I met John on a BDSM website. He was a big beefy guy and claimed to be a serious sadist. What got me really interested in his profile was his desire to use cigarettes and pipes during play. I had my balls burned before by my ex-girlfriend when we used to play. She is long gone, out of the picture now, but I remember our play times with fond memories. I still get hard thinking about playing with her.
We exchanged messages for a while and finally decided to meet. We decided on a coffee shop next to a motorcycle we could play at if all goes well. I got there early and got a coffee. I sat down at a table in the back. I was very nervous. I wanted to play with him, but part of me was afraid of what I was getting myself into.
John walked in and came straight to my table. His face was serious. He sat down and stared me straight in the eyes. He started talking, “Good, you came, I was afraid you would chicken out and not come. Let me get straight to the point. I don’t bullshit around.Everything we talked about online, I was serious about. If you are a little pussy and weren’t serious then you can fuck off right now, we are done. So what’s it going to be?”
My heart was pounding in my chest. I could still get out of this. Maybe I am not really up to it. I looked John in the face and remembered all of our conversations. I remembered how excited I was each time he sent me a new message. I had been looking forward to this for a long time now. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them I looked down at the table. “I am ready Sir. I am ready.” My heart beats hard and feels heavy. I am so nervous.
John reached Into his pocket and took out a big smoking pipe. I noticed that about 1/3 of the pipe was missing. The center bowel was open to the front. It had been cut away. He handed it to me.
“Do you know what this is for?” I shook my head. I didn’t understand what he had handed me. “I am going to tie this to your balls, fill it and then smokeYour balls.”
I got a visual in my mind of the pipe attached to my balls and smoke rising from the burning tobacco pushed up against my balls.
“You have two choices right now. You can either hand me that pipe back, fuck off and never contact me again. Or you can but that pipe into your pocket next to your faggot balls where it belongs. THINK CAREFULLY. This is not a joke, this is no bullshit! If you stay I am going to fuck you up. This isn’t going to be about what you want. I don’t care what you want. I am here to have fun my way. You will hurt. You will be burned. You will end up crying in pain for me to stop. Don’t expect me to. Now little fagot, what are you going to do?”
I sat there for a moment. I turned the pipe over and could see some Small metal loops fastened to the pipe. Probably there so it can be attached to my balls somehow. This was beyond anything I had ever done before. I should leave. I was hoping for some light BDSM play with John. Just a few littlelight burns to my balls. This was way beyond what I had been expecting to happen. My balls wouldn’t be the same after this. They would be marked and scared forever. My heart was pounding in my ears. My mouth was dry and I felt like I might be sick. But deep down I had this craving. I wanted something. I needed something. If I left I would never get it. I would be forever thinking about This moment. I was shaking. I put the pipe into my pocket.
John looked at me for a few seconds. Then he shook his head and said, “God, you are a dumb fuck. I didn’t think you had it in you.” He reached over and lifted my head back up so I was looking him in the eyes again. He was smiling. “You need to relax now. Breath slowly and calm yourself down. I am going to have a hell of a lot of fun tonight. You will not. You are just along for the ride. You don’t get to make any more decisions. I will decide what happens from here on out. Just calm down and accept that. You finish your coffee and I will get us a room.”
I just sat there and tried to calm my shaking. I decided I should just try and accept this. I made a decision. I can’t change it. Just relax and experience what is coming. I wanted this experience. I just need to relax and let John tell me what to do. I need to stop thinking about it and just experience it.
John came back a few minutes later, he had a small suitcase and was waving me to the door. “We are 206, upstairs on the end in the back. It is early in the day. They are mostly empty. We won’t be disturbed.”
John put his arm on my shoulder and speak in a calm cool voice, “Just relax. You made your choice. I am in control now.”
We walked up the stars and went to the door on the end. John opened the door and let me in. It was just like any other cheap motel. One bed. An old tv. An AC below the front window. John closed the door and locked it. He then turned the AC on, it was a little warm in the room. He put his bag on the bed and opened it up. Isaw rope and leather.
Johns turned to me and said, “Get undresses”.
I took off my clothes and but they on one of the chairs. I took the pipe out of my pocket and handed it to John. He smiled and put it one the nightstand. He took some rope out of the bag.
“You need to use the bathroom?”, he asked.
The coffee was going through me, “Yea I better go first.”
When I got back he was naked too with a leather vest on. He was pulling the bead spread off and was laying a towel from the bathroom down on the bed.
“Ok lay down on the bead.”
I laid down and closed my eyes. John started tying up my legs. He seemed very profitive with the rope. He said nothing while he secured my legs. I could wiggle some but not much. He then tied My hands securely to the bed corners. I wasn’t going anywhere.
I heard John got something from his bag. I opened my eyes to see an inflatable gag in his hands. He smiled and then shoved it into my mouth. Up till now he had been slow and careful with his actions. Now he was being rough. He fastened the gag in place with straws around my head. When he was done he gave the squeeze ball attached to the gag a few pumps and the gag filled my mouth. There was a small breathing tube in the mask but I couldn’t get much air. I had to breathe slowly.
