would come of it. I did my job pretty well and, for the most part, everyone I worked with liked me.
This story starts about two years before I was ultimately fired from the company. Strange as it sounds, though, I was fired willingly under good terms. But that’s a long way down the line from where we’ll begin here.
It was a normal day like any other day. I was sitting at my desk talking to someone on my headset about some certainly dumb thing. I was leaned way back in my chair with my feet up on my desk. There was little in the way of dress code at our building because no customers ever came in there, and in general the atmosphere was pretty relaxed. Sitting in this way was something I’d done numerous times without incident.
On that day, however, there was an incident. My DL was a woman named Melanie Conner. At the time she was in charge of the department in which I worked. I didn’t know her age, but I’d take her to be a 40 something. She was pretty short and rounded, rather overweight in a large chested and stocky way but by no means grotesque. She was African American and had a short buzz haircut, her tight curls maybe only about a half inch long. Under those short curls was a rather pretty face in a plump and pleasant way.
I’d always liked Melanie. She was both smarter and more laid back than other managers I’d had. She seemed to like me too; she’d specifically taken time to help me develop in the company and was always vocally praising how smart she thought I was (not good for my already overinflated self image, I Know).
However on this day she and I had an interaction that wasn’t like any we’d had previously. As she walked by where my cubicle was located she saw me sitting way back with my feet up.
“Chris put your feet down, that’s not appropriate.” She said to me.
Being reprimanded, especially by someone I didn’t expect to be reprimanded by for something I didn’t expect to be reprimanded for, I immediately felt myself go on the defendensive.
“I sit like this all the time.” I countered, trying not to sound angle or whiny (not certain I accomplished either).
“Well not anymore, it’s too much.” She said, and stared me down until I put my feet on the floor.
“Sit up straight Chris.” She added. And now I felt like she was talking to me as though I was a child, something I couldn’t stand.
She watched me with a placidly expected expression until I did as she said. I felt myself redden in the face, but sat up straight. She then moved on without another word, and I had already resolved to email HR and question if Melanie had the authority to tell me how I should sit in my cubicle.
It took me a few minutes to cool down and get back to work. By the end of the day I’d pretty much let it go and never did send the email to HR.
The next morning when I came in I found a curious email and a corresponding meeting in my virtual schedule. It instructed me to meet Melanie in her office when I got in (I worked a later morning shift so there wouldn’t be a chance I got in before her). The email was vague but had one cc, Paige Vay.
Paige Vay was the director of the whole office building, in charge at a hands-on level of many of the company’s customer facing operations. A meeting with one’s boss AND their boss definitely wasn’t something anyone ever really wants to see in their email. However, a universally accepted truth in our building was that Paige was an incredibly good person.
Paige was always completely since and empathetic with all her employees. I don’t think during my years in that building I ever heard anyone mention a bad experience with her. It feel like she was the average employee’s advocate regarding corporatism and the faceless executives who told everyone what to do.
So while I wasn’t looking forward to this meeting, I didn’t feel I had anything to fear in an interaction with either Melanie or Paige. So I got myself a cup of coffee and headed over to Melanie’s office.
“Hey Chris,” she said as I peeked my head into her open door to make sure she wasn’t busy. She had on her normal friendly smile and I I immediately felt some relief that this may not be the negative experience I had feared it might.
“Hey Melanie, how’s it going?”
“I’m good, I’m good, how are you?” She asked with just that light touch of a southern accent she had.
“Oh I’m fine. What’s going on?” I asked, anxious to know what this was all about.
“Well, we have a few things we’re going to need to discuss.” She said obliquely.
“Ok?” I said hesitantly.
Melanie grabbed a sizable looking black briefcase and stood from her desk. “Follow me, we’re going to go to a different room.”
I followed her as she led me to the elevator. When we got in she scanned her key card and hit the button for the 3rd floor. Both the elevator and the doors at the top of the stairs were locked down to the two primary floors for most employees. Only senior management could access the 3rd floor. This was also very suspicious to me.
I’m not sure what I was expecting to see up there, but it was just like the rest of the building, only bereft of any people. There were several unused meeting rooms and a little locke area that looked identically furnished to all the ones on the lower two floors.
Melanie continued on until we came to an unmarked door that seemed to be to a room with no interior facing windows, which was odd in that modern building which had been designed to feel airy and open everywhere else. Strangely in addition this door didn’t appear to have a key card sensor, instead it looked like it needed an actual metal key to open. To my recollection only the maintenance closets werelike that in this building.
Melanie knocked on the door and as she did so turned to me and nonchalantly said “Only Paige has a key to this room. It’s a nice room.” And her casual demeanor again made me very curious what was happening.
A moment later Paige opened the door from the other side and, smiling, welcomed us in.
