Mandy was determined to get some tonight.
She hadn’t had sex for weeks. Her body reached with desire. Hopefully, tonight that desire would be fulfilled by one of her coworkers. She’d been flirting with them all week, leaning close when speaking so they would get a whiff of her subtle perfume. Innocently touching their shoulders when she stood next to them at their desks. She’d worked out a way to display her crossed legs to their fullest advantage when she sat near them.
The four of them – herself, Jim, Tom, and Martin – had to stay late here at the office to complete an important project. There was the usual griping about losing their valuable weekend play time. She chimed right in with the others, but also stated, “The sooner we got started on this, the sooner we’ll be done. I’m sure I want to play just as well as any of you.” This was her way of planning a verbal seed about playing.
They spread the diagrams out on the conference table, running over them and makingthe necessary notes that the project demanded. During this discussion, Mandy fanned herself, as if the room was getting too warm for her. Without making any eye contact with the men, she undid the top two buttons of her blouse, acting as if she was unaware of what she was doing. She was not wearing a bra.
As she leaned over the conference table, she was certain that the two men on the other side of the table were getting an eye-full. Out of the corner of her eye, he saw Tom’s hand jerk, and the pen he was holding made an erratic scribble on his notepad. Jim, who had been speaking, lost his train of thought for a moment. Mandy smiled secretly. Her plan seemed to be working.
Of course, because she was leaning over the conference table pointing at the farthest point on one of the diagrams, she assumed that her short skirt was riding up so high that her wispy black panties might be showing. Martin was positioned a little bit behind her, and she could swear she heard a subtle gasp from his lips.
“When we get done, at least one of these guys should ask me out for a drink or something. That’s the usual preliminary for trying to get into my pants. Whoever it is, he’s gonna get lucky tonight, because I think all three of these men look quite tasty,” she thought to herself.
Mandy didn’t rely solely on visual stimulation. During the conference, she said, “Excuse me,” as she squeezed past Martin to indicate another point on a diagram. But because she was between him and the table, as she leaned forward, her butt ‘accidentally’ rubbed right against the bulge in the front of his pants. When Jim was pointing something out, she actually took hold of his hand and re-positioned it to a slightly different spot on the paper. And once when she had to reach past Tom, she made certain that her breast rubbed Against the arm he was leaning on.
As they finally finished, her heart was beating faster. The moment was fast arrival when she expected one of the three to at least ask what she planned to do with the rest of her evening. This could lead to some gentle banter, resulting in the two of them leaving together. To be honest, she didn’t truly have a preference at this point. She liked all three of them. She was pleased to see that none of the three men seemed to be in a rush to leave the office. She waited for at least one of them to express a subtle hint of interest, as she tidied up her desk.
She was not prepared for what actually occurred.
As she turned around, she found all three men standing side by side, staring at her. Tom, a fairly outspoken and direct person, said to her, “Mandy, it appears to us that you’ve been coming onto us all week.”
Mandy tried to put up an innocent front. “Why, whatever do you mean, Tom?” she asked.
“Come on. You know. Touching us, bumping against us, flashing your tits, showing your ass – all this incessant flirting,” he answered, smiling wisely.
She was caught flat-footed. Her mind churned, “Was I too blatant? Did I go too far? Will they acuse me of sexual harassment? Can I talk my way out of this? Better yet, do I want to talk my way out of this?” Her face took on a pretty shade of red as she realized she’d have to be honest with them, and apologize. She tilted her chin down, and looked at the floor as she whispered, “It’s true that I was flirting. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Why are you sorry?” Tom grinned. “It sure has brightened our work week.” The other two guys made noises of agreement. “All three of us have admitted to each other that now we look forward to coming to work,” he continued. “But we’ve been debating with each other as to which one of us you’re really trying to get. Who is it?”
Mandy risked a quick look at their faces. The three men were all smiling at her. She looked down again, swallowed carefully, gathering her courage to answer. Still not looking at them, in a very quiet voice she answered truthfully, “Any one ofyou… All of you.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt mortified, because that made her sound like a complete slut.
“Oh ho,” Jim chuckled. “All of us? That’s fantastic. Or did I mishear you? You really fancy all of us?”
Mandy cringed slightly to admit it again, but slowly nodded, still not making eye contact.
“What do you think, guys?” Jim asked.
