Copyright 2002 by trendyredhead. All rights reserved.
Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
Jamie rolled over and looked at the clock as she turned off the alarm. 7:15 a.m. God, it was early. Now why had I set my alarm, she wondered. Oh yeah, that darn project. The conference room. And him. It was all coming back to her now. She blushed as she thought about What had happened the night before. She could’t believe she’d been so brazen and so wanton, telling him how badly she wanted him to just fuck her. But God, what he had done to her was just… just… well, she couldn’t even bring herself to think about it.
See you at nine, he’d said. Shit, she didn’t want to face him again. How could she, knowing that he’d turned her over his lap, spanked her, and then fingered her to an orgasm that left her weak in the knees and left a wet spot on his pants? She’d rather die than face him again.
However, she had given Worthless her word that she’d get this report done by Monday, and itwas going to take at least another eight hours to get it finished. She knew she was terrible with data gathering, but Worthless had it in for her. And laying here in bed wasn’t going to get it done, unfortunately. Jamie rolled out of bed and headed for the shower.
Standing under the spray, she let her hands wander the contours of her breast. Would he find them pleasure, she wondered. What would it feel like to have His lips wrapped around the pale pink nipples that crowned her fair breasts? She turned to face the spray, letting the water sting her nipples, and she gasped as the initial pain turned to throbbing pleasure.
She glanced at the clock above the shower – 7:25. If she hurried, she might just have enough time. She coated her hair with deep conditioner and piled it on top of her head, securing it with a clip. Let’s see if I can do it in three minutes, she challenged herself.
She pulled the handheld showerhead out of its holder and spread her feet apart. She bentHer knees slightly and adjusted the spray to a single jet. Closing her eyes, she thought back to the night before and the feelings he had ignored in her as she lay over his lap, exposed to him and completely vulnerable. She aimed the water jet at her wide open pussy, then slowly drew the water up to her clip.
Her hips bucked involuntarily at the pressure on her most sensitive part, and yet it felt so good that she Continued thrusting into the water. She traced clockwise circles on her clip with the water while the fingers from her other hand found the entrance to her pussy.
She slowly slipped two fingers inside and rubbed on her G-spot. Oh god, she moaned. She thrust her fingers in and out rapidly, her breath coming in heavens. It feels so fucking good, she thought. She imagined her fingers were his fingers, and the water was his teeth, pulling at her clip while he flicked it with his tongue.
Jamie felt a flood of wetness around her hand and the tightening of her pussy around her fingers. The feeling in her clip intensified, and she felt as though she were going to pass out from the sheer pleasure of it. That’s it, she moaned, make me come god I’m going to come oh god oh please oh oh yes yes! Her orgasm overtook her, rendering her speechless, and her wrist went limp, the water hitting her thigh instead of her throbbing clip.
She was dimly aware that the clock now said 7:32. So I didn’t beat the three minutes, but it was too damn good to complain, she thought. She quickly rinsed her hair and turned off the water. As she dried herself off, she contemplated what to wear.
I need to look sexy, she thought, but not like I put any thought or effort into it. And that is not the easiest task. After tossing aside several outfits, she settled on a fitted white V-neck t-shirt and jeans with a pair of black sandals. She scrunched her hair with a little leave-in conditioner, then flipped her hair over her head and aimed the blow dryer at the roots for a few seconds to create a little volume before flipping her hair back over. She fixed a few strands and smiled. A little mascara and sheer lip gloss would complete the look. Innocent, yet sexy. Her cheeks had a faint blush all their own – was that from her earlier orgasm, she wondered, or just from the warm bathroom? Well, regardless of where it came from, it was rather becoming.
After spraying herself lightly with her favorite vanilla perfume, she glanced at the clock again. 8:15. Perfect timing. She could get there before nine and be hard at work when he got there. And she wasn’t going to be an easy target today, she decided. She wasn’t going to throw herself at him. It’s not as though she couldn’t have any guy she wanted, after all. Last night was merely a delay in judgment. A TEMPORARY lapse, she told herself.
She arrived at the office at 8:45, and didn’t see his white truck in the lot. Jamie felt relieved. At precisely 9:00, a new email arrived:
“I’m in the 4th floor training room. Bring your files and come down here.”
