Working slaves Part 1 – slave girl sara
Part 1 of a trial of stories I see in my mind.
It was common practice in most countries of the world that were strong believers in practicing the art of BDSM, to recoup some of the money they outlaid on a sex slave, by the various ways available to them. It was also so beneficial to the slave to have regular discipline and regular fucks. It is what they lived for after all and had spent years of training to achieve.
Sex slaves bought at auction were not overly expensive and were certainly not for the new owners who took more middle aged girls as they had the same number of holes as a young one and if overweight a month of only one meal a day and extra fuckings soon shed the pounds.
Also most were rarely seen outdoor and could never be associated with any family in particular, so, even the butt ugly ones had a place on the end of a cock.
Most Master`s had a handful, or more, of such young men and women so losingone or two for a few weeks to a month made good economic sense. The opportunities to rent a slave out were particular to the area they lived in, for example, in a town or city many factories did weaving and sewing of clothing for the worldwide markets. In more rural villages the best option was to add a slave to one of the many auctions available to them. They would also hire slaves out by the day and always had a sex slave to suit every taste. All the colours of the rainbow, short, tall, fat, thin, buxom, or flat chested all needs catered for.
On the Courtwood`s vast estate they had in excess of twenty such girls and five young men. If a male employee did well, he would be given a slave for the use of his household, him, his wife, older sons and daughters and friends, for up to a month. Some employees Although they knew they were straight would love to wank and fuck a young man. He would also be used to serve the ladies of the family.
Just one rule had to be followed if given a slave, daily discipline, hand or belt, had to be administratored and if the lucky recipient felt like caning, then caning would be added to his list. The slaves also needed fucking at least three or four times a day, so friends would be invited over.
The wives would never say a word as they too were house slaves and would feel regular discipline and various cocks as and when the man of the house felt The need. The men also had the opportunity to send females of the house to the local Pastor of their church for extra education, usually a whipping and fucking.
Back to the Courtwoods. The head of the house was Sir Leonard Courtwood. His lady wife was Elda, of Welsh breeding stock. He also had two live in alpha slaves/mistresses and a young butler, who he also fucked, to fulfill his huge sexual appetite for fucking any hole he could.
He was to let five girls out for a month as he was going abroad for a holiday and only wanted the prettier girls to go with them. Two of the girls went into one of his own factories who made sacks of all shapes and sizes. They were taken to the factory early in the morning to save them needing clothes on and wearing them out!
Halfway there the van stopped, and the girls were taken out and into a wood by the roadside. Each driver removed his belt and whipped the girls, back and front before bending them over a shiny fallen tree trunk, shiny as it was regularly used, and fucked then cleaned off in the slaves’ mouths. One girl was slow getting up and received a swift and hard kick between her legs, both men spat in her face as she rubbed her pussy and curried back to the van.
The factory manager took charge of the girls and had them bend over his desk as he checked them in. He rubbed their welts, unbuttoned his fly, and fucked both in turn. They were given a uniform, of sorts, a rough hessian sack with a hole for the head and two holes for their arms. He wanted to check the fit, they had to touch their toes and the sack rose up towards their wait. Such a position could not be taken without more pleasure for the manager.
They were given the instruction, “Hold”, to give them warning of a strapping or caning, it was the latter and five stripes were laid across each of their sit spots. The manager called in a supervisor to look after the girls as he went out of the office. The supervisor rubbed and examined both lots of stripes, pussies and bummy holes before placing his cock in the first girl’s open slit, soon followed by a dipping into the second girl’s slit. He then lifted the head of the youngest girl by her hair and she gobbled him all in, cum and all.
They were led to their machines, one girl said to the other, “I said you would not be disappointed and it`s not even breakfast time!”
The two Courtwood Employees, an odd job man and one of the gardeners for the huge estate, returned back to the house to pick up the next delivery of another two to be taken for their month`s placement.
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