Martin was strangely mute, but Tom answered, “I think she should take off her blouse. Mandy, get that blouse off.”
Suddenly a bit shy, Mandy started to turn her body away from them as she reached for her buttons.
“Uh-uh,” Tom said loudly. “Stay facing us.”
Obediently, she turned back towards them, still looking at the floor. Almost mechanically, her hands went down her blouse, undoing button by button. When the last button came free, she lowered her hands to her side.
Tom gently berated her. “I didn’t say unbutton it, Mandy. I said take it off. But if you really don’t want to, then stopwhat you’re doing, and button yourself back up.”
One of her hands went to her center button, while her other hand went to the corresponding buttonhole. The men watched as she moved her two hands slowly towards each other. She was thinking this over carefully. “Do I want this? Do I really want this?” she was asking herself. “I can stop this right now if I want. All I have to do is re-button my blouse.”
She decided.
With a smooth, graceful movement, she swept the blouse off her shoulders, down her arms, and placed it on the desk surface. Topless now, she rested her hands on her hips, elbows out, shoulders slightly back, boldly displaying her breasts.
The men grinned broadly and applauded.
“I guess you like what you see,” Mandy stated, shimmying her shoulders subtly to make her tits swway. It feel strange, being topless, there in the office. Strange, but quite a turn on.
Jim spoke. “We sure do, but we want to see more. Take off your skirt, too.”
Mandy giggled. “You men! You always want more,” she kidded. But she undid the wait of her skirt, slide its zipper down, and carefully stepped free of it. The skirt joined her blouse on top of her desk. She ran her hands over her almost non-existent panties. “I suppose you want these off, too?” she inquired, arching her browser in a manner that made the men’s hearts skip a beat.
Martin finally cleared his throat and said, “Yes, but I have an idea. Come along.” He took her hand and led her, trailed by his coworkers, to the conference table they’d used. Walking through the office wearing only flimsy black panties, Mandy almost hyperventilated from the novelty of this experience. When they reached the table, Martin held a chair steady for her, and assisted her in climbing up onto its surface.
“Now face us,” he instructed Mandy, as the three men clustered at one long side of the table. As she did so, he added, “But wait a moment.” He left Tom and Jim where they were, as he walked tothe other side of the table. “I’m an ass man, you see,” he explained as he stood behind her. “OK, get those panties off, but do it slowly. Give us a show.”
Mandy wondered how she was supposed to ‘give a show’ with a single piece of clothing. She improved. Swaying her hips sensitively, she lowered the front of her panties just enough to show the top of her slit. Pulling them back up, she looked over her should at Martin and lowered the back of them about halfway down her ass cheeks. Then covered herself again and did a grinding action with her hips.
Next, holding the waistband with both hands at the sides of her hips, she saw the waistband slowly side to side as she rolled her hips, lowering her panties until her pussy was uncovered fully in the front, and her ass was fully on display to her rear.
“You really are a tease at heart, you little slut,” Tom jested. “OK. Get them all the way off, and hand them over.” Mandy did so, trying to be as graceful as possible,Without falling off the table. Once he was holding her panties, Tom continued, “Stand with your fingers interlaced behind your head, and your feet more than shoulder width apart.”
Naked and fully on display, Mandy felt her nipples hardening with desire, and a tiny trickle of fluid starting to wend its lazy way down her thigh. She was sure it wasn’t sweat. Since the men’s heads were below the level of her crotch, she knew they must have an amazing view up into her cunt and as they strolled around the table, looking upward. It wasn’t until much later that Mandy realized she had been standing naked, up that high, on top of a table in a well lit room at night, and anyone in the office across the street must have been able to see her clearly.
Lovely as it was to gaze at her, the men wanted tactile interactions as their lust grow. They held a quick discussion of tactics. “Come over and sit at the edge of the table, lie back, and hold your tights open with your hands,” Jim ordered her.
Sensing their growing excitement, Mandy’s own arousal growth proportionately as she eagerly obeyed, not minding in the least the obscene exposure of her body that this pose created. Still fully dressed, the men worked as a team. Tom brought his face to hers, and began kissing her. She responded with soft, hot kisses in return. Jim started playing with her tits, massaging and caresing them, but altering that with pinches, twists and tugs that sent jolts of sensing through her body. Martin moved his mouth to her cunt, and, cupping and holding her ass cheeks to prevent her from squirming too much, ate her cunt and clip expertly.