John looked at me and said, “Ok. We are set to begin. Now if I were you I would try to stay calm. And don’t try and scream. No one will hear you with that gag, and if you panic you will find it hard to breathe. You will need to accept the pain and not let it control you. There is nothing you can do to stop what is about to happen. I am a sadist. I get off on hurting you and I am looking forward to pleasure myself this evening. “
And with that John punched me in the balls. I tried to cry out and thrashed from the unexpected strike. He then grabbed my balls and rolled them around between his thumb and palm. He pulled gently on them and then started to squeezee them. He slowly pulled harder and harder. He slowly squeezed harder. After a few minutes of this, with my balls still in his hand, he started slowly punching them. This time he is slow and light. He gradually punches harder and harder. He continued until I couldn’t take anymore. I was wiggling in my bonds. I am crying out in pain. He then looks me in the eyes, smiles and punches me even harder, full force over and over.
Then he stops. I am breathing as hard as I can through my nose and the small breathing hose in the mask. I am sweating. The pain in my balls is so bad I feel like I might puke. But I know I must not due that. I try to breathe through it. I just try and relax
“Don’t worry, we aren’t doing this today. I just wanted to warm you up. We came here today for something else.”
I can see that John’s dick is rock hard. Mine has gone flaccid from the intense beating.
John picked up some small cords from his bag. He clearly had this all planned out. He wrapped the cord around my balls, getting them contained tightly. He then fastened a leather strap around my balls. It looks like there are some metal rings attached. He clinkes it tight. I can feel more the see him start to attach the pipe. He is using a string to lace the pipe to the leather strap around my balls. When he is done I lift my head and look down. I see my balls pulled tight with the piped tied to them. The pipe stem is pointed straight down towards my feet.
While he was doing this I couldn’t help myself. I was getting hard again.
John then pulled the pipe stem out of the pipe and replaced it with a hose. It looked like something out of a hookah.
“Ok you little fuck, it is time for some big boys fun. I am going to smoke your balls.”
John pulled a tobacco pouch out of his bag and started filling the pipe. I could feel him pushing the tobacco into the pipe. I could feel it pushing against my balls. My heart was racing.
John finished filling the pipepe and sat down in the chair facing me. He started to jerk himself off. After 15 or 20 seconds his dick was huge. It was time.
John lit the lighter and put it to the top of the pipe. He started puffing on the hookah hose. I could see the flame from the lighter being pulled into the pipe with each puff he made. Then I felt it. The heat of the flame. I could see smoke rising from the pipe. This was it.
John put the lighter down and started struggling his cock again. He took a deep drag and my balls were burning, it was much worse then I had imagined it would be. Much more intense than the light taps of cigarettes I had expected before. I tried screaming into the gag. John just smiled at me and took another drag. He was clearly having a good time as he continued to stroke his huge fat cock.
John slowly blew out a cloud of smoke and said, “I can taste your balls you little fagot.”
He laid back smiling and took another drag.
I screamed and fought against the ropes for what seemed like forever. I could feel the tobacco slowly burning down deeper and deeper into the pipe. Every time he took a drag on the pipe the tobacco coals would flare to life bringing intense heat and pain. Between puffs the tobacco coals would cool and smoke would gently rise up. My balls were still burning.
I have never experienced anything this painful before. It never stopped. My balls were just on fire. I had fantasized about this experience, but it was more than I bargained for. I was no longer screaming, I was just crying out in pain. I would spasm in pain after every drag. Every time a new flash of pain and heat. John just kept struggling his cock. He would just smile and laugh at me every time I tried to cry out in pain.
Finally John started struggling himself faster, he took one last very deep drag and shot his load. He started grunting as he jerked his full load out. When he was done he just lay back in the chair and looked up at the ceiling.
“Oh man. What a rush. The taste of you balls and all that nicotine. I am flying”
The pipe was still burning, slowly. He had a monster load, and I was still on fire. He didn’t care.
John untied one of my hands then sat back to watch. I tried to pull the pipe off with one hand but couldn’t. John just laughed as he watched me struggle. I untied my other hand and was finally able to unlace the pipe off my balls. I spilled hot coals all over my leg and the bead. I then took the gauge out and laid back shaking.
“Well boy. What do you have to say to me?”
I wanted to tell him he was a sadistic fuck that I was going to see put in jail. But after a few seconds of thought I grabbed my dick and started frantically trying to cum. I had been hard through most of the ordeal. I said. “Thank you sir. Can we do this again sometimes.”
John smiled and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his bag. Give me an hour and we can try some of these.
John lay next to me in the bead. He held my burned balls while I shot my load. We cuddled for a while. But true to his sadistic word he wasn’t done for the night. He would burn me with an entire pack of cigarettes. Not as intensely as before, but laughing and making fun of my cries of pain the whole evening long.
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