My First Customer Ch. 02 Pt. 01

Putting my car into park in front of Her inconspicuous house, one thought went through my head for the hundreds time, “Am I sure I want to do this? Put myself into Her hands, let her subject me to all that pain and loss of control again?” I took a deep breath, reached deep inside myself and immediately realized, “Not just ‘Yes’, but ‘Hell yes’. I don’t really want this, but I so really NEED this.”

My name is Daniel. I found Mistress Wendy online as I got to the point in my life where I realized that normal sexual relations with women hadn’t been fulfilling me. Sure I loved to have normal, “vanilla” sex, but I had certain desires that none of the women in my life up to now were entirely satisfied. Something in me wanted to give up control, to be pushed to my limits and give myself, body and mind, to a dominant woman. No, I am not a close masochist, being hurt doesn’t excite me; but the idea of ​​being unable to stop a powerful woman from having her way with me does. Let’s just call it my “itch” and I finally was able to get it scratched the last time I parked in front of this unassembling little house.

I exited my car and went up the tree-lined walkway. Similarly to last time my Mistress had left me Her calling card, a signature dark red envelope on the front door with instructions. I remembered how wary I was last time I stood in this same spot. This time, however, I tore into it to read;


It seems that our last session wasn’t enough, and now are again in need of my services again. I’m sure the welts on your body have healed by now, so step inside my dungeon and prepare yourself like last time. I’m confident you recall the proper position for a sub. Oh, and expect to have your limits explored like no one has ever done to you.

Mistress Wendy

Her last line caused me a little trepidation, and I read it through once more. “Oh well,” I thought to myself, “You didn’t set this up and come all this way to back out now. This is just what you wanted, isn’t it?”

Steeling my reserve, I opened Her door and stepped into the foyer. Closing the door tightly behind me I saw the black empty envelope sitting on her entry table, along with the leather collar that I remember so well from last time. I took the folded bills for her payment from my front pocket and inserted them into the envelope and began quickly removing my clothes. I learned my lesson from last time to do this quickly as Miss Wendy does not like to be kept waiting. I was only dressed in the minimum necessary to remain decent for my trip over, plus I had another trick up my sleepe. Last time my under armour armour briefs caused the welts on my ass to give me no end of disappoint on the long ride home so this time I had on soft cotton boxes that I hoped would be better.

Once my clothes were folded and set aside neighborly, I took up the leather collar only to discover an additional item. An unlocked small brass padlock was around the clap. I removed the lock and fastened the stiff leather band around my neck. I pulled it tighter than last time to ensure she didn’t need to redo my work and punishment me for my lack of absorbing her instructions and then proceeded to fasten the lock through the clap and pushed on the shadele hearing it shut with an audible >click<. "Well, shit just got real," went through my head as I lowered myself to my knees facing down the hallway.

I was left waiting there for several minutes feeling my heart beat in my chest from the anticipation. I was wondering if Mistress Wendy would string me up from the ceiling again to be whipped, or was something else in store for me? I had seen her dungeon furniture last time, and some of it was a bit scary, however some of it was also intriguing (and some of it I Couldn’t figure out at all). Just remembering the feeling of being tied upright, unable to move, hanging from herdungeon ceiling was causing me to get excited and I could feel my cock start to get erect, throbbing in time to the beating of my heart.

I was so lost in thought that I was started by the sound of the door at the end of the hall opening and I quickly straightened my back to knee as best I could at a position of attention. Miss Wendy came out the door and closing it behind her turned to me. What a magnificent vision she was, dressed in a black corset with black legs under her long black leather boots snuggly covering her long legs. Her arms were covered in black gloves and a black picker was around her slender neck. My breath caught in my chest as she struck a pose, her left hand on her hip and her right hand began to tap a riding crop against her boots.

“Danny, are you daring to look at your Mistress without permission? Not a good way to start your session,” She said with a smack of her crop against her boot, “Eyes down!”

