My First Customer

I took one last look around the converted living room and smiled to myself. Satisfied that everything was in place, I went into the first bedroom to wait and settle my nerves. Jeremy and I had purchased a small house in downtown and did some, shall we say, ‘unique remodeling’ so I could try out my long-held desire of being a professional Domme. I mean, why not earn some big money on the weekend while also giving my Dark Goddess a chance to come out and play? Best of all, I could set the rules and not have to deal with my customers after I was done with them.

This room had a simple desk with a computer on it so I could watch some femdom videos while I awaited my first customer. Sitting next to the computer screen were some monitors that were streaming the video feeds from various security cameras we had put up. There were a dresser and closet for my various outfits and a makeup desk.

I heard a car pull up and looked at one of the camera feeds. Here was Daniel, my first customer, right on time. He had contacted me from my online ad and after we exchanged emails to work out the details, I decided to take a chance and take him on as my first customer. I clearly explained that there was going to be no sex involved, and not to expect anything from me but what he was paying for; to show up, serve my needs and to be whipped soundly. He readily agreed and we set the time, date and my Fees.

He looked around nervously as he walked up to the front door. “Not too bad looking either,” I thought to myself. Average height, good build, mid-forties and clean saden. He was about to knock then saw the dark red envelope taped to the door. He removed it and opened it up. I had put a note in there that read;


If you wish to proceed, you may enter my dungeon. You are to remain in the entryway and follow the instructions on the desk to your left.

Mistress Wendy

He took one more look around then reached out and opened the door stepping inside. I saw him enter the entryway from another camera then close the door behind him. On the top of a small table I had written up another set of instructions;


You want to continue has pleased me. You are to put the recompense for my time and energy into the envelope on the table. Then remove your clothes, fold them and your last free action will be to put the collar around your neck to show me that you are willing to submit. Await your mistress here on your knees which will be your proper submissive position.

Mistress Wendy

I saw him remove several bills from his wallet, fold them and put them into the black envelope I left on the table solely for that purpose. I enjoyed seeing him removing his clothes in my monitor. It seems he got over any reticence as he did so with alacrity. Once they were all removed and he was buck naked, he folded them per my instructions and set it on the table as well. I was pleased that he looked good naked, not flabby at all which would have made my whipping him not as much fun. He was obviously very excited as his cock was already standing at full attention. He took up the wide leather collar and fastened it around his neck, then rotated it so the large metal ring was in front. He completed my last instruction by lowering himself to the cold tile floor onto his knees.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, was I really about to go through with it? Finally get to see my dark fantasy come to fruition?

Checking myself one last time in the full-length mirror I was satisfied that I looked the part. I had put on my black corset, long black leather boots, and black gloves. Makeup was still perfect, dark eyes and red lips with my hair slightly slicked back. I had to admit that I was looking great. “Time to get on with it, no time like the present,” I said to myself. “Get into the role of his Domme.” Picking up my crop I felt the power it gave me as I made my way into the hallway.

Dan looked at me as I slowly made my way down the short hallway. A breath escaped him and he muttered, “Wow…”

I looked down at him and in a stern voice reprimanded, “You are only to speak if spoken to, do I make myself perfectly clear Danny?”

“Yes, Ma’am”

I lowered my crop and touched his chest, “You will address me as ‘Mistress Wendy’, as I am most definitely am not a ‘ma’am’”.

I circled his kneeing body, dragging my crop across his wide shoulders. “Keep that back straight,” I said as I got behind him tapping it with my crop, “proper posture and bearing is important in my subs”. He straightened up and I tugged on the collar, “Not nearly tight enough, Danny. This isn’t for your comfort but your control. Now, tell me why you are here and what you expect to happen to you.”

As I undid the clap on his collar he began, “I’m here to submit to you, Miss Wendy. You are going to whip my ass and punishment me however you…” The rest was cut short as I pulled the collar tightly around his neck and retreated it.