Her heart sank. He was not only here, but he was waiting for her. She sat for a moment, weighing her options. If she went downstairs, there were three possibilities. One, they’d do nothing but work, and when the project was finished, she’d go home and it would be as though nothing ever happened. Two, no work would be accomplished, and she’d have a lot of explaining to do on Monday – or she’d have to come back again tomorrow to get it done. Or three, she’d get the project done and then something might happen afterwards – but at least the project would be finished. Girl, she said to herself, you actually showed up today, knowing he’d be here. Obviously you weren’t that concerned about what might or might not happen if you went to the office, so why are you so concerned now? Ultimately, you have control here, don’t you?
But that was the question, she answered herself. Do I? Do I really have control? She had no answer for that question, so she gathered her files and went downstairs.
She found him in the training room, thinking to herself how fitting it was that he should pick this room out of all the places in their building. He was sitting a terminal in the back row and didn’t turn when she walked in.
“Sit here, Red” he said, without looking up, gesturing to the terminal next to him. She set her files down between the terminals and sat, unsure of exactly what to do.
“Once you got signed on, I’ll email you the work I’ve done so far.”
She entered her sign-on and password and waited while her system loaded. She could see his reflection in her screen, so she seized the opportunity to study him. He was concentrated on what he was typing, and he was absentmindedly chewing on his bottom lip while he worked.
She launched her email and file manager while she contemplated his eyes. They were hazel, with a rim of navy around the iris. She knew that without even looking at them. She could see him scanning the words on the screen in front of him.
“My email’s open now,” she said quietly. “What’s the plan for today?”
He clicked a few times with his mouse and an email appeared on her screen. “What I’ve done is set up the template for the report. I’ll take the first two sections and do the research, and you’ll pull the data together for the last two sections. I think we should be done with that by noon. We’ll break for lunch and then write the summary together.”
Wow, Jamie thought. He actually has a plan. How unusual. Well, I guess he’s not going to mention last night, so I won’t either. She opened the report template he sent her and got to work.
At 11:30, her neck sore and her eyes dry, she pushed her chair back and stood up. “I’ve got to get a drink and stretch for a minute. Do you need anything?”
“Yeah, I’ll get something in a minute.”
“Alright. Suit yourself.”
She went to the bathroom and then got a dietcoke from the machine in the kitchenette. She leaned against the counter, closed her eyes, and took a long drink. When did life get so complicated, she wondered.
She could hear him humming before she saw him. When he turned the corner she was standing with her back to him, studying the open newspaper someone had left behind the day before.
“Whatcha readin’?” His voice was low and soft next to her ear, and she could Feel the warmth of his body next to her shoulder even though he wasn’t quite touching her. She shivered, even though she was far from cold.
“Nothing,” she said.
He reached around her and turned the newspaper 180 degrees. “Maybe if it were right side up you might find something to read.”
She felt the redness creeping up her neck and cheeses, and she wished the floor would just open up and swallow her whole.
“Come on, we’ve got work to do. I’ve ordered a pizza – the guard will call me when it gets here. Until then, let’s keep working. That is, unless you’d rather read the paper.” He turned and walked back into the training room without looking to see if she would follow.
The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Lunch came and went, and by 2:30, the report was finished. He ran off two copies and they read over it, making sure there were no spelling errors or other obvious mistakes.
“It looks good,” he said, dropping the report on the table. “You satisfied?”
She paused before answering, knowing he was referring to her satisfaction with the report, but wanting to answer ‘no’ just the same.
“Yeah,” she replied softly. “I guess I am. Thanks again for your help. If it weren’t for you, I’d be spending all weekend here.”
“Don’t mention it,” he answered, gathering up his things. “Are you going to email it to her or leave it on her desk?”
“Both, I think. But you don’t need to stay. I’m sure you have other things to do, and I can manage just fine. Thanks for lunch, too.”
“You’re welcome. See you later.” He left, the door closing softly behind him. Jamie sent the email to her boss and gathered up her files, wondering what on earth happened this morning. Sure, the reason they were there was to get the report done, but she thought maybe he’d finish what he’d started last night.