I quickly looked down at the floor and listed to Her boot heels click intimidating on the floor as she slowly sauntered down the hallway. Remaining motionless tested my willpower, so great was my desire to watch her, but I remained still despite my collar now restricting my breathing slightly. Finally, her black leather boots entered the top of my field of vision and stopped. Nothing happened for several long moments until I felt her rest the crop on my right should startling me. Her stern voice broke the silence, “You are to prostrate yourself and lick my boots clean Danny in apology for having the audacity to look at your Mistress without permission.”

“Yes, Miss Wendy,” I replied and lowered myself to the floor. She pushed her right foot forward under my head and I began to lick the soft leather. There is just something about that smell of fine leather that gets in your nose and crawls its way into the lizard part of your brain, deadening all rational thought. I reached forward to hold her foot as I continued my licking and she quickly struck my back with her crop, “Did I say you could touch me, Danny? You’ve still have a lot of training in store for you, so for now you have lost the privilege of the use of your hands now, put them behind your back, but continue to clean my boots!”

“Damn it! Okay, this just got harder,” I bemoaned as I did as instructed. Lying completely flat stretched on the floor, now with my right hand clapped in my left behind my back I had to arch my back and reach my tongue out to continue to lick her boot. For several minutes she let me continue, turning her foot occasionally so I could service the whole thing.

She pulled her foot away leaving me flopping on the floor like a fish out of water saying from somewhere above me, “Seems like you still need a lot of training, you are a poor sub, Danny. I guess I’ll have to just treat you like an untrained puppy, so get up on all fours like the dog you are.”

I stretched and arose as instructed on my hands and kNees being sure to keep my head down as she strode around me. I heard her open a drawer and then felt her hand on my bowed head. “Time to take you for a walk, my pet. Be lucky I don’t have a tail butt plug or I’d be sure to insert that first. Also, be sure you don’t make any messes on my floor or I’ll have to rub your nose in it,” She finished with a dark chuckle. Entwining her fingers in my hair she pulled up my head and I felt something snap closed onto my collar.

With a *whack* on my ass with her crop, She walked away from me until I felt a tug on my neck. “Keep up, let’s get you into my playroom so we can start your session,” she instructed and I followed on all fours, being led like a dog behind her. I smelled a glance up to see her walking away from me, her marvelous ass swaying in tight panties and I could see a lean attached to my collar leading up to her left hand, her right still swaying the dreaded crop.

I was led down the hallway intothe living room set up like my last session. A wall was full of nasty implementations of pain and pleasure, several pieces of dungeon furniture, one large easy chair and still that devilish hook in the ceiling that I remember all too well. I could make out a pillory, a device that looked like a weight benchmark but with a vertical board on one end. There was also some sort of PVC contraction on the floor with two vertical pieces. This time I noticed the big wooden cross was pulled away several feet from the wall, and it was to this that she led me to. Until this point, I never realized just how tough and painful on the knees it is to be led on all fours.

“On your feet, against my cross, assume the position sub,” commanded my Mistress. Painfully, I got to my feet and moved forward against the solid wooden cross. It was a giant letter “X” made of six-inch wide lacquered beams crossed in the middle. It stood roughly 10 foot tall and 3 wide with cuffs at the bottom attached to the frame and two at the top attached to black ropes hanging down from the top. I moved forward to it and leaned against the dark wood. “Attach the cuffs to your ankles and wrists, Danny and be quick about it. I don’t have infinite patience nor time to waste with your lollygagging.”

I bent and attached each cuff to my ankles then rose and did the same to the ones hanging down to my wrists. I noticed the cord attached to the wrist cuffs went through holes in the cross near the top. Once finished, I leaned against the cross on my elbows and lowered my head. Immediately I heard a *swish* followed by a *smack* as Mistress Wendy used her crop hard against my ass. I cried out and fell across the wood as my arms went out.

“I thought so, Danny,” I heard her say, “You aren’t trained enough to take my crop without flinching so I will have to immobilize you.” She went around the cross and pulled on the cord on the left side raising my arm above myhead, looping it around some unseen attachment point keeping it taught. Going to the right side, she repeated the process pulling my right arm even higher. Going back and forth a few times, she continued to stretch me fully against the cold wooden cross until I was almost on my tip-toes. Tying both cords off, she came back around and pulled my head back by my hair. Her hot breath whisper Into my ear, “I think You need to be warmed up a bit first, so let’s start with some light flogging, shall we?”