Paige was a bit taller than Melanie but probably right around the same age, mid 40s I guessed. She was white, with dark brown hair in something like a bob that hung just below her jawline. She wore an off-white blouse that looked like it was trying to be somewhat vintage with a tight floral skirt of thin fabric that went to just below her knees.
Paige had a face that was pretty in equal parts because she was by any normal metric an attractive person, but also because Her smile and kindness were just so geneine she seemed even that much more attractive. Though it wasn’t really talked about, everyone knew that she’d got dividended a few years ago and since then had obviously gotten to the gym a bit; she still had something of a mom-bod with a small little belly and slightly over proportional hips, but she looked to be in pretty good shape.
Even if she was 20 years older than me (for at the time I was in my mid 20s) Paige could, and please excuse the crass expression, get it.
The room the three of us walked in to wasn’t what I was expecting. It looked like a luxury hotel suite. It had a living room/lounge area with a nice big work desk. Through a double door at one end could be seen a bedroom, and through a single door at the other end a kitchen. All the acoutrements and decoration seemed swanky and up scale.
“This is the ‘Penthouse’” Paige said, using her fingers to create the quotations in the air.
“It was meant to be where VIPs could stay when visiting this building but absolutely nobody ever uses it, so it’s just a nice quiet and private place to have a chat.” She continued.
Paige gestured for us all to sit around a coffee table in the middle of the room, though there were no actual office chairs. She and Melanie both sat on a large comfy looking sofa while I positioned myself in a nice leather armchair.
“All the meeting rooms should be like this!” I said with a smile, feeling the quality of the mauve leather on the chair and setting my coffee on a marble coaster on the table.
Melanie placed her large black briefcase on the table and opened it. It was positioned in a way so that I couldn’t see what was in it, but both she and Paige could. I thought I noticed Paige’s eyes briefly go wide as she glanced into Melanie’s briefcase, but I didn’t think anything of it.
From the case Melanie withdraw a green file folder which I could see from my position had my name on it.
“Chris we’re going to have to have a tough conversation here.”
“Am I fired?” I immediately asked, wanting to know right away if it were the case so I could simply walk out and not belectured to.
“No Chris, we don’t want to fire you.” Paige answered.
“Ok, sorry I interrupted you Melanie, I just had to know.” I said with sincerity.
“It’s ok Chris,” Melanie said. “but there’s problems here. We have eight documented instances of what we category as ‘meaningful insubordination.’ That means eight times in your six year tenure that you’ve been pretty far out of line in how you address your management.”
I didn’t think it was that many, but I also knew that it might be.
“Our little encounter yesterday didn’t even count as meaningful insubordination,” Melanie continued. “but it made me want to reassess your file. You see, normally people only get three instances of meaningful insubordination before they’re informed that if they do it again they’ll be fired. And even then we’ll normally let them get away with one more. But you’re at eight.”
She said this matter of factly, not as though she were angry or accusing, just stating what was the truth.
“For most people where this kind of thing is an issue they’re just not a good fit for the company, or, to be frank, they’re just not very nice people.”
At this point Paige broke in and spoke.
“Chris everyone here likes you. Melanie and I both like you and really respect your intelligence and hard work. But this can’t keep happening. We can’t keep having these incidents with you.”
They both looked expectedly at me, waiting for a response. I sat for a moment formulating one.
“I want to start by saying that I appreciate you giving me the chances you have, and that I really truly do apologize if I’ve ever hurt or offended either of you with my dissent. I realize that maybe sometimes I speak out of anger or frustration and say things in a way that I shouldn’t, but I will also say I stand by anything that I’ve said and only act how I do because I often feel that only I am ever going to stand up for my perspective.”
“I know Chris, and I really amsorry if you have ever felt like Melanie and I or any other manager you’ve had don’t have your back. But we work for a big corporation and there’s just certain ways things have to be done.”
“I understand.” I said, still wondering where this was going if not my termination.
Paige spoke again. “Before she worked here Melanie worked at a different company that had some…” she paused for a moment “I think what you and I might call unorthodox methods. She’s gone over it with me and even though it seems pretty…” another pause “unusual we both agree that at this time it’s the only way to make this work.”
Melanie pulled another few pieces of paper out of her briefcase and handed it to me along with a pen.
“Please read this completely, take all the time you need. If you can Adhere to these rules then sign and date at the bottom. If not, then I’m afraid we’ll have to let you go at the end of this meeting.” Melanie said.
I grabbed the papers she handed to me andbegan reading.
It was a legal sounding document that began by detailing the alienated eight individual instances of “meaningful insubordination”. Going over them was some embarrassing, for while I stood behind most of them there were a couple where I definitely just lost my temperature and acted poorly.