When she opened her briefcase to put the files inside, she saw something that hadn’t been there earlier. She pulled it out and discovered it was her panties, with a note attached.
“7:30 – my house – don’t be late.”
Jamie sank down into her chair, trembling. So it wasn’t over after all, she mused. Perhaps it was just beginning.
At 7:25, Jamie pulled into Ian’s driveway. The lights were off inside, but she could see smoke coming from the chimney, so she knew he was home.
What in the fuck am I doing here, she asked herself. I have got to be crazy for doing this. I’m just asking for trouble.
You want him, she answered herself. You want him so badly you can taste it. Last night intrigued you more than you care to admit, but you can’t deny he aroused you more than you ever thought possible.
But why, after all this time, is he suddenly doing this, she wondered. It’s not like he hasn’t had opportunities before. Lord knows I’ve given him plenty. And come to think of it, there was that one night when I was here watching a movie, when we accidentally kissed… Why not make a move then? We were both drunk, and obviously attracted to each other. Why wait until now, and ambush me in a conference room when I least expect it?
She watched the clock change to 7:28. Don’t be late, his voice rang in her ears. Or what, she asked? You’ll spank me? She mocked silently. Big f-ing deal.
She walked up the stairs to the back door. It was ajar, so she let herself in.
She paused in the kitchen, letting her eyes became adjusted to the darkness. “Hello?” she called. “Anybody home?”
She set her purse on the counter and slipped off her shoes. The late afternoon rain hadn’t drunk up completely, and she didn’t want to get wet footprints on his new carpet. She padded softly into the living room, where she found him sitting in a club chair, nurse a scotch on the rocks. A bottle of tequila and an empty shot glass lay on the table in front of him, beside a bowl of sliced lemons and a shaker of salt. Obviously he had remembered tequila was her drink of choice.
“Help yourself,” he gestured towards the tequila.
“I’m not interested in drinking, but thanks anyway.” Jamie looked around, unsure of whether or not to sit. The furniture was new since the last time she’d been here.
“Suit yourself,” he replied. “Come here,” he said, grasping her hand and pulling her into his lap.
She sat awkwardly, his arm pulling her against His chest, the other hand setting the scotch down next to the chair on the floor.
He began to stroke her hair, and despite herself, she began to relax. He turned her so she was half facing him, her head tucked underneath his chin, and continued playing with her hair. The other hand wrapped around her midsection and rubbed the small of her back. She felt so safe and so secure, but her mind was still racing with questions.
He kissed her then, a gentle, open-mouthed kiss that seemed to go on forever. When it ended, she didn’t move, their lips still touching, their breathing heavy and in sync. He stroked her cheek with his thumb as he cradle her face in his hand.
She shifted, feeling his semi-hard cock against her tigh, and a soft moan escaped him. “Sweet Jamie, what are you doing to me?”
She opened her eyes and gazed into his, not blinking, hoping to find the answer somewhere in the depths of his eyes.
He kissed her again, this time with a more intense password than Before. Her head was spinning and all she could think was “Oh god, please don’t stop…” His hard cock was pressing against her, and she cursed the layers of material separating their bodies. She wanted him inside her, had to have him inside her or she’d explode.
Suddenly he was laying her down on the floor in front of the fire, pulling her pants down her legs with one hand while undoing his belt with the other. She reached down and pulled her pants off the rest of the way, taking her panties with them.
“Turn over,” he said, “and take your shirt and bra off.” She did as he directed, not quite sure where this was leading, but she wanted him too badly to question him about his plans. As long as they were naked, she didn’t care.
She lay on her stomach, her head on her bent arms, her face to the side. She could barely see him out of the corner of her eye as he took off his pants and shirt, leaving him in only boxes and socks. She hid a smile, thinking how men didn’t realize how utterly ridiculous they looked in nothing but boxes and socks.
She heard a soft click, and he disappeared from her view. She was curious, but didn’t turn over to investigate. Instead, she watched the fire licking at the logs, thinking about what it might be like to have him lick her clip. Would he be gentle, or would he play rough? Would he understand that she always needed fingers – or something – inside her pussy in order to come? Or would he even both with pleasure her at all this time? Might he just insist that she service him instead? Well, that might not be all bad, she thought with a grin. After all, she mused, I DO have that letter of recommendation… I know I’m good at that, and I’ve never had a man refund to satisfy me after I’ve given head.