Unfasting the lean, she left my collar on and went over to the craftsman tool chest under the pegboard. She placed Her crop on top, then removed a sinister flogger from the peg-board among the many that were hanging there. This one looked like it had a dozen tails about two feet long, all black leather with pointed ends. The handle was dark black and purple with a wrist strap. She came back over trailing the flogger behind her until I lost her from my view behind me. Wish a *Whoosh* sound she swung the flogger behind me saying, “What do you want, Danny?”

“Mistress, please flog me,” was my soft reply.

“Speak up, sub. Your Mistress can’t hear you.”

“Flog me, Miss Wendy,” I said louder.

She queried, “Do you want this, or do you NEED this?”

“I need this. I submit to your will, flog me please.”

She chuckled, “Very well, you asked for it. I trust you remember your safe words?”

“Yes, Mistress. ‘Yellow’ is approaching my limit, and ‘red’ is I’ve reached it.”

“Right, and for remembering so well I’ll be a kind Mistress and start you off slowly.”

I again heard the distinctive sound of the cat of nine tails being swung, whistling through the air and then felt it land against my right shoulder. It was more of an impact than any real pain, and it made an almost fluttering sound. She then repeated the process to my left shoulder. She set up a slow rhythm of flogging each side in turn, slowly increasing the speed. I could feel my back and shoulders getting worked up as she increased the level until the constant swings were starting to bring me a little singing sensing. I tried to adjust myself but stretched fully I was totally at her mercy.

She then began to work her way down my body, her blows first coming across my back. These definitely made me wince as my lower back seemed to be more sensitive than my shoulders were. That or maybe her blows were just getting harder as she started to get into whipping me. I could say with some assurance from my last session that Miss Wendy loved her work and pushing my limits was more of a labor of love than an onerous job.

Pressed face first against the X-frame of Her cross, my midsection was against the dark wood. As my body swwayed from my shadowles, I could feel my engorged cock rubbing against it creating a dichotomy between the pain of Mistress Wendy’s flogger and the pleasure of a rock hard dick.

I was starting to swway from eachblow as I tried to relax and not tense. A haze descended upon my mind slowing my thoughts and heightening my feelings. Miss Wendy continued my discipline and I couldn’t help but let out moans every time her flogger left its sting across my back. Continuing downward she began to inflict her vengeance upon my backside. “Ooh, I like the way you clnch your butt cheats,” She said. “Say, Danny, do you know why this wonderful contraction you’re bound to is called a St. Andrew’s cross?”

All I could do was a grunt in the negative.

“Supposedly St Andrew was going to be crucified in ancient Greece on a traditional cross. He requested to be bound to an X-shaped cross instead as he was unworthy as following in the same manner as Jesus. That’s your story too, Danny… unworthy. Aren’t you?”

In between blows, I let out a quick, “Yes, Mistress, I am.”

“Then I guess it’s my duty to punish you, isn’t it,” she said with an increased strike against my right butt chef. I let outa small cry and she shifted downward even further to land across blow against my left thigh which stung even more. I couldn’t stop myself from eliciting a cry when each of her strikes landed and was pretty much hanging from my cuffs as my body quivered and quaked from the constant flogging. With each blow, I reflexively tried to curl up, but was unable to, spread-eagled and bound as I was.

It seemed like I was hanging there at her mercy for hours, but I’m sure it had been much less when she finally reached my calves. I yelled loudly as these strikes seemed to hurt the worst. She stepped back and chuckled, “And two for good luck.” A sharp whistling noise surprised me and I tried to not tense up but her flogger smoked first my right ass cheek, then my left with a concentrated pain that left me seeing stars and crying out in pain.

My Mistress came up behind me and she drug her long fingerprintnails down my back. “Now that’s a fine start my sub, you have such nice stripes running down the length of your back. The red contrasts nicely with your pale skin, you’ll have to tell me if they turn a wonderful shade of black and blue in a few days.” She entwined her fingers in my hair and pulled my head back again, “Now hold my crop, I’ve got a surprise for you while I get a drink.”