“That’s right, Danny. I am going to punish you…. Hard. I’m sure you deserve it and I can see by your dick you want it too. Now I have one important rule for your safety; if you are approaching your limit you can tell me the word, ‘yellow’. I may or may not stop, but at least I’ll know. However, if you are unable to take any more you can always use the safe word, “red” and our session is done. I will release you immediately but you will leave my dungeon as we are done. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“I’m glad that’s understandable Now you may kiss my boots in gratitude for my being willing to punish you.” I watched him lower his head and begin to worship my gorgeous leather boots. He kissed them for a few minutes until I scratched him on the back with my crop, “Good, now let’s get you more, hmmm, uncomfortable. Get up on your feet, hands behind your back.”

He compiled and I took a pair of handscuffs from a drawer on the table where his clothes were placed. I fastened them around his wrists with a satisfied “CLICK“. Moving to his front I reached down and grabbed his turgid dick forcibly. He gasped. “To be clear, this little thing isn’t getting any attention from me except to be used to lead you. That or if you displease me I may just use my crop on it as well. Men are so easily led by their cocks, so this is a nice bit of symbolism as I lead you by yours to my dungeon.”

I tugged on his dick and felt it pulse in my fist. He shuffled forward as I led him around the corner into the converted living area. I think Jeremy and I did a fine job on it as I surveyed it critically. The floor already had dark tiles and we painted the walls in maroon creating a very dark, severe feeling. The windows were covered from prying eyes with red flimsy shears that had the effect of filling the room with red light. The furniture consistent only of a contemporary black leather chair with ottoman. Against one wall was a St Andrew’s cross that Jeremy built. Next to it was a wooden pillory with the milking benchmark, sawhorse and pony bench in another section. We had hung a pegboard against one wall and on it were some of my favorite play toys. I pulled Daniel over to it so he could get a good view, I figured to make a good first impression on him. One section held crops, one had whips and floggers. Canes and paddles were hung as well as rope and various cuffs and collars. We had put our toy chest under it with its drawers slightly ajar, filled with all the other sex toys I could possibly want to use on my future customers. Today, however, I was going to start out slowly and just whip the crap out of Dan.

I pulled him into the center of the room where a rope hung from a pulley Jeremy had installed into the ceiling. I took two struggle wrist cuffs from the pegboard and going behind Daniel fastened them firmly around his wrists after releasing him from the handscuffs. I pulled his arms in front of him and attached them together with a large metal D-ring which was attached to the end of the rope. The other end of the rope was attached to a simple hand win attached to the wall. I went over to it and began to take up the slack. Once it began to pull on Dan’s arms I let the catch down so it began to ratchet. The loud CLACK, CLACK, CLACK was ominous as his arms were slowly raised above his head. I stopped once he was stretched fully saying, “It would be so easy for me to keep going, wouldn’t it Danny? I wonder how you’d look swinging from the ceiling. I might just do that later and hit you like a piñata after I stuff your ass with a large butt plug, but we’ll start off slowly. It’d be a shame to end my fun so early by having you use your safe word too quickly.”

I went back to the wall and selected a flogger. Red and black leather tails were attached to a wrapped handle and I sauntered in front of Dan to show it to him. “Ready?” I asked.

He gulped and answered, “Yes Miss Wendy.”

“Correct answer,” I whispered into his ear as I took my place behind him. I flicked my wrist and sent the tails lightly across his back. He seemed to relax a little as he realized I was starting slowly. I set up a low pace, lightly sending the flogger against his back and butt every few seconds. I liked the way the long tails kissed his skin as I kept up a slow rhythm. I set up a cycle of first crossing right shoulder to left ass cheek, then left shoulder to right cheek.

After a few minutes, I began to increase the force of my flogging. The pace suffered as I had to draw back my arm further, but the increase in the noise more than made up for it. Dan felt it too, obviously as he began to shift side to side as much as his hung body allowed. I saw that his shoulders and back were beginning to turn a nice shade of pink as my flogger kept up its unending pace.

I keep this up for a few several more minutes until I thought his back had enough. I stepped back, took aim at his taut backside, and brought my arm back. Letting fly the tails cracked against his right ass cheese. “YIKES”, Dan yelped.

“What was that? Did you cry out without permission?”

“I’m sorry, Mistress Wendy.”