On the other hand, not counting last night, she could count on one hand the number of men who had succeeded in getting her to come, and that was her fiancé. Just one man had been able to bring her to orgasm, and that was only because she’d finally felt comfortable touching herself during sex, so it wasn’t exactly as if the credit was all his.
“Jamie!” She could hear him callingher name.
“Yes?” She called back, not sure exactly where he was.
“Come in the bedroom, please.”
She rolled over and stood up, guessing that the bedroom must be where the dim light was coming from in the hallway.
She strolled down the short hallway to the bedroom, aware of her hips swaying. She felt herself growing wetter as she neared the bedroom. When she reached the semi-closed door, she could smell sandalwood and musk.
She pushed open the door and saw a naked woman lying on the bed. Her hair played out over the pillow, a tangle of dark curls a striking contrast to the white pillowcase. He was sitting on the edge of the bed next to the woman, playing with her right nipple. Incense burned on the dresser.
“Jamie, I believe you know Kim.” Jamie was stunned. Not Kim, please no let this be a joke, she thought. This can’t be happening. Kim was his barely-legal former live-in girlfriend. The one time they had met at a happy hour, it was obvious, even to thecasual observer, that they despised each other.
“I thought you weren’t seeing her anymore,” she whispered. She felt very cold all of a sudden, the former heat of password giving way to numbness. She grabbed a blanket from the floor at the end of the bed and wrapped it around herself, as though to protect herself from what she didn’t want to hear confirmed.
“We aren’t, technically. But she’s Still my slave.”
“Your what?” She knew she must have a blank look on her face, but this was hard to comprehend.
“Kim serves me, any time, anywhere, and any way I want her to, don’t you, Kim?”
“Yes, Master. Whatever pleases you.”
“Kim has been well trained, and she has been especially pleasing as of late, so I decided to grant her one request. She has requested Another woman, you in particular, and quite frankly, I am rather aroused by the thought of watching her with you.”
She was speechless. Another woman was one thing, but with Kim? And she was his slave?She was ready to turn around and walk out when he spoke.
“I know this must come as a shock, Red. But I think you’ll do just fine, once you get past your initial reticence.”
“Can I talk with you ALONE please?” This was not what she had bargained for, and quite frankly, she was rather pissed at the mere suggestion.
“Anything you want to talk with me about can be said in front of Kim.”
She took a deep breath, then slowly exhausted, counting to ten before the words came pouring out.
“You know how much I hate her – hate the THOUGHT of her – and you’re asking me to FUCK her? Are you out of your mind? I don’t know what in the HELL you’re thinking, particularly after last night, but you’ve got another thing coming if you think I’m going to pleasure HER.”
“Are you finished yet?”
“Last night I gave you exactly what you wanted, whether you admit it to yourself or not. I was also testing your responsiveness and your willingness to be adventureSome. You obviously did well or you wouldn’t be here tonight. I think the thought of being with a woman intrigues you, although I can understand your reluctance for that woman to be Kim. However, she is still my slave and she will certainly make this a night for you to remember. To do any less would disappoint me, which she knows not to do. Isn’t that right, Kim?”
“Yes, Master.”
“So as you can see, you really have nothing to lose from participating.”
She considered this for a moment. “But what do I have to gain?”
He smiled. “Everything, my dear. Everything.”
“I don’t exactly understand what you’re getting at.”
“I’m looking to train a new submissive. I think you have good potential, provided we can keep your temper under control. And I think, deep down, you know this is the kind of life you want, where someone else worry about everything you need, and your only task is to worry about pleasure me.”
“I see…” She was intrigued, but still seething at the thought of spending even a moment with Kim.
“And I know you’re concerned about Kim. However, that’s already taken care of. She’s learned all she can learn from me, and I’m giving her to a new Master, one who can keep her on a shorter lean, so to speak. She tends to get into trouble quite a bit,” he confident. “However, as a reward for completing her training, I’ve asked her to assist me in finding a new submissive. We discussed various women we know, and felt you had the best potential. She asked that she might be able to… audition you, so to speak.”
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