Just like my last session, she forced the handle of her crop into my mouth and I closed it to keep it from falling. My labored breath was now forced through my nose. I heard her boots click on the tile floor leading away for a moment, then return and move around the cross.

Initially, it entered my mind that she was going to release my arms from being stretched to the upper limits of the cross, but that desire was quickly quashed as she chuckled, “I thought I would show you some kindness, slave, even though you aren’t worthy yet. While I sit and enjoy a cold drink, you can have a video to show you what could happen to you if you fail to please me.”

She put an iPad on a smallmount on the wall in front of me in full view. Hitting play she left me suspended on the cross and I could hear her stroll away from me. The video she selected showed a fit guy suspended by his ankles in a large room, not unlike a ski chalet his hands handcuffed together handcuffed together handing fully extended downward. Two women, a blond and a skinny red-head entered the view dressed in standard BDSM attire with long bullwhips. Behind me, I heard the sound of a beer being opened and I had to assume that Mistress Wendy was again relaxing in her large black chair having a drink while enjoying my prediction. The scene on the iPad continued as the women began to mercilessly whip the suspended man causing him to thrash wildly and cry out as each of them laid into his helpless form over and over again. Long red stripes were being left on his skin as he jerked about trying to escape the women’s whips to no avail.

The scene was both scary but erotic, watching him sway by his ankles at the mercy of these two hot Domme’s. I could feel my hard cock throbbing against the midsection of the wood cross. As I continued to watch I unconsciously began to rub against the wood, feeling waves of pleasure emanate from my own midsection. I didn’t know if I should feel sorry for, or jealous of the guy on the iPad as I unconsciously tried to pleasure myself as best I could.

“Are you humping my St Andrew’s cross, Danny?” I heard my Mistress intone from behind me at the same time she struck my ass hard with something that immediately took my mind off the video. “Bad sub! While you are here in my dungeon, I dictate what happens to your body, it is mine to use as I wish. I am the one to give you pain, and if you are lucky and serve me well, maybe some pleasure. Is that clear?”

She struck me again and I wheezed from behind the handle of her flogger, “Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress.”

“Oh you will be now, that’s for sure. I’ve been training my main submissive to be a pain-slut, you mightbe next in line.” She untied my legs then went around the cross and undid the cords holding my hands up above my head and I finally was able to lower them and shake them out trying to ease the stiffness in my shoulders. “Hands behind your back,” ordered Miss Wendy and I complied feeling the sting of the welts she had already inflicted. I felt her fasten my cuffs together effectively locking my hands behind my back. She then grabbed a short leather strap from the wall and spinning me around tied it to the cuffs behind my back. She took up the free end, pulled it through the back of my collar and pulled, raising my wrists up and pulling my elbows out until I felt my shoulders would almost give out. She tied the straw off pinioning my arms and taking her crop from my mouth, went back to the toy chest.

Returning she dangled a black ball gag in front of my face. “Open up, Danny. I’m going to take you outside to continue your session, but I can’t have your squawks alerting my neighborsto my little business. Since you can’t control your cries, I going to have to gag you.” I opened my mouth and she shoved the hard plastic ball into it. I can’t say that I liked ball gags all that much, your mouth being forced open causes your jaws to hurt, plus all the spit that gets produced. Not like Miss Wendy was asking my opinion as she tied it off tightly behind my head.

With a smack on my ass, She moved around me and reaching down surprised me by grabbing my dick forcibly. “I so love guiding men by their pathetic little dicks. You are led by them throughout your daily lives so much that it gives me a great deal of gravity to do it to you literally.” She pulled on my manhood forcing me to shuffle forward in front of her dubbing furnace to the ranch slider across the room. Her warm gloved hand on my cock caused it to grow even more and it felt so damn good despite the fact that it seemed like she was trying to pull it off as she led me out through the door. I was deFinally nervous now as she led me across a small patio to her back yard, and I was happy to see that it was fenced in with a privacy fence. I really didn’t relish the idea of ​​some random strange seeing me bound, gagged, and led by my dick into her yard.


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