I replied with a grin, “Not yet you aren’t, but you will be.” With a chuckle, I again did a nice full arm swing and flogged him again against his right chef, but this time keep the momentum going letting my hand cross over my chest. I then reversed the swing and hit his left chef on the return stroke just as hard with a very satisfied, “SMACK“. As before, I kept up a steady rhythm going back and forth across his ass every few seconds until he was lurching with every crack of my flogger. I kept this up until his cries were coming louder and I felt he was nicey worked up.

I chuckled, “See, Danny what a good mistress I am. If I hadn’t hung you from my ceiling you wouldn’t be able to receive my punishment. However, I’ll give your sore ass a rest as well as my arm. Open up and hold this for me.” I pulled his head back and inserted the handle of my flogger into his mouth.

“Don’t drop it now or I’ll be sure you don’t walk straight for a week because I’ll shove that handle up your tight ass to ensure you don’t drop it.” I went into the little kitchen, popped open the fridge and got myself a cold beer. I returned to Dan and turned him around to face the window. Sitting in the leather chair behind him I took a sip of beer, “That was a good start, what do you think, Danny?”

“Mmmm Mmmmm.”

“Oh, did you says I wasn’t hard enough on you? Well, don’t worry, I’m only getting warmed up. When I’m done with you, sitting down will be very hard for the next few days.”

I slowly sipped my beer while observing his tight rear clnch. IThought to myself that his ass was getting to be a nice shade of red. I could see where the ends of the flogger had made little nicks across the sides of his back and ass. I left him hanging there for a few minutes to catch his breath and contemplate his fate as I enjoyed my beer.

“Break time’s over, Danny,” I announced setting the empty can aside and getting to my feet. “I think you’ve done enough squirming Around trying to avoid your whipping, so it’s time I put an end to that.” I took my flogger out of his mouth and went over to the wall and took up two more cuffs and the spreader bar. I changed out the flogger for my sinister leather crop. Returning to Daniel, I kicked his ankles apart and lowered myself. It’s not the easiest thing to do when wearing a corset, but I was able to fasten a cuff to each ankle, then spreading him nice and wide put the spreader bar between his feet.

I took my crop and ran its length across my left gloved hand. “Time for round two. I think I’ll save your ass for the final chapter and do some work on your front side, what do you think?”

“Of course, whatever you desire Mistress Wendy,” was his reply.

I stepped back and tapped the top of the crop against Daniel’s right thigh, just on the inside soft inside section between his swollen cock and his knee. I could see his eyes grow wide as I began to hit the same area over, and over, and over again. The pace was slow, but the strength was firm. I think he didn’t realize at first how this would play out, the slow SMACK, SMACK, SMACK of my crop in the same area.

I keep this up for several minutes until I could see my crop was creating the desired effect. I could hear his breath catch as I gave one particularly strong smack. I grinned, “Oh, Danny. Is that spot getting tender?”

He gritted his teeth, “A little goddess.”

“Hmmm, let’s move on then, shall we?” I said. I gave that spot one hard crack with my crop eliciting a loud “YELP” which sent shivers through my core making my Dark Goddess smile. I then took up the cadence on his left thigh just opposite his right which was now glowing an angle red. I repeated the process on his left thigh for several minutes until he started to wince and tried to move, but his legs were kept open at the mercy of my crop due to the spreader bar splitting him wide. I chuckled as he swayed, hung from the ceiling and understanding about, held fast by my ropes and spreader bar; unable to stop the relentless taste of my leather crop.

When I gauged he was approaching his limit I stopped and stepping up to Daniel grasped his chin with my gloved hand, “what’s the matter? A big strong guy like you can’t take a little whipping from me?” I stepped away and asked, “Would you rather I switched places?” and took aim at his throbbing dick. One hit against his shaft caused him to cry out and his knees tried to buckle; the only thing that kept him upright was his hands tied to the ceiling. I swung the oppositee way to land one more hit on the other side of it.

Daniel cried out a few times (probably a combination of both surprise and pain) then quickly answered, “No, no, no. My thighs can take it.”

I looked askance and replied, “So be it.”