It did not take long for this teamwork to generate Mandy’s first orgasm of the evening. The sounds she was making as she reached climax were muffled by Tom’s lips on hers. When her thrashing subsided, the men rotated their locations – Tom to her breasts, Jim to her cunt, and Martin to her lips – and the men commenced similar activities atThose locations. But now Mandy could taste her own cum juices on Martin’s lips as they kissed, a familiar taste made exotic by his mouth.
Jim seemed to really enjoy cunnilingus, especially when the woman was lovely, willing, and very enthusiastic. Tom gently slapped her tits, making her nipples engorge even more, before sucking them into his mouth in an altering pattern that made them both feel appreciated. After a period of sweet again, Mandy came again, this time into Jim’s mouth. The men changed positions once again, and now Tom’s mouth claimed her sloppy cunt.
Jim came up to kiss her, and surprised her by feeding her a good supply of her cum juices, which he had gathered in his mouth. Martin was rougher on her tits than either Tom or Jim had been, carefully seizing nipples and areolae in his teeth and stretching them. Momentarily frightened, Mandy cried out into Jim’s kiss, but then realized Martin was doing no damage. His strong stimulation at her chest blended with the equally powerful cunt eating that Tom was performing. She began kissing Jim with an intensity that shocked him.
Soon thereafter, Mandy broke off the kiss and moaned loudly as her body shook in orgasm for the third time. When she caught her breath enough to speak, she gasped out, “Wait. Please wait.” She sucked air again, feeling the sweat dripping down her face. “You’re doing such a nice lovely things to me. But I feel I need to repay the favor. Doesn’t anyone want to fuck me?”
Tom was swimming her cum from his lower face into his mouth with a finger. “Oh we will, were just working up to it,” he assured her.
Jim said, “I think she ought to beg us. Would you like that, Mandy? Would you like to beg for it?”
Getting into the game, Mandy shakily slid off the table, turned to face him, knelt down, interlaced her fingers, and raise them up in a pleading gesture, saying, “Oh please Sir! Please have mercy on this wretched little slut. Please take that lovely dick of yours and fuck her pussy.”
Mandy didn’t know that while she was mock pleading with Jim, Martin was singing up behind her with a piece of duct tape about a foot long. Before she knew what was happening, he wrapped it around her wrists securing them to each other.
“Hey! What are you doing?” she exclaimed.
“Binding you, so we can fuck you thoroughly,” Martin responded, grinning hugely.
Mandy liked hearing the word ‘thoroughly’ so she smiled and responded, “That sounds kinky, but fun. Let’s do it.”
Jim helped her to her feet while Tom wrapped a longer length of duct tape around her wrists to make sure she couldn’t pull them apart. While he was doing this, Martin was binding her ankles together with several loops of duct tape.
“Now what?” Mandy asked, laughing. “I can’t even open my thighs very well like this.”
“Not a problem,” Jim assured her, lifting her by her elbows, helping her to turn, and bending her face down over the edge of the table. “Stay like that,” he ordered her.
Mandy heard the rustling of clothes. Without moving her body, she turned her head and saw that the men were now undressing. Ties, shirts, undershirts, and pants were coming off. The fronts of their underpants were dark with dampness, and as they lowered those garments, she noted that not only were their cocks already stiff, they also had beads of moisture at their heads.
The men each wanted to stake their claim to her pussy, and the best way to do this was to drive their ‘stake’ – their dick – into her cunt. They knew that they would ultimately all have her, so there was more cooperation than argument about who would go first, who second, who third. They planned to fuck her, true. But not to cum yet. They wanted this to last.
The pattern they worked out was for two of them to go to the far side of the table, and grab her bound wrists, holding her bent over the edge of the table onto its top, while the third man fucked her from behind.Tom went first, and Mandy groaned in happy appreciation as his cock dilated her vaginal ring, plowing inward to stretch her tunnel and fill it. The men holding her wrists enjoyed watching her facial expressions as Tom entered her.
“Oh, god. That feels so good,” she groaned. “I’ve been needing this for weeks.” Tom continued fucking her with long smooth strokes until he feared he was getting too close to cumming. He pulled out, leaving Mandy’s cunt empty and gaping as he walked around the table, changing places with Martin.