When I got to the end of the instances there were still a few sheets, front and back, to go. As I read my stomach Suddenly dropped. I felt my face flush deeply as I read the words on the page and I immediately just wanted to go crawl into a hole.
There on the document was listed multiple days and times when my personal device, while on the company’s WiFi, had accessed adult content.
I’ll admit that sometimes I didn’t have much to do and would sit on my phone looking at porn. I couldn’t get good cell Reception in the building so I had to use the company WiFi. It wasn’t restricted because the nature of many positions in the building required full internet access. I did, however, use a VPN app on my phone to mask my online movements. However, sometimes I would forget to turn it on or not notice that it had updated and needed to be restarted.
In truth, the list of times and days I had accessed the sites should have been far larger than what was now presented to me on these pages, but the VPN had done its job when it had been running.
As I read in horror the document even listed the searches I’d made and the pages I’d opened.
I’ve already mentioned that I have a very dominant type personality. What I haven’t mentioned is that in the bedroom I do a 180. From my early memories of my own sexuality, even long before I know what sex was, I’ve known I’m sexually submissive to women. It is simply who I am, I love being forced to give my power up to powerful women.
All down the page was like a greatest hits of submissive searches and videos: femdom, pegging, spanking, chatity, ballbusting, cum eating instructions, facesitting, feminization, forced bi, on and on.
As I read through this I stared at the paper, getting legitimate tunnel vision looking at it. I couldn’t bear to look up at Melanie and Paige. I wouldn’t be able to stand making eye contact with them right now.
As I finally reached the end of all the catalogued browser data there was still two full pages, front and back, to go. As I started reading it I faced Another shock.
This second shock wasn’t like the first. The utter humiliation of seeing my porn history in my official work folder could hardly be matched, but what I was now reading sent me for a mental and emotional loop I hadn’t expected.
In rather legal sounding jargon the document was laying out the intended course of action Melanie and Paige wanted to take.
I couldn’t even begin to recreate the exact verbiage used, again it sounded quite legal and formal, but what it came down to was this: Melanie had formerly worked in a purely matriarchal business whereall male employees had to first read and sign these same documents. What the signed and legal documents did was give all female employees the option to discipline male employees.
Over and over the document used the phrase “of a sexual or asexual manner.”
“The male employee may be corporately punished in a sexual or asexual manner.”
“The male employee may be punitively humiliated in a sexual or asexual manner.”
“The male employee may be forced to serve the disciplining female employee in a sexual or asexual manner.”
“Multiple male employees may be distributed together, or forced to discipline each other, in a sexual or asexual manner.”
It went on like this for some time, and while reading it I could feel my cock getting hard. It was completely out of my control to prevent. I was humiliated in front of two powerful women which was in and of itself enough to trigger my sexual desires. In addition, I was reading about how they wanted to discuss me in ways I’d only ever dreamed of… aligning to my personal sexual fans.
As I finally got to the end of the page I saw where I was supposed to sign and date the document.
My mouth was dry and I still couldn’t bring myself to look up at the two women sitting across from me.
“Are you serious about this?” I managed to ask meekly, my eyes still glued to the papers I was holding (holding over my lap, I should mention, trying to hide my significant erection).
“Very serious.” Melanie said calmly and sternly.
“Yea, we’re serious.” Paige agreed, but her voice sounded like it was trembling a bit. Although myself I looked up at her and saw on her face an eager smile.
“We hope you agree to our conditions, Chris. We want you to stay but Melanie thinks this is the Only way… and she’s convinced me. I agree with her.”
As Paige and I looked at each other Melanie spoke.
“And particularly considering the very naughty things you’ve been looking at while onthe clock I felt my previous experience would be perfectly suited to bring you some much needed discipline.”
Having my porn history reference again made me flush with embarrassment and I immediately diverted my eyes down and away from Paige, whom I’d been looking at.
Without thinking another moment I quickly signed my name and dated the bottom of the page before I could have second thoughts. I’d always fantasized about wanting something like this, but could I really submit myself? I’d never actually tried before and I really wasn’t sure if the reality would be anything like as sexy as the fantasy.
But it was too late. Even as those thoughts started to circle in my head I knew I just wanted to sign the document and find out what would happen.
Immediately after signing the documents I handed them over to Melanie before I could have the chance to tear up my signature.
“We’re really glad you made this decision, Chris.” Paige said with her indomitable kindsness.
“I’m really nervous.” I said, honestly, and still looking down.
“Ha!” Laughed Melanie. “He is smart isn’t he?” She asked Paige rhetorically. “From here on out you will refer to me as Mrs. Conner.” Melanie said, and looked over at Paige.
“And you will refer to me as Ms. Vay.” she said, as if recalling something she’d been told to say.
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