I then began to alternate on each side. First strking his left thigh, then the right. The dungeon was filled with the sounds of his cries as I kept up the pace, altering my hits. Smack, Smack, Smack; over and over again. Daniel was thrashing about, trying to escape my crop without success hung from the ceiling and unable to close his legs.

“Yellow, Yellow!” Daniel cried.

I stopped my strikes and rested the top of the crop against the head of his prick. “Hmmm, Danny, it seems you can’t take it after all. Well, we can use that as our signal for round two being over.” I rubbed the head of his swollen prick with my crop getting the precum against it, then raised it to his mouth. He kept his mouth closed so I rubbed it all over his lips and face snickering, “Your flesh may not have been able to continue, but this is evidence of how much you liked it. How much you need me to inflict this upon you. No, don’t say anything, that dick of yours give you away.”

I returned to the pegboard and hung my crop back up and grabbed a length of 550 cord. I brought it back along with a ball gag which I forced into his mouth after pulling his head back. Fasting it tightly across the back of his head I gripped his hair and told him, “Now I’m going to leave you here while I get another beer, but I’m going to give you something to contemplate while I have my drink.”

Saying this I wound the cord around the base of his shake, nice and tight. I continued up a little then separated his balls from his Shaft making them distend and separate. A few more windings around his cock left it nice and purple, throbbing to the beating of his heart and causing him to moan against his gag.

“Don’t think thisMeanings you are getting a release, Danny. This is to remind you what you are a slave to.” I tied the end of the cord to the D-Ring of his collar and pulled it saying, “Now contemplate this.” This had the effect of forcing his head to lower and bend him over as much as I could, his face facing his purple prick. Tying it off, I gave his ass a good spank and retrieved another beer from the kitchen before returning to my seat.

I sat down, popped open the beer with a satisfying sound and took a sip. “I like the way you look silhouetted against the light, but turn around and face me; I want to see you suffer, hung from my ceiling.”

It was awesome seeing his light. With his legs spread wide, hands above his head and bent over, he had to take tiny little footsteps on his tip-toes. Slowly, and with quite a lot of grunts against his ball gag, he accomplished the challenge and finally faced me. Bringing the can to my lips, I slowly sipped my beer, my left leg over my right as I watchedmy customer in his prediction bondage. He was sore from being bent in half (and I’m sure his ass and thighs were throbbing as well), but if he tried to straighten up, the cord pulled painfully on his turgid cock which was kept hard and throbbing from being tightly wrapped.

With my foot tapping up and down I examined him and was very satisfied with how this first session was going. Although my initial misgivings I was doing well keeping Daniel under my control, and had given him a sound beating which my Dark Goddess was thoroughly enjoying. As I watched the sweet glisten on the trembling muscles of my sub, I could feel my own muscles between my legs tremble a bit as well. I had to admit whipping his ass had proven to be as hot and sexy as I thought it was going to be.

I let my victim remains in subspace a While longer enjoying the view as much as I was enjoying my beer. When I drained the last drop I stood up which got Daniel’s attention. He jerked his head up, which causedhim to immediately moan as he yanked on his sore cock. I sauntered up to him and ran my hand across his straining shoulders. Not unlike a lioniss circuit her prey, I made my way around his suspended body, trailing my hand across his hot skin. The stripes across his back and ass thrilled me.

Once I made my way back to his front I cupped his face in my hand and said, “Poor thing. All those nerve endings firing, cock throbbing, unable to get off and unable to prevent me from doing anything I want to your body. Isn’t that right, Danny?”

He said something that was indecipherable against his ball gag. I liked the way it looked, forcing his mouth open yet keeping it filled and him gagged reduced to just grunts and moans (which he was doing a lot of).

“I think it’s time to begin round three. I’ll release your neck from your dick, I wouldn’t want you to rip off that cock of yours by jerking about too much.” I pulled on his collar and untied the 550 cord allowing him to finallyy straighten up with a sight. “Oh, don’t get too comfortable, I’ve only just began to make you suffer,” I said in a low voice, taking my hands and pinching each of his nipples hard. Daniel yelped and tried to jerk away.


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