Mandy was moaning a bit with frustration at having her cunt abandoned, but that moan transformed into a loud grunt as Martin shoved his cock into her so hard that his pelvis slapped against her ass. He puzzled her pussy fast and hard, making the table vibrate from the impacts. Jim and Tom helped brace the table as they watched Mandy carefully for signs of alarm. Her mouth merely formed into an ‘O’ shape as she absorbed Martin’s thrusts. She certainly didn’t complain, until he yanked out of her and strutted around the table, his cock glaiming with her sticky secrets. Then she just said, “Damn! I was getting close, so close!”
Jim, now taking his place behind her, reacted by saying, “A little frustration and anticipation is a good thing. You’ve already had three orgasms, you greedy little slut. Don’t worry. We promise you’ll have a couple more Before we’re done with you.” But when he slip his cock into her warm, soaking wet tunnel, he fucked her in a deliberately slow fashion. Martin and Tom saw her screw her face into expressions of need and almost exasperation.
Mandy tried to make Jim fuck her harder by attempting to buck back into his strokes. In response, Jim grappled her hips more firmly, holding her pelvis steady, and telling the other two guys, “Hold her arms so she can’t move.”
Mandy groaned and moaned and pleased, “Please fuck me harder, Jim! Please!” But he kept up the same slow, maddening rhythm. Mandy triedcontracting and relaxing her cunt muscles to grap and milk his cock, but to no avail. She still hadn’t peaked in orgasm when his cock vacated her tunnel. If anyone had been staring into her tunnel at that moment, they would have seen her vagina opening ‘winking’ as she worked her muscles on that emptiness.
The men whispered some plans. “OK,” Tom said to Mandy. “There’s something we’ve always dreamed about doing. Might says we fantasized about it.” The three of them lifted her up and carried her to an empty cubicle. The desk here was strdy and clear. Up over the desk was an open faced steel book shelf, with several strong vertical support joining its floor and its ceiling. Suspended under the book shelf were bars of recessed lighting, illuminating the entire desk surface with a strong, but soft, light.
Tom Carefully lifted Mandy’s arms and moved them so that her wrists ended up behind her neck. He held them there as Jim and Martin lifted and tilted the woman, placing her wit her back on the clear desk surface, and her head back against the cubicle’s rear retaining wall. This placed her butt right at the edge of the desk facing them. The two men held Mandy’s legs up vertically, as Tom secured her feet to one of the bookshelves vertical struts with a good amount of duct tape.
Mandy considered her current situation. She was comfortable, for the most part. Her hands were trapped behind her neck, and she could not bring them in front of herself, because her head was flush against the rear vertical wall. This placed her elbows out to either side, leaving her breasts completely vulnerable. Her legs, although they were vertical, caused no disappoint, because of the way the duct tape held her ankles to the overhead bookshelf strut.
So she was comfortable. But she tried to imagine what sight she must be presenting towards the cubicle itself, and said so. “OK, guys. You have me all trusted up, and I feel fine. Was this your fantasy? How do I look likethis?”
As she peeked past her legs, she saw expressions on their faces like little boys in a candy store, with a hundred dollar bill to spend. All wide-eyed with wonder. Unbelieving about their good fortune. Jim finally broke the silence. “Ummm… I don’t know about these guys, but this is way better than I ever fantasized.” He swallowed hard, and continued, “Thank you, Mandy. I mean this sincerely. I’m glad your OK with this. It’s still hard to believe. Anyway, let me see what I can find, in answer to your question of how you look.” He sped off, cock bobbling as he moved fast.
Tom and Martin echoed similar sentiments, caressing her legs, tighs and belly in ways that made her tingle with delight. She could tell that in their eyes, she was giving them a very special gift. Which was fine with her, because she was getting what she wanted, too – sex and orgasms – especially orgasms. Her cunt was happily remembering its purpose.
Jim came back with a good sized hand mirrorthat he’d found somewhere. It took some finaling to get the angle right, but finally Mandy could see what they saw. Her butt was slightly out over the edge of the table, and her cunt and ass hole were clearly visible between the swellings of her ass cheeses. It was one of the most erotically obscene images she’d ever seen, and it was her own body on lewd display! They hadn’t taped her knees together, Only her ankles, so she moved her knees apart slightly and saw her labia parting with the movements of her thighs. Her sweat must be making her cunt lips stick to her thighs. The view got even more lewd, and the men whistled.
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